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Everything posted by JeannieG
Q1. In what way does the title Son of God make Jesus equal with the Father? My Answer: Jesus is begotten of the Holy Spirit. He is God and His Father is God the Holy Spirit. When you deal with the Son, is that the same as dealing with the Father? My Answer: Jesus is God so in that way it is the same as dealing with the Father however Jesus as God the Son is a special intercessary for us with God the Father. Do you know Jesus the Son of God? My Answer: Yes! Do you love him? My Answer: Yes!
Q6. Chosen One
JeannieG replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Jesus the Messiah, Christ, and Son of David
Q6. (Luke 9:35) Since Jesus is God's Chosen One, what does it mean to "listen to him"? My Answer: It means that listening to Jesus is the same as listening to God In what ways does your life reflect listening to him? My Answer: Today I am busy and distracted with a major home improvement project that is draining my energy and focus. I was tempted to put off my Bible study time to get on with my project. A still small voice, I believe is Jesus, prompted me to take the time to be with Him and work on my project afterwards. Thank You Jesus! In what ways do you need to heed him more explicitly? My Answer: I will continue with my home improvement project story...I would not have lost my peace and joy over this project if I had walked more closely with Jesus throughout the project's implementation. Had I placed my focus on Him, where it belongs, I would have enjoyed the journey so much more. He has been here with me the whole time yet I left Him behind to pursue my own agenda. -
Q5. The Branch and Root
JeannieG replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Jesus the Messiah, Christ, and Son of David
Q5. Where did the title "Branch" come from? My Answer: from the prophet Isaiah How does the imagery differ from the title "Root"? My Answer: Branch is strong and bearing fruit; root is pushing up from dry ground, tender and vulnerable -
Q4. Son of David
JeannieG replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Jesus the Messiah, Christ, and Son of David
Q4. (Matthew 21:9, 15) Why were the chief priests and scribes so angry when little children referred to Jesus as “Son of David”? My Answer: Because Jesus was being honored and praised, privileges they coveted for themselves. They thought of Jesus as merely a human who was deflecting attention and power from them. What does the title “Son of David” signify? My Answer: Jesus is the promised Messiah from the line of David. -
Q3. Peter's Confession
JeannieG replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Jesus the Messiah, Christ, and Son of David
Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be? My Answer: Peter believes Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. How did Peter come to believe this? My answer: Jesus said that His Father in heaven revealed to Peter (Simon) Who Jesus is. Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20). My Answer: Because He was not ready to reveal that other than to His followers at that time. -
Q2. Messianic Prophecies
JeannieG replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Jesus the Messiah, Christ, and Son of David
Q2. Which are your favorite messianic prophecies? My Answer: When the Messiah brings in a time of peace and rest for God's people, a time of harmony when even a little child can safely lead wild animals. Which titles from those are dearest to you? My Answer: The Prince of Peace Why? My Anwer: The time of peace will be heavenly! -
Q2. Messianic Prophecies
JeannieG replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Jesus the Messiah, Christ, and Son of David
Q2. Which are your favorite messianic prophecies? My Answer: When the Messiah brings in a time of peace and rest for God's people, a time of harmony when even a little child can safely lead wild animals. Which titles from those are dearest to you? My Answer: The Prince of Peace Why? My Anwer: The time of peace will be heavenly! -
Q1. Christ and Messiah
JeannieG replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Jesus the Messiah, Christ, and Son of David
Q1. What is the meaning of the words "Christ" and "Messiah? My Answer: Christ is Greek for Anointed One, transliterated from Hebrew as Messiah. How does the Davidic Covenant influence messianic expectation in Jesus' day? My Answer: A hope rose within God's people that David's descendant, the Messiah, would restore glory to the Kingdom. Before Christ was born, there was an intense expectation among the Jews that a descendant of David would come as Messiah to deliver the people from their bondage. -
Q4. (1 Timothy 2:5-6; 1 John 2:1) In what sense is Jesus our "one Mediator between God and man"? My Answer: Jesus is the Only One qualified to be our Mediator with God. He has the unique relationship with God as a Member of the Holy Trinity and as such He can communicate with God in a way no other being can. He also has the unique status of being the Son of Man. He can intercede for us with the compassion of One Who knows exactly what it is like to be human, to experience longing, pain, suffering, confusion, separation and anxiety. What happens to this personal relationship with Jesus when we ask a minister or a saint to intercede for us? My Answer: Jesus is God. To pray to a saint or Mary or any other being is praying to an impotent idol, adding a layer of sin disguised as intercessary prayer How is Jesus our Advocate before the Father? My Answer: Our names are in the Book of Life. Jesus earthly assignment was to rescue God's chosen ones. Jesus told the Father He had not lost a single one that God has placed in His care. Jesus cares about us more than any other and desires us to have eternal life with the Holy Trinity. In what ways are you an advocate for the powerless in your community? My Answer: We support a child through World Vision. We support the local church. We support United Way. We take care of our aging parents. How do you function as a reconciler, a mediator, a peacemaker as you serve Christ? My Answer: I try to maintain a positive attitude at work, helping others to see the bright side of the situation, to give the other person the benefit of the doubt. I give glory to God openly, as God inspires, being careful not to "slap people upside the head" with "holiness".
Q3. (Isaiah 53:3) How can Jesus be the Man of Sorrows as well as the one who finds joy in his Father? My Answer: Jesus can see the big picture which includes His own suffering and the suffering of His followers. He knows the pain He and all of us will suffer as a result of sin. Jesus knows that His blood is the only way to cleanse us of our sins, to make us worthy of eternal life with the Father. That's why He can find joy, knowing that the ultimate outcome is eternal companionship with the Father for Him and all who believe in Him and claim Him as their Savior. How can we experience sorrow without it coming to dominate our lives? As the saying goes, keep our eyes on the prize. This life and its challenges are temporary. We are headed for the Kingdom of God!
Q2. (Daniel 7:13-14) Since Jesus is the Son of Man in Daniel’s prophecy, what implications does that have for your obedience, your worship, your estimation of Jesus’ power and glory? My Answer: As the Son of Man, Jesus set aside His Godly authority to live among and as a human being. Therefore He was tempted as we are tempted, He had aches and pains just as we do, He was trapped in a mortal body as we are, He felt fatigued and overwhelmed just as we do, He felt hunger and thirst as we do, He saw the world through our eyes and felt compassion for us intimately. He laughed and played with His siblings, parents and friends. He worked hard at the carpentry trade that Joseph taught Him. Through it all, He never sinned, He was obedient to His Father at all times, His highest priority was living for His Father and accomplishing the work assigned to Him. What a role model for me!
Q1. (Daniel 7:13-14) What attributes does the "one like a son of man" have in Daniel's prophecy? My Answer: coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed. In what ways does this personage possess divine elements? My Answer: came with the clouds of heaven, able to approach the Ancient of Days and be led into His presence, given authority, glory and sovereign power, all nations worship Him, His dominion is everlasting, His kingdom is indestructible. What authority does he have? My Answer: the same authority as God How do we know that Jesus identified himself with this Son of Man in Daniel? My Answer: "The high priest said to him, 'I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God.' 'Yes, it is as you say,' Jesus replied. 'But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.'" (Matthew 26:63-64)
Q4. Jesus' Wisdom and Truth
JeannieG replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
Q4. (John 4:16; 1 Corinthians 1:24) How does Jesus' truth contrast with your culture's dearly held "truths"? My Answer: I live in the United States, a land that was founded on freedom OF religion. Over time, the culture in my country has become freedom FROM religion, one of tolerance of all faiths, except Christianity. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life which is in contrast to the lie of freedom FROM religion that is so prevalent in my culture today. The culture now is one of anything goes except for the Truth. Following Jesus is seen as intolerant, weak and old-fashioned by those who believe Satan's lies. How does Jesus' wisdom differ from the worldly wisdom that your culture teaches you? My Answer: Jesus is the Word made flesh. God's Word is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His truths never change or go out of style. God is all knowing. He did not have a different set of values in ancient times from the values that He has today. Worldly wisdom teaches that we have to evolve our thinking to adapt to our changing culture. What would help you hold on to Jesus' truth and wisdom more effectively? My Answer: What helps me is my 24/7 relationship with Him. When I fall, He always picks me up and dusts me off and sets me back on the path He walks with me. I communicate with Him as effortlessly as I breathe. But, just as in any relationship, I sometimes run ahead of Him and get myself in trouble. He never leaves me or forsakes me and is always willing to spend time with me. He loves me enough to allow me to think I am running off without Him, although He is always there. He allows me the freedom to fall and the freedom to ask for His help. He loves me just as I am and shows me how to grow in relationship with Him. -
Q3. Faithful Witness
JeannieG replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
Q3. (Revelation 3:14) Why is Jesus called the “true and faithful witness”? My Answer: Jesus is referred to as The Amen, which by definition means true, to confirm, faithful. What did he witness to? My Answer: Jesus witnessed to the Word of God. He is the personification of the Word of God. How was he faithful in his witness? My Answer: Jesus' message was consistent, never changing to suit His audience. He represented and committed to God's Word to the point of surrendering His life, which included momentary separation from His Father as He descended into hell, ultimately defeating sin and death and ascending to the right hand of the Father. As a disciple, to what degree are you a “true and faithful witness” to the Word that your Rabbi has taught and has done in your life? My Answer: Jesus is My Lord and Savior. I strive to live as a witness to Him, with joy and peace. When God gives me the opportunity and His inspiration, I tell the story of my relationship with Jesus, knowing that He will fertilize the seeds of faith in His time. What would it look like if you improved as a witness? My Answer: It would look like every day of my life. In my own strength, I am weak and prone to sin. In His strength, I am strong and without sin, pure and worthy of eternal life with God. Every day is a journey to improving as His witness, in my words and deeds. Studying and reflecting on His Word fuels the energy and resolve that it takes to represent Him in all circumstances. -
Q2. Jesus the Word
JeannieG replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
Q2. (John 1:1-3, 14) In what sense is Jesus the Word of God? My Answer: He is the Word made flesh, He was in the beginning with God. Why do you think he is called this? My Answer: Intriguing question, one I have not considered previously. I think Jesus is called the Word of God because He is the One the Scriptures reference, the Savior, Redeemer. Why does John call him the Word of Life (1 John 1:1)? My Answer: John understood that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus is the only way to eternal life. What does this say to us about the importance of hearing, meditating on, and internalizing Jesus' words? My Answer: Knowing Jesus is the only way to be cleansed of our sins and made worthy to be in the eternal presence of God. Hearing, meditating on and internalizing Jesus' words leads to a relationship with Him that is as valued and critical and vital as breathing. -
Q1. Jesus Your Rabbi
JeannieG replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
Q1. What is your relationship to Jesus as your Rabbi? My Answer: Jesus is my Rabbi, my Teacher. As I study Him as the Word of God through His Word, Jesus teaches me how to please God and how to grow in my dependence on Him, to trust Him. . How often do you come to him to teach you? My Answer: I lean on His strength and guidance every day. How do you receive his teaching? My Answer: I often refer to myself as a slow learner because I do not always model my behavior after Jesus. The consequences of my actions remind me that leaning on my own understanding will not have the outcome that God's plan provides. Even when I fail, Jesus offers me a hand up, dusts me off and patiently guides me in the right direction. How teachable do you think you are? My Answer: I am very teachable when I slow down and listen for His still small voice. -
Q4. Power in Jesus' Name
JeannieG replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus the Nazarene Carpenter's Son
Q4. How did Jesus' disciples use his name when they healed and cast out demons? My Answer: They baptized in Jesus' name, they fully believed in and called upon the name of Jesus to cast out demons and to heal people, physically and spiritually. They had no doubts about the power of Jesus' name and His authority as the Son of God. Do we have this kind of authority, or was it only for the apostles themselves? My Answer: Yes, I and all believers in the Savior, Jesus Christ, have this kind of authority. In what way does speaking or acting in Jesus' name demonstrate the concept of power of attorney? My Answer: Just as a POA gives one the legal authority to act for and as another person, Jesus has given us the power of His name so we can act for and as Him, to be Jesus with skin on to others. Why are we sometimes afraid to speak or act in Jesus' name? Fear of ridicule, fear of pushing others away because we may be viewed as holier than thou and truthfully that little bit of doubt that Jesus will answer. How might hearing his voice about a particular matter alleviate that fear? I would know without a doubt that I was hearing His call on my life correctly and that I was acting as He would have me act, in accordance with His will. -
Q3. Prayer in Jesus' Name
JeannieG replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus the Nazarene Carpenter's Son
Q3. What does it mean when you pray "in Jesus' name"? My Answer: To pray in Jesus' name means to ask for His intercession with God the Father, in accordance with God's will. Do you use the phrase "in Jesus' name" as you pray? Why or why not? My Answer: Yes, most of the time I will include these words although many times my prayer time is just a conversation with my Heavenly Father, with no formal phrases. How does praying "in Jesus' name" limit what we will pray for? My Answer: My prayers in Jesus' name are in line with God's will for me, which may or may not be what I "wish" would happen. Praying in Jesus' name allows me to surrender to God's will and to trust that He will work all things for good. -
Q2. In what ways does taking Jesus' name on ourselves, or identifying ourselves with him, open us to shame and persecution? My Answer: I am a fool in the eyes of the unbelievers because I believe in the seemingly impossible power of Jesus, the Son of Almighty God. Society has become intolerant of moral values and the teachings of Jesus Christ under the guise of tolerance and inclusiveness. Have you seen examples of this in your own experience? My Answer: Yes, at work the environment is one of caution in openly sharing our faith in Jesus because we don't want to offend anyone. Yet when I take the leap of faith and share my hope in Jesus, my message is favorably received. What actions might show that a Christian is ashamed of Jesus? My Answer: Gving in to the fear of rejection by following the crowd, agreeing with their viewpoints even if they go against Jesus' teachings, keeping my Christianity a secret. What actions might show that a Christian is unashamed of Jesus? My Answer: Boldly speaking about the gift of God's grace through my Savior, Jesus Christ, seamlessly weaving the beauty of my relationship with Him into the fabric of my daily life, presenting myself the same way in every situation, with every group and not having a behavior in my church life that differs from my secular life, giving Him praise and honor and glory in private reflection and publicly. Making sure I walk the talk more than I talk the talk. Being a follower of Jesus Christ is the greatest gift! My words and actions in my daily routine are a more powerful witness to the difference Jesus makes in my life than merely slapping people with Bible verses. Jesus is a personal experience. He makes the Bible relevant and meaningful to every person.
Q1. Name and Mission
JeannieG replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus the Nazarene Carpenter's Son
Jesus' Hebrew name is a compound word which means "Yahweh Saves." His destiny was to save. Jesus' mission was to save His people from sin. He fulfilled His mission by destroying the power of sin through His resurrection from the dead and Ascension into heaven. Jesus has given me the hope of eternal life with Him, not some day in the future, but right now! My eternal life with Him has already begun because He lives inside me and guides me through His Holy Spirit every day. He has washed me clean from my past, present and future sins, making me worthy to be in the presence of Almighty God.