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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Sam Ali

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Everything posted by Sam Ali

  1. To meditate on the Word is to ponder and with the help of the Holy Spirit pointing at the God's intent for you to see. Christian meditation is different from Eastern meditation because in Christian meditation, we ponder on the word, recall the nature of our God and reason out the God's purpose. On the other hand Eastern meditation has to do with imagination that leads to abstract travels and the likes. God work through his Word to renew our minds because His Words serves as a plumb line and weighing scale which helps our mind to conform.
  2. “I will give you every place where you set your foot,” The question I ask myself is "what is the purpose of setting foot on a place?" Its for possession! It is also good as saying "never mind, every place you possess by reason of setting your foot, don't worry about contenders because I (God) will give you victory. My wife has health challenge and we know that we are healed with His stripes. As she wanted to attend a prayer meeting today, she suddenly could not move her legs, she refused to be moved, rather commanded the legs to move and the legs moved. She is living out the life of a a healed person. My little understanding is that God has already given the land to His people and they are expected to just commence the usage.
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