Gladys E.
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Everything posted by Gladys E.
Q4. Jesus' Wisdom and Truth
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
The contrast between Jesus' truth and our culture is that no human is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus' wisdom is greater than any human wisdom. Believing and trusting in Jesus would help me to hold on to his wisdom more effectively. -
Q3. Faithful Witness
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
Jesus is called the 'the and faithful witness' because he said and did exactly what God wants. He witness to the Father and the Father's words. Jesus was a faithful witness because he always keeps his word and can be trusted. Personally I tried to live according to God's words and tell others the truth of God's Word. -
Q2. Jesus the Word
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
Jesus is the personified expression of God. John called Jesus the Word of Lufe because He is the Expression of God Himself. The importance to us is to understand that Jesus' Words are not just his words but God's Words. -
Q1. Jesus Your Rabbi
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
My relationship to Jesus as my Rabbi is great, He teaches me through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I often ask Jesus daily to teach me through His Holy Spirit. I received His teachings in my spirit. I believe I am always open to learn new things through the Holy Spirit leading, so I think I am teachable. -
Q4. Power in Jesus' Name
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus the Nazarene Carpenter's Son
Jesus' disciples commands healing by the authority given to them in the name and power of Jesus. Yes, we do have this authority today. The Holy Spirit within us demonstrate the concept of power or authority as we speak in Jesus' name. Sometimes we are afraid to speak in Jesus' name because of lack of boldness in our spiritual life. Because we believe and trust Jesus, hearing his voice helps to alleviate that fear. -
Q3. Prayer in Jesus' Name
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus the Nazarene Carpenter's Son
When you pray in Jesys' name, it means that you pray according to God's will. Yes, I always end my prayer in Jesus' name. Because that is how Jesus taught us to pray. Praying in Jesus' name gives us tge power to receive what we are asking for. -
Taking Jesus' name on ourselves or identifying with Him open us to shame and persecution, because people don't believe that He is what He says He is, therefore we who believe in Him are being persecuted. Yes, I have experienced it. If yoy are a Christian and don't want people to know that you are a Christian and you are even afraid to talk about Jesus or call his bame, tgen you are ashamed to make people know that you are a Christian. When you boldly proclaim the name of Jesus and let everyone know that you are a Christian, then you are unashamed to be known as a Christian.
Q1. Name and Mission
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus the Nazarene Carpenter's Son
The name Jesus means Yahweh Saves, so the name is linked to his mission. His mission is to save his people from their sins. Jesus fulfills his mission by dying on the cross and sets us free from sin, if we believe in and trust him. He fulfill this mission in my life by accepting me as his, because I believe in and trust him. -
Q5. Joshua's Challenge
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. As for Me and My House (Joshua 23-24)
Joshua's challenge to the Israelites was to continue to serve the Lord their God. He ask them to choose who they would serve, whether God or the gods of the other people. My challenge from God is to continue to be steadfast in serving Him. And my plan is to continue to live a life that is pleasing to God, through the help of the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus' name, amen. -
Q4. Associating with Unbelievers
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. As for Me and My House (Joshua 23-24)
Jesus' example of associating with sinners is to draw them to believe in Him and so become children of God. Jesus' buddies were His disciples. We can be friends with unbelievers and not become lije them by being an example to them, and loving lead them in the right way and as time goes on they would receive Christ as their Saviour. If we have no friendship with unbelievers, most would be lost forever, and even sone of us would nit have becone Christians. -
Q3. Foreign Gods
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. As for Me and My House (Joshua 23-24)
The Israelites has to throw out their foreign gods, because it will turn them away from the God Almighty. The effect of keeping these images is that they would bow down to them and worship them, and these images are powerless. Different kinds of foreign gods contaminate our homes and lives such as, money, sex, football, pleasures etc. We have to throw them out and concentrate fully on God. -
Holiness is to be negatively separate from all that is unclean, and positively to be completely and totally God's. Because God has cleansed us br the Blood of Jesus we have become holy. Holiness should affect our lifestyles by being transformed into God's likeness, that is being sanctified and live/act in a holy way, which is pleasing to God.
We are tempted to think we do it on our own because we uses our natural strenght, not seeing any help from God with our eyes. We expect God to do everything for us because He has promise us He will fight for us, and because of that we can't help Him. The balance is, as God empowers us, we too must fight. Personally, I surrender everything to God and believe He would help me.
Q4. Acsah's Character
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Caleb: Give Me This Mountain (Joshua 14:6-15)
Acsah's character teaches us to be bold and have faith and trust on our heavenly Father, and even our earthly fathers. Some examples of strong women of faith in the Bible are Mary, the mother of Jesus, Ruth, the widow with the mite, the woman with the issue of blood etc. Woman of faith that I have known personally is my mother. -
Q3. Othniel's Character
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Caleb: Give Me This Mountain (Joshua 14:6-15)
Othniel's character shows that he believe in God and also had faith in God. Caleb offer his daughter in marriage, because he want someone who would be bold and have faith and trust in God. The son-in-law should be someone who would enhance tge family's fortune. The power behind Othniel's judgeship in the spirit of God. -
Q2. Boasting in Faith
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Caleb: Give Me This Mountain (Joshua 14:6-15)
Caleb was boastful because he trust in the promises of God and believe that what God says He will do, He will do. This is a trait to be emulated. Caleb claimed the hill country of Hebron because he believe that God would help him to destroy the three Anakites and their people. A strong leader can be truly humble by trusting fully on God. Strong leaders are tempted towards pride because they are always successful in all they do. -
Q1. Following Wholeheartedly
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Caleb: Give Me This Mountain (Joshua 14:6-15)
To follow the Lord "wholly" or "wholeheartedly" is to have full faith in God and be fully obedient to Him. Caleb and Joshua has faith in God and believes that He would fight for them and give them the land. When leaders fear, the peopke also becone afraid and don't follow God's leading. God was angry with the Israelites because they forgot all He had dobe for them and they don't truly believe in God. -
Q4. My Heart, Christ's Home
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Possessing the Land (Joshua 10-22)
Bob Munger explains that we must first open our hearts to Christ by inviting Him to our lives/the front door of our house. When Christ enters our lives He does a clean up in us. The effect makes us pure and clean. -
Q3. Compromise with Sin
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Possessing the Land (Joshua 10-22)
We co-exist with sinful habits and patterns in our livrs. The consequences is that these habits and patterns don't want to submit to Christ. To end the compromise we must submit to God and allow Him to root out these habits and patterns. -
Q2. Incomplete Conquest
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Possessing the Land (Joshua 10-22)
God told the Israelites to drive the Canaanites completely because if they stayed with them, the Canaanites would draw the Israelites to worship their false gods. The short-term result of failing to do this would result in putting the Canaanites under tribute because the Israelites were unable to possess all the land. The long term would result in the Canaanites being a thorn to the Israelites. -
Q1. Fighting Alongside God
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Possessing the Land (Joshua 10-22)
In the battle of the five kings God cause hailstones to fall on the armies of these kings and killed a lot of them and He also make the sun to stood still, I.e. the sun did not go down when it should have gone. The Israelites fighting is done by marching to the appointed place of battle and by obeying God's command. God fulfill His promise to Joshua by being with him and magnifying him in the eyes of the people. God expect us to be prepared to fight our enemy the devil. We do this by obeying God's command and rebuking the devil in Jesus' name. -
Joshua's failure to consult God before taking a decision cause the nation to fall into trouble in latter year, God did not fight for them, because they did not consult Him in the beginning. Jesus' model of close communication with God is by seeking God's face by prayer or even with fasting. It takes praying and listening to God's direction to get confirmation from Him for a cause or action.
Q3. Misusing God's Name
Gladys E. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Sin in the Camp (Joshua 7-9)
"Take the Lord's name in vain" means, you should not use God's name lightly or frivolously by speaking His name in such a way that our words are useless, fruitless, foolish or irrelevant. We are tempted to do that when we want to make ourselves to be what we are not. We take our promises lightly because we do not believe on ourselves. It does not reflect good by God's character, we are supposed to take our promises seriously. -
Rich and poor suffers from greed because they horde everything they have to themselves, they refused to share with others or even help others. If we are greedy in our giving, we won't be able to help our church financially. We will only be able to repent and free ourselves from greed by asking God for forgiveness and start sharing and helping others.
A sin of one person affects a nation or congregation because of tge covenant made with God. We take sin seriously by always asking for forgiveness and forsaking our evil ways. It is important to confess sins of nation, or congregation because God will forgive and cleanse the nation or congregation.