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Everything posted by JunjunRegalado

  1. 1. and to wait for his Son from heaven, 2. whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, 3. who rescues us from the coming wrath This verse teaches us to be ready NOW! because we should be ready anytime Jesus will come and give Judgement. Jesus was raised from the dead because death cannot conquer over His sinless life, and by His life we are covered up and made deserving at Eternal Life because of Him. Also important is the reminder that God's wrath will be brought to all sinners! but thankfully, through Faith and His Grace of forgiveness we are cleansed! so it is Urgent to Have Faith, believe, and put entire Trust, because it is in Faith and God's Grace we can Only be Saved. All points are important! Underemphasized is to "wait for His Son..." Not all people know urgency to Surrender to Christ NOW! I believe that's how we should wait. That anytime at an unexpected moment, Jesus is going to give the Judgement. Also underemphasized is God's Wrath. God's anger to sinners (all of us) is eternal pain, death, in fire! Fear of the Lord is NOT present in almost everyone.
  2. The Holy Spirit will be our main source of strength to carry out Jesus' command to share the Truth that He is the Way. If we rely on will power, it is impossible for us to endure the trials and oppsition that we will face. It is only through God's Spirit we will act boldy and not wither. Miracles in Paul's time was used to win the people's hearts tontuen into Jesus' believers and eventually to spread and share Jesus through out the world. If we see miracles in the present, it would be a great encouragement to us believers, and people will accept Christ. But blessed is he who does not see and still believe. What is hindering the present to see the miracles is lack of faith! Miarcles are everywhere in everyway.
  3. I believe the believers of the Law (Jews and other believers) Old Testament, aren't ready to believe that the prophecy of the coming Savior already is fulfilled. Secondly, it creates division to their community, contradicting their traditions, and thus lesser financial contributions. Paul witnessed Jesus first hand! and he is filled with the Spirit. No matter what the reactions, the Holy Spirit finds a way to empower Paul!!! No, the Spirit will find a way to continue spreading the TRUTH, the Good News!!!
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