When one looks at the Greek word for fellowship (koinonia) and definition, it means participation, partnership, communion, intercourse. When you partner with someone you are committed to establishing, building, and maintaining. These words indicate that there will be an exchange or sharing of intimate thoughts and feelings. This relationship building process requires a level of vulnerability. Receiving salvation is a vulnerable act. It requires the recipient to admit their frailties and inadequacies and pledge total dependence on an invisible God. People are afraid of vulnerability and view it as a weakness. American society encourages individualism. Americans love stories of triumph that describes an individual “pulling himself up by his own bootstraps” overcoming insurmountable odds, and becoming successful. The Kingdom of God thrives on community, family, and tribe. Father encourages us to come to Him and call Him and He will answer. He wants to hear from us. That’s why we were created. We don’t realize the entity that connects us which is Christ. Christ is what we have in common. Being in Christ means that we are walking in the light and the light is truth. We are walking together, taking His yoke upon us and learning about Jesus. We are becoming Christ; a mirror reflection full of love, joy, peace, kindness, etc. We don’t always look at what we have in common but view others in light of our differences. The “light” that reflects from us should draw “light”-minded people. We aren’t deliberate in our interactions. We need to reach for people and engage them. Be genuinely interested in being your brother’s keeper. Seeking a life of selflessness and not selfishness.