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- Birthday 09/23/1962
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Q4. (Psalm 27:8) What does it mean “to seek his face”?To seek His face means to talk with Him. As we spend time with our Lord He draws closer to us. The Holy Spirit give us the desire for this closeness. When Moses talked face to face with God his face glowed radiantly by God’s glory being transferred to him. As we are filled with His Spirit, our lives become transformed, looking more and more like Christ and less and less like ourselves What is necessary in us to have a desire for that?We must be consecrated so as to be holy to be able to be with the Holy God How did talking to God “face to face” change Moses?It transformed him into the glory of God How will it change us?We will be like Moses be glorified with His glory and shine What does it cost us to actively seek him?Our desire, commitment and determination to seek His presence Is it worth it? Absolutely, it is worth it. How does seeking his face relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom?Seeking His face (His presence) and being in His presence enables us also to partake in His Glorious Kingdom where we will reign with Him in His Kingdom.
Q3. The Glory of the Bride
PADODD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Glory and Kingdom to Come
Q3. Based on John’s vision of the Bride, the Holy City, in Revelation 21, how would you describe in your own words the glory we will experience? John sees a New Jerusalem comes down from Heaven to Earth. And, no surprise, it's terrifically awesome. The Elect will live there with God. No one will ever mourn or die or be in pain. It will simply be God and his children living together forever and ever. But people who haven't led such upstanding lives will get thrown into the Lake of Fire. Sorry, guys. But God did try to warn you in the form of rivers turning to blood and such.The city of New Jerusalem itself is probably the most incredible thing John has seen so far. This place is prime real estate. John sees that the whole city is made of gold and glitters with all different kinds of jewels and gemstones. It has twelve gates (with the names of the tribes of Israel written on them) and twelve foundations (with the names of the apostles written on them). This New Jerusalem doesn't have a temple, though, because God himself is the temple. They also don't have to worry about lamps, because the presence of God provides all the light they need. It's always sunny in New Jerusalem. Crime is also non-existent, because no one ever does anything even remotely bad there. Clearly, you never have to worry about property values going down. -
Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a) What does it mean to “rule and reign” with Christ now, in this life? We need to rule and reign with Christ now by ministering to others through sharing the goodness, mercy, grace and forgiveness of sins in believing in Jesus Christ. Spending a lot of time in prayer with God so others will see God's light shining through you. What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? When Christ return he will get his people and we will rule and reign with Christ in God's Kingdom, and possess it forever. We will be sitting next to Christ (the Son of Man). But we must endure against us until Christ returns. How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom? The glory we partake now, mediated by the Holy Spirit. We seek his face every day, even though our vision of him may be dim like the reflection in an ancient polished brass mirror.
Q1. What does Matthew 24:30-31 tell us will happen when Christ returns? When Christ returns, he will be coming on the clouds in the sky with power and great glory. People all over the earth will see the Son of Man as he is. All those who crucified Christ, don't know him or don't serve him will be mourning. They will try to run and hide, but there is no where to hide from Christ great power and glory. Christ will have the angels gather up His elect people. The rapture will be visible for every to see. I serve Christ with everything I was created with my mind, soul and body belongs to Christ. I would rather go upstairs than downstairs to hell. How does this relate to Daniel’s prophecy of the Son of Man?Daniel's prophecy in the Old Testament of the Son of Man in (Daniel 7:13-14), relates to the same as is written in the Gospels about the Son of Man coming on clouds. Also, in the Gospels talks about the teachings of Christ about the Kingdom of God (ancient of Days) and him sitting on the right hand of the Father. Daniel's prophecy was right on target with the New Testament.
. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ’s Kingdom administration now, in this life? During our reign we will defeat all the forces of evil. We will do this by resorting to prayer, the Word of God, and the power of a spirit-filled life. The weapons we will use in this spiritual warfare, will not be worldly, but will have divine power to destroy evil strongholds (2 Cor 10:4). What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously? The world will be administered by God, through believers, and not by Satan. We will be living with eternity’s values in view, and not by focusing on an uncertain future of this earth as it is now. Since we will be first seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, all our future needs will be provided for by our Heavenly Father (Matt 6:33), and we will never lack any of the necessities of life What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after he returns? We have messed up big-time here on earth. So the first thing that will be done is to undo and fix all that is evil and broken – everything will be made new. Then, things will be done here on earth as they are done in heaven. Thank you Lord!
Q3. (Ephesians 1:20-22; 2:6) Jesus’ apostles were given spiritual authority from Jesus to carry out their ministries. What is the basis of your spiritual authority? The basis of spiritual authority is to use God’s authority to proclaim his kingdom. This is granted to us through His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus spiritual authority runs from heaven to us and he has commissioned us to go and tell everyone that Christ lives and forgives sins if you repent. Why do you think we believers neglect to exercise our God-given Kingdom authority? I feel we are experiencing a diminishing influence in our world around us as our lives often reflect the world’s values. I need to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to turn this around. With His help I can move past my weaknesses and fears to a position of strength. We are unsure of ourselves in God’s eyes. We are confronted with those who doubt our works, rebuke us.
Q2. Seeing the Treasure Within
PADODD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. God's Glory in Clay Jars
Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:5-12) Why does a believer’s suffering make his or her witness more credible to the world? If we manage, during our suffering, still let our light shine, people will view our witnessing as the genuine article. It shows the world that despite our suffering we remain faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ. Why do you think Paul contrasts “jars of clay” with “all-surpassing power”? In the lesson, this is not about us, this is about pottery containers that is made from dirt and then molded by a skilled craftsmen that can be come durable. This also, let us know that the actual source of the power comes from God. Dirt is also, what God used to make man. Man becomes durable led by the Holy Spirit. What is the “treasure” that is contained within us? The Spirit of glory and the Holy Spirit of God. How does this differ from the New Age truism of “believe in yourself”?It is not about us, but all about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We are to surrender all to Him, acknowledging Him in everything we do. We often tell others to believe in themselves that they can accomplish what they wish. This serves as encouragement and support. Our lives however are in God’s hands. We do not accomplish anything on our own, whatever happens was designed by God. The course of our lives has been chartered out by God. He knows our every desire. -
Q1. (Matthew 5:14-16) In what sense are we the “light of the world”? Through the glory Jesus gives us is a designed to reveal God's glory through our lives. What does it mean to let your light shine? Let your light shine’ means allowing unbelievers to see the good works and behavior of believers so that these could be emulated What kinds of character and actions in a believer’s life bring glory to the Father? A Christian’s character is described in the beatitudes, and our influence depends whether we have this character. When we attract people to us rather than to God, they will observe our human character rather than His divine character, we can be sure that what they see is not His light. Why were we created to do good works? (Ephesians 2:10) We were made in God’s image and He expects us to live by His commandments so that others may see it and glorify Him
Q4. (Psalm 63; Philippians 3:7-19) What increases one’s hunger for God? The more we stay focused on our Lord and His Word, the more intimate the relationship, resulting in an increased hunger for Him. We were created with a yearning that God alone is able to satisfy, and this will only increase when we experience His transforming and unconditional love. Even the desire to seek God is a gift from Him (John 6:44). We read in Psalm 73:25: “Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you”. No one can be compared to the Lord and no one but the Lord can meet and satisfy the needs of our soul. All our happiness is in Him and nothing on earth can take His place. He is all-sufficient! What tends to deplete this hunger?Depletion of this hunger occurs as a result of a Christian believer becoming bogged down with the worldly situations around them. Self-denial, self-indulgence, discontent, fear, anxiety, habitual sin, and loss of the desire to fellowship with God are all contributors to the depletion of our hunger for God. What would it take for your hunger for God to be renewed to great intensity? Being truthful and acknowledging to God our sins and allowing His Holy Spirit to enter us and guide us. ‘ Search me O God and know my heart, try me and see if there is any wicked ways in me” Psalm 139:23. Pray for spiritual hunger remembering that how much we hunger for God, His desire for us is greater How might fasting help in this process?Christians fast because they are hungry for God’s Words and His Spirit in their lives. Fasting helps us to direct our thoughts and prayers to God Almighty and being nearer to Him.
Q3. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) In what way do our “light, momentary afflictions” achieve for us an “eternal weight of glory”? If we just look at our present troubles, we fall into despair. We must see our current problems in the light of our glorious inheritance in heaven. This is the secret of ever-increasing faith! Suffering can make a person bitter or better. If you truly have Christ it can make you better, because when the suffering and pain here on earth is over, you will never have to experience such suffering again with the eternal life with God. How can suffering work God’s character in your life? Just fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:18) It brings me Suffering causes us to reflect on our relationship with God. Maybe we should look on our suffering when we exclaim “why me Lord?” not negatively but positively, though difficult for many and recognize how its purpose is to purify our souls and bring us closer to God, especially if we have strayed away. Suffering shows us God’s mercy, love, forgiveness, healing power and that we are His children and He cares for us.to our knees, brings me closer to Him where he encourages and strengthens me, gives me understanding and lets me know he loves me and will never leave or forsake me.
Q2. (2 Corinthians 3:18) What is the effect on a believer from continued exposure to God’s presence? The effect on a believer from continued exposure to God's presence is regular time meditating on Him, praising and worshipping to Him, listening to Him, speaking to Him, obeying Him. Why do many believers remain spiritual infants? We are not spending enough time in God's presence. If you are constantly thinking/doing of things of the world instead of focusing on spending more time in God's presences you will remain a infant. Why does deep exposure to God transform a person? As you spend time with God you will receive the opportunity to transform your ways and thoughts because in the that transforming time period God has total control of your and His arms are wrapped around you. I release and immerse in Him.
Q1. (2 Corinthians 3:18) In your own words, how do you describe what it means to “behold his glory”? To be able to look in the mirror and see oneself as God sees you, Christ being in you. To search within oneself to see the revelation of God in our souls. To have the Spirit of God in us. To have an intimate relationship with God that never fades away. To have Christ dwell in us and be able to see that He is the Son of God as God manifested in the flesh. The glory of the Word--the Word who is God. Have you ever experienced this? Yes, at times when I really immerse myself in the spirit, I feel different and I have this peace upon me. What do you think would be necessary for you to experience this on a regular basis? To continue to immerse in God's Word and daily prayer to strengthen you. What keeps you from experiencing this? Failure to commit in having an intimate relationship with God.
Q4. According to Daniel 7:14, what is the extent of the Son of Man’s authority? The Son of Man is given authority over all, the Father has placed everything in His hands (John 3:35). And as a result of His work of redemption God gave Jesus authority over all mankind (John 17:2). This authority existed even while our Lord was here on earth. In Matthew 9:6 we read that Jesus had the power and authority to forgive sins, proving that He was God. Of his glory? Through His Miracles His glory was made known. How is the use of Jesus’ name in prayer and command a form of delegating his power? Jesus had delegated His power to His disciples, He gave them the authority to cast out unclean spirits and to heal all kinds of diseases (Matthew 10:1). Later He sent out another 72 to heal the sick (Luke 10). We read they returned with joy as they had found miraculous powers given to them. Not only did they heal the sick but they found that they had the power to cast out demons; not in their own name and strength, but in the name, and through the power, and by the authority of Christ. They were astonished at the powers they had received. How much power do we have in Jesus’ name? What limits the exercise of this power? As true believers I feel confident that there are no limits to this power, as long as we are in a true relationship with our Lord, and that it is used to glorify our Heavenly Father.
Q3. How is Jesus’ glory displayed in his trial and crucifixion?In His trial and crucifixion, Jesus’ glory is displayed in how he responded to the council of chief priests and elders about destroying the temple and rebuilding it in 3 days. His coming glory is shown in His words ‘ Hereafter shall you see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven.’ Matthew 26:64. Again his glory is shown when He replied to Pilate that His kingdom was not of this world, on being asked if He were King of the Jews. Even Jesus was nailed on the cross He was glorified with his name written on the cross Jesus, King of the Jews. His glory was displayed in His resurrection by all authority in heaven and on earth being given to Him by His Father. Mat 28:18. Maybe the thief heard the spirit of God calling to him to repentance. This was the reason that Jesus died on the cross – so that we might be saved. The thief knew that Jesus had done nothing wrong whereas he and the other thief had and thus should suffer for their sins. ‘Do you not even fear God, since you are under the same judgement?’ we are punished justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our actions. But this man has done nothing wrong’. Luke 23:40-41. The centurion most likely saw Jesus’ courage and submission to his fate something he could identify to. Jesus’ forgiving those who had put him on the cross had to have touched the centurion’s heart. In his resurrection? He heard Jesus forgiving those who maltreated Him, saw the earthquake and darkness that covered everywhere and believed that Jesus must be the Son of God How do you think the thief on the cross and the centurion supervising the crucifixion could see his glory? He heard Jesus forgiving those who maltreated Him, saw the earthquake and darkness that covered everywhere and believed that Jesus must be the Son of God Why is God’s glory often seen in the midst of suffering? Through His interventions in the sufferings to bring an expected end.
How is Jesus’ glory displayed through his transfiguration and miracles? Jesus’ glory is displayed through His transfiguration when His face appeared to be like the sun and his clothes dazzling white and hearing of God’s words “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him” Matthew 17:5. His transfiguration showed his deity. With His transfiguration came Jesus’ glory that would be revealed when He returned to earth. Glory is shown through the miracles He performs; raising Lazarus from the dead, making the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, even touching the hem of His garment and being healed.