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About Tyreek

  • Birthday January 25

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    bible studies, diy crafts, gardening

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  1. I believe the Romans were appalled by the fact he now preached for Christ, instead of persecuting Christ followers. Paul has seen, first hand, the redemptive act of Christ and knows his days are limited in preaching, for Christ said the end was near. He wanted all to know what Jesus could do for them. No, suffering is something all Christians must face.
  2. Jesus is the author of our salvation. He went before us to conquer death by rising again once He was crucified on the cross. Now the way was cleared, we can now follow Him to glory. Jesus brought the fear of dying from the world and to be the sacrifice for our sins. To accomplish this, He had to suffer humanity and death on a cross. Our lives then become glorified as Jesus. We will be His radiance of perfection.
  3. Jesus became fully human that he might save us for our sins. That God allows Christ's death for sin to substitute for our own. "By the grace of God," God poured out His wrath on Himself so that we could have eternal life. Not only should we pay for our sins, be we should be thankful.
  4. In Hebrews 2:10, Jesus is said to have come to perfection by suffering. This suffering includes not only suffering for our sins, but being tempted by Satan and having to leave God’s presence to become human (made lower than the angels). He suffered temptation, pain, sorrow, betrayal, disappointment, joy, etc. We will also suffer those trials. Suffering produces a strong faith. By trying to avoid sufferings, our faith weakens and we are more likely to fall into Satan’s deceit.
  5. We are sinners in the flesh, we might be compelled to disobey, neglect, or ignore signs, wonders, and the word of God. According to scripture, we should hold fast to those things we heard, the Gospel. Jesus described drifting by the Parable of the Sower, as seed sown in hard ground, rocky soil, and thorny ground. Easy prey for letting the Devil to get a foothold.
  6. Combining the six characteristics of Jesus described in Hebrews 1:2-3, we can ascertain the deity of the son. The brightness of God’s glory and being His exact image makes me think He is divine. The son has a great role in doing the Father’s will. He was appointed by God to speak to us for God in these last days.
  7. There are many themes of the book Hebrews and I surmise the writer is hoping to appeal to the audience by presenting Jesus as a type of family member, pulling at heart strings because of the great need to not to return to the old sacrificial system. A prophet gives predictions of things to come, whereas, a son receives a relationship to his father.
  8. Hi, this is my third study.
  9. Jesus bearing my sin in His body for me to live righteously is like bathing then playing in the mud again. We know we'll be scolded but we do it anyway. Jesus was there when the ground swallowed up people in the wilderness and when the people died because of Baal. He has seen God's wrath but chose to take my sins in His body to knowingly receive my punishment from God. Describing that feeling of what Jesus did and will do for me is beyond words.
  10. Q2. Why is Jesus' sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul? How could a sinless Man stand this kind of corruption? Jesus does God will, this is how we are to act in salvation. Because Jesus was sinless, He suffered deeply, to the core, a heart-wrenching suffering. I do not believe just any man could, only Jesus.
  11. Jesus redeemed my life, bore my sin on the cross, and He exchanged my unrighteousness for His righteousness so that I am able to go into the presence of God. He without sin, bore my sin death so that I can share with what God has in store for His beloved son.
  12. Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage? I do not work, disabled.. However, I try to give everyone respect. Somedays it is harder than others because I feel unrespected.
  13. Q3. (2:18-20) How does being an employee "conscious of God" affect the way we act and react to injustice in the workplace? Can a conscientious Christian be a complainer? Why or why not? How do you usually react to prolonged, unfair treatment at your work? Being conscious of God means we are to avoid doing what Jesus did. No lying, cheating, stealing, being righteous and suffer well. No, a Christian is not to complain, but endure as Jesus, follow His example. If being unfairly treated, I first, stand up and say something about it. If the treatment then continues, I will quit.
  14. We must follow the rules of our employee, and honor God by thanks and gratitude that we are given employment. However, by worshipping our employer, doing in fear of losing our job, we are not then worshipping God, but are loving a part of the world.
  15. God set in place civil institutions to rule and organize society. He placed people in authority to punish wrong behavior and encourage right behavior. When we are rebellious we reflect Jesus in us.
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