Ms. Joanne
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Everything posted by Ms. Joanne
Q3. The Glory of the Bride
Ms. Joanne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Glory and Kingdom to Come
First let me tell you of a dream/vision that I had one night. This is at the same time as my mother lay dying. I woke up to praising God and his Glory. I praised him while lying in bed . I saw a whiteness all around me. This whiteness was like a fluffy cloud. My arms were raised as if I were reaching up to heaven. I praised God and gave thanksgiving for my mother's life. the glory that we will experience will be wonderful. We will bowing down to God and thanking him for our lives and for what he has done for us. We will be immersed in such love and peace. We will see wonders everyday nothing will be the same as we will experience love like we have not experienced before. -
Q2. Reigning with Christ
Ms. Joanne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Glory and Kingdom to Come
Rule and reign with Christ now is to acknowledge him as our Lord and savior. We then are to be Jesus to others and treat others like Jesus would treat them. When Christ returns we will we will be elevated next to him and bask in his glory and be alongside him. Mwemwll be alongside Jesus in heaven, which is his Glorious Kingdom. -
When Christ returns, everyone will be gathered up from all corners of the earth. They will be gathered by his angels who will call everyone who believe they in him. The Son of Man will return in glory and gather all those who believe in him to him.
We are to rule and reign with God's intervention. Not to go our own way, but to to do what God bids us to do. We are to do what God wants us to,do for his kingdom on this earth. If we as believers took take this seriously, then our world would be in a better place. One that we would work out our differences without all the snarky comments or unjust actions that is taking place right now. We would be listening more and acting less. We would be extending grace to others just as Jesus did. We would be seeking Jesus first before acting. Ruling and reigning with Christ will be one of us following and doing what Jesus has set out for us to do.
I have been given spiritual authority through Christ Jesus. Once I accepted him, I have been giv n he authority to go out and give the same glory to others so that they will know God. I think that we neglect to use our kingdom authority because we forget that we have it. Maybe afraid or maybe a lack of no how.....or at least we think that.
Q2. Seeing the Treasure Within
Ms. Joanne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. God's Glory in Clay Jars
When we are suffering and people are noticing. It is how we conduct our selves. Are we moaning and groaning? And blaming? Although I do think some moaning and groans are warranted. But then who do we turn to? God? If we turn to God then our faith will be demonstrated. Do we forge ahead in out suffering trusting that God will take care of us. Do we find some joy or continue to worship God and turn to him? By these actions we give notice to others our faith. The jars of clay are the vessels, just as we are the vessels. We are holding great treasure. Sometimes these jars are become broken, just as we are, but they can be repaired. The treasure within us is our faith. Believe n yourself means rely on yourself, when in actuality we need Jesus to guide us through our life. -
We are the light of the world, because we are God's representatives. We show God's light by ministering to others. Currently with the hurricane and flooding in Texas, we have an excellent opportunity to show God's light by assisting those that are hurting in Texas and beyond. We show grace to others, forgive actions of others and withhold our judgments. We need to be available for the hurting.
We seek God, actually pursue God for our understanding of him. For the the peace that he can only give, our hunger increases as we want to know more of him and to be in communion with him. A deep long g to be embraced by him. Our hunger can be delpleted through benign neglect, through not spending time in the Word. For me I am not sure that fasting would sharpen my focus.
Our afflict actions are minor and it is something that in faith we need to give it to God. In the long run w will be with our father in heaven and all,our afflictions will be healed. Suffering can make or break us. While we are suffering, turn it to God. He is the only one that can see us through our suffering. He is our steady source of comfort. Turn to him and listen to what he has to say.
To begin with I am going to answer questions backwards. Many believers remain spiritual infants, because they do not take the time to communion with God. While they have knowledge of who Christ is, they have not learned the deeper meaning of being a believer. Of worshipping Him, by studying his word. When we have exposure to God's presence we are continually renewed I. Our life. We have hope of better things to change e, we have faith that all things will work out. By continually going to God in worship and and study we will get to know his ways and thoughts and we will continue to strive to be like Jesus.
To behold God's glory is to be able to see and experience it in our life. I have experienced it through a peace and understanding that his presence was with me. I have also experienced his glory when by looking at nature and the awesomeness of his creation. The on a regular basis to experience it is for me to be in the word, just plain ole worship and praise and in constant prayer. Everyday Lord, Everyday.
Jesus' authority is great. There is no limit. He has been given full access and authority as granted by His Father in heaven. Jesus has given us this same authority in his name. There are actually no limits, except what we have limited ourselves.
Q3. Glory and Crucifixion
Ms. Joanne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. We Have Seen Jesus' Glory
Jesus' glory came through when he did not fight back but gave credit to his father who n heaven. He knew that his time was coming so he proclaimed the truth. But at the same time he was in. Deep prayer with God. The guard and the thief saw how much Jesus a was suffering, but yet did not complain or lambast his persecutors. God's glory is seen by answered prayers, easing of suffering, the peace that he can only give and our faith in him that all will be well. -
Jesus glowed with the Holy Spirit while with his Holy Spirit. At the same time we show this glory of the Holy Spirit while we are well I tuned with our Holy Father. He showed his glory through his miracles, as these miracles by God open our eyes to him who is all powerful.
Jesus' glory and kingly authority began when he was in heaven seated at the right hand of our Father in heaven. They were hidden on this earth as Jesus wanted to call attention to his ministry more than his being. His kingly authority are present through his miracles and answered or unanswered prayers.
Q4. Presence of the Kingdom
Ms. Joanne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Glorious Kingdom of the Son of Man
I think I am going to start backwards at answering the questions. I think that the kingdom of God is manifest to all of us. It is our limited vision that does not see it. I believe that during the second coming is when it will be fully realized, because that is when God will very clear to all people. The present limitations are that there are not enough of us to do the work to bring about the kingdom. I believe that the kingdom of God is present if we look around us and marvel at his works, his miracles, nature etc. -
Q3. Kingdom in Your Midst
Ms. Joanne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Glorious Kingdom of the Son of Man
The true presence of God is within us and amongst us. He is ever present in all aspects of our life. Jesus is with us always. -
Q2. Messiah and Son of Man
Ms. Joanne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Glorious Kingdom of the Son of Man
To the Jews Messiah meant the king an earthly king. Daniel's Son of Man goes beyond an earthly king. The Son of Man is our heavenly king one who's sits at the right hand of the Ancient of Days. In the political times if he were to use the Son of God it would set him up to be hounded by the political leadership. Also, I believe he is referring to himself as fully human ( born of an earthly mom and dad) and fully God ( he comes from God), -
Q1. Daniel's Prophecy
Ms. Joanne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Glorious Kingdom of the Son of Man
Jesus was born of man but he came from God. He came to us as a human being, . He is given all authority, sovereignty and glory over all. Jesus is everlasting and will never leave us. -
Q4. Tabernacle and Kingdom
Ms. Joanne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Glorious Kingdom in the Sinai Desert
Hmmmm good questions. Not sure. But will take a stab at it. The kingdom of God can seem so far away, just as the Tabernacle was so far away. On the other hand the tabernacle in the wilderness was near the people and traveled with them so that they can worship God where they were. The kingdom of God is close to,us or as close to us as we would want if only we wild partake of this closeness. God's glory and his kingdom are all in the same. Dwelling in the same place...in our hearts. -
Q3. Spiritual Hunger
Ms. Joanne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Glorious Kingdom in the Sinai Desert
Moses hungers to see God's glory is his wanting more intimacy with God. He wanted that "me" time with him. Just as I am seeking that same " me " time. I am wanting to have more and more spiritual encounters and come out with that same glow that Moses had. That same spiritual knowledge, that peace that surpasses all understanding. I am chasing after God through Bible reading, study, prayer and training my mind to be forever on God. -
Q2. Glory and Judgment
Ms. Joanne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Glorious Kingdom in the Sinai Desert
God's glory is Gid himself showing up to let the people he is there and is saddened or angry with their misdeeds. He wants them to know he is there and he alone will meet out their punishment. If we willfully disobey God and his laws, we will be forgiven, but at the same time God will be sad and may let circumstances occur to show his displeasure.. God is holy and pe felt, sin is not that's why they cannot coexist. -
Q1. Types of Glory
Ms. Joanne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Glorious Kingdom in the Sinai Desert
Reputation glory is glory that is derived from your own self derived glory is one that is brought about by what is happening or what has happened inherent glory is glory that is already a part of what is happening or of a person. When I praise God it is a touch of all three. -
Q4. Psalm 34
Ms. Joanne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Psalms: Giving Thanks to Our Faithful God
God is with us always through all of our triumphs and tragedies. All it takes from us is to cry out to God and he hears us. God will comfort us, he will rescue us from whatever is happening. -
Q3. Psalm 34
Ms. Joanne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Psalms: Giving Thanks to Our Faithful God
Praising God for every thing is a good way to get over our sleeves and to keep,our thoughts on Him. Barriers are that my natural tendency is to be grumpy and to Ian and groan. Praising God will be a way for me to think on the positive side of things. I will Troy to capture my thoughts from the negative and turn them to the positive and read those verses that praise God.