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  1. What is rebellion? The deliberate turning away from authority or power. A decision to do things your own way. In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? Witchcraft/occult practices work on the basis that there is a power you deem higher than God’s. So you call/draw upon that supposed power, in an attempt to usurp the One True Power. (This cannot be achieved however, EVER!). Rebellion is therefore similar in that you believe you have a way of doing things yourself, which is better than God’s way - not true, EVER! What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? Arrogance is defined as the ‘offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride’. Pride is disgusting to God, that is why Lucifer was kicked out of heaven. To be arrogant is to turn away (so rebel) from God’s intention for mankind. What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? Repent. Repent is to turn from sin, not just say sorry. So we must confess, apologise and turn from it. Do better. We must ultimately humble ourselves to God’s sovereign power.. What happens if we do nothing? God will turn from us, like he did Saul. There is nothing worse than to have God turn his hand away or against you. It must be terrible to be on that side of God’s judgement, where there is no return. You will simply die - Your life is over.
  2. What God says, may not always we think is best or right. Through having a relationship with him like Samuel did, we can challenge our own views and thinking to ensure it lines up to God’s Word and His will. Samuel didn’t always get it right, but God helped him - told him when he was wrong and which way to go. You only get that level of insight through regular communication with God. Instinctively, we go with our ‘gut’. But we should really be tuned into the frequency of God and follow His voice. Here, God is teaching us how things ‘look’ isn’t necessarily how they ‘seem’. There’s a reason it was David over the others, he didn’t look right but he was the chosen one. We really need to trust God and build up that relationship with him that navigates us through right and wrong. We should talk to Him more - He’s our friend. Consult Him first, rather than others. He’s our friend AND Father. LISTEN - wait, and listen. Don’t bulldoze ahead. Be prayerful, fast and subject yourself to the Voice of God.
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