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Happy and in Love

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  1. The birth of Christ or the coming of the Messiah was prophesied by the prophets of the Old Testament and the New Testament. Because Luke was a physician and he focused, in my opinion, on the humanity aspects of the birth of Christ. He reveals to us before the birth of Christ, the establishment of the Roman Empire and the power used by man to sustain and maintain such great power. King Herod considered himself as being the mightiest of all kings and he eliminated all who possess a threat to his throne. God promised David that his kingdom and throne will always be established before Him. As we well know, God does not go back on His word. Therefore, the significance of Joseph being a descendant of David and Bethlehem in Messianic prophesy was center in the fulfilment of God's promise to David. From Genesis to Revelation, God uses what man considers to be the least insignificant for the most significant in fulfilling of His word. When a Christian is consistent in their walk with Christ, they will experience what many people, including some Christians, consider to be hardship. But to me hardship is symbolic with desolation, destruction and destitute. We serve a God of perfect peace. We serve a God who is sovereign. He is omniscience, omnipotent and omnipresence. The bible teaches us that man born of a woman, days are full of trouble. But, the good news is that Jesus had overcome the world. And understand that we will have trials and tribulations. We will be tested. However know that each time we stay consistent in our walk with God, the enemy's plan is frustrated. God never promised us a bed of roses but He did promise us that He will never leave us or forsake us. Plus, He promise never to put more on us than what we can bear. We have Jesus as our Savior, our Advocate, our Intercessor and our Messiah. He will see us through all difficulties and whenever we call on Him, we must be patient because He will answer us in His time. So we should never think that our prayers goes unheard. Sometimes, the delay in receiving our answer is because the angels have to fight with the enemy to get to us. Nevertheless, we have to make the decision to come to Him. He will not make the choice for us but He will never let us go. He boasts about how He has not lost a one that God has given unto Him. That is why it is so important to pray without ceasing and to rejoice. When you're focusing on the good, you're automatically become righteous. God delights in our righteousness. Righteousness brings about faith and we cannot please God without faith. To stay in constant commune with Jesus we must have the confidence of knowing who we are and to whom we belong. Yet, we are still flesh. We have to fight the good fight of faith all the day long- everyday. Jesus knows this. He supplies us with grace that is more than enough and mercies that endures forever. He sees us through the process of sanctification, the process of transformation and the process of discipleship. We are endowed with His Holy Spirit. Lets listen to Him and obey. Recent, I received a letter which I interpret as being accusatory and offensive. Well, I became extremely mad (only dogs get mad) and want to yield my frustration upon the sender of the letter. I have had a very busy day of work (sign of weakness) and I came home late in the evening. I was totally "fired up" and wanted to cause some harm. How dare the sender accuse me. I talked with Christ briefly aloud. Then, I went to the phone. The caller said to me exactly what I did not want to hear at that time. I wanted the caller to respond in support of how I felt. This had not been the first time I was accuse of something by the sender. Wasn't the enemy trying to push that button to get me to react in manner not reflective of Christ. Not mentioned, I asked God to enable me to live a life that is reflective of Him. So, I chilled, I calmed down and that is when the Lord start speaking to me. He had me to see the insignificancy of the attack of the enemy. The letter had nothing to stand on. Even so, it was not the first time I had been falsely accused. Furthermore, it was written evidence that supports my claim of harassment. I repented of my sin, prayed for the sender and thank God for making all things possible.
  2. 1. Imagine if you will, during Elizabeth's seclusion from their friends and neighbors of the village, how she and Zechariah had a in-depth non-verbal conversation about what had recently transpired in the temple. Zechariah had to communicate to her by writing on a small slat of wood. It probably took Zechariah the better part of five months to convey to Elizabeth his conversation with the angel, to describe to her the fear he felt from what the angel said but mostly for losing his voice. Can you imagine, how they both felt when observing the swelling of Elizabeth's belly knowing that the prophesy of the angel was true - that God really did hear and answered their prayers. Imagine every time they spoke concerning the baby, they called him "John." It was customary and still is in some families/cultures that the first born son is named after the father or recognition of a male relative who had past away. The neighbors had probably experienced some sort of confusion and astonishment when they saw and heard Elizabeth was pregnant in her old age. She was definitely with child full term. Apparently, Elizabeth nor Zechariah had not discussed with their friends or neighbors the detail of the events that occurred and when they witnessed firsthand Zechariah's tongue being loosen when he agreed with Elizabeth that the baby will be called John. Yes, the people spoke about this for a time, times and half-a-time. 2. In order to prophesy anything of God, one must be filled with the Holy Spirit. One has to be sanctified, set apart for holiness to be used by God. Therefore prophesy and Holy Spirit goes together like grace and mercy; joy and peach. After undergoing talking with the angel and losing his ability to speak, Zechariah had to been steadfast more in his relationship with God. Each day, he and Elizabeth had increase in their belief of God, I imagine. They were obedient in the doings of ceremonial religious manners. Now they have belief and faith in God. In the day of Pentecost, Jesus said that they were going to be endowed with the Holy Spirit and they were. Speaking in tongues is the result/evident of being filled with the Holy Spirit. When one speaks in tongues, they are speaking a language that God understand. Whereas prophesy is the edification of the church/saints of God.
  3. Why do you think Mary wanted to see her kinswoman Elizabeth? What do you think Mary hoped to get out of the visit? Mary, in my opinion, went to see Elizabeth because she believed everything that the angel told her, therefore, she went to be Elizabeth who was experiencing the supernatural of the Lord just like herself. Mary went to went to be with someone who could identify with her. The same angel whom carried the message to Mary the news of her immaculate conception, visited Elizabeth's husband and foretold to him the birth of his son at their old age. I believe that Mary got affirmation and confirmation that she was visited by God's angel. She probably thought that her mind was playing tricks on her. She believed in God, but still the flesh told her not so. How could anyone give birth without first engaging in intercourse. No one has ever given birth by immaculate conception since the beginning of time, since the creation of mankind. She probably pondered this thought within herself until she witnessed God miraculous works. She saw first hand how God had blessed Elizabeth at her old age to carry her only child full term (never had she experienced a miscarriage before, never had she been pregnant until now). Elizabeth experience no abnormal side effects or had any prenatal complications with her pregnancy. Mary witnessed the strength Elizabeth had in her old age to deliver in birth a healthy son. After witnessing these things which she knew could only happen by God only, she was strong enough to bear all things that was foretold to her by the angel regarding her pregnancy, the birth of her Son and His purpose. She had the confident that God had chosen her to accomplish this assignment. She accepted in faith and never complaint. Even though she indeed was highly favored, above all women, she was humbled in spirit.
  4. How is the Lamb described in verse 6? I am see the Lamb as a symbol of complete strength that is all knowing, perceives all things. Before this study, I could not imagine the sight of the Lamb but "Glory Be To God," I have clarity of what He really is. Yet, He may look distraught because the verse states that he looks slain, but still He stands. He is an overcomer even of death. What does that tell you about his ability to help you now in your present circumstances? This affirms what I always thought about Jesus, that He is able. I pray that I always depend, rely and trust Him to be with me during my times of need such as now with the pandemic. Considering the standing Lamb that was slain, how do the wounds you have experience become your strengths? Because the Lamb stands and process the power to overcome, my wounds are evidence of reminders of His omniscience, His faithfulness and His unconditional love.
  5. How do humility and victory go together? The bible teaches us that God promises to fight our battles. He said that the battle is not ours, it belongs to Him. But before He goes forth in keeping His promises, we must completely yield to His will by being totally submissive. That is what humility is all about, our voluntary willingness and obedience to the will of God. We cannot be "lukewarm" or be "doubled-minded." We have to stand for Jesus. When we follow the will of God, we are lead into victory. God has not lost a battle and never will. How do the Lion and the Lamb fit together? The Lion is a symbol of strength, fearlessness and the Lion leads. Whereas the Lamb is gentle, a follower, trustworthy and obedient. Both represent the definition of be victorious leader. An good leader must have strength to endure and be fearlessly minded to strategically combat his opponent in defeat. A good leader is always gentle in their approach even in addressing the schemes of the enemy as well as be trustworthy to those whom God led Him to lead. How did Jesus humble Himself? Throughout Jesus's ministry, He humbled Himself on countless occasions. Not only with the Pharisees and the high priests but even with His own disciples. I believe He display much humility when interacting with Judas who He knew was going to betray Him. Why is it necessary to humble ourselves before God will exalt us? God is a relational God. We, in order to have the type of relationship that He wants us to have with Him, we must recognize Him for who He is. When we able to do that, we can totally submit to His will. Therefore, being humble to God and not to man, we can be used by Him for the building of His kingdom. God does not want us to stay where we are. He wants us to grow and mature in His Holy Spirit because He has a purpose and plan for each of our lives.
  6. Why are they chanting and singing? Because Jesus taught us to make a joyful noise. He wants us to sing praises unto His name. We sing because of all He has done for us. We sing when we are Happy. O, how happy we will be in the direct presence of the Lord Jesus. Why do you thing that we get bored with worship after a few minutes? One of the main reasons, in my opinion, people get bored with worship after a few minutes is because of their lack of focus. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. We don't come to worship with a surrendered heart. We carry into worship the cares of the world we faced with. We don't give it Jesus like we should or we don't give Him all of it. Sometimes, we come tired. Maybe, we come after work or after a long hard week. The enemy has a way fanning us to sleep during worship and waking us in time for the close of service. It is important that we prepare ourselves through prayer, song, or/and meditation before entering into worship. Its like having a strong cup of coffee to keep you alert. We need to do whatever it is that keeps us alert during worship. What does that indicate about our hearts? If we're honest with ourselves, it indicates that we need to get into the presence of God before leaving our home. It does not mean that your worship is fake or that a person does not love Jesus. It means that we need to get into our quiet place and pray. Jesus did it many times. If you don't have a quiet place than let an elder of the church pray for you before service. Pray combats the attempts of the enemy. A Christian has the power through our Lord Jesus to be victorious and defeat the enemy at his own schemes. What can we do to change this? First and foremost, seek the Lord. He is your Wonderful Counselor. God said, This is my Son, Hear Him. I add, hear and obey. We have to get to the place of "yet." Many times, you hear Christians say, "I'm not there yet. Press for the "yet." Let nothing deter you or stop you. We must come to believe with all our heart who we are and to whom do we belong. Once we walk in the full assurance of faith which is the confidence in the Lord, everything else will be workable. The enemy will always be on your heel, because of your growth in the Lord. Do exactly what James said, Consider it all joy. Confuse the enemy because the joy of the Lord is your strength. It takes time, it take patience and it takes discipline. You will stumble, but you will not fall. Think of Peter, how when he stepped out of the boat (confident in Jesus) and he, too, walked on the water. He took his eyes off the mark (Jesus) and became distracted by forces surrounding him (the boisterous wind), he began to sink. Do what he did, he called out to Jesus. Without any hesitation, Jesus responded immediately. Remember, He has no respective person, what He did then, He will do now with you.
  7. I can only imagine what it will be like to be in the direct presence of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. I see myself falling prostrate before Him overwhelmed with great joy, tears streaming down my face, singing praises to the top of my voice and raising my hands upward in total worship. Hallelujah!!! What an honor it would be to be in His presence, to see Him face to face. Glory Be to God!!! To touch Him. If, I being the least in His Kingdom, and I love Him, I love loving Him, then why not everyone else who loves Him worship and praise Him. Its like everything we dreamed of, hoped for, prayed about has come to be. We're in the presence of the One who answered all our prayers, who provided for us, who comforted us when we were going through, who protected us from all hurt, all harm and all dangers, Knowing He was the one who opened doors and made opportunities available for us. He's the one who forgave us of our sins, time after time. To know that we're in the presence of the One who was always there for us, He never forsaken or left us even when we disappointed Him countless times. Oh what a marvelous day it will be to worship Jesus totally at His feet.
  8. God's people do not blend in with the world. We are sanctify therefore, we stand apart from the world. When the world knows of our struggles and when they see (1) that we do not look like what we been through and (2) when they see the prosperity of the saints, they of the world calls on a saint to pray for them or they come to hear a word of God in a church/bible study settings. Sometimes the seed is sown on good soil and sometimes its not.
  9. Peter lets us know that we are in the world but not of the world. Therefore, worldly things must be put apart. Prayer keeps and sustain us. That is why it is important to pray without ceasing.
  10. We as His peculiar people should be inspired to be more like Jesus at all times in all situations and at all places.
  11. Your praise to God should be pure in heart. Meaning without any motives. Praising God for who He is. Praise God for all of His goodness. Praise Him for His faithfulness. Praise Him for grace and mercy. Know in your heart with the full assurance of faith, believe in your spirit that He is worthy to be praise.
  12. We as Christians have the mindset of what can we do for God and what God can do for us. First and foremost, being obedient to His word. We are not or should not consider ourselves as consumers but as family members since we are all heirs to the kingdom of God. We were made to glorify God.
  13. The kingdom of God is a gift given to His chosen ones who are faithful to His word. We all fall short of His glory, therefore, we must repent with the whole heart. Sharing our testaments of the Lord's goodness and greatness to those who are lost, weary in spirit and those at the shadow of death is what we are commissioned to do while on this journey on earth. All Christians have a story to tell.
  14. To follow in Christ is to be rich in heart and we are taught through His word that obedient is better than sacrifice. The young rich ruler did not expect for Jesus to ask him to follow Him. However, Jesus was not surprise of the young ruler's response because He knows all things. Apparently, either he did not study the word of God through the writing of earlier prophets with pureness of heart or he did not listen wholeheartedly to the teaching of Jesus. The word teaches us to self-examine ourselves. This is a good lesson that prompts me to examine myself to ensure that my lifestyle and motives are pleasing to God. And to continue to pray for guidance. To have Jesus Himself to teach you is an awesome gift and unspeakable opportunity. To walk with, to talk to and to fellowship with Jesus face-to-face is more than incredible, magnificent--it is a joy, honor and privilege not to be taken lightly.
  15. In order for us to be sincere followers of Jesus, we must give up the love (obsession) of money for it is the root of all evil. Surrendering all to Jesus is submission of trust. Once we have absolute trust in the Lord, we will follow (obedient) Him forever. When we follow Him in spirit and truth, we have eyes to see beyond what the carnal eyes can see. Christians wants to obtain a more precious gift when we get to heaven, the incorruptible crown.
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