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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Neil NRG

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Everything posted by Neil NRG

  1. In what ways does it encourage us that God keeps a list of those who love him? He is always thinking of us and keeping a record of all we do that honours His name. That he considers us his own private and treasured possession? This shows we are loved. Do we deserve this? No, it's by grace that He first loved us. What effect should that knowledge have on us? We should be grateful. We should keep trusting God no matter what, to be in awe and esteem of God and not wanting to displease Him. To serve others as one of God's family and to remember the lost and lonely and listen for God's voice in our lives and those around us. What does it teach us about grace? God's unmerited favour to those He has called. We rely on Him!
  2. In our passage, why does God call people who neglect to tithe “robbers”? They don't recognise that everything belongs to God and that a tithe is a faith acknowledgement of God's ownership of all things. It serves to help His church and His mission for His people, serving the lonely, the lost and the needy. Who knows when any one of us will be in need? Why does he withhold blessing from those who don’t fully tithe? In OT times tithing was under fear of curse (withholding blessing). We are no longer under a curse. God wants us to live under a blessing, not a life of curse under sin. Jesus took our curse. God loves a cheerful giver and a universal law exists of giving and blessing. I have seen it time and time again. Does the Old Testament law of the tithe obligate Christian believers to tithe? Tithing is no longer out of fear of a curse. In our grace kingdom we should give above and beyond the law of 10%. Giving a portion shows that God can trust you in the rest of what you have, that is His. What principles of stewardship can we learn from this passage? We are stewards of our things, not an owner, and therefore we are thankful for God giving us these things and not prideful of what we have. As a steward I work for God's kingdom and my motivation is to please God with all of my things, not to please me.
  3. Why should we rejoice that God doesn't change? It strengthens our faith and security knowing that God doesn't change. What He created He saw as good and still does and always will. He saw in each of us something special, making each of us unique in His image. He is a loving Father and His love is everlasting and unchanging. We are blessed sons and daughters of the Most High and Holy God, by His grace, to His glory in heaven and earth. We know that God's character doesn't change But if he is immutable, unchangeable, how can he answer our prayers? God's character doesn't change. He is all knowing and He knows the plans He has for us. He answers our prayers in accordance with His will and plan for our lives. He wants us to call to Him, to ask Him our deepest needs, and He listens and answers in good time, often in ways we don't expect. Does prayer have any effect? Absolutely. He especially hears our heartfelt cries. Here is only one story of mine. My first child, Megan, was still born at 29 weeks. On the morning of that day my wife and I were excited to go to what was our second ultrasound for Megan. The lady doing the ultrasound was pretty quiet when doing the ultrasound and we were asked to wait afterwards. We were then told that they had arranged an appointment with our gynacologist across town. We never imagined that Megan was dead. When we walked into our gynacologist's room, an hour after the ultrasound, he was holding the ultrasound film and proceeded to show us that our baby had died and my wife would probably never be able to have a child because of a mis-shapen uterus. My wife had to wait 3 days after that to be induced, knowing our child was dead in her womb. Our pastors visited us in hospital on a Sunday morning the day after the birth and prayed with us, especially that my wife's 'nest' would be restored. That morning the whole church prayed for us. A few days later when the gynacologist did a curette to scrape my wife's womb and he couldn't understand what he felt in doing this - the womb had been restored. A little over a year later Matthew was born ('a gift from God). Some weeks later my wife and I went out the front of that church with Matthew in my arms to share this story and I thanked them for their prayers and thanked God for His mercy and blessings toward us. We later had two healthy daughters Yes, prayers do have an affect!
  4. For what purpose is the Messenger sent to prepare the way? John the Baptist was sent to prepare the way for Jesus; to let people know the Messiah was coming to change their lives forever. What will the Messenger of the Covenant do? Jesus will fulfil his first mission on earth, to die for our sins that we may be redeemed and in relationship with God through His Holy Spirit. He will help refine us - through His wounds we are healed. Why do God's people need refining and deep cleaning? To purify us from sin so we can offer pleasing worship to God. There is wonderful joy ahead. There is purpose in suffering. How do you sense God wants to refine and cleanse you? Faith is more precious than gold. He is taking away the pain - making us more like Jesus. It is an ongoing journey, coming from humbling ourselves before God in earnest prayer and worship. He responds in love, helping us to grow and become more like Jesus.
  5. Here we are at the end of Nehemiah finally. It's been worth it and quite a journey these past two months. Q4. (Nehemiah 13:30-31) How should you respond when the people you are ministering to disappoint you? How must you treat them? What must you do to sustain your own faith and spiritual momentum in times of discouragement? We shouldn't change if people disappoint us. We are all imperfect. But, this is not what I have seen in churches nor with pastors. Himself is the only one who doesn't change and cannot disappoint us. Treat others like you'd want the to treat yourself. Like Jesus. It's hard when discouraged. I know what to do, but do I do it? It times of discouragement we need to spend even more time with God. He is faithful!
  6. Here I am finally at the end of Zechariah and yes some of it is hard to follow but it has many gems and I will never forget this time studying Zechariah. Thank You Lord for Your faithfulness! Q4. (Zechariah 12-13) Paul was broken-hearted for his countrymen the Jews, who had rejected the Messiah. We should be too. When do you think the prophecy will be fulfilled that says, “They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn…?” (Zechariah 12:10). Concerning the fountain that cleanses from sin and impurity (Zechariah 13:1), has that been fulfilled, or will it be future? Why will it please God so much when all the Jews finally believe in Jesus? The Jews, at end times, will mourn over first rejecting Christ. The fountain of living water is also of end times and the formation of a New Earth and New Heaven. O it has been so long and there have been so many times many His people forsook Him. But, God is faithful and does not change. He continues to love His people, each one of them. When all the Jews finally return to Him and believe Jesus, after all that's happened, wow, what a day! We can all truly celebrate as One; renewed and completed in Him.
  7. O God is so good. He loves each one of us, no matter where we come from, no matter our story and how we got here. Q3. (Zechariah 11:4-17) Why is God so condemnatory towards shepherds or leaders who take advantage of their office and exploit the people? What is Jesus’ standard for leaders (Mark 10:42-45). What would it look like in government, if we followed Jesus’ standard? What would it look like in your workplace? In your church? In your home? Church leaders are given great responsibility, following in Jesus' footsteps to nurture and disciple His people. God is deeply saddened when their motives are wrong and they fail to commit to their responsibility. God is sad for one lost sheep. Every one of His people are most precious. It is a High calling indeed! I am not a leader, but believe that God will call me into that role one day, soon; pray for our leaders, encourage our leaders, bless our leaders. Jesus standard for leaders is His standard. So very high! Our world would be a different place if these standards applied and diligently and passionately followed in Government, at work, in church and home. A New Earth, renewed by living waters!
  8. While I have only just come back to these study questions and am about 2 months behind, yet I am not. You see, a friend of mine 3 months ago asked me to study Malachi with him, which I so enjoyed studying. This is still ahead and it will be a breeze for me, as I have already studied it in depth. So, I will catch up my friends. There was a God given reason! Q2. (Zechariah 7:9-10; 8:16-17) What does it look like to operate from a policy of mercy and compassion? God commands justice for the poor and oppressed in our culture. How can we be sure that the poor are treated justly in our courts? How do you treat aliens in your country, sojourners from another land? Why is speaking truthfully with others so important to God? Mercy and compassion looks like a fundamental trait of God, our Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. O that we can all operate like that, most especially to the weak, poor, oppressed, sad and lonely. We cannot be sure of the justice of those who preside in our earthly courts, other than those that might be genuine Christians. Even then, the law of our land sometimes prevents them from bringing true justice. I have seen it, in the face of a judge who presided over a class action against a ban, at the end of a 7 year court battle; the bank won on technicalities, funded by their many clever barristers. Nevertheless, O God is so generous to those He loves; for me and another Christian friend, out of 20,000 families, we were blessed of God. The bank forgoed hundreds of thousands of dollars in our favour; we fought every way and through every avenue we knew how, keeping our Christian faith and values and avoided bankruptcy as a result. At the same time, within weeks, the Tax office forgoed $50,000 , knowing that although the law and their limited guidelines would say no, but in the circumstances they said yes you do not have to pay the fine. It took a long time, a long honest battle, and God came through at the 11th hour. God treats us justly! His court in heaven is just! See above amazing story, as to why truth prevails. God is faithful to those who follow him in truth and love. Thank You Lord!
  9. It's been a while since I posted a response to questions. For some reason the past 2 months have been hard in many ways, yet some of the very best outcomes. Hard to make sense, but one thing for sure - God is faithful; He is always there, ready to hear our call. He uses unusual circumstances to bring about unexpected outcomes; partly to impart faith, hope, passion and dedication to following Him. He is a good Father, so very good. Anyway, the questions. I have some catching up to do. Q1. (Zechariah 7:4-6) In what ways have we Christians tended to make worship about us, rather than about God? How should we evaluate our churches and our worship patterns? What can we do to make our personal worship a matter of the heart, and not just rote readings and prayer? I love worship that honours God, that is focussed on Him and truly thankful for all that He has done and is doing. It is also a time of celebration, as we saw in rebuilding Jerusalem's alter and temple. Rejoice greatly! Sing and dance and jump for joy for all He is and all He has done in our lives, in reverence of our Father who makes all things possible. The form of songs and music and the length of worship inherently affects overall worship. There is a place for prolonged worship and celebration, rather than occasional hymns scatted through a religious service. Nevertheless, this doesn't change how we approach worship - honouring and thanking a Holy God who loves each one of us the same. Wow! Remember to approach the throne of God in reverence and awe, with a grateful heart; no matter what. While our circumstances change, God is faithful and does not change. He loves us just the same.
  10. Q4i. We easily get engrossed in what we're doing or our problems and disassociate from God, falling into the habit of seeking to undertake a task or solve a problems with our own resources, forgetting about the Holy Spirit, the kingdom of God within and around us in the spiritual realm. "Call to me and I will answer and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jer 33:3 Q4ii. It’s not by our might, nor by our power, but by God’s Holy Spirit. We need to surrender all control to God’s Spirit, trusting in the fact that God is able, He knows what’s best for us, and He is the one who does it. Acknowledge that it’s not by our own might or power, and that all power belongs to God; that God is truly the Lord of our lives, and King and Master in all our affairs. God is an almighty God and He is worthy to be trusted. Q4iii. We need to remember to be still in each action in our day, especially in starting an action, and acknowledging God. Being still we are ready and in reverence of an almighty everpresent God, who can work in every situation or circumstance in our life - no matter how big or how small.
  11. Q3i - sin Q3ii - he rebukes satan and cleanses and forgives Joshua of sin Q3iii - that God loves him and to not be compromised by sin and the guilt attached to it, so as to be an excellent leader and example to God's people Q3iv - to earnestly seek forgiveness knowing God loves them and can forgive them, acknowledging with a contrite heart that they will be obedient and walk in His ways
  12. Wow, that's a real and powerful way to see the meaning of Ps 46:10 and the CAPSON in the last paragraph is so apt. I will take this to heart each day, printing on a card in my wallet to take out and remember. Thanks again JanMary.
  13. all mankind - to be in reverence and awe of our holy God who is about to act for His people. his people - to be able to listen to God and allow Him to act in our circumstances. For the enemy of God – in fear of the unexpected hand of God to thwart their evil deeds. For the believer - worship and reverence to our Holy God and being open to hearing His word for our circumstance.
  14. We cannot decide to follow Christ and not turn from our sinful ways. Remember He died for our sins on the Cross to enable us to have a personal relationship with God. As we truly realise what Christ has done for us on the Cross, we are believing His word and that sin is not part of being in relationship with Christ. Being fallen and human, we need to repent every day - when we don't repent, it offends God's holiness.
  15. Repentance? I was fascinated in Ezra 6 to see that even in 500BC and under the Old Covenant that even Gentiles were allowed to gather and worship with the Jews, if they had separated themselves from unclean practices; in effect, repented from their sins. Today, under the New Covenant, the blood of Jesus purifies or covers us from all sin. Lords Supper? Ezra 6 gives us some examples of what we should do – to search and prepare our hearts before taking communion; a time of reflection before God. Today, we can reflect on Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. Serving Him? Each day we can prepare by spending time with God in studying His Word and prayer early in the day. It’s good if you do this individually, as well as with another person during the day, especially early in the day.
  16. Give up easily? Not sure about giving up, as one of my mantras is 'don't quit'. For nearly 10 years I have had circumstances that seemed insurmountable (financial, family, health), even now. I look for a solution (the engineer in me), but at times there seems to be none and I am left to lean fully on God. Two weeks ago I was prostrate on the ground crying out to God, for all seemed hopeless in many areas of my life, but there is hope. God does hear our prayers and answer our prayers. Often, I have found He answers miraculously in the 11th hour; saying, why did you worry? When I looked like drowning on my honeymoon, I quietly called out to Jesus (in my heart, as I was 15ft under in a channel in the Pacific Ocean with a strong rip, not knowing where it could take me. It was like a dream and instantaneous I had a peace and confidence to surface and swim to shore with a strength and endurance I never though I had. Characteristics? A heart for God and people. Humble to be a chosen son of God. Always listening and teachable. Eager desire to grow to be more like Jesus.
  17. Redesign danger? In Ezra 4, the concern of the Jews was corrupting the God's distinctive plan and instructions for His church. Letting people without a deep heart commitment to the Lord redesign aspects of today's church is likely to result in it being redesigned in a way that does not honour the holiness of this place to God. The focus needs to be on the love of and for God; so easily churches can get lost in pursuit of numbers, money and international glory, rather than developing and discipling a loving church family. Remember the early church? Innovative and faithful? The Old Covenant was very rigid. We can be innovative under the New Covenant, if we have a heart for God and helps provide insights for us that honour Him and our love of God and His people.
  18. Worship? In Ezra 3, some were overjoyed to rebuild the alter and to be able to faithfully worship God as they did before their exile. Others were disappointed that the alter was not as beautiful as Solomons'. We can worship God in many ways and in many places, for He is right there with us; the Kingdom of God is within us. Me personally, I often get caught up in work or the plethora of media that surround us; I love when I can worship at church, but even then it is not always the same. I know God is real in our day to day lives and He is our almighty Creator, yet why do I get distracted? Why do I sometimes sin and disrespect God? Lord, I pray to be reminded that I am a son of God and You are forever faithful; that You build up my faith in You. Foundations? For more than 18 months I got up at 3 or 4am in the morning, jumping out of bed earnestly desiring to study the word of God Recent weeks have been different, but it doesn't mean God hasn't been working in my life - He has. Some mornings I have spent time with my wife in prayer and seeking God's Word. Those days often flow better than others. My wife and I have found it hard to settle in a church family and there are reasons for that, for which I seek a breakthrough in our lives. My foundations would be regular personal time with the Lord, regular time praying with my wife, regular communion with a church family and regularly reminding myself of God's presence and goodness in my day to day activities and with whoever I meet. Lord, help me towards those foundation goals.
  19. Why only some return? "everyone whose heart God had moved' Some had created a comfortable life in Babylon and did not want to risk returning to rebuild again. They were afraid of what might confront them in Israel, yet those who did go had faith that this opportunity through Cyrus was of God and were reminded of Jeremiah's prophesy. They listened to the words and encouragement of their spiritual leaders, such as Haggai and and Zechariah. Some may have remained to continue to financially support the pioneers that returned, but most of the support came from the King of Persia (Cyrus, then Darius) and some wealthy families of those who returned. Characteristics? Those that returned were close to God and had faith in His Words about their promised land. Many of those that stayed were more consumed with their lifestyle in Babylon and not God's eternal promises. Answering the call? Many answered the call - 'everyone whose heart God had moved.' Mostly this means those who were prepared and ready for God's call, a love of God and a heart ready to listen to God. True disciples? A key characteristic is a heart open and ready to hear God's call. Someone full of faith, keen to learn and to become more like Jesus. Lord, continue to build in me a heart such as these pioneers.
  20. PS Hope this finds you Tabatha
  21. God bless you Tabatha. The Lord's peace be with you. I pray that new Christian family and friends come into your life in California. The Lord hears you and loves you dearly.
  22. I truly thought my suffering for a while was over some weeks ago, then my life changed again. The positive change and growth that occurred in my life on 2 July was quite remarkable. This was followed by 3 weeks of renewal. Two people that prayed with me that day (2 July) mentioned endurance and yes I need to endure once more. Peter talks of periods of struggle followed by periods of renewal and that has indeed been happening. What grieves me, is having thought I had broken through with a weakness of mine or of my wife, I find it is incomplete, which puzzles me. I guess we will always be incomplete in some way until the Lord returns. When we have breakthroughs it seems the devil is there waiting to pounce and to peg back our renewed faith and confidence in God. The Lord God is my strength, my peace, my comforter, my protector, my source of love. I follow Jesus.
  23. Be alert, self-controlled, draw on your courage to resist Satan through your faith, keep steadfast in faith, be patient, wait on God. Paul talks of our weapons in battle - our shield of faith, helmet of salvation, sword of the spirit (Word of God), the breastplate of righteousness (through Christ). He says to gird our loins in Truth and shod our feet with preparation in God's word, with all prayer and petition in the (Holy) Spirit. This is how we are to resist the devil and his wily ways. Be ready, be prepared, who knows the moment.
  24. Our battle is against spiritual powers and principalities of evil in the heavenly realms and not flesh and blood. Satan leads these evil spirits and he intends to steal, kill and destroy -- as Christians, we are in the midst of this battle and need to be prepared for battle. For us, the battle starts in our mind, through our thoughts and emotions in response to our circumstances, including words from others. Words are powerful and can encourage or destroy. The Word of God is all powerful -- "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Heb 4:12) "You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He (Christ) that is in you, than he (Satan) that is in the world." (1 John 4:4)
  25. Fears, they can appear from nowhere, like our thoughts and other emotions. All should be handed to Jesus. It's a choice we have when something flies into our mind. That choice can become automatic, seemingly instantaneous, knowing God and listening to Him. Sometimes, it is so difficult; when all seems amazing, out of the blue can come something unexpected. We need to be ready, prepared, overflowing in God's Word and earnest prayer and worship. Jesus cares for us more than we can imagine and He feels our pain. He wants us to be whole and healthy, but faith and blessings comes from patience and endurance through challenges in life; remember Job. We are nothing; God is everything. We were given breath and called by God, in His grace, love and mercy. We need to rely on Almighty God -- anything is possible through Him for those who truly love Him. Remember what He has done for you; don't let go. Call for Him and He will hear. For me, I remember Atitaki, a small atol in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, part of the Cook Islands. On my first honeymoon my wife and I decided to go snorkelling between two islands in the atol, not knowing that there was a strong current. I am not a strong swimmer and when I looked and realised the depth of the water (maybe 15m) and the strength of the current I thought I should try to head for shore. My wife went with the current and landed on a beach the other side of the island; I swam across the current (much harder). When I thought I was close enough to walk in, thinking I'd be stronger on my feet, I flipped over and finished at the bottom of the ocean with a mouth full of water, about 4 or 5 metres below the surface. Amazingly, I did not panic. I was actually admiring what I could see around me and seemed to be in a dream -- however, I know the first thing I did was call on the name of Jesus and I had instant peace, no fear. I took the snorkel out of my mouth, as it was full of water, and swam to the surface. I then swam to shore with a strength and confidence not of mine, but His. That was 33 years ago. Jesus, I love You and I know You love me -- reminds me of my favourite song growing up as a small child and I can still see a picture of Jesus beckoning to a child to come to Him. Me too! You too! We need to follow Him, our Good Shepherd. He will take our cares and give us strength, even when seemingly humanly impossible. Draw near to Him! He is calling!
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