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Everything posted by Thehammer44

  1. Which of the qualities Peter mentioned in 3:8-9 are most evident in your congregation? Which are most needed? What can you and your friends do to change the relational climate at your church so it is more Christ like? Humility and love are evident. Compassion and sympathy to a lesser degree, but not lacking. Harmony is evident also. We are a small group therefore it is easy to be aware and concerned for others. Most needed? Harmony would be better if we had more fellowship. We really only see one another at meeting times. Compassion and sympathy depend on ones' ability to feel what the other is going thru. Which in turn depends on what God has taken one self thru. Love more. Seek Jesus more. Learn how to be more like Him. To be willing to serve others with a loving and caring attitude is key. If you have not love...........then. What is your motivation for doing anything for Christ if not that He loved us and gave His life that we may be forgiven and be called Children of God. We have no rights, we deserve nothing and yet in Him we have all. Let's share the gift!
  2. Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christians? It seems to have a lot to do with pride and self will. Since I was a boy I was taught to be independent, self reliant, to do things for myself. One learns to tie his or her shoes, brush one's own teeth, ride a bike etc., It's in grained to do for your self, stand on your own two feet. All the praise and congratulations for accomplishments bring us to the point...can I surrender/ should I surrender. We cling to who we are, what we feel and our own opinions. BUT, can we find the path God has for our lives with out first surrendering completly to Him. (then not taking back the reins) The issue of agreeing, hmmm. The enemy of our souls doen't want us to find God's path for our lives. Many times he sows seeds of discourse to stop good from coming forth. We must be merciful and show patience and understanding before we interject our opinion. We must move by the leading of the Spirit before specking or trying to change(improve) things. In whose eyes are we improving? Submission is wrong when we go against Gods' commands and moral teachings. To knowingly go against His word.
  3. Q3. That He bore my own sins? It's very profound, deep, almost too much to comprehend. And at times I don't comprehend it. It speaks to that personal relationship and brings the untouchable, unreachable Father God, ...well, close to me. I am important to God. I am significant, I matter, I am of great value. In this day and age when so many people are depressed and on meds., or being treated by doctors of many types, it is special to me to know I am loved by God. That He did that for me. What more can a friend do than lay down His life, for an ememy? For that's what I was before salvation, anti-God. Not knowing if God existed, lost in my own logic/opinions. Lost and dead in my sins. And then, By His Spirit, I was drawn to Him, Made aware of the Supreme sacrifice, for me. How could I not love Him and thank Him and want to live to serve Him. Ahh, but to hear His voice and to know He understands all my struggles and to know He loves me anyways. Whew! Too much to comprehend! Thank you Jesus, Thank you, Thank you Jesus!
  4. According to 2:21, in what sense did Jesus suffer for you personally? As we have been called into a personal relationship with Christ, so must we share in His sufferings and live by His example and the ways of His 'holy' & 'living' Word. Since by works we can not be saved, only through His shed blood. The sinless sacrifical lamb. Who can comprehend this great mystery? In 1985, I lost parts of and damaged fingers on my right hand. During the period of healing Jesus was so close to me. He strengthened me and carried me through. As I was talking to Him one morning, I said "Lord I can relate to the suffering you went through now" ( I was relating to my physical pain.) Jesus then spoke to my spirit and said this, "No Ed, it wasn't the physical pain that was unbearable, but the REJECTION of my love that hurt the most. I was so overwhelmed. But realized that even when I thought I had a great revelation, I still needed His teaching. How do people live without knowing Jesus?
  5. How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus" character in this passage? I'm changed , in the way, that I do things with more thought and care, before I speak or act. I can usually ask myself, "would Jesus approve?" Christ has helped me to endure way beyond what I ever thought or hoped that I could. I see that I can go through problems and struggles with out giving in to the situation. I think, "for Jesus to endure all for me and you, ...then I can surely go thru my little problems. I find myself less willing to 'speak out', but listening more. I won't ever have to regret those things I didn't say.
  6. How does being and employee "conscious of God" affect the way we act and react to injustice in the work place?Can a conscientious Christian be a complainer? Why or why not? How do you usually react to prolonged, unfair treatment at your work? We should not look the other way or bury our heads in the sand, but each incident needs to be weighed and prayed before actions. Many times what seems to be an injustice, turns out to be a co workers 'version' of what took place. Get all the facts, seek God, then act. Shouldn't be a "complainer", but should tell the truth, I mean be open and honest. To be a whiney, complainer is not bringing glory to God. Do your job or move on. Find a job you like and will and can do well. Your work is a testimony. I have prayed about; it I have endured it; I have grown spiritually, God has used situations to cause me to be stronger, more patient; more compassionate.....ultimately I started my own business so I could do things in a Christ like fashion. That was 25 years ago. Thank you, Jesus!!
  7. If we are to submit to our employers and respect them, what is it saying about God's expectation that we do a good job? In what sense do we dishonor God when we don't give our full effort to our jobs? A Christian should do above and beyond in his or her job. With out questionm our conduct on the job should be higher, as a 'calling' not a job. If you have sought the Lord for your work/career, then it is a vocation not merely employment. I was taught as a young man to, "work as unto God and not to man". Regardless of circumstances or pressures or complaints on our job, we can see that our work is to be dedicated to Jesus. If your employer knows of your Christian teaching and beliefs and you fall short of normal employer expectations it certainly brings dishonor to Jesus. Christians should be the best, most conscientious employees and employers. You should be known by your actions.
  8. In what way is God's glory dependent upon us living submissive lives? How is God hurt when we get rebellious? We are His ambassadors on this earth. We are a reflection of Christ who indwells us by His Spirit. Or at least we should be. A Christian who is rebellious and disobedient directly casts a gloomy shadow on the work of our Savior. Submissive behavior and obedience, even kindness contradicts the plots of the evil one. To pray for God's guidance and truth in all matters helps us to know what to do in all situations. To be rebellious can cause others to not desire the things of God or think bad of the perceived nature of Christians. We will fail and fall short many times, but to be aware and to try each day to represent our God is a calling we all must chose to follow and work towards.
  9. How can the good deeds we commit by living openly as Christians increase God's praise? How does our blending in detract from God's praise? Not just hearing the message over and over, but seeing is believing. To see God's ways' in action and to see that the truth works can and does draw people to Christ. All of the 'fruits' of the Holy Spirit are evidence of Gods' active presence in the lives of believers. Those who witness miracles. gifts of kindness, true joy, love without measure....can not help to bring forth praise, even those who don't consider themselves believers. On the contrary when we 'blend' in we are just denying His truth and simply saying our own faith is somewhat lacking and that being a believer isn't very special at all.
  10. The world tells us to conform and that sin won't hurt us. What does Peter tell us to combat these lies? How can this reminder help us? The world wishes us to conform so as to 'justify' their own sins. "See he does it and he is a Christian," they say. Peter reminds us of our Heavenly status, our eternal home and future, of our chosen position in Christ, and our forgiven, mercy filled, joy filled, love filled life in Christ Jesus. So much to be thankful for and to guard with proper actions, this status. He also reminds us that we are in a war and definately have an enemy. To be alert at all times.
  11. What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us? We should be aware that our attitudes and actions should be motivated by right intentions. All we do or say is a reflection on our God. We can not make a claim to be His 'chosen ones' and then live as if we were in control of our own lives. I know we can not live perfectly, with out sin, therefore it becomes the challenge to live each day with Jesus as our guide and example. With His help and the truth, through scripture, prayer and the Holy Spirit, we can live lives that may draw others to Him. In short we need to know Him to become more like Him. Praise, prayer and meditation, patience, peace and joy, with love... in all we do. Yes,... quite a challenge.
  12. If praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise? At all times, in all things with heart felt praise, in obedience and with actions and with one's entire being. Regardless of our own circumstances or understanding at the moment, or what we feel like doing, but in reverent fear of God and for Him as His Love & grace & mercy abound towards His creation.
  13. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What action does this mind set inspire in you? The attitude of a priest towards God should be one of a servant, to serve others and bring people into a place of understanding who God is, then act as mediator/intercessor in that relattionship. He is Holy, then we need to understand how to do that. This mindset encourages me in that we are priests of our homes and we are called to a royal priesthood. It is a very meaningful and challenging calling.
  14. Have you ever felt you were of no worth or value? Yes, before I was aware of the love of Jesus for me. I had very low self esteem and at times didn't think it mattered that I lived or died. What does 1 Peter 1:18-19 say about your worth? What does it say about God's love for you. More than silver and gold! And not perishable, but eternal. Purchased with a price, the precious blood of the Lamb. What does it indicate about the long-term value of your balance sheet and financial assets? You can take it with you! Things of this world mean very little. What are your true long term investments? Why? People:Family members... wife, children, grand children, friends and strangers alike. People are the only ones that will have the opportunity to see in Heaven.
  15. Some people may be upset by being judged because of pride and unbelief. When one considers who God is and what the Word teaches us about Him, it would have to be that a person either doesn't care or doesn't really believe. Since God is love and truth, therefore we must be judged or nothing would be true. To not accept final judgement, is to not accept the entire truth. But yet a 'pick and choose' what you will believe. Again it is like being in control or being god of your own life.
  16. How would you define holiness? In what sense are you holy now? In what sense must you be obedient to become holy? Websters' say it is "having divine qualities; set apart; sanctified; cleansed; blessed. I like sanctified. Hebrews 10:14 tells us that we are being "made holy, through His death and resurrection." I know I have received forgivenss and that Jesus' death has atoned for my sins. I am holy in Him and yet I am being 'made holy' as I seek His ways and am obedient to His Word. That process of sanctification..becoming more like Him. What is your biggest struggle with holiness? Resisting temptation or using the 'old ways' to solve my problems. So staying focused in the Word and daily prayer. Staying in fellowship. There are times I look at the situations I am in through the worlds system and not a Godly perspective. This always causes me anxiety, I struggle then to be at peace with myself and others. Where is my strength---The joy of the Lord is my strength!!
  17. What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? The TRUTH of it. Isn't this what one believes and longs for; That is the whole of it from the begining. God's word is true and is coming to the time we have for which we wait. It should be our hope, our expectation. Live each day as if this were the day. Wouldn't this hope and waiting for Jesus coming help to motivate us to live better, to try harder to treat others with patience, love and mercy. We could be people that could bring Jesus' words of love and forgivness to others, by our actions and our words. "Why should it inspire self-control and soberness?" To know that we could cause others to fall by our own careless, sinfull behavior. To say we are followers of Christ, believers in His words and then to display behavior on the contrary; harms the cause of Christ and His kingdom. The unbeliever or the agnostic or the atheist take our behavior as an excuse or reason not to accept the wonderful saving grace of Jesus' work on the cross. What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? We become lazy, we accept worldly compromises, we aren't aware of others who may be waiting on how we behave to determine their own choices about lif and Christ. Are we really what we claim to be, saved and growing?
  18. The basis of our joy; Is that we understand our wonderful future with Jesus. We know that our sins are forgiven and washed away and that eternal life with Jesus is ours, He will protect and keep us. He loves us! True joy is not tied to our circumstances or emotions. No sufferings can take away true joy. Joy keeps us, even in troubled times. Happiness doesn't transcend circumstances, it is unpredictable, temporary and external. The genuine article is Joy that comes from the Holy Spirit and that does not change as things around you change.
  19. There have been many circumstances, both as an indivdual and a married man, That God has allowed us to experience. Many trying and difficult situations. Some short lived and some on going. It is clear that the Lord puts us on the potters wheel and His work is good and eternal. There is so much to learn about His ways. How can we understand His love so deep for us, this man of sorrows. Every touch, every glimpse, every taste of Him causes us to grow. Romans 8:28 All things work for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.... Not some things or the things we would choose. After all, would we ever choose suffering, struggles of any kind? Most of the depth I have...No ALL of the depth I have... as a man, as a father, as a husband and a grand Father, as a worker as a follower of Jesus is a result of being guided and lead and taught by the Holy Spirit, who is the revealer of all truth, who is our comforter, who is our teacher, our healer and I could go on. I was nothing before knowing Jesus and knowing Him makes me wonderfully made and completely saved and I don't know how a person can live with out knowing Jesus. What ever He allows me to go through is for my good and for the good of those I love. No, I don't understand the whys and how comes...And I don't like the hardships and sufferings but He is faithful and true, his Grace is sufficient, His mercy if tender and sweet, His patience and forgiveness wrap me warmly in His love. I never want to go back to who I was....there is nothing at all to go back to. Whether it was losing a loved one, or matters of health, or financial pressures or condemnation from those who should love me or the accident that caused me to lose some fingers on my right hand, or other problems too many to mention.... JESUS has and WILL be all that I've ever needed and MORE. He has always been my deliverer, my healer, my Lord the Lifter of my head, the lover of my soul! Has my life been used in any way to bring glory to Him, I hope so. I have shared time and time again these things Jesus has done for me and what it means to follow Him, and I know others around me have seen the changes in my life and are drawn to Him and know that Jesus has changed me. Not all understand or want these things immediately, but they know it's real in my life.
  20. God's part in securing our salvation is in His protection, His guarantee, His promise to keep us. Tho' we may go thru many struggles, hardships and challenges, Jesus promises to keep us. And our part is to follow Him. John 10:27, 28 tell us My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand
  21. Being convinced of sin and unrighteousness, recognizing a divine creator, acknowledging the need to be reconciled to God. The Holy Spirit draws us toward God and enables us to see the need, yet we are created with Free will, thus the surrender and acceptance of Jesus' sacrifice becomes our first step of obedience to Him. To believe one without the other is to deny the need for Jesus to die for us. We could save ourselves by confessing and acknowleding God and promising to live right, etc. etc. Then is we failed or slipped up in some way we would not 'feel' saved or we would do the opposite and think we were so good, that pride would creep in and over take us. Obedience demonstrates our changed life. The 'new creation', which is in part our testimony. It shows our salvation is real. We obey because we desire to please Jesus. Recognizing how much He loves me causes me to want to please Him. I know I fall short each day, and yet I know Jesus is helping me to get up and keep trying. As we try to live for Him and become more like Him, others are drawn to Christ by our actions. Therefore it is imperitive that we are obedience. To claim to belong to Jesus and continue to behave as the world behave can cause others to stumble or be driven from the truth. Very dangerous
  22. The conflict between this world and our heavenly kingdom, becomes one of the present really/struggle to survive mentality. At least for me it does. We must live in this world and share in the day to day tasks that enable us to pay our bills, care for our families etc. If a person is losing their home because they can't pay the mortgage....talking about ones' heavenly home just doesn't seem like reality. In a Bible study/prayer meeting years ago we were discussing this same truth...being "strangers" in this land. To our amusement a newly saved young man said, "Where you people from then, Mars?" We then had a wonderful time of sharing about longing for our real, permanent Heavenly homes. I, like many of you, struggle to stay focused on God's kingdom. Several things that help my wife and I are these: 1) Reading some portion of scripture each day. 2) Praying, together, each morning. 3) Worship, corporately, as often as possible 4) Hearing the word/ being fed and challenged. Jesus said "Blessed are the peace makers for they will be called sons of God" Peace also is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. When I am at peace with myself, those around me and my God...I can focus on that Heavenly kingdom. I need the Lords' help daily to walk this way.
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