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  1. I am a new born.Saved a year ago this month.The enemy uses fear against all children of God to prevent us from seeking and studying the word of God.Fear has always been a problem for me since i was a boy.Since i was saved God has been teaching me and guiding me in my walk with him.I am growing in the faith and word of God.Putting our faith and trust in God with all of our problems is something i have not learned to do completely.I sometimes let that old independent person reappear but my faith is growing and i am learning to trust in the lord to handle my problems.Their is no other way because we are not equipped to handle it on our own.its not possible.God says be still and know that i am God.He is able to handle anything.I love him and will continue to chase him to increase my relationship with him.I know we can do all things in christ for he cares for us.So i have begged his forgiveness for being disobedient and start letting him handle my problems. s
  2. I pray a prayer every morning.It goes like this.Lord as the new day dawns we arise with your spirit amongst us.We remember your resurrection morning and we praise you for it.You are our lord and we long to be with you.We thank you with our voices our hearts and our lives.For mans chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him.Their is not enough praise we can give Jesus for what he did for us.He bore all our sins to save us from ourselves.Many of us complain about suffering about this and that.We must remember what he did for us and except suffering as a badge of honor for Jesus.Amen.
  3. Well let me start by stating I am a BAB.I was saved 9 months ago and have been like a sponge ever since.God is leading and teaching me.I am becoming aware of so many things.I take no credit for any of it.Its all coming from God.My life before Jesus rescued me was based on this world but my eyes have been opened and I now realize this is not our home.We are here for a short time.Basic instruction before leaving earth.As I grow in the faith and the word of God my spirit is growing stronger.The enemy enjoys it when we try to live our lives without God.He can take advantage of our weaknesses and exploit them.We must stay strong in the lord and the power of his might. I am still a victim of worldly living but as I grow stronger in the faith and word of God I find myself slowly breaking away from this worlds devices and material possessions.After all we cannot take any of it with us.We must live our lives based on the word of God.All experienced Christians who know Gods word and how to apply it to everyday living in this world.If they are not than they need to reprioritize quickly.I have learned that we can do all things in Christ who strengthens us.
  4. we must humble ourselves under the mighty hand of god.God is our refuge and our fortress.He will protect all who believe in him and have faith.If we abide in his word and work hard at living our lives based on his rules he is faithful and just he will strengthen and guard us against the evil one.God is the light of our salvation.If we put all our trust in him he will always be there for us.
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