I am a new born.Saved a year ago this month.The enemy uses fear against all children of God to prevent us from seeking and studying the word of God.Fear has always been a problem for me since i was a boy.Since i was saved God has been teaching me and guiding me in my walk with him.I am growing in the faith and word of God.Putting our faith and trust in God with all of our problems is something i have not learned to do completely.I sometimes let that old independent person reappear but my faith is growing and i am learning to trust in the lord to handle my problems.Their is no other way because we are not equipped to handle it on our own.its not possible.God says be still and know that i am God.He is able to handle anything.I love him and will continue to chase him to increase my relationship with him.I know we can do all things in christ for he cares for us.So i have begged his forgiveness for being disobedient and start letting him handle my problems.