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Everything posted by Maripal

  1. How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?" Pride,Ignorance, Disobedience, Weakness and Defeated Christians. I place these 5 Factors in their order. Weakness comes when men fails to obey. God gave us set of instructions (Commandments) to follow and even speak to us in many different ways everyday as guide to our every day's situations and circumstances. Remember, we are all here to carry out instructions to successfully accomplish all our mission.(Gods Will). Every time when God gave an instruction, man- therefore, a Christian is good at modifying this set of instruction into one he taught that will suit both of them so he can carry out for people to see him, even if the instruction is simple. (Pride). Now, which is important the modified version or the original when the bible says God is All Knowing? Thus, he ignores an instruction even though he may be right but was wrong due to negligence of the Original instruction .(Ignorance). Now that is already disobedience, as happened in the Garden of Eden, Failure and ignorance to instructions.(Disobedience). As a result man becomes weak and is overcome by the enemies (the spiritual enemies as in 2 Coritians 4:10) and he is defeated. Now the a christian cannot realise what he is doing as wrong, because he is living a Defeated Christian Life where only others can see and tell. Therefore, what he is thinking and doing is of this world for he is now controlled by the god of this world (2Corintians 4:4) thinking that he is still a Christian. His hidden motives as a Christian changes and his priorities are wrong. Total chaos... I have been through that many times on my Christian journey as a Christian and this is what I do to get my spiritual priorities straight: I Repent everyday, asked God for His forgiveness, learn from my mistakes, forgot about the past and carry on to face the different Challenges of being a Christian. Paul said in (2conrintians 12:9-10) that His grace is sufficient for us and His strength is made perfect in weakness. There is Hope in Christ Jesus so long as you live to see another day, He is your righteousness. Therefore, forget about the past get you spiritual priorities right to win the race...
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