The behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one is one that lives worrying and thinking only about earthly things, who is not mature enough and still growing in the Lord. Such people or person I believe is often more concerned about what happens to him, how he can make it in this world. It's often more about him and not about the Lord.
I have been caught doing this several times. In diverse ways, how I'd think, the decisions I'd make or even how I'd react to problems, disappointments, failures and all the more.
We just need to know first of all that we there are priorities, then give our heart to knowing them and understanding them. From there we would decide whether we want to live by them or not. And if yes,we would give ourselves wholly to living by them with the help of the Holy Spirit through the consistent and daily studying of the Word and prayer so that our minds be aligned and transformed and renewed daily unto our priorities.