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Q4. (Zechariah 12-13) Paul was broken-hearted for his countrymen the Jews, who had rejected the Messiah. We should be too. When do you think the prophecy will be fulfilled that says, “They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn…?” Answer: I think it will happen on the end times when there will be repentance and cleansing, when the fullness of Gentiles has come in, and all Israel will be saved (Romans 11:25-26). (Zechariah 12:10). Concerning the fountain that cleanses from sin and impurity (Zechariah 13:1), has that been fulfilled, or will it be future? Answer: As per our study, I think it will also be in the End Times. Why will it please God so much when all the Jews finally believe in Jesus? Answer: Because Israel or Jews are His chosen people and nation and they are more special to God.
Q3. Servant Leaders
Jofel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Prophecies of the Messiah (Zechariah 7-14)
Q3. (Zechariah 11:4-17) Why is God so condemnatory towards shepherds or leaders who take advantage of their office and exploit the people? Answer: Since God has entrusted to them His flocks, the Christian believer, God expects shepherds or leaders to take care & do everything to make the flocks grow & live according to Gods purpose, but instead they are exploiting them and taking advantage of His people. What is Jesus’ standard for leaders (Mark 10:42-45). Answer: Just like the song say; "If you wanna be great in His Kingdom you must be a servant of all" and another "Make me a servant humble & meek, Lord help me lift-up those who are weak". What would it look like in government, if we followed Jesus’ standard? Answer: Our nation will be blessed abundantly. What would it look like in your workplace? Answer: There will be overflowing Peace. In your church? Answer: Multitude will be save. In your home? Answer: There will be overflowing Love. -
Q2. Mercy and Compassion
Jofel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Prophecies of the Messiah (Zechariah 7-14)
Answer: To operate from a policy of mercy and compassion, we Christian must have a true heart dealing with the less fortunate people. Especially the elderly, the poor, the widower and even the strangers. Answer: We must pray that God will give us political leaders who if possible are Christian or if not God-fearing people who will be just in their dealing both to the wealthy specially to the poor. Answer: I treat them fairly and justly because this is God command for us as Christian. Answer: Because our God is a God of truth and He hate when we speak lies and untruth to others. -
Q2. Mercy and Compassion
Jofel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Prophecies of the Messiah (Zechariah 7-14)
Answer: To operate from a policy of mercy and compassion, we Christian must have a true heart dealing with the less fortunate people. Especially the elderly, the poor, the widower and even the strangers. Answer: We must pray that God will give us political leaders who if possible are Christian or if not God-fearing people who will be just in their dealing both to the wealthy specially to the poor. Answer: I treat them fairly and justly because this is God command for us as Christian. Answer: Because our God is a God of truth and He hate when we speak lies and untruth to others. -
Q1. Authentic Worship
Jofel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Prophecies of the Messiah (Zechariah 7-14)
Q4. By My Spirit
Jofel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Encouragement for the Builders (Zechariah 1-6)
Q4. (Zechariah 4:1-10) Why do we so easily fall into the trap of trying to do God’s work with our own strength? Answer: Because Christian of our day lack patience, when God makes them wait or test our perseverance we tend to be frustrated and with that we forgot that God is in control and we result into immediate accomplishment of Gods task to us using our own skills, knowledge & strength. What does it mean, “Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit”? Answer: It means not by our human strength & knowledge but thru Gods divine intervention. How might you apply this truth to your life? Answer: By waiting on Gods timing, by asking God for direction and wisdom to do His will & not my will, in His time and not on my time. -
Q3. Clean Clothes
Jofel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Encouragement for the Builders (Zechariah 1-6)
Q3. (Zechariah 3:1-7) What do Joshua’s filthy clothes represent? Answer: It represent Joshua's sin. How does God deal with this? Answer: God loves us so much that even if we sinned against Him, His love towards us never change & in Joshua's situation though he fell into sin & satan is accusing him, God rebuked the devil, forgive Joshua and cleanse him of his transgressions. What message is this prophecy intended to convey to Joshua the High Priest? Answer: That no matter how we hurt God by our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us. How might this message apply to Christian leaders who have sinned? Answer: That even they fell into sin, they should not loose heart because God will always forgive us no matter what, all we need to do is to come back to Him & acknowledge what we did and repent. Sin should not stop Christian leaders from serving God though sometimes there will be period of discipline & chastisement. -
Q2. Be Still
Jofel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Encouragement for the Builders (Zechariah 1-6)
Q2. (Zechariah 2:13) Why, in this passage, do you think the prophet calls all mankind to be still before him? Answer: Because the prophet know that the Lord will take care, protect and fight for His people. In the context of God aroused to protect his people from attack, why is silence appropriate? Answer: Silence is appropriate because it shows that we entrust to Him our situation and that He will be the one to handle all our misery & will deliver us as well. For the enemy of God, what does silence represent? Answer: For the enemy of God it could mean confusion because they do not have any idea what God is planning to do with them. For the believer, what does silence before God represent? Answer: For the believer of God it means submission, entrusting & allowing God to do His will and plan for His people. -
Q1. Repentance
Jofel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Encouragement for the Builders (Zechariah 1-6)
(Zechariah 1:3) Why is a message of repentance from sin such an important part of the Gospel? Answer: Because without repentance there will be no remission of sin thru Jesus Christ and there will be no salvation in our Christian life. What happens when we remove repentance from the core message of Jesus? Answer: Every human being is doomed to destruction in hell. Why do you think God wants you to repent of all known sin? Answer: So that we will be spare from eminent punishment & danger in our lives, as well as our loved ones who are likely most affected with our sins. -
Q5. (Haggai 2:20-23) In what way is Haggai’s image of Zerubbabel being God’s signet intended to encourage Zerubbabel? Answer: It will encourage Zerubbabel because he knows that what Prophet Haggai told him that God chose him to be His signet ring will make him powerful enough (thru God) to implement the things they need to do to complete the work. What is the power of a leader’s signet? Answer: It carries the authority of the person who has given the order to execute the work. How does listening to God’s Spirit make you effective as his agent? Answer: It will make me an effective agent because as I listen to Him I will know & find out His will on what He wants me to do for His glory & honor. In what ways are you authorized to speak and act for Jesus? Answer: Since I am a child of God and He has given the authority to do so, I have all the authority to speak & talk to other people about Jesus, about His unconditional love and free salvation.
Q4. (Haggai 2:10-14) What kinds of things defile a disciple today? Answer: Life full of sin, inequities & transgressions. What is the danger of acting as if doing church work somehow makes us holy by association? Answer: It will make us feel that we are doing the right thing in the eyes of the Lord and we will also deceived other people around us, and we will continue to do it. How does a believer deal with spiritual defilement and sin? Answer: Thru sincere and honest repentance of sin thru prayer, we can also do fasting & abstinence to fight defilement & sin, by consecrating ourselves alone to God.
Q3. (Haggai 2:1-5) Discouragement is a common experience. What command does God give Joshua the high priest? Answer: God told Joshua to be strong. What assurance does he give? Answer: God promised that He will be with them wherever they go. To deal with your own times of discouragement, what would God’s command and assurance be for you? Answer: Just like the assurance He gave Joshua long time ago, God is always telling me that He is always with me whatever I do & wherever I go. How would you implement them? Answer: By always seeking God in my life, by focusing on Him and not entertaining the works of evil in my daily Christian life.
Q2. (Haggai 1:6, 9-11) God sometimes disciplines us through hardships and circumstances (Hebrews 12:7-11). Sometimes through us not having all that we need. What is such discipline intended to do in our lives? Answer: The discipline is intended for us to realize our wrongdoing towards God. It will also help us to correct our old and wrong belief on God. Are you experiencing hardship? Answer: I AM!!! What is God trying to say to you in the midst of it? Answer: Just today, two times I encounter His word telling & reminding me about tithes, for me to return to Him what is due Him if I want to be blessed abundantly.
Q1. (Haggai 1:8) God wishes to “take pleasure” in the temple, but the people have stopped working on the project. When is God displeased with you? Answer: When I commit sin against Him, when I only thought about myself, when I do something immoral which displeases Him. When does he “take pleasure” in you? Answer: When I put priority on Him, when I thought of Him & obey His will rather than to give pleasure to myself & my immorality. What is keeping you from serving him deliberately and joyfully? Answer: My selfishness, my sin, inequities & transgressions.
Q5. (Ezra 6:20-21) What do repentance and separation from the sins of our culture look like for a disciple today? Answer: It should be like we consecrate and sanctify ourselves from all kinds of sins that is not pleasing to God. How should we prepare ourselves to worship Jesus in the Lord’s Supper? Answer: By abstaining from any sin that will make us unclean from the eyes of God. How should we prepare to serve him with purity day by day? Answer: By keeping our hearth and mind clean and free from any worldly things.