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Everything posted by Godswriter
Q1. (John 20:19-20) What do we know about the relationship of Jesus’ physical body to his spiritual body? Was Jesus’ resurrected bodily? How is his resurrected body similar to his physical body? How is it different? Jesus described it as flesh and bones (Luke 24:39c). He could eat (Luke 24:42-43; Acts 1:4). His body could be touched and handled by others (Matthew 28:9; Luke 24:39b). He could walk and talk (Luke 24:15), even cook (John 21:9), just as a normal human body. Yet Jesus' wounds were still visible in his resurrected body (Luke 24:39-40; John 20:20, 25-27). Jesus could be recognized by others -- but only when he wanted to be. The timber of his voice remained the same (Matthew 28:9; Luke 24:16, 31; John 20:14-16, 20; 21:4, 12). Jesus could enter locked doors (John 20:19, 26), disappear (Luke 24:31), and appear (Luke 24:36) at will. Yes He was He had to be or he would not have wounds that are visible and are not healed over. The similarities are his voice, and he could walk and talk however the difference was disappear and reappear at will and enter locked doors.
Q4. Resurrection
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 32. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18)
Q4. (John 20:1-18) What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage? Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith? What does Jesus’ resurrection mean to your outlook on life? The linen clothes lying there and the handkerchief not lying with them but folded together by itself. Jesus telling Mary why are you weeping whom are you seeking and Mary not recognizing him until he said her name and called out Rabboni or Teacher. Without it we are the most pitiable as Paul said because we are then not saved and not going to heaven. It means I am going to heaven and I am something to look forward to. -
Q3. Holding On
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 32. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18)
Q3. (John 20:14-18) What has been Mary’s emotional state prior to recognizing Jesus? Why does Jesus tell her not to “hold on” to him? What is the mission he gives her? She has been distraught and lost and wondering what happened to His body. She thought He was the gardener. He told her not hold onto Him because He had yet to go to His Father. She was to tell others what she had seen. -
Q2. Grave Clothes
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 32. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18)
Q2. (John 20:3-9) What is the significance of the presence and position of the grave clothes in the tomb? Why do you think it was difficult at this time for Peter to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead? It shows that Jesus got out of them and his body was not stolen by the disciples like the officials have the Jews believing now. It shows that God in fact did raise him from the dead. I believe Peter thought Jesus was the Son of God but didn't realize what it entailed and what it meant for Jesus and his ministry as a whole. -
Q1. Mary Magdalene
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 32. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18)
Q1. (John 20:1; Luke 8:1-3) What do we know about Mary Magdalene? Why do you think a woman was given the honor of seeing the risen Christ first? She was from the region of Magdala and was troubled with 7 demons and healed of them by Jesus. She was a devout follower of His. She may have been from a wealthy family as well. I believe that Jesus loved her enough to choose her and give her that privilege. -
Q5. Secret Disciples
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 31. Jesus' Death and Burial (John 19:17-42)
Q5. (John 19:38-42) Who were Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus? Was it good that they were “secret disciples”? What risk did they incur by participating in Jesus’ burial? Why is the burial account important to Jesus’ story? To our understanding of who Jesus is? They were of the upper class who were also Sanhedrin who must have believed the message that the Lord was preaching at the time. I would have to say that I am no one to judge them and if they were brave enough to secretly bury Christ that shows devotion to Christ in and of itself. They could have incurred ridicule and being alienated by friends and family if found out. It is important because it is proof that Jesus died on the cross and that someone cared enough to give him a proper burial. It shows that Jesus was the Son of God. -
Q4. Water and Blood
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 31. Jesus' Death and Burial (John 19:17-42)
Q4. (John 19:31-37) Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time? What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus’ side indicate? How did it fulfill Scripture? He died in such a short time in order to fulfill the Scriptures and also because the Sabbath was drawing near. In order to avoid having his legs broken he had to die earlier than the thieves. It indicates that he has died and he is no longer alive. It fulfills the Scripture by the fact his side is pierced and his bones weren't broken at all. -
Q3. It Is Finished
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 31. Jesus' Death and Burial (John 19:17-42)
Q3. (John 19:30) When Jesus says, “It is finished,” what does he mean? What mission(s) had the Father given him. In what way did he complete them? The work that the Father had given Him He completed. He completed the mission of being The Way, The Truth and The Life for us. By doing for us on the cross. -
Q2. Caring for Mother
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 31. Jesus' Death and Burial (John 19:17-42)
Q2. (John 19:26-27) What is Jesus’ mother Mary feeling at the cross? Why does Jesus give John responsibility to care for his mother? What does this say about Jesus’ values? She is probably sad and grieving at this moment because of the fact her first born is dying on cross. Because John is His beloved disciple and He trusts John enough with her to take care of her. That He wants the best for everyone involved. -
Q1. Agony in the Psalms
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 31. Jesus' Death and Burial (John 19:17-42)
Q1. (John 19:23-24; Psalm 22:14-18) In what ways did Jesus fulfill Psalm 22:14-18? What does the Psalms passage tell us about how Jesus felt on the cross? His death was an agonizing death because of the way of He died. Nails were pounded in His hands and feet. Jesus felt all the pain possible coming from the death on the cross. The only garment he wore the soldiers cast lots for it. -
Q6. Pilate's Fear
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Q6. (John 19:7-15) What does Pilate fear when the Jewish leaders report that Jesus claimed to be the Son of God? What does Pilate fear when the Jewish leaders threaten to report him to Caesar? Which fear wins out? What fears control you and keep you from serving Jesus fully? What motivation is winning out in your life? I think he feared that he offended the God of the Israelites. He fears that He will lose his job. The one with losing his job. Discouragement, burn out and other things crowding out time with Him in the morning. Being a soul winner. -
Q5. Scourging
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Q5. (John 19:1-6) Why do you think Pilate maintains Jesus’ innocence and then has him brutally scourged? Why does Jesus allow himself to be brutally scourged and then mocked? (see Hebrews 12:2) How much persecution are you willing to endure to accomplish the mission the Father has given you? He did it since his wife told him about the dream she said and also because he didn't believe he was truly guilty of what they charged with. He did it to pacify and placate the Jewish leaders. Jesus allowed it because he was the one person who could truly save us from our sins. I am not sure. -
Q4. King of Truth
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Q4. (John 18:37-38) Jesus presents himself as the King of Truth, with a mission to testify to the truth. What is the danger when we disciples declare the gospel is absolutely true? How do cynics like Pilate or people in our post-modern age react? If people reject the truth we bring, what is the next step for us? We will be laughed at, ridiculed, mocked and just about anything else and even yelled at. Some people will say there is more than 1 way to get there while others will tell you I don't want to hear it. We can pray for them. -
Q3. King of the Jews
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Q3. (John 18:29-35) What do you think the Jewish leaders charged Jesus with before Pilate? If true, why would that be taken seriously by the Romans? What kind of king does Jesus say he is? Where is the source of his kingship, according to Jesus? What is the danger to our gospel message when we politicize Christian causes? They charged him with being the King of the Jews and insurrection. Yes and it would mean death by crucifixion. A king from heaven and not of earth. When we do that, we forget who and where the kingdom is. -
Q2. Courage Fails
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Q2. (John 18:17-18, 25-27) What have been Peter’s acts of courage at the arrest and in the high priest’s courtyard? Why do you think he ends up denying Jesus? How would you rebuke Peter according to Galatians 6:1b? Has your courage failed lately? What should you do about it? His acts of courage were drawing the sword to fight off the people who were going to arrest Jesus, following Jesus into courtyard. I believe it dealt with fear. I would rebuke Peter with gentleness and tell him that he needs to be in the word and also realize he can't let his emotions rule over him. -
Q1. Peter's Sword
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Q1. (John 18:1-11) What do you think caused the soldiers to fall back in the Garden (18:6)? Why does John tell us this detail? Why does Jesus rebuke Peter for defending him with a sword (18:11)? Jesus is facing forces sent by hell. Why doesn’t he resist? The cause of it was fear they knew that they were in the presence of a someone who was deeply spiritual. In order to let us know that Jesus was more than a spiritual man; He was the Son of God. Because He knew it was His time to go. He rebuked Peter because He had to obey the Father fully or the world would not saved by Him. Jesus didn't resist because He loved us too much to do that. -
Q6. Unity
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 29. Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples (John 17:1-26)
Q6. (John 17:11b, 20-21) Why is unity between Christians so important? What is the model Jesus gives of this unity in verse 21a? What effect does true Christian unity have on our witness to the world? It is so important because we need to be one body of believers who agree on the important things when it comes to Christianity. The model puts forth is one we must follow that deals with unity. It impacts us to the point that everyone will believe us and our message. -
Q5. Not of the World
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 29. Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples (John 17:1-26)
Q5. (John 17:15-16) Is God’s desire to immediately extract us from the earth, or to leave us here? How is it possible to be “in” the world, but not “of” it, or contaminated by it? How do we achieve this? No it is not for He wants us to stays here to do His will. To be in the world and not of it is to be conform your thinking to the way of Christ and learn to think like Christ did. -
Q4. Co-possessing
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 29. Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples (John 17:1-26)
4. (John 17:6-10) In what sense do the Son and the Father “co-possess” everything? What does that say about their relationship with each other? In what sense do we “co-possess” everything with the Father and Son? How should that affect our values? The way we live? They co-possess everything because they both created everything at the time of creation. They are both equals and so being equals makes them co-possessors of everything as well. It says that their relationship is close. We are coheirs with them. We should be willing to do anything to bring anyone to Christ. -
Q3. Preexistent Glory
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 29. Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples (John 17:1-26)
Q3. (John 17:4-5) What was Jesus’ preexistent glory like? What was his glory like during his earthly ministry? How did his glory peek through? What is his glory like now in the presence of his Father? Why do you think Jesus wants his disciples to see him in this glory (verse 24)? The preexistent glory was the image of the invisible God, and the firstborn over all creation. His glory was veiled so people did not see what He truly was which was God incarnate. It peaked in miracles. Unveiled and brighter than the sun. So they recognize who He is and know that He is God incarnate. -
Q2. Completing the Work
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 29. Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples (John 17:1-26)
Q2. (John 17:4) What was the “work” the Father gave Jesus to do? How did it bring glory to the Father? What is the “work” the Father has given you to do? In what ways are you bringing glory to the Father in this? The work He was called to do was to go to the cross bring the world to Him and through His death, burial and resurrection bring many souls to the Father and give them liberty in Christ. It brought glory to the Father through fulfilling the commission He was given. To make disciples and baptize them. I bring glory by spreading the word of Christ. -
Q1. Knowing God
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 29. Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples (John 17:1-26)
Q1. (John 17:3) If the average person were to define the words “eternal life,” what would they say? Does Jesus define eternal life in terms of duration of time? What is the key element of his definition? How are you doing at present in Jesus’ definition of eternal life. The average person would describe it as Heaven or forever with Jesus. No he does not. He describes it as this is eternal life that they may know you, the one true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. That speaks of a relationship with the Lord not a duration of time. Relationship with the Lord. I am struggling. -
Q4. Overcoming the World
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 28. The Spirit Will Guide You (John 16:12-33)
Q4. (John 16:33) In what sense has Jesus “overcome” the world? In what sense can we “overcome” the world? Can we overcome Satan even though we are martyred in the process? (see Revelation 12:11)He died on the cross and delivered us from death, hell and the grave. We are freed from the power of sin and penalty of sin. Yes because our testimony and the blood of Jesus defeat him. -
Q3. Never Alone
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 28. The Spirit Will Guide You (John 16:12-33)
Q3. (John 16:32) Jesus said that he is not alone, that the Father is always with him. What does this mean to us when we are lonely? What should we do to deepen our fellowship with the ever-present Father so that we aren’t as lonely? We may feel lonely but we are truly never alone because God is with us always. Spend more time in prayer and in the Word, and listening to Him by being still and knowing who He is. We also want to spend time listening to Christian music and being taught His word as well. -
Q2. Prayer to the Father
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 28. The Spirit Will Guide You (John 16:12-33)
Q2. (John 16:23-28) What does it mean to pray to the Father “in Jesus’ name”? Is it okay to pray to Jesus and to the Holy Spirit? Why or why not? Is it scriptural to pray to a saint to intercede for us? Why are we allowed to pray to the Father directly? It means that when we pray we are recognizing our dependence on Christ because He alone is our righteousness and is able to fulfill the deep hole inside of our soul. Yes they are all part of the Trinity and you are recognizing their abilities. No it is not Scriptural. Because the Lord Jesus died for us.