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Everything posted by Godswriter
Q5. (John 13:34) Why is love exalted to the level of a command? How does love characterize Jesus’ life? In what way does love fulfill the law and the prophets? It is exalted to the level of a command because without it we would be hating one another. His life charactized it when he healed the sick and the lame, and raised the dead. It characterized it by dying on the cross. Love fulfills it by not stealing and breaking the commandments.
Q4. (John 13:27-30) Judas gave into his temptation to greed by stealing from the mission’s money bag. How does habitual sin tend to open us to greater influence from Satan in our lives? How did Judas eating Jesus’ bread illustrate the magnitude of his betrayal? Habitual sin can opens us to greater influence by causing us to do things we don't normally do. It showed that Judas wasn't truly Jesus' disciple by doing it and that his heart wasn't with Jesus and that he was already in too deep with sin.
Q3. (Luke 22:25-27) In the world, Great Men have others serve them and exalt them with great titles. How is the Kingdom of God to be different than that? How has Roman Catholic Pope Francis I set an example of humility before his flock? We are to be humble before God and be servant to others. The Pope has chosen to live a simple life.
Q2. (John 13:14-15) Why do you think Jesus went to such an extent to break all social norms in washing his disciples feet? What value did he establish in his Kingdom by this dramatic act? How are we to live this out in the Christian community? To show the disciples how to love and serve one another. The person who wants to be first has to be willing to be a servant. By encouragement, love in form of service, prayer, giving advice, coming alongside of the part, correcting in love,
Q1. Cleansing
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 23. Washing the Disciples’ Feet, Love One Another (John 13:1-38)
Q1. (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a “full bath” represent baptism? If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does “footwashing” symbolize? It means you are going under the water and you are being recognized with Christ. While foot washing is your daily walk and you must do it because of your sins. -
Q6. Judging and Resucing
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 22. The Hour Has Come to Be Glorified (John 12:23-50)
Q6. (John 12:47-49) In what way can judging people get in the way of saving them? How did Jesus deal with this in his own ministry? What will it take for us to lose our stiffness and judgmental demeanor so that we might be able to be Jesus’ agents of salvation? Judging is a form of condemnation and also prideful as well. When you judge, you are trying to play God and trying to do His job. That is not what God wants us to do. He wants us to save people through our actions and our words by our faith. He did it by saying He doesn't judge him but the words that He spoke judged the people. We need to see through the eyes of Jesus how people really are and act upon faith when people need to hear the word. -
Q5. Praise of Men
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 22. The Hour Has Come to Be Glorified (John 12:23-50)
Q5. (John 12:42-43) When we are quiet about our relationship to God out of fear that people will criticize us, what does this say about our priorities? About whether we are true disciples? When Peter denied knowing Jesus in the High Priest’s courtyard, what was the effect in his life? It says that our priorities are wrong and that we don't love the Lord as much as we say we do. It says that we are not truly His disciples when we are not willing to share our faith. When Peter denied the Lord he immediately cried after the rooster crowed three times. He also had to be reinstated as a disciple by the Lord as well. He was also questioned about His love for the Lord as well. -
Q4. Hardened Hearts
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 22. The Hour Has Come to Be Glorified (John 12:23-50)
Q4. (John 12:37-41) In what way does declaring the truth to resistant people harden them further? How can a person (or a Pharisee) see a miracle and become even more determined to resist Jesus? How do you understand this paradox? The way that declaring truth to them hardens them works is through the fact that they already think they believe they know the Lord and everything they can know about Him. A person or Pharisee can see a miracle of the Lord and thus be more determined to resist Jesus because they will their popularity, position and authority in life when others believe in Him. T -
Q3. Lifted Up
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 22. The Hour Has Come to Be Glorified (John 12:23-50)
Q3. (John 12:32-33) What does Jesus mean when he talks about being “lifted up.” Do you think Jesus means being “lifted up” literally or figuratively or both? “Extra credit”: How does this phrase relate to Isaiah 52:13? How does it relate to Philippians 2:8-9? It means that He was to be lifted up literally and figuratively. It also meant that by what death He would die meaning the crucifixion. It relates to the crucifixion completely and states what the crucifixion will be like. It states how Jesus became completely humble to the point of death and took upon the cross and God chose to exalt Him after. -
Q2. Loving Your Life
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 22. The Hour Has Come to Be Glorified (John 12:23-50)
Q2. (John 12:25-26) In what way is verse 25 the essence of what it means to be a disciple? In this verse, what does it mean to “love” your life? What does it mean to “hate” your life? How did Jesus live this out in the Garden of Gethsemane? It is the essence of being a disciple because we must be willing to lose our life and realize that nothing is more important than Jesus' and His word and what He wants for us. It means giving up our rights and what we want for His will and plan for us. The word for Love depicts us what we want and not what He wants for us. The word Hate depicts us walking away from our old way of life and friends and saying goodbye and choosing to follow Christ wholeheartedly. The Lord depicted this by saying not my will but thine done in the Garden. -
Q1. Glorified in Death
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 22. The Hour Has Come to Be Glorified (John 12:23-50)
Q1. (John 12:23-24) How can God’s glory be revealed even in death? How does the seed illustrate this? How does Jesus’ death illustrate this? How does us dying to our old life illustrate this? God's glory would be revealed through Christ's death by bringing many sons to glory through redemption and uniting Jew and Gentile in one church. The seed illustrates it through the fact when it dies it brings forth much fruit just like when Jesus dies He brought forth much fruit. When we die to self, we bring forth much fruit by showing the world that we are no longer part of the world. -
Q4. If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate? What kind of service? What kind of priorities? What kind of obedience? Are you giving Jesus his due as King? The only worship that is appropriate for a king is true worship. Service - Any type that makes Him proud. True and loyal Obedience. For His word says Obedience is better than sacrifice. Yes because I have chosen to give it to Him.
Q3. (John 12:12-13) What about the people’s praise show they believed Jesus to be the Messiah? On this occasion, why doesn’t Jesus shun such an open declaration that he is the Messiah, as he has in the past? The Messiah was proving that He was truly King of the Jews and the Jews were celebrating and honoring him as such. Jesus didn't shun it because the reason he came was finally here.
Q2. (John 12:14-16) What is the prophetic significance of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey? Why did he do it? What was the effect on the crowds? The prophetic significance of the Lord riding into Jerusalem on a donkey comes from Isaiah 40:9 and Zechariah 9:9 where they prophesy about it. However, everything about the Lord's life including death was prophesied years before his birth. He did it to declare He was the Messiah the Promised Anointed one. The effect on the crowds was the worship of the Lord but not true worship for later on they crucified Him.
Q1. (John 12:3-8) Why did Judas object to Mary’s extravagant act of devotion? Why did Jesus defend her? Why did Mary do this? What does this teach us about worship? Does your worship tend to be cheap or extravagant? For you, what would be extravagant worship? Judas objected to it because of the amount the perfume cost and he thought it should have been used for something else. Jesus defended her since she was truly choosing to worship him because she knew His time was short. It shows us that we need to worship whenever we feel the need to do.
Q6. Strategic Retreat
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Q6. (John 11:54) Why did Jesus withdraw to Ephraim? Does this show fear? What does this teach us about the strategic retreat? He withdrew there to prevent the high priest from killing Him too soon and also to stay out of the public eye for a while as well. No, it was to do the Father's will and learn to obey God as He was told. It teaches to obey the Lord and not to go ahead of the Lord and try and charge ahead full speed. -
Q5. Caiaphas' Prophecy
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Q5. (John 11:49-53). What did Caiaphas intend to say to the Sanhedrin? What is the prophetic meaning of his statement? Jesus was to be the person handpicked to die for the nation instead of the nation being completely wiped out instead. The prophetic meaning of it was that Jesus would die for all sinners whether Caiaphas knew it or not. -
Q4. Jesus Wept
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Q4. (John 11:32-38) Different writers interpret Jesus’ emotions on this occasion differently. Why do you think Jesus was “deeply moved”? Why did he weep? He was deeply moved because they as in the observers were in a state of disbelief and did not believe Jesus cared for Mary, Martha or Lazarus at all. They had forgotten about all of His past miracles and basically dismissed them. They thought He was nothing more than a prophet. He wept because of their disbelief and lack of faith. -
Q3. Martha's Confession
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Q3. (John 11:27) Based on Luke 10:38-42, what is Martha’s reputation compared to that of her sister Mary? What is so amazing about Martha’s confession? What does this tell us about her? Which of the sisters seems more spiritual on this day – Martha or Mary? Mary is the one who serves and takes cares of the household and also invites the guests as the hostess. It is amazing because she chose to go to Him first and tell Him how she felt about the situation. She also told him truthfully that she did believe in Him and His ability to resurrect her brother from the dead. They both showed that they were spiritual just one was stronger than the other. -
Q2. Resurrection and Life
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Q2. (John 11:25-26) In what sense does Jesus embody resurrection? In what sense does he embody life? What is the great promise that he offers us in verses 25 and 26? He embodies the resurrection since He rose from the dead and He conquered the grave. He also raised people from the dead. He embodies life because through Him we have eternal life. I am the resurrection and the life He who believes in me though he may die, he shall live. And whosoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. -
Q1. Faith of Thomas
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas’s character? About his faith? It teaches us that he was a very brave follower of Christ and not afraid to voice his opinion at all. His faith was very strong in Christ. -
Q4. Protecting the Sheep
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 19. I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10:1-42)
Q4. (John 10:27-30) In the world of shepherds, who would try to “snatch” a sheep? Who would try to “snatch” a Christian if he could? What promise of absolute security are we given? How does that assure you? In the world of shepherds, wolves, lions, and thieves would snatch them. The devil would try and snatch a Christian if he could. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch out of My Father's hand. It shows me that God is able to protect me from the devil's constant attacks. -
Q3. Laying Down His Life
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 19. I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10:1-42)
Q3. (John 10:11-15) How does a “good shepherd” differ from what a hired shepherd would do in the time of danger? In what way did Jesus the Good Shepherd “lay down his life for the sheep”? The good shepherd will lay down his life for the sheep. While the hired hand will flee and cares only for himself. He died on the cross at Calvary and rose again sacrificially choosing to do it out of love. -
Q2. Abundant Life
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 19. I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10:1-42)
Q2. (John 10:10) What would an “abundant life” look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd? In what ways is the Christian life to be an “abundant” life? How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us? Can the life of an unbeliever be more “abundant,” free, and fun? It would be free of fear and all other things from the enemy. We would be getting along with each other. We wouldn't be having trouble trusting people or God. We wouldn't be worried about pleasing people all the time; we would be concerned about pleasing God. We wouldn't be having trouble with addictions either. We would be living an abundant life. The true abundant life is when we know who we are in Christ, where we belong, and where we are going as well. It relates to it in the form of people of hating us as Jesus as spoke of in the Bible where people will hate us as they hated Him. No, because they are not believers and do not truly believe in Christ. -
Q1. The Shepherd's Voice
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 19. I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10:1-42)
Q1. (John 10:3-4) What does it mean that Jesus’ sheep “know his voice”? How can you discern his voice from your own thoughts and the expectations of others? It means that they can discern His voice from all others and know how to obey it. Yes, but at times I have to trouble discerning my thoughts from it. I jump the gun thinking my thoughts were His voice. I know I have a lot to learn yet. It means to be still and knowing when God is God and know when He is speaking to you.