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Describe the ideal servants waiting up for their master. What qualities is this wealthy slave-owner looking for in his servants (12:35-36)? Fully dressed, alert and watching and waiting for the master but also not power and money hungry either He must be willing to answer when it is knocked What kind of energy and investment does it require of the servants to be ready during the nighttime hours? Persistent energy where they don't fall asleep but also time as well. The master in Jesus' parable is pretty strange (12:37). When he arrives home and is pleased with his servants, he fixes them dinner! What is the point of this part of the parable? This actually describes how God will be when we meet Him in heaven. Because in the prodigal son parable the father in it makes a feast for the son who returns and also put a robe on him, and a ring and he is showered with love. A second mini-parable involves a thief and a homeowner (12:39-40). What is the point of this parable? This is to remind us that when we don't spend time in the Word and constantly poured into by the Holy Spirit, we will be unable to defeat and stay alert against the enemy. Let's get personal. What helps you keep your spiritual edge? What kinds of things cause you to lose your spiritual alertness? Don't speak hypothetically, but personally When thinking on that part, there are several things that cause me to keep it instead of losing it. I am in a program of recovery which focuses on my many addictions, for this I have to do my 12-step work weekly and reading the Bible I have for this. Meetings with fellows in the program are 7 days a week and I make an effort to actually attend as many as I can. I do outreach calls and also sponsor people in it. I pour myself into people this way. For another aspect of my life, my walk with God the things that help are prayer, Bible study, obedience to the Word, listening to sermons or watching them on YouTube, listening to music that is God honoring, just to name a few. However, I have also added fasting to my list as well. The loss of it is usually lack of time in the Word, prayer, not enough accountability in program and relapsing.
1. Jesus gives five reasons in 12:22-30 why we shouldn't worry and strive over the material needs of life, food, clothing, shelter, and the like. What are they? (Read very carefully and then list the reasons) 1. Life is not about food because He is our Provider 2. Body more than clothing because we all have souls. 3. Consider the ravens/ sparrows because God is our Creator and He will care for us 4. Worry won't solve anything 5. God clothes even the grass won't He also provide for us 2. Extra Credit. God's care over sparrows is mentioned in 12:6-8. Ravens are mentioned in 12:24. What is similar about these statements? How does the raven differ from the sparrow, from a Jewish viewpoint? The Lord will always provide for His Creation However the raven is unclean while the sparrow is not, and they could eat it. 3. Jesus refers to our focus on material possessions in three negative ways. The first is "worry." What are the other two: 1. worry 2. lack of faith 3. fear In what sense is this sin? Simple you are not trusting God but instead you are doubting Him. 4. What is the significance to you that the Father has given you the Kingdom (12:32-32). The significance to us is captured and listed by Pastor Ralph Wilson as follows: · The full inheritance that belongs to the King, · The full attention that is the right of the royal family, · The full privilege of reigning alongside the King, · The full provision of every need that we have, · The full pardon for all our sins against the King and his kingdom, · The full love and favor of the King himself, · and a whole lot more that we scarcely understand. How does it make you feel? Hopeful and renewed What does it consist of? How is it effective in this life? How is it effective in the life to come? It means that we have the power to conquer the kingdom of darkness and it gives us this ability to save souls. Inheritance of souls. 5. Why should you sell possessions and give to the poor (12:32). What sense does that make? The ability to bless the poor so you become blessed. 6. Where is your treasure? Where is your heart? (12:34) How can you know? Heaven what clearly states this is how we choose to worship either Him or things.
1. Count the number of times you find the personal pronouns "I," "me," "my" in verses 13-21. What is the significance of this? A. It is 12 times and it says that the person was more self-centered than other centered when it comes to their wants and needs. The Scripture is straight forward about this because a person who is greedy is also not humble either because they are also full of pride and seeking their own instead. 2. How would you define greed? What other areas of life besides material wealth can greed affect? A. I would state it as being materialistic, love of money, love for self and status seeking people pleasing and approval seeking. 3. Does concern for justice in financial matters always involve greed? (12:13) How can you tell if it does or not? A. No it only happens when we are more concerned with our own affairs. When you turn everything into an issue. 4. Is it more likely for a poor man or a rich man to be greedy? Why did you choose the answer you did? A. I would say that it is more than likely for the rich because they constantly want more money more possessions and what not. Because when you look at the Scriptures, a classic example is Nebuchadnezzar where he thought he was the one who thought he was God and thought he was the one who made the kingdom of Babylon. 5. The rich man seems like a wise agribusinessman. Where does Jesus fault him? What was the man's error? A. His desire to build bigger and better and then enjoy his life without thought about eternity. Did not consider his eternity. 6. How does one become rich towards God? (12:21) A. Daily communing with Him through His Word and prayer.
54. Martyrdom
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 3(Lessons 41-66, Luke 9:57-15:10)
1. Jesus gives four arguments for remaining faithful to him in times of persecution in 12:4-12. What are these four arguments? It is better that fear the very one who created you than man. For the Creator has power to send us to hell and destroy our souls while man can only kill the body and end our lives. He knows the number of hairs on our heads and in knowing this He also knows when we are truly obeying Him. When we choose to acknowledge our belief and trust in God; we will be acknowledged or be recognized by the very One who died for us. When we choose to renounce or deny it He will do likewise. Lastly when we are brought before people who actively persecute us for the faith we have; God Himself will give us the words to speak. 2. In the light of speaking and thinking positively, how should we evaluate Jesus' use of fear to motivate his disciples? How should this influence our own motivational methods? Simply this we should not do it out of selfish conceit or desires; we should do it because we love the Lord and long to serve Him only. 3. How do you know that it is God, rather than Satan, spoken of in 12:5-6, who can both kill men and throw them into hell? Because God Himself is the only one who can truly judge everyone by their deeds and decide whether they know Him or not. By how they act not just react to certain things shows where their true devotion is. 4. How do thoughts of sparrows and hair counts assure Jesus' disciples? (12:6-7) It shows that He will never forget about them and knows what they will need before they say anything. 5. It is not too difficult when a person is called before a persecutor or court of law to determine if that person has acknowledged or denied Christ. How much, if any, does Jesus' teaching apply to how we identify, or fail to identify ourselves as Christians, to those who come to know us? I believe it largely deals with how much Satan has sifted or even attacked them because of their faith. When we choose to deny Christ, we are basically making a mockery of the Cross at Calvary for by the Lord's death we are set free. To whom are we obligated to identify our faith as Christians? As Scripture clearly states to anyone who asks for the reason of the hope that is in us. 6. Extra Credit: Christians in countries under Muslim and Hindu and Communist law have sometimes been executed for their faith. Is there a time to be a "secret" Christian, and what are the "rules" in those situations? We Westerners don't have to face this firsthand, so we'll try not to speculate. Rather, in our e-mail discussion groups, let us hear from Christians who live in areas of active persecution. Please tell us what you have learned. We need your wisdom. I believe that when you are a believer in Christ God will deliver you from it in one of two ways; through your persecutor coming to faith or He will take you home through execution. There is no other way around it. I however have actually been facing active persecution since my ministry has expanded and been in a constant state of evangelism counseling and doing all sorts of ministry activities. 7. Do you have an example to share of how the Holy Spirit has given you the words to say in situations of persecution? Yes, God has told me in certain situations to tell the one who wants to scare me into intimidation that I am not afraid of being put to death for it is not I who live but Christ who lives in me. 8. If God will forgive those who deny Christ, isn't it ultimately safer for believers to deny Christ now and then repent later? No God has said when you deny Christ, He will deny you before His Father. -
53. Hypocrisy
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 3(Lessons 41-66, Luke 9:57-15:10)
1. The scribes and Pharisees were caught in a rigid system of legalism to justify themselves before God. In what ways do our Christian religious cultures foster the same kind of self-justification and hypocrisy? The churches of the bigger cities with well known pastors are preaching the Gospel but not helping the new believers grow. A classic example of this is Andy Stanley; his church is a seeker friendly church. However there is no real growth with its members. A church in my area is like this and there were actual people living in sin and they were not doing anything about it. However there are churches that believe in a repentant holy lifestyle for believers. 2. What kinds of hypocrisy have you personally had to struggle with the most? My biggest one is with my addictions and how I make excuses for them knowing it is still sin and the sin is idolatry. 3. What is necessary for a Christian to do to escape the inaccurate "public" image of himself that he may have so carefully constructed for others (and perhaps himself) to see and believe? What is the antidote to hypocrisy? Simply being willing to be honest and choosing to repent of it and choosing to live an authentic Christian life. 4. How can we both live humbly in our churches and still foster high standards of behavior for ourselves and one another? Simply we learn to live the way Christ expects us to and show that it is genuine. -
52. Woe, Pharisees
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 3(Lessons 41-66, Luke 9:57-15:10)
1. Why do you think Jesus and his disciples didn't follow the Pharisees' practice of ritual washing before meals? (11:38; see also Mark 7:14-23) I believe that it was because the Lord knew that they were customs that were actually man made for when the Lord rebuked the Pharisees; He confronted them about their worship as well saying that they worship Him with their lips, but their hearts were far from Him. 2. What modern-day examples can you think of that illustrate cleansing the outside of the vessel but leaving the inside unwashed? (11:39-40)esDoing rosary and repenting to a Priest and not actually choosing to sin no more as Christ told the adulteress. For Christ said to her, "Neither do I condemn you, so go and sin no more. This is what Christ means by doing what is right. 3. How could giving food to the poor bring about spiritual cleansing, as implied by 11:41? We also are learning to be less greedy and not focus on the monetary benefits in life but choosing to rely on Christ instead. 4. Did Jesus fault the Pharisees on their scrupulous tithing or compliment them? Where did he find fault with them? (11:42) He found fault in it because it was not out of love or devotion for Him. It was for man's praise. They forsook the justice and love of God for man's praise instead. 5. What is wrong with seeking to be seen and approved of by others? (11:43) What in us might tempt us to seek acclaim? It can become our God and cause us to do things that are against the Lord. Our sinful nature. What is wrong is seeking self-attention and is motivated by pride that makes people feel great and important. It causes to become self-important and want to seek man's praise and not God's. 6. Did Jesus go out of his way to insult the Pharisees with 11:44? What purpose did his comment serve, if any? No He was telling them that they were empty spiritual tombs who had no desire for the Lord. He was telling them their actions were not out of love or devotion. 7. In what ways do you see Pharisaical attitudes in yourself? What are you are doing to counter them? Not doing what I promise to do for my mom. Choosing to be lazy and not work and also pointing fingers when I am no different. -
51. Good Eyes
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 3(Lessons 41-66, Luke 9:57-15:10)
1. What was the Sign of Jonah to Jesus' generation? The sign of Jonah was this as Jonah was in the fish for three days Jesus would be in the tomb for three days and then be resurrected or raised from the dead and there would be an empty tomb to prove it. Why else did the religious leaders purposely bribe the soldiers to lie if they were not afriad of what would happen when the Jews chose to believe in Christ and what He had accomplished. For when He died the veil was torn in two from top to bottom to give access to the Lord Himself without a mediator since Christ was that mediator and stilll is. Why was it even more convincing than healing the sick? (11:29-30) The biggest reason it was more convincing is because it fulfilled multiple prophecies in one day and even week. The Lord entered on a colt through Jerusalem; this prophecy could not be fulfilled with just anyone but by the Lord Himself. The crucifixion was foretold in both Isaiah and Psalms. He was between two thieves and also given gall for a drink and the fact not one bone was broken speaks of who could only fill this prophecy. Jesus Himself. The likelihood of any of them being fulfilled by one person was 1 in 1 quintillion. Can you even fathom the likelihood one person would fulfill them? What does the lamp in 11:33 represent? It speaks of the eyes and how they are the window into our soul. And when we choose to do what is right; there is a light from them that only can be called holy. Why is the lamp not hid but put on a stand? So everyone in the house can see it. 2. In what way does our spiritual enlightenment depend upon the health of our spiritual eyes? It depends on spiritual discernment for when we know what to do in every sithguorhuation we face. What sharpens our spiritual discernment? The Lord and His word. Being with likeminded believers. Prayer as whell. What dulls it? Anything that would be considered sin. 3. How do we recover our spiritual discernment from years spent in sin or a cult or a rigid, legalistic church? Through spending time with the Lord and people believe like we do. 4. Extra credit. What is the relationship between our repentance from sin and God's grace? As Eph. 2:8-9 stated it is through grace by faith that we are saved not of works lest any man should boast. Christ gives us the faith to believe that we need salvation and it is through that faith that we come to repent of our sins and receive His grace. Why don't all repent and respond to his grace? As Romans states that some are vessels of wrath while others are not meaning some will choose to reject Jesus even if they know the truth. -
50. Strongman
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 3(Lessons 41-66, Luke 9:57-15:10)
1. When Jesus is accused of being empowered by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, what are the three points of his answer? Put these points in your own words. a. (11:17-18a) Whether it is a kingdom or house and it is divided and will fall b. (11:18b-20) When they said that He casts them out by the devil; then the sons of Israel had to be doing the same way however if they were cast out by the power of God then the kingdom of God was officially upon them. c. (11:21-22) When someone who is under the power of God chooses to work and do miracles and they are unable to explain how they are possible; they need to realize that Satan is weaker than Christ because God created even the angels. 2. What in Scripture indicates that the spiritual warfare against Satan and his demons is not an even match? What verse in this passage indicates this? Ephesians 6:10-20 speaks about the weapons we use against the enemy and what they are known for. The sword of the Lord is the Word of God. The belt of truth is the truth of the Word. Shield of faith is the faith we have in Christ. The shoes of the Gospel of Peace is the 4 Gospels. The helmet of salvation is our very salvation in Him. The breastplate of righteous is our righteous living. Lastly is prayer for without it we don't know how to fight. 2 Cor 10:3-5 speaks of how we do not war against the flesh but the prince of the air and this world and principalities as well. 1 John 4:4 speaks of how the Lord is mightier than the enemy. 3 (Extra credit) In Luke 9:49-50 Jesus says, "Whoever is not against you is for you." But in 11:23 he says, "He who is not with me is against me." Are these statements in conflict? What are we to learn from each? No we learn that anyone who is working what is according to Christ is tecnically for us and not against us. 4. What are the dangers of seeing Christianity mainly in terms of family pride and responsibility, like the woman in the crowd? We will end up compartmentalizing our faith and believing it only applies to certain areas of our life. -
49. Ask, Seek, Knock
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 3(Lessons 41-66, Luke 9:57-15:10)
1. Where is the humor in Jesus' Parable of the Friend at Midnight? (11:5-8) It is in the fact the friend has a visitor come at night and he has nothing to give them and he has to go to the neighbor's and persist in asking them for something for their guest knowing that it is late to begin with. This is where the irony or humor is. 2. Does the parable teach that God won't help us unless we insist? What's the essential lesson of this parable? Yes in the fact that we need to continually ask and seek and knock for what He has for us. The lesson is in the fact that when we choose to ask in any way that honors the Lord; He is sure to answer us. 3. There are three promises in 11:9-10 that are really one promise. What is this promise?I They are ask, seek and knock. When you put the first letter of each word together you get ask. When you ask believing that you will receive; you will have your prayer answered. 4. How can fear of God's response keep us from praying boldly and persistently? How does Jesus answer this concern? (11:11-13) It can paralyze us to the point that we are afraid to ask and don't think or believe that God will answer us. God is telling us that when we choose to ask we need to believe that God will answer us and supply what we need. 5. Why can the Holy Spirit be considered the Father's best gift? According to the Scripture, does the Father only give the Holy Spirit to certain Christians? He is the Father's best gift because according to Romans when we are able to utter a prayer; He will take over for us and utter in a language we don't know meaning a personal prayer language. -
48. Lord's Prayer
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 3(Lessons 41-66, Luke 9:57-15:10)
1. What concepts about a father are we to attribute to God? Which ones don't fit him very well? What is so astounding about the fact that Jesus tells us to pray to God as Father? Father who loves us and chastises us when we are in the wrong and also protects us. The fact that He protects us don't fit but yet He is our protector. The fact that He loves enough to do what is right by protecting us with His angels and power. 2. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? It is when we are truly in submission and surrendering our lives over to His care and choosing to listen to His voice and obey it. It is when we choose to disobey Him in any area and also use our words like weapons against other believers. By remembering that He is a holy and just God who deserves our praise and honor and glory. 3. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? How should this prayer affect our living? The Kingdom coming in bringing people to Him through our witness and testimony. It should cause us to live holy before unbelievers. 4. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves? Because by nature we believe that we can do this life of Christian living on our own. Because we want to do things on our own. Because He is our Provider and He will provide for all our needs. 5. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? Does the Father really forgive the sins we've asked forgiveness for? Must the same sins be forgiven again later?' Because we are constant need of His forgiveness for our sins no matter what. Yes because He is loving and merciful God and when we choose to ask for forgiveness after we forgive others; He will do what He promises. 6. How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? Doesn't the fact that our forgiveness requires our forgiving others really a subtle form of "works righteousness"? He won't answer our prayers, won't forgive our sins and won't give us our heart's desires when we choose to be unforgiving. No it is the exact opposite it is a form of obedience out of love for our Heavenly Father. 7. Why should we bring God into the fact of our tempting circumstances? Can't we expect God to deliver us from sins automatically? Because He Himself was at all points tempted and yet without sin. This means He is the perfect high priest that can sympathize with us. No sometimes He wants us to learn something from them as well. -
47. Mary-Martha
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 3(Lessons 41-66, Luke 9:57-15:10)
1. This is just a short glimpse, a few verses, a couple of minutes in Jesus' entire lifetime. Why was it so important that it was preserved for you and me to read? 2. Martha was a spiritual woman. How was she seeking to honor Jesus? Mary was a spiritual woman. How was she seeking to honor Jesus? Martha wanted to serve Him by making Him a meal and hosting Him and His disciples in her home. Mary did it through sitting at the feet of Jesus and spending time in His word. 3. How is Jesus' treatment of Mary astonishing in his culture? Why do you think he said the unexpected? Most women in His day were told that their wives and daughters had to be in a separate part of the temple to be taught. In order to show them that true obedience is being fully submitted to God. 4. In what ways do you sometimes find yourself busy, upset, and troubled like Martha? Doing more things that are worldly and they need to be prayed for before doing them. 5. What patterns and practices could you institute in your daily life that would make you more like Mary? Sitting quietly at the feet of Jesus and listening to Him. -
46. Good Samaritan
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 3(Lessons 41-66, Luke 9:57-15:10)
If you were to select three themes that this passage discusses, what would they be? What is the chief theme? Primary theme is Love that is not brotherly but Agape or from God. The secondary one is mercy because the person who is full of mercy will also be full of love. The tertiary one is compassion because when someone who is full of the first two will then act in compassion will act upon the compassion they have as well. 2. How is it possible to be able to correctly recite the greatest commandments in the Bible (10:27-28), and still not have them "installed" in your life? It is possible through believing that a person has already done all they need to do in order to be close to God. 3. Have you ever heard a Christian try to justify a less-than-Christian attitude or action? Why do we constantly try to justify our actions? What motivates justifying ourselves? Yes severe times at my church there was an older woman who tried justifying her words toward me by saying she was trying to help me but I spoke up after me even writing a note to her and said how can you allow the world we live in to dictate what you said when we are to speak the truth in love and speak with grace and salt and we are not supposed to speak with condemnation and judgement and think that the Lord approved of it. 4. How did the lawyer justify his actions? How do you think the priest and Levite in this story justified their actions? He knew what was right and chose to do it anyway knowing that in truth he was being obedient to God in doing so. They justified their actions by choosing to say oh this person is not my neighbor someone else who is willing to dirty their hands will take care of him. 5. Extra Credit: Jesus wasn't reciting an historical incident; he was creating a hypothetical incident for teaching purposes. Why do you think that the hero of the story was a Samaritan? What was Jesus' point by including the Samaritan? How do you think the lawyer felt about it?I believe it was to teach them what true obedience was. The scribes and the religious folks believed that they had it all together. The lawyer probably did not approve of what he heard. 6. What does the parable of the Good Samaritan illustrate? What does it teach us about love? About mercy? About selfishness? That when we serve the least of these we are serving Christ and obeying what He says. It shows us that we are willing to do what the Lord wants even when we are not shy at all about the relationship they have been able to ignore what others are saying about what they do. 7. How are we to emulate the Good Samaritan by "doing likewise"? What is God speaking to you from this passage? By choosing to help the least of these like chapter 25 of Matthew says. Which is choosing to do what others won't. -
1. What was it that prompted Jesus to be filled with joy in 10:21? I believe that it was the fact that the disciples came back with the good news of setting captives free. This essential was part of His earthly ministry that He was to fulfill in the Gospels. 2. There is a qualitative difference between joy that springs from the Holy Spirit, and normal human joy, as good as that is. How would you describe this difference? I would say that the difference between the two are that one is temporary and of this world and the other is permanent and not based off of circumstances but off of our relationship with Christ. 3. Why do you think God takes delight in revealing himself to spiritual novices instead of sophisticated scholars? I believe that it all has to deal with how one humbly surrenders and submits themselves to God and earnestly seeks the Lord. 4. Why do you think God doesn't allow just anyone to know him intimately? Why does this kind of knowledge require deliberate revelation by the Spirit? It deals with how everyone who truly trusts Him choose to seek Him for who He is and not what they can get from Him. Because the Spirit is part of the Divine Trinity that is the part of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For the Trinity was in existence before time even began. They were how the world came into existence. 5. What do you think God looks for in a person he chooses to reveal himself to? As John spoke of in the Gospel of John; God is looking for someone who truly worships Him in spirit and truth. For He is both spirit and truth. 6. What are we disciples supposed to learn from this passage? State what are the main lessons for us? To not base our relationship with Christ off of our circumstances because they are temporary and to seek Him in both spirit and truth.
44. Satan-Fall
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 3(Lessons 41-66, Luke 9:57-15:10)
(10:17) If the demons were subject to the Seventy's command in Jesus' name, should they be subject to our command today? Why or why not? What did the Seventy have that we don't? What do we have that the Seventy didn't? Yes because of the fact that they are subject to the Lord's power and authority. Nothing but the Holy Spirt which we have. We have the Holy Spirit because our baptism by Him. (10:18) Why did the disciples' report of their power of demons prompt Jesus to recall the Fall of Satan from Heaven? They needed to realize that the Lord is the one who is ultimately in charge of the demons bowing down to Christ. (10:19a) What does the "authority to trample on snakes and scorpions" entail? What does it lack? It entails the demons having no power over us and it lacks nothing because God is the one who controls everything. (10:19b) What does Jesus' declaration, "Nothing shall by any means hurt you," include? What does it mean here? Is it to be interpreted physically or spiritually, literally or figuratively? It means that everything is worked out for our good even the bad things in life. That God would protect us and it would be interpreted spiritually and figuratively. (10:20) Why should we rejoice that our names are written in heaven? What does that mean? Why are we often tempted to rejoice over much lesser things? Because we are the book of life and we can not be taken from Christ's hand at all. It means that we are bound for heaven and sometimes we do rejoice over small things. -
43. Receiving-Rejecting
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 3(Lessons 41-66, Luke 9:57-15:10)
1. Why are the disciples sent to both the receptive and the unreceptive? Why are they to say to each, "The kingdom of God is near you"? They are sent to both groups because they needed to learn that not everyone would accept the message of salvation and that there would be those who would reject it completely. To let people know that Salvation had come in the name of the Lord. 2. Is it possible for disciples to be agents of salvation and healing, without at the same time being possible agents of judgment? Yes, because they are commanded not to judge since they are not the ultimate judge over anyone when it is God does the judging. 3. Are people already under God's judgment, or only become so if they reject Jesus' message? According to the Scriptures in Romans we all are under judgment because without Christ we are missing the mark through our sinful nature and that we cannot attain God's mercy on our own merits. 4. Why is it so terrifying and sobering to think that someone might reject Jesus because of the inconsistencies they see in our lives? Will our inconsistencies give them an excuse on the Day of Judgment? Because we believe that everyone will be saved from their sins when it is not exactly the case. There will be those that will become vessels of God's wrath because they chose sinful living instead. They base Christianity based off of the believers instead of Christ Himself. For the Lord is the only one without sin. No, it will not they will still have to answer God. 5. What is Jesus' chief message: judgment or salvation? What qualities do you think Jesus should look for in his "Press Secretary" or spokesperson? The Gospels speak of salvation to the world and that He was in fact the very Messiah that was prophesied about years ago. People that truly love Him and want to serve Him wholeheartedly. -
1. Why does Jesus pair up the disciples as he sends them out? (10:1) What application does this have today? Because as Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says two are better than one and also two make quick work of things as well. When there is something the Lord wants us to do; it is better to have someone else with you and be willing to have them pray for you. 2. What are the strategic purposes behind Jesus' decision to send out the Seventy? What is he trying to accomplish? To prepare them for His leaving and also for ministry. 3. In what sense is the harvest plentiful in Jesus' day? (10:2a) Is the harvest plentiful in your area of the world? How do you determine that? The harvest of souls is plentiful and there is need of workers. Yes because of the fact so many people need to know the Lord. By learning to pray for the work of the Lord. 4. Why are the workers few? (10:2b) What kinds of things have kept you in the past from being active in the harvest? Because there are people who are not ready to do the work of the Lord. Idleness, laziness, idolatry and busyness. 5. Why is God the main recruiter? What is our instruction when we need more workers? (10:2c) Because He chooses to use the unequipped and equip them. To pray for them. 6. What kind of "wages" does God offer harvesters today for their labor? (10:7) The wages we will receive is the harvest of souls and also rewards in heaven.
1. What does it mean to live your life as a sojourner? Why is a sojourner mentality required for disciples? (9:58) It means to be one with the Lord and not love the world but still be a part of it not fully part of it in the sense of the fact that He took us out of the world to be a part of the church that has been called out of the world because we do not live by the world's standards anymore. 2. Why is Jesus so hard on the man who needed to bury his father before following? (9:59-60) Because the fact that Jesus wanted people to be sold out for Him in the sense of that we need to be considering Christ as a number one priority. For Jesus said that if you love your mother, father, brother, or sister more than me; you are not worthy of Me. He is basically saying that we need to be willing to love Christ more than anyone else. 3. What does Jesus mean when he says that the dead should bury the dead? What's the point? (9:60) The kind of dead He is speaking of is the spiritually dead where they are not concerned about the things of the Kingdom at all. The point is that we have to be about the Father's business. 4. What's wrong with the man wanting to say good-bye to his family first? (9:61) He was too concerned about worldly things to realize that the Lord wants the best from us. For Jesus said that if you love your brother, sister, father or mother; you are not worthy of Me. This means that when we choose to consider them more important than Him; you are not worthy of Him. 5. What characteristic is absolutely essential for plowmen? What trait is absolutely necessary for disciples? (9:62) The ability to listen to what the Lord says and actually be willing to do it. The ability to be willing to learn to the Lord. The ability to be willing to trust Him. 6. Is Jesus speaking in hyperbole (using exaggerated speech and examples) here? If so, what is the value of hyperbole for a teacher? If Jesus is using hyperbole, does that mean we don't have to take his words seriously? No He is talking about actually how we are to be no matter what.
1. What real human need did the disciples distort when they vied for who would be the greatest? Why does a legitimate need get distorted? How should this need be met? They distorted humility with pride by arguing over who would be first and not thinking in the terms of the Kingdom. Because they didn't know how to differentiate between love and acceptance and being no #1. By learning how to listen and obey God's voice instead of going it on our own. 2. Why did Jesus ask a little child to stand beside him on this occasion? Strictly from these verses in Luke and nowhere else in the Bible, how does receiving a child in Jesus' name require humility? How does this sort of humility relate to the disciples' sin? Because a little child was an example of how one is to enter the kingdom to be one of God's children. They don't know anything about pride because they are too immature to understand the difference between pride and humility when one chooses to humble themselves before the Lord. 3. What, do you think, was the disciples' real motive in stopping the exorcist? Why did Jesus rebuke them? Jealousy because they were not having the effects that he was having on the people, and they felt that he was working against them. Since he knew what their true heart's intentions and what they were truly after. 4. Jesus' rejection by a Samaritan village is only recounted by Luke. What were Jesus' disciples to learn when Jesus rebuked their plan to call down fire upon the village? What are we disciples today to learn from it? That God is the only one who can truly help us out of our pits of trouble and rescue us. That God works according to His mercy towards us and chooses when to punish us. We have no say whatsoever in what happens in this world. That God is ultimately in control. 5. What group or groups of people do you have the most trouble loving? How can the Lord help you love them? People who are bossy or know it all's. People who are impolite and don't care who they offend. By opening my eyes to see them as they really are.
38. Transfiguration
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 2 (Lessons 21-40, Luke 7:1-9:56)
1. Why did Jesus show special attention to Peter, James, and John? Why do church members sometimes misunderstand when their pastor enjoys a special relationship with a few in the congregation? I believe it was because He knew before this that these disciples would be the ones who would bring about the dispensation of the Gospel through out the world. When you consider the fact that John was the only one of the disciples who wrote John and also the only one who survived his death sentence and had been boiled alive and still was able to write a set of three epistles. He also had been exiled to Patmos at the end of his life. He wrote the book of Revelation where he sees what will occur in the last days and also how everything will happen. The Lord knew the true potential of his inner circle and what they would accomplish after the ascension. I believe church members misunderstand the relationship the pastor may have with a few members is because they could consider it favoritism and wonder why he is doing it. I know that he has one with me and my mom because he is always glad to see us and frequently mentions it to us. 2. Why did the disciples need to see Jesus transfigured before them? I believe it was because He knew that this would need be recorded for the Go who would come after them. 3. Do you think Jesus needed the transfiguration himself? Yes because He needed the Father to remind Him that His true mission was to save the world through His death on the cross. 4. What is the place of eyewitness experience of God's glory alongside of the Word of God in our lives and witness as Christians? Which is more important to us? To others? What is the balance? The place for an eyewitness experience of this is when we are obedient to the Lord and choose to do His will. This is when God will grant a request like that for us. It is when we are truly seeking Him that He will give a glimpse of who He is through the Scriptures and also that He will do it personally. I believe that the Word is important just like seeing Him and His glory. For others it could be either one. The balance is learning not to seek signs like the Jews and Gentiles during His time on earth. 5. How have your own spiritual experiences influenced your Christian life for good or ill? My spiritual experiences have grounded in the roots of Christ and caused me to seek Him more daily by His faithfulness and mercy to me. It also has caused me to do His will more often as well. Through this people have come to know Him as well. -
How many rebukes of the disciples can you find in 9:37-56? List them. (Please do this for your own private studyR Rebuking Unbelief, the unclean spirit being rebuked, the disciples' inability to understand Christ's coming suffering, rebuking pride in the disciples, rebuking intolerance in them, Rebuking the Samaritan's opposition, rebuking the disciples for opposition to someone doing the work of the Lord, lastly rebuking their inability to die to self 2. How can we be "with" them but not "of" them? By learning how to spend quality time with the Lord and listen to His voice at all times. Up to this point in your life, how have you usually responded when you have been rebuked by parents, teachers, employers, spouses, spiritual leaders, etc.? What has been healthy about your response? What has been unhealthy? I have felt offense, hurt, betrayed and even condemned. It has actually been unhealthy, and the fact I take offense so easily. What is the necessary preparation for a Christian leader to be able to rebuke those in his or her charge appropriately? The ability to listen to the Holy Spirit's leading and know what to say and when to say it. How is it possible to overdo rebuking as a leadership style? How is it possible to be too light on rebuking? Simply by letting your emotions control how you speak instead of letting the Lord speak through you. By choosing to go light because of fear of rejection.
37. Cross-Daily
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 2 (Lessons 21-40, Luke 7:1-9:56)
1. Why was it so hard for the disciples to understand that the Messiah must be rejected and killed and rise the third day? I believe that they could not understand the true meaning of why the Lord had to go through all of that. I believe that part of it dealt with the fact they spent so much time with the Lord and with the crowds that they never considered that His true mission was not to heal the sick or raise the dead. But it was to die on the cross after being rejected by His own people and going through all the suffering that He had to deal with in order for the Scriptures in Isaiah to be fulfilled. 2. What does it mean to take up your cross daily? If it doesn't mean bearing your own life's burdens (and I don't think it means that), then what DOES it mean? It means to choose to forsake selfish ambition, choose to give up our rights to have what we want, to give up any right to hold a grudge or stay angry for the purpose of glorifying God and bringing people to Him. 3. What kinds of attempts at "saving our lives" are actually self-destructive? Why is this such a paradox? Saving it for the purpose of our reputation. Saving it to keep our addictive behaviors and also to keep our rights of any kind. Because we don't realize what Christ truly means until we choose to actually look this up and study it out. 4. If someone told you they thought they had lost themselves or lost their soul, how would you counsel them without giving them false assurance? Yes because I know Christ wants us to talk to them about what they need to be saved in order to go to Heaven and speak the truth in love and grace. 5. How can we be unashamed of Jesus without it being difficult for non-Christians to want to be around us? Did unbelievers want to be around Jesus? What is the balance? By choosing our words carefully when we speak around them and learning to wait on the Lord's timing to discuss our faith with them. He had a peace and grace about Him that caused them to want to be with Him. The balance is learning to spending quality time with the Lord while learning to live in the world but not be of it. -
36. Confession
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 2 (Lessons 21-40, Luke 7:1-9:56)
1. Why do you think Jesus waited to ask these questions until he could be alone with his disciples? Why do you think he was spending time in prayer before asking these questions? I believe that the reason the Lord chose to wait is because He didn't want the disciples to be influenced by the view of other people both the crowds and leaders to cause them to doubt what they were going to say. He wanted the Father's guidance on when to ask the questions so He would have the right timing for it. 2. Why did Jesus ask about what others believed before he asked his disciples what they believed? I believe He wanted to know who really believed in Him and who did not. That way He could tell if their confessions were genuine or not. 3. Why is it difficult to be able to express simply and clearly what we believe? What are the obstacles you face in expressing this? I believe we can be intimidated by the people around us, and it can cause us to doubt what we truly believe. For me my obstacles are the very fact I let people's opinions of me intimidate me. 4. If you have never openly stated your faith in Jesus Christ, please do so today, and let others know that this is a new statement for you. If you have stated your belief in Jesus prior to this, please share with others the circumstances of when you made a declaration of your own faith in Jesus. My confession of faith happened after I was baptized in Jesus' Name for my sins that I had not given over to the Lord. This was when my faith became real for me. I have had ups and downs however I now realize how much God wanted me to be real with Him then and even before that. So, I have chosen to forsake idols in order to be a pure, holy, blameless and spotless bride for Him. -
What was Jesus' motivation for teaching and healing on this day, even though he and his disciples were tired? How can we find a balance of attitude and ministry? When do we stop when the needs continue? His motivation was to show them that God provides all they need to serve others in every capacity and also that when they doubt they need to have enough faith to believe that God will work it out for them. By learning to rely on God instead of trying to figure things out ourselves and thinking we have it all together. By also learning that we are His called out ones and He is our Provider and He will give us what we need. We stop when they want their needs continually met but not the greatest need met meaning salvation of their souls. Why did Jesus decide to feed the people rather than dismiss them earlier? To teach His disciples that all needs are provided for by the Lord when we choose to obey Him and His will for us. What struggles have you had in surrendering yourself to be part of this ministry process of assessing the need, bringing your resources to Jesus, placing them in his hands, and receiving back the power to meet needs beyond yourself? I have an issue with controlling the outcome of what I do and God has to constantly remind me of what He can do and who He is and that He can cause me to see what the person needs and wants and differentiate between the two. He has had to knock me over the head until it got through. I am very stubborn and believe I know it all when I don't.
1. What's the difference between power and authority? Power is the ability to do something with more strength than you already have; Authority is the permission from God on High to do the very things He asks of us 2. What purposes did Jesus seem to have in sending the Twelve on this mission? To train and prepare them for the ministry they all would have and how they would be rejected by people for the work they would be doing later on. 3. Why did he instruct them to travel light? Why did he tell them not to bring a staff, a bag, or food, or money, or an extra shirt? What was the point in that? Because He wanted them all depend on God's provision for the things that they would need to travel later on in ministry. Since He wanted them to be able to say that God had provided for them. True Dependence in the Lord 4. Why were they told to stay in just one house in each village, and not try to find better lodgings? So they would know whether or not that they would be accepted by each town 5. How did the disciples' obedience to Jesus' instructions bless people? It brought people healing in various ways; the sick were healed, the blind were able to see, the demon possessed were set free through the casting out of demons 6. Of what value were their reports and Jesus' debriefing? It showed them that they were working under the authority and power of the Lord The debriefing told them what they would need to change by redirecting their focus on Him
1. What do Jairus' actions in this story tell us about the state of his faith? It states how he wanted healing for his daughter and wanted to see her alive and well and no longer sick anymore. However he didn't realize how much faith he would need to have in order to be able to ask for what he wanted 2. Have you ever had a time spiritually when you felt God "carried you" in spite of your weak faith? If so, when? Has he set you back on your own feet again yet? Yes I have so many times when I thought I could not go on anymore. However I know that I have felt the presence of the Lord and felt Him carry me through the storms of life when I couldn't go on anymore on my own. The most recent experience was Oct 2020 the time I landed in the hospital for 3 days. 3. Why didn't Jesus let Jairus give up? Because He wanted to him to know that the Lord had not forgotten him at all but remembered his request 4. Why did Jesus exclude but the parents and his closest disciples from the girl's room? Because of the fact that He alone knew that they were skeptical of what they would think when he went ahead and brought her back to life. This also was a learning experience for the disciples as well. 5. What lessons does this passage teach you as a disciple? What do you think we disciples are intended to learn from this? That in order to be heard by the Lord that you need to be willing to be open to change. To be competely honest and open to the Lord by continually praying for what we desire in Christ's name