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Everything posted by Godswriter

  1. Strong desires can cause us to backslide or cause us to become carnal believers instead. It can create idolatry in our lives. It can cause sins to erode our faith walk where our testimony suffers damage. A strong desire to be with the Lord can build our faith back up and keep it that way. A desire to be holy and pure can keep us on the straight and narrow. Without it we can never know God. What I am trying to say is that when there is no desire. The intimacy between us and God will die out and the flame He created in us will die out as well. God’s promises and evil desires are at odds because one wars with the flesh while the other wars with the Spirit essentially. God’s promises build our faith when we choose to read the Word and apply to our lives daily. Evil desires erode it by causing us to sin and ruin our testimony little by little.
  2. As a person who is an addict I realize now how much I am truly blessed by Him to called His own and to be loved by Him even when I fail repeatedly. I realize that He still loves me enough to welcome me back into the fold repeatedly. His glory and awesome presence causes me to realize how blessed I am to be one of His in this world. It causes me to take a step back and evaluate my life and ask myself if I am serving self or others. His goodness and moral excellence causes me to rejoice.
  3. The scope and extent of it are being willing to live soberly, righteously, godly in this present world at all times. The best way to do that is to be sanctified meaning set apart from the world and holy and pure like Him so the world can see a difference in us. We need to be sincere and have simple lives as well. We need to be willing to make time for Christ daily through prayer, Bible study and devotions and be willing to do what He says. Knowing God is what matters when it comes to learning about His promises. It is what causes us to be able to understand them better and get a grasp on what they mean for us.
  4. For most of the world they consider relatives and not the Lord. For Christians who are really close to God it’s Jesus then relatives. For Christians on the opposite spectrum it’s the opposite way instead. It means that His Kingdom will never end. He reigns supreme in all areas of my life I no longer compartmentalize my life from Him anymore.
  5. Through various trials, sufferings and temptations that we go through. Learning to serve others rather than self.It is also through God taking away things that have become idols to us as well. Yes I will.
  6. The world was given to Jesus by the Heavenly Father in its entirety. God committed the actual work of creation to Jesus. Christ is the Creator of time. He is executor of the divine will one day He will reinforce its closure. The Biblical idea of heir implies possession in part here and now, with the promise of complete possession and enjoyment in the future. We are all part of God’s purpose for the church. `
  7. It teaches us that He is eternal and was in existence before time began and before the earth was created even. He is the reason our faith is in existence and the reason we believe in the Bible as well. He is the only God called those names who deserves those names to begin with. Knowing that Jesus is the Author and Perfecter of our faith builds our trust in Him by showing us that He is Faithful and True. When He is that way we can trust that He knows what is best for us and He will answer our prayers as well.
  8. He showed the Father’s glory by raising people from the dead, giving sight to the blind, causing the lame to walk again, healing the sick, healing the lepers, and exorcising the demon possessed people. Calming the wind and waves. To show them who He really was and let them know He was the Messiah who would eventually die for their sins. I will believe He will appear like John states in the book of Revelation.
  9. According to my study Bible; it says that it could mean equal in value. But it also says Faith in Christ places all believers on equal footing. It doesn’t compare to Peter’s because he went through intense persecution to the point of death on a cross. Our faith is completely different in depth. It is not as deeply growing in Christ as it should be. We let idols, aka other gods take the place of Christ in our lives. We also aren’t persecuted like the churches around the world are either. We are slack in the church to do what God wants. Some of us act like Sunday warriors but really aren’t because our lives don’t line up with the Word of God. We may act like we love God in church but God knows differently. We may not do certain things or not do them to God’s expectations. We also may go to sporting events on Sunday instead of church. We may also let other things crowd out time with God as well.
  10. Hi everyone I am doing this study by myself since my mom can't do it with me. I feel like I needed it since I don't spend enough time with the Lord. I do it out of duty and not love. I believe with this study things just might change. I am Jennifer from Wisconsin.
  11. It takes us staying away from sin and learning not to be tempted by it either. I believe we aren’t as faithful as we could be. We only are as faithful as the trials we go through. Whenever a trial we go running to Christ and then when things are running smoothly we forget all about Him just like Israel. I would say it depends on what sins we partake of. Some people partake more than others do. It speaks of how much the Lord loves us, pursues us cares for us and will be jealous for us. The intimacy of Christ is that of a husband.
  12. For me Christ is the Only one that inspires me to do what I do daily as a Christian. I focus on Him daily with prayer and Bible study and devotions. I also am working to recover from an eating disorder as well. I am in full time ministry as well. I also write for Him as well. I would say that I have a ministry I am in full time, I am a writer for Him, I am in recovery for an eating disorder all for Christ’s glory There is nothing to contradict it. For me it is daily repentance to keep me abstinent and away from food as an idol.
  13. The Living Bread is Jesus’ life and flesh. His flesh was meant to save the life of the world. Here our Lord plainly declares what His death will mean to the world. It meant His death would be vicarious sacrifice and atonement for the sins of the world. No soul could be preserved unless the bread of life was given meaning Christ’s life. In the discourse of the True Vine according to the Adam Clarke Commentary it states this: the Vinedresser will remove any unfruitful vines who don’t draw upon Christ at all. Our vital life dries up and we are pruned away from the vine because of unfruitfulness. It is so hard for us to learn because we long to self-sufficient and independent.
  14. Jesus is the True Light because He is the True Source of wisdom for all men. All wisdom in men comes from Him. Human intellect comes from His brightness and reason itself comes from this Logos who is the eternal reason. Some of the most prominent rabbis understand what Is. 60:1 means and what it entails. That verse speaks of the Messiah who was to come and illuminate Israel. They believed Messiah was the very word. This heavenly light shines into every man and exposes all sin and convicts of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Through this light is when the conscience is produced or created. We are light of the world because are followers of His light and we shine light into the darkness as well. I believe they resist it because they want to live life on their own terms and not on His terms. Also they don’t want to give up control to Him and face up to the sins of their past either. The world’s light is not light at all. It’s complete darkness; a devoid of light. Sin of any kind can obstruct His light. Sin can obstruct ours as well. Adam Clarke Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible
  15. It resonates with our broken world because there are so many people looking for a remedy and a solution to their sin. They can rest in knowing that Jesus is the Great Physician who can truly heal them and give them the rest and healing that they truly need. For they are looking in all the wrong places for it. Once they choose to look to Jesus for what they need; they will never look back again. Their brokenness will be healed and their sin will be wiped cleaned. All because of Jesus. It means to me that I cry out to Him when I am sick and trust in Him for healing whether here on earth in this life or in heaven in eternity that is faithful to do it.
  16. Jesus can be the Way to God because He is the Only Begotten Son of the Father who died on the cross at Calvary over 2000 years ago. He is also the only way because of the fact anyone who comes to Him is brought to Him through the Father and the sheep know His voice and they know Him and He knows them. Any one who claims to be one of His has to be willing to truly follow Him and die to self. It offends the world because they want to run their own lives and not have someone else in control of their lives. They feel that they can run their own lives just fine without God’s help. By showing them love through our words and deeds to them and telling them God is love and God died for them too.
  17. It speaks of a sure foundation for them and how they won’t be put to shame if they trust in it. It speaks of how that foundation is a stone in Zion that has been laid and it’s a cornerstone. However the things that repel them would be the fact they need to believe in this stone in order to trust in it and not to be put to shame. The fact that they would stumble over the stone would also repel them as well. It repels people because they refuse to believe in Christ and His message of truth. They would rather steer their own life instead of let Jesus do it. I see Jesus as my Rock when the winds of life and storms of life hit me hard and I can no longer handle them and when I need Him; He is always there for me. When life is rocky and uncertain He is my cornerstone to rely on. He is my foundation of truth to trust in as well when satan tempts and tests me.
  18. This assertion should cause us to realize that we are all part of the body and we need to build it up and edify it and not tear it down all the time. He is talking about both truthfully. We should be willing to help the needy and the poor. We should be willing to welcome the outcasts of society into our churches as they come in them. We should be willing to doing the work of the One who was originally sent into the world meaning our Lord Savior and magnify and glorify His name through it. We should be the ones who bring honor to Him by how we live our lives. We should not live our lives as the world. But in in a way that is God honoring and completely different than the world. Not well enough I see examples of different churches where they act welcoming and they shun you if you choose leave. That is not the way we are supposed to be as believers and members of the body of the Christ. We are to love each other not shun each other.
  19. Q4. (John 10:11-14) What are the characteristics of the "Good Shepherd"? How do these contrast with the "hired hand"? God calls us to shepherd others as pastors, small group leaders, teachers, mentors, etc. How can we demonstrate that we are "good shepherds" rather than "hired hands"? He knows who are His first off, He watches over and protects those he watches; He gives his life for them, they sheep know and recognize him. The hireling is paid to watch the sheep ; he flees when he sees danger, he cares nothing for sheep. We can learn to be caring individuals and lead by His example. We can learn to help those that are new to the faith and welcome newcomers in our church without judging and learn to be someone who prays when we say I will pray for you.
  20. Q3. (Mark 10:43-45) How does Jesus serve (like Boaz) as a Kinsman-Redeemer to us? What does the idea of needing a ransom imply about our condition? What was the redemption-price that the Father paid for us? He bought for himself us his bride the church at the cost of his life's blood on the cross. He bought us back when we so far in debt sinwise that we could not pay the debt ourselves. It means that we as people were so far into debt the only way to be freed would be through someone freeing us that way. The redemption price the Father paid was Jesus' life blood on the cross at Calvary to set us free.
  21. Q2. How are we disciples to assist in Jesus’ mission to seek and to save the lost? What is the love-balance between seeking to save our friends and having to back off because they feel we are trying to pressure them? Matthew 28:18-20 clearly states our misson 18 Jesus approached and, [a]breaking the silence, said to them, All authority (all power of rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. 19 Go then and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them [b]into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 Teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you, and behold, I am with you [c]all the days ([d]perpetually, uniformly, and on every occasion), to the [very] close and consummation of the age. [e]Amen (so let it be). Amplified Classic Edition Jesus commanded the apostles to go and make disciples everwhere they went and baptizing them and teaching them everything that they learned from Him. The love balance is doing it when the Holy Spirit leads you to do it only and learning to talk about it only then. You need to back off when you sense resistance with your friend and there is no progress at all.
  22. Q1. (Luke 19:10; Matthew 11:19) Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. What does it mean to you personally that Jesus is the Friend of Sinners? How should it affect your relationships with people who are deep in sin? For me personally it means that He is the one who can heal my deepest wounds and also can forgive my sins and cleanse me of my past and make me clean and help me heal. He can do what what no one other God can do which is pick up my shattered life and put it back together after sin has affected it. It should cause me to spread the Gospel wherever I go and tell them that there is hope for them and their sin filled life.
  23. As a servant I am to obey the master’s call upon my life and do what He asks of me. I must be willing to suffer for the cause of Christ. I must do the will of the Master who is Christ. I must let Him lead and I must follow Him no matter what people say or think of me. For He is the one who saved me from eternal damnation and separation from God. Humility is difficult because so many of us believe we are already there when we aren’t. When someone says that they are humble that is when they are proud. Only when someone else says it to the person does it count for something. Then we know that we have arrived but we can absolutely lose it by falling into sin and thinking more of ourselves than we should be. Another reason humility is difficult is because pride was the original sin that Adam and Eve committed in the garden that we must deal with as well. Obedience is hard because you have to do what is right. But our flesh constantly fights against us and the Holy Spirit and what it wants. For the flesh and the Spirit war against each other constantly. As Paul said Romans what I want to do I don’t do What I don’t want to do that I do.
  24. The purpose of the Lord’s Supper is to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary over 2000 years ago. Where His arms, and feet pierced with spikes to fasten Him to the cross. Then upon His death His side was pierced through with a sword by a centurion guard. We must partake of it often because we are to be reminded often of His sacrifice on the cross. It is easy to forget it because we can take it for granted and not actually think on sacraments as they pertain the communion and His Sacrifice at Calvary.
  25. He is referred to as the Lamb of God because He is the only one who can truly atone for the world’s sins completely and still wipe the slate clean by rising from the dead to have victory over death. Complete victory over sin. He is my Savior!
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