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Everything posted by Godswriter
1. What things did the lady in our story have going against her? She had an issue of blood that lasted 12 years and had not been healed and by this time she was probably weak and wore out from it. She could have died at any time but did not. She was also considered unclean which made her isolated from the public even her own family and friends. 2. Do you think she was superstitious about touching Jesus clothes? How would you assess the quality of her faith? No I believe she was actually seeking her healing by doing what she did. I would say that her faith was very strong and extremely pure and also was tested by her situation. 3. Why did Jesus stop? Do you think there was an actual transfer or flow of power? As that scripture said, "He felt his holy power actually leave his body and knew that someone in the crowd actually touched the hem of his garment. Yes because he felt it leave him when his garment was touched. 4. Why do you think Jesus caused her the embarrassment of having to tell her story openly? I don't think he caused her that but wanted to acknowledge to her that she was a child of His and through her faith she was healed. 5. Few people have had the gumption and nerve to push their way to Jesus the way this woman did. Why is this so? Why do many fail to receive answers to their prayers? I believe that they are afraid of what people will think of them if they do it. However the only opinion that should really matter is the Lord's. I believe that they fail to continue to wait for the answers that they seek. They also don't sit before Him and become still so that they can truly know Him.
1. If we take this account seriously, what does it seem to teach us about demons? (Realize that our view of demons may be more influenced by sermons we have heard or movies we have seen than by the text of Scripture. Let's stick to the text here in Luke 8.) That demons are real and powerful and that only Jesus can cast them out or someone who is a believer and empowered to do this kind of work. For the Lord's name has the power to save as well. 2. Why do we feel we need to apologize helping just one person like Jesus did on this occasion? Because there will always be that reject the true authority of Jesus and think He was only a prophet. However would a prophet in the New Testament be able to cast them out with the power of God in them? No 3. What do we learn from the account about the pigs that we wouldn't have known if they hadn't been mentioned? That pigs are dirty and unclean according to the law of Moses and the Jews abhorred anything that was pork because it was called unclean by the Lord. 4. Why did the healed man want to go with Jesus? Why didn't Jesus let him? To follow Him and serve Him fully without facing his neighborhood. I believe it was because Jesus wanted him to testify about His cleansing from the demons. 5. Where did they find clothes to clothe the healed man, do you thinks Why does the story mention the man's nakedness? I believe this was a case of the Son of God creating clothes for Him like in Genesis. It mentions this because symbolically and literally we are dirty, wretched, blind, poor and dead in our sins when we first come to Christ. Only He can redeem us from our sins. 6. How does Jesus react to the rejection of the townspeople of the Garasenes?
1. What was the most important lesson that you think Jesus intended his disciples to learn from this? I believe the most important lesson He was teaching them was about the fact He was not a prophet but the very Son of the Almighty God that created them and He had the power to calm the very storms in life they would face. 2. What is the second most important lesson that they were to learn? That He was all powerful and He alone had all the power to conquer fears that we have. 3. What does it take to banish the fear that we sometimes feel? Surrender them to Him through prayer, God's word buried deep in our hearts and trusting and relying on God 4. How much of the substance of our faith is self-talk and convincing ourselves that something is true? How do we gain the kind of solid faith that doesn't consist in self-convincing? I would have to say that depends on the person and also their overall background. But for me it took a hospital stay of three days where I was on death's door that I realized I didn't know God like I thought and also realizing that He truly cared about me and everything in my life. This happened through my being at death's door and also having an actual wrestling match with Him over my actual life and the very thought I could die and Him telling me I would not live to see another day unless I became truly faithful to Him and obeyed Him. Sometimes it takes a life and death situation before a person realizes how powerful the Lord truly is.
29. Lampstands
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 2 (Lessons 21-40, Luke 7:1-9:56)
Q. What or whom does the lighted lamp represent in 8:16? A disciple? Jesus? The Message? Tell why you identify it in the way you do. A. I believe that the lighted lamp actually refers to the Lord Himself; because the Lord is called the Light of the world. He's the only one who can reveal a person's sins. Q. Why must the lamp be placed on a lampstand rather than hidden? What does this mean in the twenty-first century? A. In order to light the way for everyone who is in the house. That we need to be the ones who share the light and love of the Lord. Q. In view of 8:18, is there any hope for people who think they are Christians, but don't really "get it"? A. I believe that there is when they realize how much they truly need to depend upon the Lord. Q. Why would Jesus speak so disrespectfully of his family as he seems to in 8:21? A. I believe He spoke that way in order to make an important point that only those who trust in the Lord and choose to obey Him. Q. If you must state a single theme of Luke 8:1-21, what would it be? A. Our faith is what we must be willing to share with others. -
Q. How is the devil active when seed is sown, according to Jesus? What is the devil trying to prevent, according to verse 12? A. I believe that the devil is involved by being the very one who removes the seed of the Word of the Lord and replace it with the love of the world and everything that includes with it. Q. Why, according to verse 13, do some people demonstrate "flash-in-the-pan Christianity"? What is the problem A. These are the ones who are over emotional that is because they are the ones who are not really thinking about their decision to become a believer because they think they are just going to have an easy life once they become a believer. However they don't realize how bad things are going to be and how it affects them and that as things get harder; they start to question their decision that they made. So then they believe that the Lord doesn't care about their lives and decisions that they make. Q. Which of the thorns that Jesus mentions in verse 14 do you think is the most dangerous? Worries, riches, or pleasure? Why do you think so? A. I believe that it truly depends on each person and their circumstances. I believe this because not everyone has the same situation or experiences that they go through. Q. Here's a controversial, but important question: Can verse 14 describe true believers? A. Yes it can because even true believers can and will sometimes allow these things to crowd out their lives with the these things. Q. Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word? A. Their willingness to listen to the Lord and choose to obey the Lord instead of distrust the Lord and not obey Him. Q. Why do you think Jesus told the Parable of the Soils? A. I believe it was to remind the disciples that they need to continually rely on the Lord.
1. Why do you think Jesus called out, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear?" What was he getting at? He was speaking about the people whose hearts were not hardened by the hearing of the Word of God. These were thewe only ones who truly understood His later parables about the Kingdom of God. 2. How could people listen to Jesus, but not really understand what he was saying? They could hear but be spiritually blind to the truth. 3. In what way does Jesus' teaching harden people's hearts? If they didn't want to hear about sin and how their efforts to remain free from it were in vain they would reject the truth and in doing so harden their hearts. 4. Is there any way that we can assist those with hardened hearts? If so, what can we do? Every time we choose to witness we need to pray for the right opportunity to do so with someone. We also model the character of Christ and remember that everything He did was done with compassion.
1. According to Luke 8:1, what was the content of Jesus' message? His message mirrored the message in Isaiah 61 about the Messiah. He was to preach the Gospel, open the eyes of the blind, bind up the brokenhearted, free captives and prisoners and much more. 2. Why didn't he skip the smallest villages? His whole purpose was to seek and to save that which is lost. 3. What do you think Jesus' critics said about the women who traveled with Jesus' band continually?Why do you think Jesus allowed it? Do you think he encouraged it? Why? They probably mocked the devotion that the women had to the Lord. I believe that He knew their hearts and knew that they were sincere in their devotion to Him. Yes to prove that women should be given a chance to worship the Lord. 4. Why did the women respond as they did to healing? Because they finally found true freedom. 5. What was the women's chief motivation for contributing financially to support Jesus' mission? To bring the Gospel to everyone else 6. How can we be responsible to save for retirement and still give generously to Jesus' work? By remembering that all we receive is not truly ours we are just stewards of it. We must be willing to give a portion back to the Lord in return.
1. How would you describe the expression on Simon the Pharisee's face when he saw the woman touching Jesus' feet? I would have to say disgust, judgment, ridicule, bitterness, anger, and many more. 2. What was the sinful woman's motive for coming to see Jesus? To get forgiveness from the Lord for her sins 3. Why did Jesus let her continue, since by all appearances what she was doing was scandalous? To me, I believe it was to show the Pharisee who was more repentant and who was more likely to be thankful for being forgiven. 4. Is your love for the Lord more like the sinful woman's or Simon's? Why? I have found that since I have been given a second chance at life by the Lord and that God knows how much I appreciate it.
24. Least - Greater
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 2 (Lessons 21-40, Luke 7:1-9:56)
1. In what ways is your position in the Kingdom greater than John the Baptist's? (A hard question, but at the root of today's lesson.) In truth l am like one of the prophets in the Bible where I am pro pursuing what the Lord is saying to me about a nation. 2. Why were people so critical of John and Jesus -- and for opposite reasons? What are we learn from this? John was very blunt but also lived out the whole purpose of his purpose of his life through being a doc. 3. Do you know anyone who has "rejected God's purpose for himself"? yes many however I don't know they are really ready for it? What can you do to influence him or her for Christ before it's too late. My walk with the Lord What is doing too little? What is doing too much? Where is the right balance, do you think? Not following the Holy Spirit's urging to call or pray for someone taking on more than you can handle -
Why do you think John the Baptist had doubts about who Jesus was? Because of the fact that John was in the prison and awaiting to be executed by Herod the King of Jerusalem. Why didn't Jesus answer John's question directly? Why did he let his deeds speak instead? It was in order to let the discipline and John the Baptist know that He was the Anointed One! How was John intended to take Jesus' mild exhortation: "Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of Me.?, As comfort and a sign that Christ was truly the Son of God. How has God lifted your confusion and brokenness in a time of difficulty? How can you encourage those who are now under such a burden? Whenever I have been confused and broken and didn't know what was going on. The Lord would bring a song to my mind to remind me that He was still cared. He did that last year when I was in the hospital and reminded me that He is the Waymaker! By telling them God will always work things out for them.
Did Jesus heal all the sick people he saw? Did Jesus raise all the dead people he encountered? No because not everyone who saw the Lord believed that He could heal and raise the dead. How do you explain him raising the widow's son at Nain while passing many graveyards his route? Does acting out of compassion mean responding to a whim? Why or why not? No it means you are acting out of an instinct that God has given us Compassion is a dangerous virtue to cultivate. Why is that? What is the cost of compassion? What is the reward of compassion? It hurts to know that someone that you love is hurting and there is nothing you can truly do to help them. Can you be a true disciple and be dispassionate toward people in need? Why or why not? No because you are not acting like Christ when you are not being compassionate. How can a sense of compassion help you to pray effectively? It can cause you to learn to know what exactly to pray for without having to play a guessing game.
1. In your own words, state the insight that the centurion had of Jesus' power. The centurion knew what It was like to have authority because he had authority over soldiers himself And also Because of this he knew Jesus must have had some kind Authority over what He did. This being said That meant Only 1 thing in man's that Jesus had the power over life and death The Ability to heal diseases and indignities but also had the power to cast out evil spirits. How did this insight differ from that of Jesus' disciples at the time? The disciples were able to see the Lord's work and authority up close and see how He actually did things. 2. What portion of Jesus' mission do you believe he has delegated to you? To set the captives free. 3. How is the power Jesus can delegate to you limited by the size of your faith. It is limited by how I believe that the Lord can work through me.
Jesus speaks about how both trees are known by there fruits For a good tree is known by it's fruit. The same thing goes for a Bad tree It also is known by it's fruits. What is basically means is simple any person whether saved or not are they are known by there fruit Instance if you are a believer Everything that you do Well tell people what kind of person you are That is why people Watch us because they want to know if we're a genuine Christians Is why so many Shall we say mega churches are falling apart because they're Believers are truly not. they are just bringing in believers but not discipling them. Conman are the same way they can appear to be genuine but are really not. Women who do the same thing can probably appear to be the same way as well They can appear very genuine but once you get to know them they will not Be what you think. What comes to what is in your heart comes to what is in your Simply put What there mouth speaks Is already in there My pastor said his mother had told him that when he was a child what drunk says he's already in the heart. Another thing it says in the bible that both Salty and fresh water cannot come from the same spring what this basically means is we cannot praise the lord or bless the lord and curse at the same time because it makes no sense we have to be Doing only 1 thing What is either praising the lord Cussing Not both because as James says it does not make sense Ouch this question hurts The lord has been speaking to me about some areas that I need work on. 1 of them is My compulsive over eating My spending issue Another is in the area of prayer Yet another is my temper Lastly is procrastination Which means time management My last 1 would probably be Learning to Controlling my emotions when I'm talking to my mom or dealing with my cat And I have 1 final 1Which is communication with my mother Talk to her I end up Getting and arguments and he wants me to be more Respectable to her Born again or being saved means it is a 360 ° turn from what you were meaning it is it change of heart and mind were you no longer do the things you used to do Whether be doing drugs, Alcohol Some other substance Or something else as a substitute for the lord And then choosing the lord as your savior and going to church regularly but also spending time in his word Making him your #1 priority and also choosing Read the word but obey it When he tells you to do something And whatever that thing is he tells you to do you obey it instead of disobedience. If a person has no fruit Of the works of the holy spirit they are not truly saved and they will not get into heaven because without the works the holy spirit They won't receive anything of Christ's promises
1. Jesus says, "Don't judge." But we have to make judgments every day in order to survive. What kind of judging does Jesus forbid in this passage? When it comes to judging others, I believe we can't make speculation or jump to conclusions about certain things about people when we don't have all the facts. Sometimes we can act or even say things that are counterintuitive about people. Which will make us look like bad. 2. What do giving and forgiving have in common?Giving is the act of giving some portion of your money that God has given you back as as act of obedience. Forgiving is not only commanded of us but also required for as the book of Ephesians stated Forgive just as Christ has forgiven you. What that is saying is simple; what right do we now have to hold any grudge when the Lord Himself did not? For did not He say to His accusers these words, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do? If He was willing to forgive His accusers then we are to do the same. 3. How does Jesus' teaching encourage his disciples to be generous? It means that however you sow that is you will reap. 4. What is Jesus' point about the parable of the speck and the plank? That means basically to take a look at yourself before you choose to point out someone else's faults.
1. What is the real test of agape love being able to love your enemies? If we fail this test, do we really have agape love? The true test is when we have to love the very people who have sworn to harm us no matter what because they hate us and hate the Lord and all that He stands for. The answer to that second question is a resounding no! Why because we are not obeying the Master and what His word clearly teaches. 2. Do you see "turning the other cheek" and giving your enemy your tunic as literal, figurative, hyperbole, or what? What is the point Jesus is making here? When you consider who the Lord was speaking to back at the time of His ministry and how that group related to each other differently than we do now. We would get a better idea of how things worked together for that community so they could learn to better relate others without getting into an argument with someone. That we all need to get along with each other. 3. Why is loving your enemy so much like divine love? What is the implication of this for our salvation? For our lifestyle? It is because we need to learn how to love like Jesus loves them and see them as Jesus does. It shows others that we are listening to the Lord and want to ignore them instead of love them. It will prove to them and the Lord you are listening to Him. 4. What is the difference in effect of stating the Golden Rule as a negative ("Don't do to others, as ..."), as did Rabbi Hillel, rather than a positive ("Do to others, as ..."), as did Jesus? It causes you to think that God wants to do only certain things and be a certain way.
17. Blessings - Woes
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 1 (Lessons 1-20, Luke 3:1-6:49)
1. What does Jesus mean by his use of the words "poor" and "rich" in this passage? Does he intend these words to be taken literally or figuratively? I believe what He means is that these are people who are spiritually poor and can truly see themselves as God does which is wretched, poor, blind, naked, and without hope and completely depraved due to their sinful nature. No I believe he means for them to be taken at face value. 2. Choose one of these four alternatives and then support your choice: (1) Christianity can be accurately characterized by delayed gratification. (2) Christianity can be accurately characterized as seeking a present blessing and experience. (3) Christianity can be characterized by both a present blessing and experience, and by delayed gratification. I pick this one based on what I have learned from Bible college and also my experience as a believer as well as learning through the Scriptures what it says about our faith. First it is a blessing in the fact God chose to redeem us even before we existed and He called us sanctified and sacred vessels for His own purpose. The experiences the Lord has brought me through have proven to me that God is truly good to me and can be trusted. I also know that every time I have prayed for healing He has not chosen to heal me. He has instead replied simply from the Scriptures 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 about me being weak and Him being my strength. (4) Christianity can be accurately characterized by none of the above. Why did you make the choice you did? 3. What is wrong with being rich? When it comes to riches as the Scriptures clearly states the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. It leads people a stray. When our hearts are not in the right place and we are not looking to the Lord to give us what we need. We become like the rest of the world and become unsatisfied with what we have. With desiring to be rich? Same as the reason given. Why is this such a stumbling block for Christians? Because sometimes we have forgotten our position in Christ, our person in Christ and possession in Christ. How are you getting this in balance in your life? I have learned through the Lord taking things from me one at a time more than once that anything that is not eternal is not worth losing my relationship with Christ over. The Lord has given me a deep desire to help the less fortunate in the areas hardest hit by poverty in my state through showing them God loves them and wants them to be productive citizens of their communities. 4. Why do we seek to please people? I believe it deals with what we believe we are not good enough for salvation or to be accepted by anyone. Why is pleasing people such a trap for Christians? Simply put we believe that God won't accept us even after all He has done for us. In our minds we are not able to comprehend let alone understand the entire depths of His love for us that He would go as far as to sacrifice His one and only begotten Son on the cross at Calvary for us. Is there anything good about trying to please people? Yes when it is in line with the Scriptures and what they teach. Why is it necessary to get this in balance in our lives? To stay in touch with Christ in order to do His will -
1. What kinds of situations face us today where all night prayer is appropriate? (6:12) Addictions, divorce situations, suicidal ideations, homelessness, and anything else could be overcome by Christ 2. If there are full-fledged apostles today (and let's assume this for the sake of this question), who would be some of your nominees? Some of the people in my ministry who have worked real hard to make it what it is today 3. Why do you think most of the apostles were martyred? Because of the fact that they were hated by the world like the Lord said they would be. 4. Why do we tend to assume that miracles won't happen today? Because we believe that the miracles have ceased to occur since the apostes are no longer here 5. What would happen in your own local church if people began to get physically healed on a regular basis? There would ber more repentance, deepr worship, more reverence and bigger overflow of the Spirit of the Lord.
1. List some of the traditions that are taken for granted in your church, but are not directly mentioned in the Bible. Which seem to aid Christian mission? Which seem to impede the work of Christ? I believe one of the biggest changes in the churches nowadays is that many churches no longer support missionaries anymore. My church still does, we still do communion believer's communion every other month. We still have believer's baptism. We still teach from the truth of Scripture. We don't try and twist it to our advantage. All of them do. I believe the one that impedes is churches choosing not supporting missionaries. 2. Teaching that God's rules can sometimes be set aside for the sake of human need, can be dangerous. How can we observe this truth without abusing it? I believe the best way is to obey it and learn to how to do it as the Lord did it in His time. 3. Are there any people who you are "looking for a reason to accuse"? (6:7) Why is this attitude dangerous? How can it blind you? I can think of people who would rather accuse me of going to hell for being an apostate just for going to a trinitarian church. However I have chosen not to get into spiritual discussions with them. It is dangerous because you are becoming like God & choosing judge people. You won't be able to tell people are hurting.
1. Does Jesus speak against fasting in this passage? What does he teach about fasting, if anything, in this passage? No what He actually is saying is that fasting is a practice to be done that has a specifice time and purpose and for a specific reason as well. It means that we do it in the privacy of our homes so our Lord knows we are doing it for Him. 2. What are the structures in our lives and society that are incompatible with the Life of the Spirit in our lives? Career, education, finances, legalism, religion, materialism, just about anything can take the place of the Lord's throne on our heart. 3. Please share a struggle you had with trying to contain the Life of Christ in an "old wineskin"? I believe for me it dealt with the tabernacle and how it corresponds with Christ and all the offerings they had to make.
1. Who in our society would correspond to the rich outcasts like tax collectors were in Jesus' day? In the United States it would be businessmen, congressmen and women and senators even the president and vice president, even people that represent us at state level sometimes for some reason. 2. Why do we Christians feel so uncomfortable around blatant sinners? I believe it is because we feel like we don't know how to relate them in some way. Why did Jesus succeed in making himself so at home in their presence? It was because He chose to get baptized just like the sinners did in order to identify with them. 3. Have you ever had a time when you felt like an outcast? Yes during high school and middle school when I was bullied by my peers and teachers. I felt like no one was listening to me and my concerns. It was not until God told me He had a plan for me and I met my friend Amber who I had known for years before she died who told me that God would redeem my past and He has. It felt like Jesus was refreshing my weary soul. What did it feel like to you, when Jesus' voice broke through all the static and let you know that he had chosen you and really wanted you? .Please share your experience with the others in your group. 4. In light of the lessons of this passage, what kinds of people around us should we be reaching out to? The lost, the homeless, the teens whose parents are divorced, the outcasts, the people looking for answers, anyone in need of hope
1. Why do you think Jesus spoke the extremely controversial words, ""Your sins are forgiven?" He could have been less offensive to the visiting guests. Why did he choose not to be? He chose to be this way because He knew that these people already knew He was and what He did before and how His claims would cause issues for them. But He chose to do this to make a point not to them but to the man to say that his faith is why his sins were forgiven. 2. What is the connection between sin and sickness in this passage? Sin is why sickness came into the world and through sickness death also came into the world. Sin destroys the soul while sickness destroys the outer body and spirit and soul too. The devil can use these as a source of bondage if they are long lasting. 3. Which of the two phrases IS easier to say? "Your sins are forgiven!" OR "Get up, take your mat, and go home!" I believe it would be Your sins are forgiven because it expresses a person's faith in God. 4. Why did Jesus use the term "Son of Man" rather than "Son of God" or "Messiah"? To show that He was both Son of God and man to them. 5. Whom do you feel most like at present? The paralyzed man or one of the four friends? Why? I feel like the paralyzed man because of the fact I constantly need to go to the Lord for forgiveness and ask Him questions about things
1. Who in our society are treated like lepers were treated in Jesus' day? I would have to say the poor, homeless, people with multiple illnesses like myself and people who have illnesses that are high risk 2. Describe the kind of faith it takes to act and speak as this leper did. It takes a giant leap of faith 3. What is the difference between believing God can do something for us and believing that he wants to do something for us? It means you believe He can do something for someone else but not you. It means you means you believe He can do something for you personally 4. "I will. Be clean!" is pretty strong. Can you think of any place where Jesus indicates that he isn't willing to heal those who are sick? No but I do know that He does not always promise to heal everyone completely here completely. 5. A few weeks ago we studied Luke 4:42 about Jesus going to a solitary place. Since then have you made progress toward establishing a Quiet Time of your own? Yes However it is getting interrupted by the fact I am having trouble sleeping at night and trouble concentrating during the morning.
1. What things does Jesus asks Peter to do and in what order? He asked Peter to go out into deep water and put the nets back in to catch fish. 2. Why do you think Jesus asked Peter to attempt the seemingly impossible task of catching fish during the day, after he's tried all night and failed? To show to Peter that He was the Messiah that the things that Peter would be doing when he followed Jesus would be concerned impossible in men's eyes but not's God's 3. How does Jesus respond to Peter's plea for him to leave, due to Peter's sinfulness? He tells Peter not to be afraid and reassures him. Why doesn't Jesus address Peter's sinfulness at this point? Because He already knew everything about Peter and his companions and he didn't need to address it. What does Jesus talk about instead? He addressed the fact that they would be catching men as in bringing people to Christ. 4. Does Jesus require all his disciples to leave everything? If so, in what sense? Yes He expects all of us to forsake all to follow Him and learn to obey Him in the sense of choose to worship no other god but Him and forsake all other gods but the Lord. 5. What does it mean to you personally to "follow" Jesus? For me it means forsaking my idolatrous self-seeking selfish ways for a life that honors the Lord fully by serving and being devoted to Him in all areas no matter what.
9. Healing - Capernaum
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 1 (Lessons 1-20, Luke 3:1-6:49)
1. What does Jesus’ ministry of laying on of hands for healing teach us about him? It shows us that He was a personal God and healer and He wants to have a personal relationship with each person He is healing. He chose to reach out those who were outcasts and call them His own because He knew that society did not welcome them in. For with God there are no outcasts He welcomes everyone no matter what. He is no respecter of persons because He wants everyone in His kingdom. 2. How did Jesus treat the sick people he encountered that afternoon and evening in Capernaum? He treated each family with compassion and love and grace and He did not turn them away at all knowing that it was the Father's will for Him to give them the spiritual food that they needed. What kind of example does that set for us to follow? A leadership example that is the high priest example of perfection where we have no excuse to say we can't do it or we are unable to do it. 3. Which was the more important motivator for Jesus: compassion of duty? I believe it was always compassion because even when He fed the crowds He was moved with compassion as well. 4. Why is it so hard to maintain a Quiet time? What have you found that enables you to set aside this time? For me, I have a hard time concentrating due to lack of sleep, and distractions. When these two affect me I tend to have issues focusing on the Bible. Waking up early and setting aside for God. Any tips to share with the rest of us? Make God your #1 in your life. If He's not #1 in your life as a priority everything else will not as planned. Get your priorities in order! -
What is the relationship between Jesus' commission in Luke 4:18-19 and his ministry acts in Capernaum? He was sent to set the captives free from their bondage of sin and oppression of demonic authority God also sent Him to forgive HIm people's sins as well Jesus' words were spoken with conviction and authority, compared to the scribes who often spoke in the synagogue. What was the source of Jesus' conviction and authority? His divinity? Or something else? Should we expect conviction and authority to attend our own teaching? Why or why not? The source of His authority was not His divinity but God's authority and His abililty to be both God and man and to relate people on a personal level Why do you think the demon oppressed man interrupted Jesus? He is doing the will of the enemy because the enemy didn't want the Lord defeat him at all. After you've read Dr. Wilson's essay on "Demonization and Deliverance in Jesus' Ministry" (in Appendix 2, do you think he proves his assertion that demonization describes a range of demon influence, rather than complete possession? Why or why not? Yes I do believe that there are various manifestations of it I myself work with this sort of thing and have seen it personally as a person in ministry and know from experience that each case is unique and not the same. Conside the case in the Bible of Mary of Magdalene. She had to have demons cast out of her and then she became sane. Why isn't recovery from demonic deception always instantaneous? What is the process of deliverance that a person must go through to come to full freedom? I believe it is because the mind is affected and the emotions and psche are a part of this and they need a complete psych eval to see what kind of help they will need in the long term for their recovery. Give examples from your own life or experience on how deceptive and innocent involvement in sin can appear, and how terrible the consequences. For I am struggling with my health right now all because I let myself give into temptation when it came to boundaries with my compulsive eating and now I can barely move around. My father did the same thing and is no longer here. His brother has done the same thing countless times and has had 4 heart attacks and has 4 stents in his heart. I landed in the hospital due to a gi bleed however but it was my fault. What will happen in your life if you toy with or nurture the temptations you have to sin? What happens when sin and Satan get a foothold in your life? I will end up struggling with my health even further or possibly dead. I could possibly backslide.