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Everything posted by Godswriter
1. How can it be that Jesus can go from declaring his commission from God on high one moment, to being subjected to an attempted assassination the next? Have you ever experienced highs and lows this extreme? One of the biggest reasons is because they only knew the Lord as a carpenter's son and Joseph's son not as the Healer so they could not believe that He would be the Son of God let alone the Messiah that would die for the world. He said later on to His disciples that a prophet is not without honor except in his own country among his own relatives, and in his own relatives. This means that they usually are hated there first because they are not believed there first. Yes I have as soon as my ministry began the personal attacks on my characters and testimony began and never stopped. The enemy has also used death threats to stop it but it has not stopped me only caused the ministry to explode exponentially by more than double every week. PTL! 2. Why do you think Jesus “rubbed it in” with two stories of God blessing Gentiles while Jews were still in need? I believe it was to tell them that they needed to realize that they were in need of saving and they couldn't continue the way they were going forever. 3. Why couldn’t they kill Jesus at Nazareth? Why did Jesus willingly allow himself to be captured in the Garden of Gethsemane? I believe it was because the timing for HIs death had not yet come and because He had slipped away in the crowd as a ghost so they couldn't see Him. He allowed it because it was the Father's will for Him to suffer many things for our sake and die on the cross so that we might partake of the righteousness of God and become the sons and daughters of God 4. How did Jesus show courage in the face of rejection? What lessons can you learn from his example? He chose to remain silent while they accused Him and even reviled Him as well. To be silent like Him and let the Lord defend me instead.
Is it reasonable to expect that the power of the Spirit will be as great in a Christian today as it was in Jesus?Yes when we consider the fact that we as believers are ambassadors of Jesus Christ here on earth to give a testimony about the good news of Jesus Christ and what it had done for us. Here is a premise: "If we are followers of Jesus, then Jesus' commission is our commission, too. We must both embrace his mission and adopt it for ourselves." It could be argued that one person's mission need not be another's. Do you think this is a valid premise? Why or why not? I believe that the premise is incorrect because as believers we are to be salt and light in this world; fishers of men; all for the glory of God. Why can being around the very poor make us feel uncomfortable? Can we with integrity declare good news to the poor without seeking to alleviate their poverty? Can the two be separated? Should they be? Did Jesus give alms to the poor, do you think? It can make sensitive to the needs of our community. Yes by learning how to be compassionate towards them w/o judging them. No I believe that they are unable to be separated because w/o integrity from the gospel. I believe in some cases He might have. Who around you is a prisoner? How can you declare freedom to them with sensitivity? Those who are in jail or prison system or about to be sentenced to life imprisonment or death penalty. By telling them about the Lord Jesus Christ and His death, and resurrection that redeems them. How should you heal the broken-hearted in your world? Who are the oppressed in your particular community? How can you assist them and help them find justice? By learning? how to listen to them and their pain when they are talking to me. The people who have not yet found justice for the crimes committed against them that the justice system has not fulfilled.
Is temptation only merely inevitable, or is it necessary to our growth as disciples?Temptation is a part a all believer's lives because of the enemy constantly opposition against us because of our Lord Jesus Christ. Temptation is necessary to test out faith and see if we are going to come out pure as gold as refined in the refiners fire. What is the essence of the first temptation, to turn stones into bread? Which temptations we face are similar? Hunger. This first temptation dealt with out physical needs such as hunger. hunger. We face every possible temptation that the Israelites faced as well. What is the essence of the second temptation, to attain power and splendor? What similar temptations do we face today? It is to overthrow the kingship of the Lord Jesus Christ and he is jealous of the Lord because He knows that he never will be able to have the power to fully conquer and rule the world like the Lord will. But also that in the end every knee will now and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. That means whether or not these people worshipped and truly believed in Him they still will have to bow down and confess it. What is the essence of the third temptation, to throw oneself down from the temple? How do we face this temptation today? This temptation deals with seeking riches and fame with strings attached. Most people who see this now don't see how this one is being used or manifesting itself in the world now. I know that one of the main ways it can be seen is in megachurches! Where there is multiple locations; multiple pastors even campus where the sermon is heard through a tv. However the one thing I have noticed recently about that is this many people in these situations are getting into situations where their faith becomes compromised. We as believers need to be leary of anyone who speaks the Gospel and yet can't live it out. Did Jesus have any special powers at his disposal to resist temptation that Christians today don't have? What lessons about how to resist temptation does Jesus teach us disciples in this passage? No He only had the Holy Spirit at the time for the ability to keep Him strong; To pray to God when we are tempted and also to use the Word of God to defend ourselves against the enemy
4. Baptism - Anointing
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 1 (Lessons 1-20, Luke 3:1-6:49)
M1. What do you think Jesus was saying to the Father as he was praying after his baptism? (verse 21) I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was talking to His Father because He knew that He couldn't do it without the help of His Father knowing that He was doing the very will and plan and purpose of His Father for us as the part of humanity. He knew that His ministry's whole mission and end led up to one thing which was the cross at Calvary. The trial by the Pharisees and scribes and even Pontius Pilate all led up to the ultimate of that God had in mind which was salvation and redemption by the blood of Jesus Christ. Why would Jesus be baptized along with all the sin-laden people at the river that day? Wasn't he in danger of mis-communicating to them who he was? The number one reason the Lord chose to get baptized by his cousin John the Baptist was both to obey the Lord, His Father in heaven but also to identify with the sinners in the Jordan river. I don't believe He was in danger of mis-communicating his identity to them. Why do you think God staged the dove to descend in a visible way? (verse 22) What was the significance of the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus at this time in his life? To show to the News that His Son was truly was the Messiah and Anointed One that had been previously prophesied about in the Torah and they didn't understand was His true reason for coming to be on the earth and living among us. They thought that He would deliver them from the Roman rule however the Lord Himself spoke to Pilate saying that, " My kingdom is not of this world. The significance of it was a sign to show the sinners that the Savior of the World had finally come and He was in no longer afraid of them as they thought but instead He longed for a relationship with every one of them personally. How did Jesus interpret the Voice that sounded from heaven? Did Jesus become the Messiah at this point? Or become divine? Or how do you understand this decisive event? I believe that the Lord knew that His Father was blessing Him for being obeying Him and choosing to become baptized by his cousin. I believe that He was always divine however the Lord's divine nature was hidden from public view until He went into ministry and chose to get baptized. This is I believe was the moment when He let the world know that He was not just the carpenter's son anymore but the very Son of God. -
3. John's Baptism
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 1 (Lessons 1-20, Luke 3:1-6:49)
Isn't John the Baptist's humble statement, "the thongs of whose sandals I am unworthy to untie," a bit overstated? No because in truth John the Baptist was only the forerunner to Jesus Christ and he only proclaimed that the Lord and His Kingdom were at hand. His main goal was to prepare the way for the Lord by making his paths straight. He is also stated in John chapter 3:30 I must decrease and He must increase meaning Christ. Are we unworthy to serve Christ? If so, why? If not, why not? Yes because there is nothing that we can offer on our own that can even far outweigh anything that God can do for us. However all we can do is offer our lives back to Him as an offering. What does John's comparison of water baptism to Spirit baptism tell us about what Spirit baptism means? I believe that John meant with water baptism your life is not completely made right and anew. It is not given a new start and you are changing your mind and choosing not to do a certain behavior or behaviors anymore. It is only a half way Mark for repentance not fully there. When we choose to be obey the Lord and become His fully we are sealed by the Holy Spirit through the baptism of the Spirit and we follow that with the believers baptism as well. What does it mean to be "Spirit-filled"? How would our lives be different if we were truly filled and flooded with the Holy Spirit? It means to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit that empowers us with the intentions and abilities to be able to serve and devote our lives to the Lord. It would mean that everything we do would be for the glory of the Lord and we would be make sure that every word and deed is truly glorifying God in some way. We may be afraid of "fire-of-judgment" kind of language, but what should our response be to warnings of terrible judgment? How good a change-motivator is the warning of future judgment? What other motivators might people respond to in addition to this? Or better than this? It should motivate us to witness to the people in our lives who don't know the Lord and Savior and need to know who He is. We are some of the people who can tell them who He is and why they need a Savior. I believe it is a big one for those people who have been living double lives and aren't truly living for the Lord. Desire for self. Better than this would be to glorify and honor God. -
Why do you think John the Baptist calls people a brood of vipers, a den of snakes? I believe that John called them that because they acted like they were religious while they judged everyone else by a set of standards that were not set by God but by man. How did the Jews' religious pride in Abraham keep them from taking John's call for repentance seriously? They believed that they were already saved from condemnation of their sins and had complete salvation but didn't realize that it took more than that. How could religious pride have that same effect on us? We could become desensitized to the Holy Spirit and His conviction of our sins by choosing to believe that we are okay with our own lives. When in fact the Lord don't agree with us. In what way does sharing clothing and food with the poor constitute meaningful repentance? What ways do you find to do this in your everyday life? It shows that you care for the least of these in the Kingdom of God that the Lord spoke about. I work with people who need counseling online and make sure that they get the care the need in terms of counseling and seeing a specialist for mental illness who is a Christian who will understand them better than a secular one would. Tax collectors were tempted to collect more than was due them. How does this same temptation show up in your line of work or education or home? For certain people who may be dishonest they may think they deserve a raise by stealing it but that is not the way to earn anyone's trust at all. It is much better to be honest than to be steal. How will we know when we have repented? What are the fruits of genuine repentance? True repentance is when we are no longer tempted to sin in the same area w/o a sense of genuine guilt and and looking to the Lord for repentance daily. How does discontent with our lot in life cause us to sin? What would constitute repentance in this circumstance? It caused us to be unable to happy with what we have and happy with what we don't have at the same time. Learning to be honest with others and the Lord about how you feel.
Why do you think God chose someone like John to be Jesus' forerunner? I believe one of the main reasons that the Lord probably chose John for our Lord's forerunner was because of the fact his own father faithfully served the Lord for years even when he his wife was barren and still did not give birth to a child. Even it he was obedient to the daily w/o fail. This told the Lord that anyone from that family would surely obey Him. This meant that God's will would be first in that person's life and following Him would be all that matters. How can we be sure that all our personal differences are part of God's plan and purpose? For me recently I have learned that the only way to whether or not they are part o His plan and purpose is through consistent and constant contact with my Lord through both prayer and time in His word where I listen to what He is saying to me. Sometimes I get impatient and want the Lord answer me right away and not to wait for an answer from Him. Since He requires me to be patient with Him. John was raised in the desert. What kinds of circumstances has God used as a training for your preparation? For me the Lord had used a variety of experiences to change and train me for my ministry that He lovingly have to me so I could bring people to Him. One of the biggest experiences He has used in my life is the past I thought I could not redeem or even be able to use for the glory of the Lord.However He showed me that even my past is completely redeemable How dependent are you upon what others think and say about you? How can you change this without becoming callous? For me I have realized that the only person who really should matter when it comes to my self esteem and self worth is the Lord because He's the one who created me to begin with. By telling them politely I am not interested in their opinions. What would you say to a person suffering from chronic guilt over past sins? How can guilt be healthy? How can guilt be unhealthy? I would first start off by saying that they are forgiven for those sins by the very blood of Jesus Christ. But also that there is no longer any condemnation in Christ Jesus for anyone who has believed in Him. For Christ Himself is out intercession on high before the throne of God above. Why is humbling (such as repentance and baptism in John's day) necessary to form disciples of Jesus? What kind of cutting, filling, straightening, and smoothing work has God been doing in your life? What does he still need to do? Why is this necessary preparation for disciples? Humbling is necessary order to keep the disciples eyes on their Master and Lord. For one day He would no longer be with them. He has been taken away my ability to write for a season to wake me up and cause me to realize that I was killing myself. He took away my desire for certain foods in order for me to lean more on Him. Teach me how about self.control in some areas.
What sources does Luke use as he prepares his Gospel? (1:2) What does it mean to be a "servant of the word"? (1:2) What does such a servant do? How does such a servant act? What is the "word" he serves? What makes Luke an especially good narrator of Jesus' life? How has he prepared for this task? (1:3) Is there any way to find "certainty" about the Christian faith? How certain is the Gospel of Luke? What is the certainty we seek? Why do we seek certainty? (1:4) When it comes to the account of the Gospel He uses both of the other Gospels and the witnesses from them to establish his Gospel as well. Servants are people who willing give themselves to the cause of Christ for the Gospel to spread the message of hope to the world. They act merciful and respectful of all authority and learn to be obey all that word says no matter what. It is the Gospel. He has chosen to speak the witnesses personally and learn what they saw when Jesus alive on Earth. By writing down everything from the witnesses for future generations. Yes by reading the Gospels and realizing that some of the things in the Gospels have been proven true by archaeologists already.
Q1. The Promise of Romans 8:28
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. More than Conquerors (8:28-39)
Posted by mistake. -
Q1. The Promise of Romans 8:28
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. More than Conquerors (8:28-39)
Q1. (Romans 8:28) What is the actual promise contained in verse 28? What does this promise mean? Put it in your own words. What are the two qualifications to the recipients of this promise? How does verse 28 give you hope? God promises to work out everything for our good. It means that no matter what it is good or bad He will use it for our benefit. Two of them are we love God and we are chosen by Him. It gives me hope knowing that I have been called by Him and I also am to daily love Him. I also know that because I'm His I will be in heaven with the Lord. -
Q5. (Romans 8:18-25) In what sense do we expect to experience God's glory when Christ comes? How will the suffering creation experience God's glory? How will our mortal bodies experience God's glory? In what way will our spirits experience God's glory? For one we will finally be able to see the Lord as He truly is in all His Glory for the first time. Because we will no longer be in our sinful bodies anymore but in our resurrected bodies instead. For as we are we are not able to withstand looking at His Glory for it would blind us and possibly even kill. It will be remade into a new heaven and new earth and there will also be a new Jerusalem as well. Our spirits will be like that of the angels.
Q4. (Romans 8:24-25) What are the characteristics of a person who has lost hope? How does this person typically conduct his life? How does this differ from a person who holds an eager expectation of a better future? What is the "Christian hope"? How should it motivate us and affect our lives now? For the person that has lost their hope; they are usually heartbroken, inconsolable, downtrodden, very depressed. The person with hope and future is smiling and optimistic and also willing to accept life as it comes. Christian hope is heaven and life eternal with Christ. It should motivate us to be willing to bring people to Him.
Q3. (Romans 8:26-27) How does the Holy Spirit act as a Helper or Mediator or Intercessor in verses 26-27? What similarities do you see between the Holy Spirit's ministry here with Jesus' teaching of the Spirit's ministry as Counselor/Comforter/Paraclete in John 14:16 and 15:26)? Why do you think we tend to take the Holy Spirit for granted or fail to understand His ministry to and through us? He is able to pray for us on our behalf when we don't know what to pray or how to pray for someone. He will intercede for us because the Lord will show Him just what we need at that time to pray for that person in that particular prayer. He is our Comforter in the fact He will choose to use the word of God to comfort us and also help us pray for ourselves and others in their hour of need and our own hour of need. Because we believe that His ministry has just one use for us and not many instead.
Q2. (Romans 8:17-22) In what ways was suffering Jesus' lot in life? Why do we suffer? Why does all creation seem to be suffering? What will signal the end of that downward cycle of suffering, decay, and death? Is there anything good to look forward to in this present life? He suffered rejection, betrayal, separation from His father, scorn from religious leaders, abandonment by disciples, whipped by cat of nine tails, wore a crown of thorns, mocked by soldiers while wearing a purple robe and hit with a reed, made to carry his own cross, had three spikes pounded in his ankles and wrists, had a sword thrust in his side, sweat blood and tears as he prayed. Creation all deals with it because of the fall of man. The end of it will be when the tribulation will come and we are raptured and then 1000 year reign and then everyone is judged according to their deeds. Yes heaven and the fact that Christ is coming back.
Q1. In Romans 8:14-21, 28, how many times is the idea of being sons and daughters of God alluded to? What are the promises made to these sons and daughters? What do we learn about our future and our role in the future of all creation? The number of times it is mentioned is 7 times which is the number of perfection. That they will be children of God and be heirs and share inheritance with the Lord Jesus Christ who is our Savior. That we will be in heaven with Christ and be seated with Christ. We will be reigning over the creation again.
Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray 'Abba, Father'? What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance? The Holy Spirit residing in us is the very one who tells us that God is our Heavenly Father and we are able to call him Daddy. The significance of this is that He is our Creator. We start doubting our salvation and wondering if we are really saved. Through being sealed by the Spirit.
Q5. Being Led by the Spirit
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Learning to Walk by the Spirit (Romans 8:1-17)
Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? To put the deeds of the flesh to death, it means to physically die to sin and its passions that come with it through the flesh. For me I can tell you how I have done it I no longer allow myself to spend money that I don't have by getting away from the computer when I am tempted to spend. It also includes learning to be teachable through the process of being brokenness by the Spirit after the Lord spoke to me. In practice it's being willing to say no to sin at every opportunity. We need to be led by God daily in order to do His will to maintain our relationship with Him. -
Q4. (Romans 8:12) Do we have to sin? Are we compelled to sin? Is it possible to live for two hours of wakefulness without sinning? Four hours? One day? Two days? No we do not nor are we compelled to either for we are Christ's church and He gave us all we need to completely go without sinning. Yes it is.
Q3. (Romans 8:9) Is it possible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us? What is the difference (if any) between the <i>indwelling</i> of the Spirit and the <i>fullness</i> of the Spirit? How do we remain "full" of the Spirit? No because without the Holy Spirit there are no fruits of the Spirit to prove that the person is a believer. The indwelling of the Spirit is when you are first born again and baptized and confessed that you believe in Jesus Christ. The fullness is when you are producing the fruits of the Spirit and everyone can see it. By constantly being in the word.
Q2. (Romans 8:5-6) Exactly what does it mean to set your mind on the things of the Spirit? How do you do this? How can you recognize when the things you're setting your mind on relate to your sinful nature? How much of this is deliberate? How much is habit? What part does the Holy Spirit have it this? Or is this primarily right living by force of will? To set my mind on the things of the Spirit means to renew my mind with the Word of God daily by spending time in His word and also praying to Him daily. You know when the things you're setting my mind on aren't spiritual by how you become with others in the body of Christ. A lot of it can be deliberate when a person is emotionally triggered in some way. It could be both ways. He has a big role in this when He starts to convict us of our sins. No it is not.
Q1. The Weak Link, the Flesh
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Learning to Walk by the Spirit (Romans 8:1-17)
Q1. (Romans 8:3-4) Why can't obedience to the law save us? What is the weak link? What then does it take to save us? Obedience to the law cannot save us from our sins because we are born dead in our trespasses and sins and we are unable to make restitution for our sins before the Lord. The weak link is our flesh because we are living in the flesh. It takes the Son of God in human form on a cross dying once for everyone and raising again to the life to conquer sin death and the grave. -
Q3. (Romans 7:12; 8:3) What does the law do well? What does it do poorly? Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us? What is the problem here? What the law does well as point out our problem which is sin. What it does not do well is save us from it. Because we are in need of a Savior who can truly redeem our souls from sins.
Q4. Total Depravity
Godswriter replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Struggling with Sin in Our Own Strength (Romans 7:1-25)
Q4. (Jeremiah 17:9; Matthew 15:18-20; Romans 7:24) What is the doctrine of "total depravity"? Put it in your own words. Does it mean that none of God's original goodness shows through? Then what does it mean? Why does modern man tend to believe that man is basically good? How does this differ from what the Bible teaches? total depravity pictures that we can do nothing apart from God when it comes to sin because we are unable save ourselves and make us holy and righteous that being said we are unable come before the Lord and pray for pray for him to save us on our own that is why that is why his son the only just and perfect sacrifice able to save us from our sin not only that the only way to heaven which is why so many people reject the word of God because they do not want to admit that they cannot save themselves or the fact that they cannot do things that would displease the Lord. What does man is basically good man and means that man is good in a sense that he can do no wrong and that all he can do is good through his actions but that is not how God sees things for in Isaiah it says that all our righteousness is as filthy rags in God's eye -
Q5. (Romans 7:14-25) Christians disagree about who is the "I" in Romans 7. Is Paul referring to himself or others? What is your opinion? (We won't all agree here, but we'll learn what the issues are by taking and arguing for a position -- lovingly). I have to believe that is talking about himself in Romans and this issues he is discussing are about sins and how they affect us directly. But not only that how it causes issues when it comes to our walk with the Lord.
Q2. (Romans 7:7-8) The law reveals sin for what it is. Why wouldn't we be better off just not knowing that we should not covet, for example? Why does the flesh respond to being told "Do not covet" by coveting all the more? Without knowing the reason why we need a Savior which is that we can't save ourselves we would still think we can do it on our own. I believe it is because the flesh is resistant to being told to not doing something when it wants its own way.