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Everything posted by Godswriter

  1. Q3. (Hebrews 7:24-25) Why is Jesus able to save people "completely" -- "to the uttermost" according to verse 25? What is the essential function of a priest? Why is intercession the essence of being a priest? Jesus is able to save to the uttermost because He is a High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek which is a high priest who had no end nor a beginning like the Levitical line of priests did.The line of priests and high priests out of Levi's tribe was human and sinful meaning they could not save us from our sins in any way they could only cover our sins through the yearly sacrifices nothing more. However Jesus being a priest of the order of Melchizedek means that He is a priest forever and his priesthood does not end. That also means His power overrules the former priests. Because He does not die He continually make intercession for us to God as well. The intercession is important because it ensures our salvation.
  2. Q2. (Hebrews 7:22) What is a guarantee or surety? In what sense is Jesus the guarantor of the New Covenant? It is something that is true and won't fail and that will come true. He is the one who started and will finish it in the end because He sealed it with His blood.
  3. Day 24 Meditation (Revelation 22:3-5). With the picture of God and the Lamb high and lifted up, and the train of his robe filling the temple (Isaiah 6:1), what significance does it have for us to “see his face”? What kind of intimacy and access does that imply? How can you begin to “sit at his feet” and “behold the glory of the Lord” now? (Luke 10:39; 2 Corinthians 3:18). To what degree are you currently doing this? It means that we are in a close intimate relationship with the Lord that we can call upon Him in prayer. The access and intimacy is full and close. I can do it by being more patient with Him when I pray instead of listing what I need from Him. Not enough right now.
  4. Day 23 Meditation (Revelation 22:1-2). What is the significance of the source of this healing stream? In what ways can “living waters” flow through you to bring healing to others? The significance of it is that it comes from the throne of God and living and meant to heal people from all nations. Living waters can flow through me by the way I speak to others about the Lord and how He saved me and how He helped me overcome my addictions. I can tell them that the Lord can heal them and deliver them from sin. I can show through actions how I have changed.
  5. Day 22 Meditation (Revelation 21:23-25). Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God’s searching light? In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem’s light is the Lamb? In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring his light to some of your dark places? I believe it's because we don't know want to know the full details of our sins however if we don't we can't repent and turn to the Lord for forgiveness. I believe He is telling us this from sense that He chose to die for our sins and die on the cross and die in our place. He needs to brings light to my addictions and depression and my grief as well.
  6. Day 21 Meditation (Revelation 21:22). How did the Tabernacle in the Wilderness and the Temple in Jerusalem create barriers between the people and a holy God? How can our traditional forms of Christian worship keep us from full intimacy with God? In what sense do we understand that the “temple is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb”? Both the temple and tabernacle had two areas that could only entered by the priests and the high priest himself. However the tabernacle and temple was separated into sections for where the women and men could worship the Lord freely. Also the courtyard was another barrier as well as the Veil to the Holy Place which led to the Holy of Holies. But they had to give sacrifices yearly since it did not take away their sins. It was not until Jesus died and tore the veil in two that we were able to access the Holy of Holies. When churches get in ruts with programs, music or even saying that certain spiritual gifts are no longer in existence that things go stale and we learn that God wants something more from us and our worship. The Lord is the Lamb of God and we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit.
  7. Day 20 Meditation (Revelation 21:14). The 12 Apostles of the Lamb became the foundation of the New Jerusalem. How has your life, your example, and your testimony been built into the foundations of the lives of your family and community? In what sense do you see yourself as an Ambassador of the Lamb? For me they see me cling to the cross daily as I go about my duties as a Christian and as I struggle with my addictions and as I am persecuted for my faith because of my ministry as well. They see how I continually persevere even when trials come and choose to serve the Lord and devote my life to the Lord no matter what. I see myself as an Ambassador for Him in the sense that I am continually spreading the good news of Christ to anyone who will listen.
  8. Day 19 Meditation (Revelation 21:9-10). Why do you think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding. What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth? What might be God’s plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated? I believe it is because the city of Jerusalem, is being prepared for the Lord which is the Messianic believers who have chosen to believe in the Lord Jesus as their Savior. This means that for the New Jerusalem to the Lord had to prepare her enough for the milennial reign and also for the Lamb's supper as well. I believe the the plan for the New Earth is that there will be no more sin or the effects of it on it.
  9. Q1. (Hebrews 6:18b-20) In what sense have we "fled to a place of refuge"? Why are we to "take hold of" this hope actively? How does Christian hope differ from hoping that something is true? In what ways does an anchor illustrate the idea of hope? Christian hope is a fact- a firm expectation- that believers can lay hold of, like an anchor. This hope in turn lays hold of a person so that they have confidence in all that has been promised. The mariner's anchor is cast down into the depths of the sea; the believer's anchor is cast into upward to the inward sanctuary of heaven; where it lays hold of Christ and cannot be moved. The Greek word for forerunner refers to someone who goes ahead of a group; such as a military scout, and whom the rest of the group follows. It can also refer to a ship that went ahead of the main fleet, especially since large ships could not pass into Greece's harbors until high tide provided enough clearance. In the same way, Jesus precedes His people to pave their way to heaven- the very presence of God. (4:14, John14:2) (Jeremiah, D. 2013 David Jeremiah Study Bible NKJV) We can be absolutely sure of God's promises to us because of His holy, unfailing character (Num 23:19; Titus 1:2) He will never lead us astray but will always be truthful to us and guide us in the very best way possible. In the temple, an extremely thick veil stood as a barrier between the priests and God's presence. Only the high priest was permitted to pass through it on the Day of Atonement (Lev. 16). However, when Jesus died on the cross, the immense veil tore in two- from top to bottom (Matt 27:51, Mark15:38; Luke 23:45)-showing that He had removed the barrier between Himself and us (2 Cor 3:16; Heb 10:19-20), As believers this is the assurance that keeps our soul steady. No matter what may happen, we enjoy the everlasting presence of our God and nothing can separate us from Him ever again (Rom 8:38, 39). (Stanley, C. 2019 Charles Stanley Life Principles Study NKJV 2nd Ed.) I believe we are to take hold of it actively because so that we can stay close to the Lord and keep our soul steady.
  10. Q4. (Hebrews 6:12) If we take seriously the writer's exhortation to exercise both faith and patience for the long haul, what effect does that have on our Christian life? On our perspective? How can we resist the subtle temptation to think that our salvation depends upon our endurance rather than Christ's atonement and the grace of God? Our inheritance is the same as those faithful saints of old, but you must trust God to take you through every obstacle in your path, just as they did. Like the biblical believers who have preceded you, you'll find that no challenge is a match for the amazing power of God. There are great blessings ahead if you'll diligently do what He says. We need to set clear goals, be patient, be willing to take risks, be persistent and be flexible. This way we don't get bent out of shape when things go our way.
  11. Q3. (Hebrews 6:4-6) What is apostasy? Why is it impossible from a practical standpoint to restore apostates to Christian faith and practice? What point was Jesus making in his Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23)? What is Jesus' point of the Parable of the Tares or Weeds (Matthew 13:24-30)? Apostasy is the actual falling away of those who have been given the chance to believe in Jesus Christ and choose to deny Him instead. I believe it is because they never truly believed in Christ in the first place to begin with. For they never made a true profession of faith so they never truly chose to accept the Lord as their Savior and Lord. His point is that for each soil type is a different type of heart condition spiritually speaking. The first one would be a calloused aka hardened heart. For this heart; the party in question is someone who is completely unable to hear the word since it is hidden from them. The stony heart is representative of the casual heart. A person who has explosive growth but doesn't deep roots in Christ so when the troubles and trials comes they go back to their old ways. The thorny heart represents a crowded heart. It has 4 different kinds of weeds or troubles of this world which are the deceitfulness of riches, the care of this world, **** of other things and pleasures of this life. The enemy is not internal but external. The hearts of the third set of the hearers are divided. Their hearts are crowded. The good ground represents the converted heart- the person who hears the Word, allows the truth to sink in, and is genuinely saved. Just as there are three levels of not believing the Word of God, there are also three levels of productivity in the hearts of those who believe. Some produce fruit 100fold, some produce it 60 fold, some produce it 30 fold. None produce it zero fold. With the wheat and tares parables He is telling us that there will be a time that all of us both believers and unbelievers will be separated from each other.
  12. Q2. (Hebrews 6:4-5) What difference, if any, would you find between the description in verses 4-5 and a Spirit-filled Christian today? What is the writer's point in forming this description? Note: We agree to disagree, but we will disagree with love and humility toward one another in our words, as befitting genuine Christians! To keep us on track, let's limit our discussion to passages in Hebrews only, not the entire New Testament. Immoderate tirades will be removed from the Forum and poison tongues will lose their privileges to participate. I believe there is actually no difference between two since both of them have been touched by the Lord's word and His blood and sacrifice as well. The point of the passage is this both of them can turn away however one can turn back and be received back by the Lord while the other can not. It is a warning to all of us that we need to be on our guard and keep the armor of God on at all times.
  13. Day 18 Meditation (Revelation 20:12). What do the records contain that are opened before the throne of God on Judgment Day? How do they differ from the Lamb’s Book of Life? How is it “fair” that we escape judgment by having our names written there, even though we have committed many sins? Who paid the price to make it “fair” and just? According to my Bible it states that those who don't believe in Christ will have to bear the weight of their sins and penalty of them and also be cast into the lake of fire eventually. For once we appear before Christ our character and eternal destination is determined by the Lord. Records - are all of the people listed according to whether or not accepted Jesus Christ and their deeds and what their rewards are. It is different in the fact that it is not based on the blood of Jesus Christ but on what they did. It is based on the price paid by the Lord when He died on the cross and how every one who accepts Him will be in the Lamb's Book of Life.
  14. Day 17 Meditation (Revelation 19:6-9). If now we are “betrothed” to the Lamb (to use this analogy), why is the “marriage” delayed until the End of Time? What does the state of being married imply that betrothal does not? In what sense will that be realized in the New Jerusalem? We need to be fully ready for the Lord and what He has for us because when He comes we will judge the world and also be the ones who exacting wrath upon the ones who hate our Lord. Why is it delayed because there are some who don't believe in the Lord and think that He won't return at all. Marriage implies that the couple is actual together and the two have become one flesh. Betrothal or engagement is a commitment or promise to someone that there is a date set to marry. Another thing the world and heavens must come to an end as well. In the New Jerusalem the Bride and her groom they will meet and wed.
  15. Day 16 Meditation (Revelation 17:14). What has to change in our thinking in order for us to see the Lamb as a victorious Warrior? In what ways are you called upon to serve the Lamb in skirmishes with evil in your life and community? Are you aggressive like the Conquering Lamb, or do you shy away from conflict with the enemy? We need to be willing to quit shying away from conflict from the enemy and choose to stand strong and put on the armor of God and choose to fight the battle on our knees either literally or figerutively. For me, I am constantly doing battle with the enemy when it comes to the forces of darkness. I am in full ministry at this point in my life. I work with different false belief systems and also work with all age groups and both young and old and married and single and families as well. However my ministry is not just me; I have a full time staff of people behind me along with many more in training and more in college and others being trained. So it is constantly expanding all the time as well. Through out my community I am constantly looking for opportunities to reach the lost. Yes I am.
  16. Day 15 Meditation (Revelation 15:2-4). In what way is the Song of the Lamb like the Song of Moses that was sung after crossing the Red Sea? Why do you think the sound of voices accompanied by instruments is pleasing to God? What will it take for all nations to come to the Lamb in our own day? The Song of the Lamb is like the the Song of Moses in the fact that it it being sung after the crossing of a sea and also they are celebrating the mighty acts of the Lord. I believe the sound of voices accompanied by instruments reminds Him of heaven and also of the celebration feast of the Lamb that will one day happen. It will take a revival and repentance of all nations for it to occur.
  17. Day 14 Meditation (Revelation 14:4-5). If you take this verse symbolically, in what sense are the 144,000 described as virgins? Truth-tellers? Blameless? Redeemed? In your life, what would it mean if you were to “follow the Lamb wherever he goes”? What might have to change if you made this pledge? They chose to abstain from fornication, idolatry, adultery, and anything else that would cause them become impure and non virginal.Truth-tellers they choose to tell only the truth about God's word and nothing else and about people in general. Blameless they are without blemish and spot because they don't sin. Redeemed - through the blood of Jesus. It would mean learning to be honest no matter what the cost and how hard it is for me. Also learning to obey the voice of the Lord even when the world mocks me and don't understand me and thinks I am crazy. My desire to serve self.
  18. Day 13 Meditation (Revelation 14:1). What is the significance of the Lamb standing on Mount Zion? Who are these 144,000 people with him? What is the significance of the Lamb’s and the Father’s names written on their foreheads? The Lamb is none other Jesus Christ the Lord and He is the one who is standing on Mount Zion and He will split Mount Zion when He is on it. The 144,000 witnesses are the 12,000 set aside from each tribe of Israel. The significance is the fact that they chose to become to part of the family of God.
  19. Day 12 Meditation (Revelation 13:7-8). What is the significance that a person’s name is recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life? When is that name written, according to Revelation 13:7-8? John wrote these words to encourage the persecuted church. How do these words reassure you? The significance of it is that all names that are written in that book are the ones that accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and they were chosen by the Lord even before time began. It tells me that the Lord loves me enough to remember me and write my name in His book.
  20. Q1. (Hebrews 5:14) How does a person become mature in God's Word according to verse 14? What can you do to grow in maturity? A person not only listens to it but puts it into practice by obeying it daily and learning what God wants them do daily with the Word they have learned. I can obey the Word and the Lord.
  21. Q5. (Hebrews 5:9) In verse 9, what does "made perfect" refer to, since it obviously isn't talking about Jesus' moral growth and perfection? (Hint: The word teleioō means "bring something to its goal or accomplishment.") It is talking about the work and ministry of Jesus Christ since that is what Jesus came to do. Jesus' main goal was to die on the cross at Calvary and save the world from their sins.
  22. Q4. (Hebrews 5:8) In what sense did Jesus "learn obedience from what he suffered"? How did Jesus' learning process differ from ours, since he didn't sin and suffer the consequences of his sin -- the way we usually learn? He learned perfect obedience by choosing to be humble to the point of the death on the cross at Calvary. Also when He was tempted by the enemy He never once gave into temptation instead He chose to humble Himself and use the word of God to defend Himself.
  23. Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence? What are the promises contained in this verse? On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge? We should approach the throne of grace with those because the Lord has given us mercy and grace instead of condemned us for our sins. We can approach Him knowing that He won't judge us and condemn us for what we do until later. We also can be sure that He will help us no matter what. The basis of Jesus' blood.
  24. Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? In what ways was Jesus' tempted? Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? He shared them in all ways through becoming a man of sorrows, becoming like us, he suffered hunger, he dealt with being tired, betrayal, and desertion, his own's disciple's denial of knowing Him, he dealt with pain and thirst and in the end he was tempted just like us but did not sin. I would say that they were harder. No. Because we can cry out to Him and He will hear us.
  25. Day 10 Meditation (Revelation 7:15-17). In what way does the Lamb seek to guide you as a Shepherd? What will this require of you? What do the “springs of living water” represent in your life? Have you exhausted these springs yet – or even really found them? What tears do you need wiped away from your eyes? He seeks to guide me into all truth and teach me all there is to know about Him and His ministry so I can continue my ministry. Complete surrender and obedience to Him. The "springs of living waters" represent in mine His Holy Spirit that He has given me. The tears that I need wiped away are the ones from the saying goodbye to a best friend, two grand mothers, a father, three dogs and a cat.
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