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Everything posted by Godswriter

  1. Day 9 Meditation (Revelation 7:13-14). Why do you think this image is so jarring – being made white by washing in blood? What are we supposed to see in this? Why do you think this imagery is embarrassing to some? The image is so jarring because the robes can't come clean without the shedding of the Lamb's blood which is Christ's blood to begin with. When you consider the very fact that sin makes someone unclean and unable to come before the Lord that alone should tell us that the blood is necessary for cleansing of the sin. We are supposed to see the blood of Lord Jesus Christ still has the power to cleanse people from their sins. Because they don't want to admit that they are sinners.
  2. Day 8 Meditation (Revelation 7:9-12). Why do you think worship before the throne is such a theme of Revelation? What are the implications of this band of white-robed saints before the throne for our relationships with minority peoples in our own cities and countries? How dare we no longer act? How must we act towards these who are different, but very much the same as we? I believe worship is the theme because all the saints are now are gathered around the throne and finally can see the Lord in all His splendor and majesty. They are filled with love and adoration for their King and Savior because of that. We are to love our brothers and sisters of color regardless of race. We are not supposed to be judge them based on their skin color because that is not what God would want.
  3. Day 7 Meditation (Revelation 6:15-17; 14:9-11). What is the purpose of the punishment meted out by the Lamb? Retribution, rehabilitation, deterrence? Why is having a Lamb (Jesus) exacting justice more troubling to us than the idea of Almighty God acting justly? How important to a rounded understanding of Christ is the Messiah of judgment? The purpose of the punishment that is being handed out is for the enemies of the Lord who choose to reject Him and serve the beast instead because they don't want to accept the fact that they need the Savior to save them from their sins. They would rather die in their sins and be eternally separated from God for the sake of pleasure. I believe the true reason for the punishment was none other than retribution. Also as all of us the Lord cannot tolerate sin in any form in heaven because He is holy. I believe it is troubling because a Lamb is more humble and meek while the Almighty God is associated with power and strength. It is extremely important since Jesus is part of the trinity.
  4. Day 6 Meditation (Revelation 5:11-14). Why don’t you allow God to stretch you today by offering loud shouts of praise, praise that enumerates the Lamb’s attributes and worthiness. And as you speak these things, meditate on what you are saying. Have you done this yet today? Yes I am doing this right now through songs by Jesus Culture where the Lord is being praised.
  5. Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10). You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from? Does this inspire you to sing to the Lord, even while darkness still swirls around you? Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth? The slavery of idolatry to food and materialism, worry, fear, sexual sin, discouragement, jealousy, emotional wounds, doubt, anxiety, trauma from my past, abuse, insecurity, anger, bitterness, resentments and stress. Yes because I know the Lord wants me to be emotionally whole and spiritually whole as well. I believe He wants me there because He died for me and also because I am His beloved and He is mine.
  6. Day 4 Meditation (Revelation 5:1-8; 6:1). What does it say about you that Jesus, the Most Worthy One, died for you. How does he value your worth? How casual should you be before the Lamb who is Most Worthy? What is the appropriate relationship with him? In what ways has he humbled himself to reveal himself to you? In terms of my life and my personal recovery from my idolatry to food and materialism as the word of God states He called me by my name and knew what was best for me in His will. He called me out of the darkness to live for Him and to quit living for self. He also realized what I needed in order to be like His Son and do His will as well. He also chose to justify and glorify me as well. He values me more than any other creation. I can not be casual before the Lamb since He died for me. I should humble myself before Him and also learn to be obey Him in all areas of my life no matter hard it is. He was obedient to the point of death on a cross. He was obeying authority.
  7. Day 3 Meditation (Revelation 5:6). How is the Lamb described in verse 6? What does that tell you about his ability to help you now, in your present circumstances? Considering the standing Lamb that was slain, how do the wounds you have experienced become your strengths? 6 And I looked, [c]and behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth The Lamb is described as being slain and having 7 horns and eyes. It tells me that the Lord aka the Lamb has the power to defeat anything that is causing me to sin and also is able to give me the victory in that area as well. They become my strengths when I choose to rest in the Lord.
  8. Day 2 Meditation (Revelation 5:5). How do humility and victory go together? How do the Lion and the Lamb fit together? How did Jesus humble himself? Why is it necessary to humble ourselves before God will exalt us? Through true humility we learn to bow down to the will of God and obey the Lord and learn to listen to Him when He speaks to us. VIctory comes when we choose to let Him fight our battles and also know that the battle belongs to the Lord as well. They fit together in the fact Jesus is both the sacrificial lamb and the lion of Judah for He can't be one without the other. For He had the power of a lion when He was on earth to do many miracles through being humbled and under the authority of His own father as well. He humbled Himself under the authority of his parents, the Jewish leaders, the disciples, the will of His heavenly Father as well. The main reason we need to humble ourselves before God is because the Lord resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. That means those think that they are humble aren't really humble at all. They are actually proud instead. Those who don't actually say it could be humble.
  9. Day 1 Meditation (Revelation 4; 5:6). Why is everyone around the throne worshiping? Why are they chanting and singing? Why do you think that we get bored with worship after a few minutes? What does that indicate about our hearts? What can we do to change this? They are worshiping around the throne because the Lord Jesus Christ is on the throne and He is worthy to be praised and died to save the world from its sins. They are doing this because they have the joy of the Lord in their hearts and they know the Lord won't forsake them and He will always be there for them. I believe we get bored with worship because we either believe that it should be about us or our minds wander due to the pressures of this world. That our hearts aren't as close as to God as they should be. We can focus on the attributes of God and worship God that way.
  10. Q1. (Hebrews 4:14) What is so important about "holding fast to our confession." What is our confession or profession of faith? Why is maintaining this confession so vital? When we choose to hold fast to it we are not just showing to the world but to the Lord that we have chosen to taken up an allegiance with Him and also believe in Him and stand for things that He believes in. Our confession of faith is Jesus Christ is Lord. The reason it is important is because when we least expect it we may end up persecuted for our faith and asked to forsake it.
  11. Q1. (Hebrews 4:14) What is so important about "holding fast to our confession." What is our confession or profession of faith? Why is maintaining this confession so vital? When we choose to hold fast to it we are not just showing to the world but to the Lord that we have chosen to taken up an allegiance with Him and also believe in Him and stand for things that He believes in. Our confession of faith is Jesus Christ is Lord. The reason it is important is because when we least expect it we may end up persecuted for our faith and asked to forsake it.
  12. Q4. (Hebrews 4:12-13) What do these two verses have to do with what precedes them? How is the Word described? What effect does the Word have on us? Why do we need to continually expose ourselves to the Word of God? Through the Word we find our identity in Christ and how to live our lives and what to do in times of hardship. Sharper than any two edged sword and living and powerful cuts through bone and marrow as well as a discerner of the thoughts of the heart as well. Since without it we will surely sin,
  13. Q3. (Hebrews 4:8-11) What do you think the writer of Hebrews means by this promise of "rest" for the believer? Why does the writer urge us: "Make every effort to enter that rest"? What is the difference between apostasy from Christ and the kind of falling into sin that all Christians experience from time to time? I believe the writer means eternal rest with Christ where we worship Christ forever. He tells us this because of the example of Israelites and how they chose to not to trust in the promises of God at the time of conquering of the Land of Canaan. Apostasy is the falling away and rejection of Christ. While temptation is temporary and we come back to God.
  14. Q2. (Hebrews 3:12-14) What is the importance of faith in our relationship to Christ? How does sin trick us? How does it harden us? What is the value of Christian fellowship to keep our faith strong? The writer reminds us of the consequences of unbelief through the example of the Israelites who chose not to believe the Lord and ended up perishing in the wilderness and did not trust God to give them the Promised Land. Though we as believers won't lose our salvation through unbelief we may lose out on the very best God has for us when we choose to have a lack of trust with the Lord. Eventually our lack of trust and will stall our growth and relationships with Him and will result in frustration and heartache. None of us has ever been called to go it alone in out alone in our walk of faith. None of us can progress in our relationships with the Lord or stay true to Him without the help and encouragement of other believers. We all need other believers to hold us accountable and support us so sin will not find a foot hold in our hearts. (Stanley, C. 2009, 2019 The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible Second Ed.)
  15. Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? Why must we continue in our faith? According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? When we truly accept the Lord meaning take Him for Him for who He truly is and accept Him as both Savior and Lord then we must learn to persevere in the faith so we can earn the promised crown of life that is mentioned in James. But also so we can be an example to others in the faith as well. According to the Scriptures we will not enter into His rest when we don't hold onto Him.
  16. Q5. (Hebrews 2:16-18) Why in God's plan did Jesus have to become human like us? How does his humanity provide encouragement and help to us when we are in trouble? In order that He could understand what we go through and better help us. In the Old Testament, God's people relied on imperfect priests to represent them before His throne. These priests were limited because they did not fully understand God's mercy, grace, and forgiveness. Jesus Christ became man so He could identify with us as our faithful High Priest. Jesus left Heaven and became a man not only to become a sacrifice for our sins but also to experience what we feel and to know exactly what it's like to be one of us. That's what makes Him our great Advocate and our absolutely perfect representative on the throne of grace. Jesus knows what it fees like to be tempted. He understands our weaknesses, pains, insecurities, and fears, and He wants to helps us break free from them and from the unforgiveness we feel towards ourselves. We can never say to Him, "You don't know what it's like to be me," because He does. In fact, we know less of the pain of temptation that He does because He never gave in to it. (Stanley, C 2009, 2019 The Charles Stanley Life Principles Bible Second Ed.) It shows us that He is better equipped to help us during hard times.
  17. Q4. (Hebrews 2:14-15) What was the purpose of Christ's death according to verses 14 and 15? In what sense is this mission accomplished? In what sense will it see its final completion in the future? What is the result in our lives from Christ's accomplishment? The consequence on sin is death.- eternal separation from God (Rom 6:23). In order to pay the penalty that sin requires, Jesus died on the cross. He was God's perfect sacrifice and the atonement for our transgressions. Through death, He defeated the enemy and triumphed over the grave (Jas 1:15) . We have eternal life and the opportunity to have a relationship with God because Jesus died for us. (Stanley, C. 2009, 2019 The Charles Stanley Life Principles Bible Second Ed.) Jesus did it to destroy the enemy meaning the devil, sin and the grave. and purchase our pardon as well.
  18. Q3. (Hebrews 2:10) What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? What are the implications for our own lives? Through Christ's sinless sacrifice He was perfected in His understanding of how limited we are, how difficult our lives can be, how desperate we can be when we lack something we need, and how hopeless our separation from God truly is. He knows how best to sanctify - to transform us into His image - and has become the ideal example for us to follow. (Stanley, C. 2009, 2019 Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible Second Ed.) From God's perspective He knew that only His Son could purchase us from the enemy and the kingdom of darkness and bring us into His Kingdom of Light. For our own lives the implications are we need to be willing to share the Gospel whenever the Lord decides to bring someone to mind.
  19. Q2. (Hebrews 2:9) In what way did Christ "taste death for everyone"? Why is this so dependent upon God's grace? If Christ died for your blackest and most stubborn sins, what are the implications for you? Christ died on the cross and descended into hell and when He did this He broke the chains of bondage from sin, death and the enemy and when we finally are resurrected the last enemy will be conquered which is death. It is dependent on God's grace because without it we can not be coheirs with Christ or even be a son or daughter of God let alone live forever in Heaven. It means that I am to be on my guard when it comes to sin and take every thought captive to keep my mouth from sinning.
  20. Q1. (Hebrews 2:9) In what ways did Jesus suffer during his life and death? In what ways are we likely to suffer? Does suffering have any value? What happens when we live in such a way to avoid all suffering? When He was just an infant the King of Israel sought to take Jesus' life out of jealousy because he was afraid of anyone taking his throne here on earth. So Jesus' earthly parents had to go to Egypt to escape King Herod's evil plot. When He started His earthly ministry the very neighborhood He grew up in ridiculed in and sought to kill Him for His speaking prophecy and saying it was fulfilled in their hearing. Any time that He spoke in parables He continually had to explain them to his disciples since they did not understand what He was talking about. When He was arrested He was betrayed with a kiss and also His betrayer was bought with 30 silver coins. All of his disciples fled when He was arrested. Peter denied him 3 times. Jesus was spat upon, laughed at, mocked and whipped with a cat of nine tails 39 times till He was bloody. He had to carry His own cross. He had spikes pounded in his wrists and feet both and a crown of thorns upon His head as well. He was rejected and despised by men. He was also counted among sinners and also was buried among them. We could be mocked, scoffed at, rejected and betrayed by someone we know. Yes when we suffer wrongly for the cause of Christ God is glorified and we are showing the enemy that we are not going to give up our faith. We cheapen our faith.
  21. Q4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you? Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today? From which portion of the Bible have you formed your opinion of the value of signs and wonders today?' It has been confirmed to me through Him daily drawing me closer to Him through His Word and also teaching me more about Himself and His ministry as I prepared myself for full time ministry as well that would be like His. I believe that they could help but it depends on the person as well because some people are skeptics. I formed my opinion from the whole of Scripture.
  22. Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower? We are not immune to drifting away from the gospel by not listening to the word, not doing what the word says, not obeying the word in any area of your life. By listening closely to the word and adhering to it closely. He described it through three different types of soil that the seeds were planted in. The rocky soil, the wayside and the good soil. With each soil there is a different circumstance that applies to it. The wayside would be analogy for the cares of the life wiles of the devil because of the birds. Stony soil and thorns apply to the cares of life where we let them take precedence over the word. The good soil is where we actually apply the word to each issue in our lives and we also listen to the word carefully.
  23. Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? One of the main reasons he would say this is because of the fact that one of Jesus' name means God with us and that name is Immanuel. He also declared a lot of I am statements and only God's Son would do that since He is the exact image of the Father and has been before time. He is the heir over all things and made the worlds and upholds all things and purged our sins when He died on the cross.
  24. Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? I believe that the author of Hebrews is stating that the Lord Jesus Christ is truly the Son of God because a biological relationship the Lord's words weight than a prophet's would. Also a son would have the ability to lay claim the rights of the royal status as heir and also he could be anointed as a ruler by a prophet after his father proclaimed that he wanted him to succeed him as ruler. As Christ being the Son of God he had the ability to do what no other person could truly do which is lay claim to the ability to forgive sins which only God could do. Only the Son of God would be able to do that since in truth one of the Lord's name means the Lord who sanctifies you. Also the Lord Jesus Christ Himself his name alone says it all because the first part is The Lord who saves and second part is Anointed One, The Messiah. That speaks volumes to the authority of the sonship of Jesus Christ.
  25. Hello everyone my name is Jennifer I am an active Christian in ministry who loves the Lord and wants to knows more about her Lord.
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