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Everything posted by Lottie
Q38. (1 Peter 5:5-6) Why is prideful living incompatible with showing grace? Why do you think God opposes the proud? What does humility have to do with repentance to enable us to receive God's grace? How does pride prevent us from showing grace? Prideful living is incompatible with showing grace because we become too full of ourselves to think of anyone else. We put our needs before others and think we are better than anyone else. We push others away from us and from God when we are too proud. God opposes the proud because in their pride they have forgotten all about Him and what He has given them. They think they do not need Him that they are fine on their own and that faith or religion is for the weak. Humility is needed in order for us to be humble enough to admit we need His grace and mercy. It is coming to the end of ourselves and admitting our helplessness or powerlessness. It is only then that we can turn ourselves around and admit we have sinned and we cannot save ourselves. That He is the only one who can save us and give us eternal life. Pride keeps us locked into ourselves and our own agendas. It keeps us from receiving God's grace and from showing grace to others. We have to fully empty ourselves like Jesus emptied Himself in order to receive it.
Q37. (2 Corinthians 9:6-9; 8:9; Luke 6:37-38) Is it possible to be grace-filled and stingy at the same time? Why is this so? What is the relationship between forgiving and giving generously? No if one really loves the Lord and others the person will want to give to further the gospel and help others in need. They will remember what Jesus did for them on the cross and how God did not spare His own Son for us. Their love will compel them to give generously. Yet sometimes people hold back if they do not have enough money. They are afraid of running out. They have yet to fully surrender and trust Him to take care of things. By God forgiving us and sending His only Son to die for us He became poor so we could become rich. And Jesus gave up everything in order to come and die for us. God forgive me for not trusting You enough to provide so I can give more.
Q36. (Colossians 4:5-6; 1 Peter 3:8-9, 15; Ephesians 4:29-32) What would be the characteristics of a conversation with an unbeliever that might be termed "full of grace"? What guidelines should rule our ways of speaking? How can we avoid the bad examples set for us by leaders of our culture and our world? One that is filled with gracious and loving words. Words that are friendly and warm and not hateful or critical. Words that draw the hearer in and make the person want to know more. Words that are not offensive or judgemental at all. Words that would speak about how ones life is characterized by love since one has found Jesus. Words that express how ones life has changed since knowing Jesus as Savior. Words that are spoken in love and genuine concern for the lost one and not be self-serving at all. Our words should be respectful and spoken in gentleness. We should not force our faith on them either if they are not interested but pray for the Holy Spirit to speak to them. We need to reach them where they are at and try to identify with them.We need to see them through the eyes of the Lord or God our Father. They are people who need Him and people who are hurting and lost. We cannot preach at them but tell them about what God has done for us. We should always pay attention to the Spirit's leading in our converstions with them. And most assuredly we need to live out what we talk about.
Q35. (Luke 6:27-36; Romans 12:12-21) What is the difference between ethical behavior and grace? What is so radical about Jesus' teaching about loving one's enemies? What illustrations does he use of this outrageous grace? Ethical behavior is what is the proper, moral or right thing to do in any situation. While grace is unmerited and undeserving favor to those who do not deserve it all. Those who deserve to be punished because of how they treated us. Jesus' teaching about loving your enemies is radical because He tell us to love our enemies and do good to them when they hurt us. Do good to them when they treat us badly or gossip about us. He tells us to lend to them when they need help and not ask for it back. He gives the example if someone strikes you on the cheek you are to let him hit your other cheek also. If he takes your cloak, you are to give him your tunic. Another example is in Matthew 5: 41 where Jesus says whoever compels you to go with him a mile to go, with him two miles instead.
Q33. Why are God's gifts of grace an immensely greater blessing to those who attend church and are a functioning part of a congregation? How can isolating yourself from the Christian community involve selfishness and fear? How can it impoverish you? God's gifts of grace bless others more when they are all together then when they are seperated. People cannot experience God's gifts or mercy and compassion when they are home. They cannot feel the love from others or be benefiited by a smile or a hug or a word of encouragement or even healing. Isolating yourself from the Christian community involves selfishness and fear when people refuse to go because they are afraid they might get sick or because they were hurt in the past by some church members and refuse to forgive and go back. Then they are wasting their talents and gifts that the Lord has given them. It can impoverish me because I am missing out on being with other Chritians and being prayed over. I am missing out on using my gifts for the church and helping others. I am missing out on the joy that giving service brings
Q32. (1 Peter 4:10) We are stewards of God's grace. What are the responsibilities of a steward or trustee? In what way do we act as trustees of what belongs to God? In what way are spiritual gifts or the message of the gospel part of this trust we have been given? A steward manages a household or estate and oversees how the money or goods is distributed. He makes sure they are distributed the way the master wanted. We act as trustees because God has given us certain gifts to use for Him and the church and we are to do as He requests. Spiritual gifts and the gospel message are part of our responsibility. We are to use our gifts for the church and spread the gospel message to the world. We are to use our money wisely to build up the church and for missions and other projects He puts on our hearts.
Q31. (Ephesians 4:7; Romans 12:6; 1 Corinthians 12:1, 4-6) Why is there such a close relationship between "grace" (charis) and "gifts" (charisma)? What is the chief characteristic of a generous person? In what ways do spiritual gifts channel God's grace? Grace and gifts are closely related because they both mean favor or something freely given or bestowed. The spiritual gifts are the evidence of God's grace to us. He wants us to use them to benefit the church and glorify Him not for ourselves. The chief characteristic of a generous person is that he or she shows love to others by generously giving of their time, talents and money to help others. Spiritual gifts channel God's grace by flowing from Him to others. He blesses us with gifts so that we can edify and build up the church and help others grow. But also so that His glory can be shown to others. That people would be drawn into the church and be saved and that it would grow.
Q30. (2 Corinthians 12:9) Why does God's power flourish best when we feel weak? If God's grace is "sufficient," what is it sufficient to do or accomplish in or through us? What are the practical limits of the sufficiency of grace? It flourishes best when we are weak for it is only then that we depend on Him fully. Only when we come to the end of our resources and strength that we encounter His strength flowing through us. For God cannot work in us when we are trying to do it on our own. He will wait until we have exhausted all our own resources and options and turn to Him. God's power can only flow through us when our power is done. God's grace is sufficient to help us live for Him each day and help us with all of our trials, struggles and thorns in the flesh. It is sufficient to help us deal with whatever comes our way if we get out of the way and let Him take over. God cannot help us when we do not think we can do it ourselves. It is only when we come to an end of ourselves that His grace can take over.
Q29. (2 Corinthians 12:7) Why do we often feel so weak in times of sickness or affliction? Why are we tempted to stop ministering to others when we are struggling? I think because we think we can do nothing worthwhile when we are sick or afflicted. That we forget that it is God who gives us strenth and power to do things. It is God who enables us to work for Him in spite of our sickness or disability. Nothing is impossible with Him. I think we are tempted to stop because we think we do not have anything to give them. That it is too much, and we forget that God can help us in our weakness. I have been there when my husband died yet God used me at a ladies retreat to speak and minister to others especially a woman who had just lost her husband. God can use anyone in any kind of condition.
Q28. (Hebrews 4:16) Why is approaching God's holy throne in prayer intimidating to some people? Why do we sometimes fear judgment and condemnation when we approach God. In what ways is God's throne the place where he dispenses "mercy and grace"? In what ways is your home a place where grace is given out? They think they are unworthy to come before Him and don't fully understand Him at all. They think that He is like their own Fathers; harsh, critical and unforgiving maybe or distant and uncaring. We fear it because we know we have done wrong and expect Him to come down hard on us instead He forgives us. We think we are unworthy to come before a holy God. God dispenses mercy and grace by forgiving us our sins. He is sympathetic to our problems and cares deeply about us. He wants to help us to overcome our problems and grow to be more like Him. He wants us to have joy filled and productive lives. I show grace to my daughter when she makes mistakes and when she hurts me, I forgive her. I am in a Christian Overeaters Anonymous group, and I lead meetings for them. I share my experience, strength and hope in meetings, and I pray for and with other members on the phone. I make sure to call people and see how they are.
24. Least - Greater
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 2 (Lessons 21-40, Luke 7:1-9:56)
In what ways is your position in the Kingdom greater than John the Baptist's? (A hard question, but at the root of today's lesson.) My position is greater because I am an adopted child while John the Baptist is only a prophet proclaiming Him and baptizing others. He will be in heaven but not as a regular member. He will be grandfathered in. Why were people so critical of John and Jesus -- and for opposite reasons? What are we learn from this? People were critical of John because of the clothes he wore and what he ate. And that he would not dance or be joyful. Jesus was criticized because He went to eat with publicans and tax collectors and sinners. They also called Him a glutton and a drunkard. That we cannot please everyone. People will always be critical about something or other.And that people will always misunderstand people of faith. Do you know anyone who has "rejected God's purpose for himself"? What can you do to influence him or her for Christ before it's too late. What is doing too little? What is doing too much? Where is the right balance, do you think? I can think of people who were prominent as authors or singers and who turned around and left the faith totally. I cannot think of anyone personally who rejected God's purpose for them. -
Q27. (John 10:27-30; Jude 24-25; Romans 8:38-39; 2 Timothy 4:18; Philippians 1:6; 1 Corinthians 1:8; 1 Peter 5:10-11) Why do you think there are so many assurances of faith in the New Testament? What is your favorite promise of God's role in keeping you in Christ to the end? How does your favorite promise give you powerful assurance of salvation? I think because God knew we would need to be reassured when we have doubts. To know that He is watching out for us and holding us in His hands. That as long as we hold firm in our faith we need not worry about losing our salvation. That He God the all knowing one and powerful is guarding us and we need not fear. No matter what we go through He will be there and not let us go. As humans we are prone to worry and anxiety and God knows this. Romans 8: 38-39 because I know n9o matter what I go through He will be with me and help me. He will never leave me. He will be with me to the end.
Q26. (1 Peter 1:4-5) How does our faith function alongside God's protection to keep us to the end? How does this show God's grace? Our faith is the key that holds us close to God. When we stay close to Him no matter what we will persevere. He is the one who guards and protects us when we trust in Him. It is God who decided to save us and it is He who watches oves us and keeps us because of His grace towards us. Because He wants the best for us and the best is that we stay close to Him and persevere until the end when we see Him. Until we enter heaven and all our troubles will be gone.
Q25. (John 16:8; 6:44; 6:65) Why is it impossible for people to come to Christ without God's action to convict, draw, and enable them to come? How does God's preparation illustrate his grace? Because man's heart is ultimately corrupt and dcceitful and wicked. Man cannot come on his own to God he must be drawn by the Holy Spirit. Left to his own devices he will choose to go the way of the world and try to earn his way into heaven. His preparation shows how much he cares for mankind and how he longs for them to be saved. He does not want any to perish. For He loves them regardless of how they are or what they do. It shows how far he is willing to go to do it.
24. Gracious Predestination
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Grace to Believe and Persevere
Q24. (Romans 8:28-30; Ephesians 1:4-6) How does predestination function with God's grace? What is gracious about predestination? Why is his grace "glorious"? Predestination works alongside grace in that God decided long ago before Adam and Eve sinned who would be adopted into His family. He knew that Adam and Eve would sin and disobey Him. And he had a plan in place to save mankind if they turned to Him. He knew the state of man's heart from the beginning. He knew that only Jesus could pay the ultimate price and save us. In His love and mercy He planned it all along with the Son and the Holy Spirit. So that the ones He knew would come and be saved from the second death. He also knew that not everyone would be drawn to Him. His grace is glorious because it comes from His very nature. He is love personified and He is merciful and gracious. He did not have to come up with a plan to save man after the fall. He could have just started over again but He chose to do it because He loved us; not because of anything we did. We don't deserve it yet He chose us and drew us in. All becsuse He does not want any to perish. -
Q23. (Romans 8:28-30; 1 Peter 1:1-2) I realize that this is a mystery, but how do you see God's foreknowledge working alongside his ability to predestine? If all this is by grace, how might faith and/or good works fit into this predestination? God alone knew beforehand who would respond to Him and who would not. The ones that He knew would respond to Him are the ones He chose. Not based on our good works but on whose heart was softened and ready to accept Jesus as Lord. For clearly it is the Spirit who draws people to God. And God knew beforehand who would come and who would resist. Faith alone is involved in the determination. God knew who would have faith and believe before it even happened. He wants all people to be saved but some will choose not to come to Him. Clearly man has free will to choose life or death and they cannot be forced to come.
Did Jesus heal all the sick people he saw? Jesus healed all the sick who came to Him. Did Jesus raise all the dead people he encountered? No the scriptures only talk about 3 people he raised from the dead. How do you explain him raising the widow's son at Nain while passing many graveyards his route? Because she was in a funeral procession and crying as were the people with her. Where the ones in the graveyard had been dead for quite a while. And He knew that being a widow by herself she would have a harder time of it without her son to help her. Does acting out of compassion mean responding to a whim? Why or why not? No it means acting out of love and concern for someone who is hurting and wanting to help. Compassion is a dangerous virtue to cultivate. Why is that? What is the cost of compassion? What is the reward of compassion? Because it can cause you to come in contact with people who might push you away. In your mission you might be hurt or betrayed trying to help. Your heart might be broken with what you see. The cost of compassion is a heart fully centered on following Jesus and doing what he asks of you.even to the point of death. It is full on surrender and selflessness. For this is what He asks of you. Can you be a true disciple and be dispassionate toward people in need? Why or why not? No because you cannot truly help people if your heart is not touched by their needs and by their hurts. People have to see that you really care about them and want to help them before you can tell them about Jesus. How can a sense of compassion help you to pray effectively? It can help you pray for their needs and their salvation. It can help you pray more earnestly for others and with more passion. It can bring you closer to them and help you love them more.
1. In your own words, state the insight that the centurion had of Jesus' power. How did this insight differ from that of Jesus' disciples at the time? The centurion knew that Jesus had power to heal just through His words. He did not even have to come and touch someone in order for it to happen. The disciples did not understand who Jesus really was and what He could do. 2.What portion of Jesus' mission do you believe he has delegated to you? He had delegated me to heal people and to tell them about Jesus. He wants me to help whoever I can whether they are sick in their body, soul or mind. I have authority through Him 3.How is the power Jesus can delegate to you limited by the size of your faith. If I think that someone else who is greater than me can do it buty not me then I limit the power He has given me. If I don't believe that I am able to then I limit what He can do through me. I must believe that I can do all things because He has given me His power and authority to heal the sick and to cast out demons and to console and help the ones mourning and bring them joy.
Q22. (Ephesians 2:10; Philippians 2:12-13; James 2:17) How does the Spirit work in us after we are saved to form Christ in us? He helps us form Godly traits in us and lift or remove the selfish or sinful behaviors and desires we have. He helps us to be more obedient and willing to serve God and others. By gradually showing us through God's word what is and is not good in the sight of God. In what ways is this a process of "working out" our salvation? God shows us over time what our spiritual gifts and abilities are as well as our talents and how and where He wants us to use them to glorify Him and serve others in the church and outside of the church. He shows us where He wants us to give our money and time to. Why should you expect a person's life to change when they put their faith in Jesus? Because it should be able to be seen from the inside out. If they are really saved then they will be more loving, considerate and selfless than before. They will talk, and act differently than they did before they were saved. They will love God, His word, the church and have a love for the lost. What is happening if there is no discernable change? If there is no change then they never really accepted Jesus as their Savior. They never accepted the free gift of salvation. They are still in their sins.
Q21. (Acts 18:27; Matthew 16:16-17; John 6:44) How does the Holy Spirit work in our lives to prepare us for salvation? He convicts us of our sinfulness. In what sense is the Spirit's revelation important to faith? If He did not convict us of our sins, we would never come to God. We would never know we were sinners and on our way to hell. We would still think we were good enough for heaven. In what ways have you seen the Father "draw" people to Christ? I have seen people come up to the altar in church. I have seen them be drawn at camp services. I have seen them go up the aisle at crusades I seen on television. What is the role of "free will" in salvation? Free will causes us to either say yes or no to the call of salvation. God cannot force us to accept His free gift.
Q20. Works-Righteousness
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Balancing Grace and Good Works
Q20. (Ephesians 2:8-9) How does the idea of earning salvation by being good enough for God distort the essential gospel? It says that as long as you do some good works that you will get to heaven. That basically you are good enough to get to heaven on your own merit. It ignores the fact that we are all born sinners. That there is nothing we can do to earn salvation. It is a free gift. With that scenario, what is the need for the cross? There isn't any need for a cross when we think we can earn our own way in. How does it affect a sense of self-righteousness?It makes us proud and think that God will accept us on our own merit because of our good works. Of pride? We become proud and and don't want to listen to the truth. We think we can do things our own way like the Pharisees who made a lot of rules up. So do some of us in various religions. Do this and don't do that. Don't drink, don't smoke, play cards or go to movies. Women should have long hair and wear skirts not pants. Of looking down on others rather than loving them?It makes us think we are better than other people who are worse than we are. Ones who we judge because of their clothes or the way they talk or act or what they do. Why is this kind of works-righteousness so ingrained in people?It is because it is the way people think in society now. That they don't need God as long as they do good works they will be accepted. The churches have allowed them to believe this as well. And others don't want to admit they are sinful they believe they are basically good. They believe that all roads lead to heaven. How does an understanding of salvation by grace change this picture? When people find out that salvation is a free gift and they can do nothing to earn it then they realize they need to accept it and admit they are sinners and need a Savior. Once they know how much Jesus suffered for us then they come to accept it and know it is the only way they will get to heaven. They realize that Jesus paid for their sins and made a way for them to be reconciled to God then they come to Him. -
Q19. (Ephesians 2:8) From what have we been rescued by God's grace? We have been recued from being God's opponents and from hell itself. We have been rescued fron being seperated from Him forever. We have been saved from the second death and from the clutches of the enemy. We have been freed and given new life. How has God personally rescued you from your situation before Christ? He has saved me from myself. From living in bondage and addiction. From being enslaved to this world and all its attractions that cause me to sin. What did God's favor have to do with your salvation? It was because He chose to save us and nothing we did ourselves. Simply because He n loved us and wanted us to be saved.
Con men continue to trick people and take advantage of them. How can you tell them, according to Jesus' teaching? You can tell them by the words that come out of them when they speak it shows who they really are. They will have a slip and then the truth will be known. 2.How does what you say when you're angry indicate what is in your heart? It is the words you say to people. Whether you cut them down or insult them or swear at them that will show your true character. It will show whether you care about others or not. 3.What areas of your life where you AREN'T following closely has the Holy Spirit been convicting you about? How I talk to my daughter and how I get lazy sometimes. That I don't spend enough time with God sometimes. 4.How can you tell if you are a true follower of Jesus? Is being "born again" a good indicator? What does "born again" mean if it doesn't affect a person's lifestyle? You can tell by how you live and act around others. Being born again is only a start you have to surrender your life to Him. It means nothing if you are not totally sold out to Him. It means you think being saved is enough and that you can live the way you want but that is not what Jesus wants. He wants us to give up all and follow Him.
1.Why is the real test of agape love being able to love your enemies? If we fail this test, do we really have agape love? Because that is what Jesus did on the cross and what God and Jesus expect us to do. By showing our enemeies love we show them how God feels about them and it n gives us a chance to bring them to Him when they see how we act. This shows that you are a true follower of Jesus. If we fail, it means that we do not fully understand what it is. That we need to surrender our rights and learn to love the way He did. This means we need to be all sold out for the gospel and the kingdom. 2.Do you see "turning the other cheek" and giving your enemy your tunic as literal, figurative, hyperbole, or what? What is the point Jesus is making here? I see it as hyperbole an exaggeration. We need to avoid confrontations and graciously give in. We need to remember how Jesus acted when he was unfairly treated. He did not lash out in anger or retaliate. We are to follow His example. That it does not show favorably for us if we lash back at people then we are no different than they are. 3.Why is loving your enemy so much like divine love? What is the implication of this for our salvation? For our lifestyle? Because it is what Jesus did on the cross. He forgave His enemies on the cross and even through his abuse and whipping. If we really love Jesus and appreciate all He went through for us then we will follow His example and love our enemies. We will choose to forgive others when they hurt us. We will not hold onto grudges or insults. We will show them love and mercy like we were shown and we can only do it through His Spirit within us. 4.What is the difference in effect of stating the Golden Rule as a negative ("Don't do to others, as ..."), as did Rabbi Hillel, rather than a positive ("Do to others, as ..."), as did Jesus? In the negative it means don't do do others what you don't want them to do to you. In the positive it means treat others like you want them to treat you. This means even our enemies. 1. Jesus says, "Don't judge." But we have to make judgments every day in order to survive. What kind of judging does Jesus forbid in this passage? He means the kind where we judge a person based on their clothing or status in life. Or if the person has tatoos or other things we finf offensive without even getting to know the person. Or judging their actions without knowing the all the facts. We are acting like judge and jury then condemning people unfairly. Gossiping about them to others and slandering them. 2.What do giving and forgiving have in common? They are both positive spiritual traits and Jesus wants us to not only forgive our enemies but also give to them. He wants us to generous in both areeas. 3.How does Jesus' teaching encourage his disciples to be generous? He tells them that if they are generous in their forgiveness and giving that it will come back to them. That we reap what we sow. If we sow sparingly we will reap sparingly. 4.What is Jesus' point about the parable of the speck and the plank? That a person who has sins in their own lives should take care of them before trying to point your finger at someone elses sins. Deal with your own before you deal with another person's sins. Don't be judgemental or over critical of someone else without looking at yourself first.
1.Why is the real test of agape love being able to love your enemies? If we fail this test, do we really have agape love? Because that is what Jesus did on the cross and what God and Jesus expect us to do. By showing our enemeies love we show them how God feels about them and it n gives us a chance to bring them to Him when they see how we act. This shows that you are a true follower of Jesus. If we fail, it means that we do not fully understand what it is. That we need to surrender our rights and learn to love the way He did. This means we need to be all sold out for the gospel and the kingdom. 2.Do you see "turning the other cheek" and giving your enemy your tunic as literal, figurative, hyperbole, or what? What is the point Jesus is making here? I see it as hyperbole an exaggeration. We need to avoid confrontations and graciously give in. We need to remember how Jesus acted when he was unfairly treated. He did not lash out in anger or retaliate. We are to follow His example. That it does not show favorably for us if we lash back at people then we are no different than they are. 3.Why is loving your enemy so much like divine love? What is the implication of this for our salvation? For our lifestyle? Because it is what Jesus did on the cross. He forgave His enemies on the cross and even through his abuse and whipping. If we really love Jesus and appreciate all He went through for us then we will follow His example and love our enemies. We will choose to forgive others when they hurt us. We will not hold onto grudges or insults. We will show them love and mercy like we were shown and we can only do it through His Spirit within us. 4.What is the difference in effect of stating the Golden Rule as a negative ("Don't do to others, as ..."), as did Rabbi Hillel, rather than a positive ("Do to others, as ..."), as did Jesus? In the negative it means don't do do others what you don't want them to do to you. In the positive it means treat others like you want them to treat you. This means even our enemies.