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Everything posted by Lottie
Q3. (John 3:5-7) What does it mean to be "born of water and the Spirit"? What do you think "water" refers to? Why have you come to this conclusion? How, then, would you paraphrase "born of water and the Spirit" to best bring out the full meaning? Being born of the water and the Spirit means that people are first born into this world naturally but in order to enter heaven, they have to be spiritually born again. They have to humbly confess their sins and admit they need to be saved. That they cannot do it on their own. They cannot enter heaven any other way but through the Holy Spirit bringing them to the realization that they need God. Only the Spirit can bring them into the kingdom of God. So the water refers to the first birth here and the Spirit to the second. I just came to this conclusion through reading the verses and then looking them up in a commentary. And this made more sense to me than the other two. Because as Christians we are baptized after we are saved not before like in John's baptism. Jesus was saying that Nicodemus needed to be born again through the Spirit not by becoming a baby again. I would say that the only way to enter into the kingdom of God is to be spiritually born again through the Holy Spirit. One needs to humbly confess his/her sins and admit they cannot do anything on their own to get to heaven. Then when they are truly repentant the Spirit can work in them and bring them to God and save them., https://versebyversecommentary.com/john/john-35/
Q2. (John 3:1-8) When Nicodemus came to Jesus, do you think he was already born of the Spirit? What is the difference between people who have experienced the second birth, and those who have only experienced the first birth? Nicodemus was not born of the Spirit when he came to Jesus otherwise he would have known what Jesus was talking about. And if he had been born of the Spirit he would not have been afraid to come during the day. He was curious about Jesus because of the miracles he had done and he wanted to know how to how to get eternal life. The difference between people who have only experienced the first birth and those who have experienced salvation is that they are still blinded by Satan. They do not understand or comprehend spiritual things. They think they are foolish and that ones who do are crazy. They can only understand things that they can see with their own eyes. They do not have the Spirit inside of them to understand spiritual things from the Bible. They cannot understand why people believe in someone or something they cannot see. They are only concerned with the things of this world and either believe that all ways lead to heaven or that once they die that it is the end of the line. Only until they accept Jesus can they understand spiritual things. The Spirit has to open their eyes and soften their heart for them to come.
Q1. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus' teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? What does he promise to believers? To what degree has a spring of living water been fulfilled in your life? He invites anyone who is thirsty to come to Him. Sinners and ones who have strayed away; He invites all to come and drink. He promises that streams of living water will flow from us. As for me, my life is not what it should be. I am rather dry right now spiritually. I know Him and believe in Him but I do not spend the time with Him to drink deeply and impact those around me.
Q5. (John 16:12-15) In what sense does the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth? Does this promise apply only to the apostolic age and its task of laying the foundations of the faith? In what sense does it apply to us today? The Holy Spirit helps us to understand what the scriptures say and how to apply it to our lives. He teaches us from the Word of God and helps us discern what is true and what is false. He nudges us with the Word and through other people in order to get us to obey God. I believe that this promise is for today topo; especially since we have so many false religions and cults going on. In order to stay close to God, we need to listen to the Spirit and be wary of others who try to tell us something else. I know years ago I was reading a book called Heaven is So Real and I was only in the first or second chapter and I felt a strong warning by the Holy Spirit; that what I was reading was false and not true to the Word at all. I immediately stopped reading it and threw it away instead. I sensed within my own spirit that it was wrong; and that the author was deceived by Satan.So yes I believe the Holy Spirit can still guide and direct us today just like He did with the apostles.
Q4. Greater Things
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Holy Spirit Paraclete (John 14-16)
Q4. (John 16:5-7; 14:12) What benefit is there to the disciples that Jesus goes away? What promise do we have in John 14:12 concerning the Spirit's power in believers? When Jesus goes away The Holy Spirit will come and minister to them. He will empower them to become witnesses for Jesus. He will teach, encourage, guide and remind them of things that Jesus said. We have the promise that we will do greater things than Jesus did because of our faith in Him. We have this power through the Holy Spirit within us. -
Q3. Person or Power?
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Holy Spirit Paraclete (John 14-16)
Q3. (John 14:26; 15:26; 16:13a) Why do we believe that the Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force or power, but a Person? What kinds of functions that we attribute to persons does the Holy Spirit do? Why is it so easy to refer to the Spirit as "it" rather than "Him"? We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person because He does things that only a person could do. There is evidence in the Bible showing that He is the third person of the Trinity. It is stated in the Nicene Creed as well. The Holy Spirit can be grieved. He glorifies, he appoints missionaries, He leads and directs workers and He comforts and corrects; plus many more things that only a person can do. It is easy to think that when some passages refer to the Spirit as a neuter pronoun and not male or female. So people tend to think that He is an impersonal force instead. In different languages like German, Spanish and French words have masculine, feminine or neuter pronouns and some people take it to mean that it should be neither he nor she just it. In today's' culture it is considered politically correct to say it instead of he or she. So some have changed the total meaning of verses about the Holy Spirit and made Him impersonal. -
Q2. Spirit Testifies
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Holy Spirit Paraclete (John 14-16)
Q2. (John 15:26-27) What does it mean to "testify"? In what way does the Spirit testify about Jesus? Can you testify from personal knowledge about Jesus? Or were the apostles the only first-hand witnesses? To testify means to affirm or attest to something based on your own personal knowledge or belief. The Spirit testifies about Jesus by presenting Christ to the disciples and the world. He reminds them of who Jesus and what He did. He reminds them of the words He said to them and helps them understand or interpret the message to others. I can testify about Jesus because He has saved me and I can tell others what He has done for me in my life. The apostles were first-hand witnesses along with 500 others who saw Jesus ascend to the Father, but we are all called to be witnesses. -
Q1. Another 'Paraclete'
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Holy Spirit Paraclete (John 14-16)
Q1. (John 14:15-17) In what sense is the Holy Spirit "another" Paraclete? Who was the initial Paraclete? In what way can the Holy Spirit replace him? How was he "with" the disciples? When will he be "in" them? The Holy Spirit is"another" Paraclete because Jesus was with them at first. He was with them helping them until his death on the cross. When he died and rose again He sent the Holy Spirit to help them. Jesus was the initial Paraclete. When He was on the earth he was their role model to follow. He was their comforter and encourager. The Holy Spirit replaces Jesus in that He is within them. He helped them make decisions that we were pleasing to God. He guided and instructed them. He gave them the boldness to speak even when threatened. Jesus was with the disciples as a Paraclete but the Holy Spirit would come down and be in them after Jesus goes to heaven. -
Q4. Who sends the Holy Spirit? The Father or Jesus? Does it matter? I believe that the Father sends the Holy Spirit and Jesus is the one who requests that God send Him down. The Father and Jesus work together and do everything together. By the wording, we see that Jesus asks for the Spirit. The Father is the one who sends the Spirit and He lets the Spirit, land upon Jesus when He is baptized. Jesus asks and then His request is answered. No, it does not matter since they are one and agree.
Q3. Power of the Spirit
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Holy Spirit in Jesus' Ministry
Q3. (Luke 3:22; 4:1, 14a; 4:18-19; 5:17b; 10:21; Acts 10:38a) Did Jesus do miracles by reason of being the unique Son of God, or by means of the power of the Holy Spirit upon him? Why is this important for us as his disciples? In what ways does Jesus serve as our example in ministry? Jesus did miracles through the Holy Spirit that was upon Him. He could not do it Himself because he was only partly divine and partly human now. He did not have the power to do it in his own strength now. Jesus had to rely on the Holy Spirit just as we do. It is important because as his disciples we must follow his example and do things through the Holy Spirit as he did. We need to understand that we cannot do anything by ourselves either. Jesus serves as our example because he emphasized over and over that he did not do anything by himself but with the Spirit. If he drove out demons it was with the Spirit's power behind him; if he healed people it was through the Spirit. Nothing was done without the power of the Spirit. And that is how we must live out our lives too. -
Q2. Son Can Do Nothing
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Holy Spirit in Jesus' Ministry
Q2. (John 5:19; Philippians 2:6-7) What does Jesus' statement, "the Son can do nothing by himself," indicate about his relationship with the Father? Why did Jesus have to "empty himself" from his heavenly glory when he became a man? Jesus statement that He can do nothing by Himself indicates that He and the Father work together. They are one and Jesus always does whatever God wants Him to do. Jesus being made into a man cannot do miracles without the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus had to empty himself to become like us in order to reach us. He could not come down to earth in the form of God because no one would be able to look at Him and live. He had to put aside his glory in order to come down and be born and die on the cross. He had to subject himself to the Father's will in this matter. -
Q1. (Luke 1:35; Matthew 1:20; Luke 3:21-22) In what ways is the Holy Spirit active in establishing Jesus' core identity as Son of God as Jesus came to earth? How does the Holy Spirit establish your core identity as a disciple of Jesus? The Holy Spirit comes upon Mary before Jesus was born and covers her. The Holy Spirit has power that comes from God Himself and this same power is seen in Jesus later in His life. Jesus is set apart from before birth as being holy and sacred. Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus has a relationship with God; where He is the Son and God is His father and Mary his mother. When He is baptized the Holy Spirit descended on Him and God spoke to Him in a clear voice saying that Jesus was His Son and that He loved and delighted in Him. The Holy Spirit establishes my identity as a believer by indwelling me. He is the one who drew me to Jesus and He is the one who helps me understand the scriptures. He is the one who teaches me and helps me remember verses or anything spiritual. He is the one who guides me and tells me of things God wants me to know. I am sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day that I see Jesus. He is the one who grieves when I sin against God and refuse to repent or when I ignore what He wants God wants me to do. Without the Holy Spirit, I could not live a holy life.
Q4. Upon All Flesh
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
Q4. (Joel 2:28-32; Ezekiel 36:26-27; 37:14; 39:29) What promises do we find in Joel and Ezekiel concerning the Holy Spirit? Who are the recipients of these promises? God promises to pour out His Spirit on everyone. He promises that their sons and daughters will prophesy. Their old men will dream dreams and their young men will see visions. When His Spirit is poured out then everyone who calls on Him will be saved, He will give them a new heart and a new spirit and remove the old ones. His Spirit will be put in them and they will walk in his statutes and obey Him. His Spirit will be put within them and they shall live and be placed in the land. Then they shall know that He is the Lord. He has spoken, and He will do it. He will not hide His face anymore. The recipients are both Israel and the church. He is talking about both when he says it. And Joel’s words are repeated by Peter at Pentecost. Both Israel and the church will have new hearts and spirits put in them when they come to Him. Israel is not cut off forever by God; in the end , the ones who acknowledge Him will be saved and in the Millennial age Israel will have their land. Both Jew and Gentile are included in these promises. -
Q3. Spirit and Messiah
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
Q3. (Isaiah 11:1-2; 42:1; 61:1-2) What promises does God make through Isaiah the prophet concerning the Holy Spirit and the Messiah? How were these fulfilled? That the Spirit will rest on Him and that He will have wisdom, understanding, counsel, power and knowledge through the Spirit. That the fear of the Lord will be upon Him. That He will bring justice to the world. He will bring good news to the poor; the broken hearted will be bound, captives will hear that they have been freed, prisoners freed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance and to comfort those who mourn. All these were fulfilled when Jesus came down to earth. He was filled with wisdom beyond his years and He understood men’s hearts. He knew what they were thinking, and He knew what they really needed. He gave Godly advice to people to help them come to God. He had power because He was God’s Son and all power and authority was His. He was feared by the demons and the devil because they knew who He was. He was feared by the Pharisees because they saw His miracles and knew the people thought he was a prophet. He brought justice to the world by setting up the true faith and building His kingdom through His followers. That Jew and Gentile would all come to Him and be saved. He was to be a light to them (Matthew Henry Commentary, 2018). The good news was that man did not need to be saved and go to heaven through works or sacrifices but through Jesus’s death on the cross. That if they accepted this gift they would be saved and not perish. He healed the ones whose hearts were broken by telling them that they could lay their worries and problems on Him and He would take care of them. That He was the Good Shepherd and would lay down His life for them and lead them and give them what they needed. He proclaimed freedom for people who were spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally bound and imprisoned. He touched people and healed the sick and cast out demons and freed people from the demon’s bondage. He gave them hope and consolation and liberty. And when he comes back the3 second time he will exact vengeance on the ones who denied Him and turned away from Him. He will punish the evil doers and send Satan and his demons to the pit. -
Q2. (Numbers 11:16-29) What enables the 70 Elders to lead the people? What happens when the Holy Spirit comes upon them? Why does Moses long for the Spirit to come upon all God's people? The Holy Spirit enables the 70 Elders to lead the people by putting a portion of the Spirit on the Elders. Like what happened with Elijah and Elisha in 2 Kings 2: 9-11; when Elisha asked for a double portion of the Spirit that was on Elijah. So God took part of the Spirit that was on Moses and put it on the Elders so that they could lead and minister to the Israelites. When the Holy Spirit came upon them they prophesied but it only happened once. Because they were meant to be leaders of the people not prophets like Samuel or Elijah and Elisha. I think Moses longs for the Spirit to come upon all God’s people so that they will all be unified. When people are led by the Spirit they are closer to God and are more thankful and grateful than ones who are not close to God. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit our whole focus is on God and what He wants us to do and not on ourselves. Moses had seen how the Israelites were after they were led out of Egypt. They soon forgot all about how he had used the plagues to get them out from under Pharaoh. They forgot how he divided the Red Sea for them, so they could walk across and escape while the Egyptians got swallowed up and drowned. The Israelites were only focused on their material needs and not spiritual food. Moses longed for the Spirit to come upon all of them so that they truly understand how great and awesome their God really is and that they would be more thankful.
Q1. The Spirit Upon
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? I believe that the primary purpose of God putting His Spirit on individuals in the Old Testament was to show others that they were favored by God and that they were designated certain tasks to do. The only way to do these tasks the4y could do these tasks successfully was with the Spirit’s help. Like Saul and David needed His help to reign over Israel and Judah (The Holy Spirit by Charles Ryrie, 1997). When the Spirit came upon Saul he immediately prophesied alongside the other prophets. He became a person who was well qualified to deliver Israel and lead them because he was relying on God to help him. But when he stops depending on God then he becomes disobedient and falls away. He takes on the role of a priest by sacrificing when Saul does not show up. When the Spirit came upon David he becomes prophetic also but his relationship with God deepens. He writes love letters to God in the Psalms. David’s love, fear, and adoration for God show through in the Psalms. The Spirit allows him to know God in a deep and personal way. -
I'm Laura and I live in Peshtigo, Wisconsin. I am 61 years old and live with my 38 year old daughter and 2 cats. I love to read; write, cook, bake, play games, do puzzles and learn new things. I am looking forward to this Bible study.
Q5. (Revelation 11:15; Psalm 24:7) When people think of spending an eternity in heaven, who do they most look forward to being with? Relatives? Jesus? What does it mean that he will reign forever and ever? In what way is he the King of Glory in your life? I think for those closest to Jesus they think about finally seeing the one who died for them on the cross and then they think about their loved ones. Others both saved and unsaved often think about their relatives or friends who have died. I believe this is the case with people who think they will get to heaven because they are good and others who have strayed find it easier to think about meeting their loved ones than seeing the sorrow in their Lord's eyes for a life that was wasted. I believe that reigning forever and ever will mean that He will reign throughout eternity without end. Not just for a thousand years but for thousands of years afterward. His kingdom will have no end. He is my King of Glory because He has defeated death, hell and the grave for me. He has brought me through very hard times and He never left me. He is glorious and full of splendor and deserves all of my praise and thanks. He is the only king who is holy and righteous and brighter than the sun.
Q4. Refiner and Purifier
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Jesus the Risen King of Glory
Q4. (Malachi 3:2-3; 1 Corinthians 3:13-15). How does Jesus purify and refine his church? How does he purify and refine us? On the Day that fire will test your deeds, will you have anything that remains, besides your salvation? Jesus purifies and refines his church through trials or afflictions; sometimes through persecutions. He does this so that we will put Him first in our lives and go to Him for help instead of trying to rely on ourselves or others. He refines us personally through causing us to have to care for others before ourselves like family or other people we know. He does this so that it drives out any impurities we might have or hidden sins. Like selfishness, pride, jealousy, anger, hatred and strife. He wants his church to be pure and holy and unblemished. He wants his church to have a passionate love for Him first and then others. He does this to get rid of any fears we might have so we trust him implicitly. I think there are some things that will stand the test of fire and some that might not. Right now, He is causing me to think over my actions and see where I am getting with them. I want to use my talents for Him again but first I must give over my addiction. I want to have something to show for my life here. -
Q3. (Hebrews 1:2; Romans 8:17; 1 Corinthians 3:22) In what sense is Jesus "Heir of All Things"? What does it imply that we are co-heirs with him? In what sense do we possess all things? Jesus is an heir of all things because God has given Him all authority over the earth and over every created being that dwells on it. All are to submit to His authority and rule because He is God’s Son and heir. He has all the power and He is in control of everything. We are co-heirs with him because we are spiritual heirs in the kingdom of God. We have power through the Holy Spirit like He does. We have everlasting life because we accepted Jesus as our Savior and Lord. One day we will reign with Him and be given our own rulership if we stay faithful to Him. We are seated with Him in heavenly places now and one day we will be in heaven where He is. One day we will have bodies just like His because we are co-heirs with Him. We will be able to see God fully as He does for we will have glorified bodies. This is part of our inheritance with Him. We possess all thing because we are overcomers and children of God and heirs or brothers and sisters of Christ. We possess all the spiritual blessings that Paul talked about. Eternal life, justification, sanctification, glorification once we get to heaven, peace, joy, redemption, and forgiveness of sins. All is ours because of Christ.
Q2. (Revelation 1:17-18; Hebrews 12:2) What do the titles First and Last, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End teach us about Jesus' nature? How does knowing that Jesus is the Author and Perfecter of our faith help build our trust in him? It teaches us that Jesus like the Father was here before the world began. He is the first one to be raised from the dead and He is the last one to appear again in His second coming. He is the Alpha and Omega and the Beginning and End. For He like the Father created all things and is will bring all things to fruition. It tells us that Jesus went before us and will help us finish the race. He will give us the strength to persevere. He already knows what is in store and we can trust Him to guide us and help us. He started it and He will finish it.
Q1. (Hebrews 1:3; Matthew 17:1-2) In what ways did Jesus show the Father's glory in his ministry? Why do you think Jesus allowed Peter, James, and John to see his Transfiguration? How do you think Jesus will appear in heaven? Jesus showed the Father’s glory when He turned water into wine at Cana and when he healed people and cast out demons. When he died on the cross and was raised again and before this when He was transfigured before the disciples. Jesus allowed Peter, James, and John to see His transfiguration because He wanted witnesses to testify of it to others. So, He chose the ones who were closest to Him and who had witnessed His miracles. He wanted them to tell the other followers and the world about Him. He knew He could trust them to get the word out and be faithful unlike the others who had turned away at His hard sayings. I believe that Jesus will appear in heaven as he did on the Mount of Transfiguration. He will be brighter than the sun and his clothes will be as white as snow. There we will be able to see Him in His full glory when we are changed and like Him. Matthew Henry Commentary 1706 from Bible Study Tools
Q4. Bridegroom and Husband
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Jesus our Light, Life, Bread, and Bridegroom
I believe that we must be pure and without sin as He is. He must be number one in our lives. We must love Him as much as He loves us, and we must be honest with ourselves and others about our faults and sins. We must be willing to be living sacrifices for Him and not let false teachers lure us away or other idols, gods, objects. We must show love to others and reach out to the least as He did. I believe that we as a body are not as a faithful as we should be. We have let other things take over; like money; jobs or careers, possessions, and pastimes get in the way. We have put Him on the back burner as we follow other pursuits and failed to love Him first, then others and failed to be lights and life givers as He is. I think we are a lot like them since we seem to have lost our first love. Some of us are cold and others are lukewarm. It says that we are to love Him unconditionally and fully. We are to give ourselves completely to Him to know Him as He knows us and to tell Him everything. -
Q3. Christ Who Is Your Life
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Jesus our Light, Life, Bread, and Bridegroom
Right now, Christ is not the center of my life like He should be. I struggle with addiction to sweepstakes and sometimes it consumes me. After I fail to spend time with Him or the time is too short; I struggle with doubts, fears. I struggle to believe He will come through for me. I would show them the Bible I used before and how it’s marked up. The various books I have on the book shelves. The music that I am listening to. The amount of time I spend on the computer vs the time with Him. What I spend my time doing. The complaints I make about God or other people. The way I treat my own family at times. The money I spend on a Christian’s things and money I give to my church or others I need to admit and confess that my sweeps have taken over my life and take first place in my life. I have to admit and confess that I don’t trust Him as I should and that I doubt that He will come through for me and that I have failed to let him be the center of my life. -
Q2. Living Bread, True Vine
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Jesus our Light, Life, Bread, and Bridegroom
It teaches us that we cannot have true life without Him. We cannot get to heaven any other way. It teaches us that we cannot grow as Christians any other way then by getting spiritual food from Him. He “The Word” satisfies our inner spiritual hunger and thirst. We cannot grow unless we are attached to Him. When we rely on ourselves instead of Him we stop growing. We become discouraged and disheartened and lose hope. Then we fall back into our old ways and stop turning to Him. We are easily drawn into temptation and sin then. I believe it is hard because we want to do things on our own. We don’t want to rely on others or Him. We want to be independent and think that we know what to do. We are often prideful and think we know it all. We are often stubborn and rebellious just like the Israelites were. We don’t want to admit we are wrong or have failed.