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Everything posted by Lottie
Sometimes God wants us to focus on Him more than what we can get . Like Natalie Grant's song, "More Than Anything" says, " Help me want the healer more than the healing. Help me want the giver more than the giving. Help me want you Jesus. more than anything."Sometimes we only want Him to fix things or make them go away but He wants us to grow and be like Him. And He uses trials and persecutions to do it. Patience teaches us endurance and perseverance. It helps us to become more like the Lord. Yes, because we know He is faithful and loves us. He will always do what is best for us and we can trust Him. Remembering times when He came through for us before.
The Lord surrounds us. He is rock solid and He is on every side and behind and going before us. He is steadfast and immovable. He can be depended upon. Because He is watching over us. In our government the Democrats and the leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement. The leaders in China and the Arab countries who are persecuting Christians. Rulers who don't care about the people under them. They are only concerned about money and power. We lose our closeness to God and other Christians. We become more self-centered and fail to think of others in need. We lose our witness for Christ by how we live and become fruitless.
When I was younger He kept me from drowning and He kept me from being raped. He kept me from becoming addicted to drugs and He protected me and this family in another car when I had an accident and it was my fault. He loved me so much that He did not want me to die and go to hell. Instead He send His Son down to die in my place. Sue because of how she treats me and she always wants to be in control.
It teaches us that the Master is righteous and just. He is compassionate and hears our prayers. He will help us and supply all our needs. It teaches us that we should not look down on others who are different than we are. We should respect them and show them love. We should reach out and help them if we can. The Arabs in our community. Some people are telling them to go back home. I can be friendly towards them. I can be courteous and offer help if I can.
People desert the house of God when they have disputes with other believers or the pastor over little things. Instead of trying to resolve their differences or agree to disagree they leave. They leave when something the pastor does upsets them or they don't think he did the right thing or even said the right thing. They desert it when they become disheartened and lose their faith. People think that all they need is God and His word. They isolate themselves when someone has hurt them. They believe it is easier to be alone than to become hurt again. People think that they can use books or sermons online instead and find groups there. I can pray that all Christians will learn to get along with each other. That all of them would follow the example of Jesus. That they would learn to love each other and put others first. That they would be willing to the Holy Spirit. I can learn not to be so sensitive when others ignore me and learn to forgive them. I can learn to show more interest in them and pray for them.
God is my helper in that He gives me strength and protection. He is with me in ever situation and trial or temptation. I am never alone. He helps me deal with show love to those who do not love me. He Helps me forgive others. He gives me strength for each day. He speaks to me through His word and gives me advice. He is my keeper because He is all around me. He shines His light on my path. He keeps my soul. He even bottles up my prayers and keeps them. He keeps me from sinning and from forgetting that He loves me and has my heart, He keeps me coming back to Him after I go astray. He has angels watching over me. He keeps me from the evil one. Protects my soul and mind through His word. I am always under His wings or protection. He keeps me from being blinded by my own pride or bitterness. Points out the lies of Satan to me. He shields me when I use his word to deflect the enemies attacks. He shields or protects me when i draw closer to Him in prayer. He points out dangers on my path.
Stress causes us to focus only on our problems and not on Him. It causes us to forget that He is greater than our problems. It makes us doubt Him and have unbelief in our hearts. It causes us to have more worry or anxiety instead of peace. We become more fearful. We get impatient with Him when He does not fix our problems right away. We spend less time with Him than before. On the other hand, stress can cause us to realize that we need Him. That we cannot do it on our own anymore. That only He can give us peace of mind and give us strength to handle our troubles or trials. Through it we learn to trust Him more. As for my stress, I I have not fully given it over to Him. I tend to use other means like games or reading to try and escape them. I want Him to take them away and give me relief.
He will end all wars and strife and even lions and lambs will be together without the lambs being devoured. For children will be able to play with snakes and not be hurt. Jesus will be there and there will be not more sorrow, sickness, death or sin. There will be unspeakable joy and everlasting peace.
Gideon built the altar there after God told Him that he would not be killed for seeing the angel. He knew that God had good intentions toward him. The Lord offered peace to Gideon in that God was a friend to Him and he had nothing to fear. That God would be with him and give him assurance and calmness no matter what.
Some synonyms for Savior are deliverer, redeemer, rescuer, and saver. For save are, deliver, to free, remove from danger, release, recover, and emancipate. A Savior rescues us from the clutches of the devil and frees us from our sins. He pays the price for our freedom. Jesus came to earth to suffer and die for us on the cross.
Q1. God our Kinsman-Redeemer
Lottie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. God Our Savior and Redeemer
If the relative lost his property it was the kinsman's responsibility to redeem it from the debtor. If the relative was in prison it was up to the kinsman to pay to get them out. Jesus played the role of kinsman-redeemer by becoming a man and redeeming us with His own blood on the cross. God loved us so much that He was willing to sacrifice His own Son for us. He loves mankind so much that He does not want them to perish. He wants to have a relationship with us. This says that He considers us more valuable than riches. We are His priests and a special people. We are loved and we are the bride of Christ. Members of the family of God; He adopted us into the family. -
He has shown His grace towards me when he first saved me and when He saved my daughter. He showed His grace towards me in bringing others to come to my aid before. He shown it to me through His infinite patience and forbearance with me. He shown it to us in protecting us different times and providing for us. Because God is not willing that anyone should perish. He wants all to be saved and that is why He is waiting yet for people to come to Him. He gives us more mercy and grace than we deserve because He loves us so much.
His steadfast love in the Old Testament forgave sins based on the future suffering and death of His Son, Jesus Christ on the cross. He was looking forward to that day when the sins of the whole world, past, present, and future would be laid on Jesus. Because the blood sacrifices could never really atone for sins; only Jesus could do that.
If a person is not faithful then the person cannot be counted upon to keep his or her word. It means that they can say one thing and mean another and you will never be able to trust them. Someone who is faithful always keeps their word to you and does not lie. They can be counted upon to come and help you out or defend you. They can be trusted to keep a secret. God inspires in me utmost trust and goodness. A true friend who can be counted on and one who will always listen to me and have my back. He is dependable and true. Faithfulness must be a part of us if we are called to be like Him. People must see the same qualities in us in order to be drawn to Him. Other believers must be able to trust us as well.
Because Israel was alone in the wilderness without any outside help. They had to depend upon God for all their needs. God knew this and He also knew that Israel would often stray from Him. Yet He in His graciousness and love never gave up on them. He always forgave them when they repented. Yes they were contrite because they put on mourning clothes and put away all their jewelry from them. That God not only forgives but that he casts it away from Him and never brings it up to us again. No matter how many times we sin; He forgives us.
We miss the very relationship that Jesus has with the Father and that God has with His Son. Then a lot of the Bible verses lose their meaning if we take that out. Because Jesus the Son and God the Father are a part of the Trinity. Then we are taking out the very heart of the gospel message. Because God the Father chose to sens His Son, Jesus to die for us. We gut out the core of the message then. The one about a woman quieting her child on her lap. It reminds me of how God wants me to lean and depend on Him and how much He loves me.
God was the husband of Israel in that He is their Lord and protector. He chose them to be His bride. He made a covenant with them and wanted utter loyalty from them. In the New testament the church is the bride of Christ. He is our husband and protector and Savior. God is jealous when we stray from Him and commit adultery by replacing Him with other gods or things instead of Him. He is also jealous in that he will be an avenger if someone oppresses His own.
Jesus and the Father are one yet they along with the Holy Spirit are separate persons or a trinity. Jesus is God's Son and God is His Father. Jesus is God in the flesh and He does whatever the Father tells Him to do. He came to save us from our sins and to die for us. He is the Word incarnate. God is our Father and creator. God created us and sent Jesus to save us and Jesus died for us .
It was different in that he taught them to talk to God as little children do and call Him, Abba, or daddy. It was something that only little children called their fathers not adults. Before this Jews thought of God as the Father of their nation but not their own personal Father. It influences my relationship in that I know I can come to Him anytime and know He will listen to me. I know that He loves me and cares about me. Therefore I love and honor Him in return.
It teaches us that He is our creator, our Rock and Savior. The two facts are that He is the head of the household and He has absolute authority and should be respected. And that He has the responsibility of guarding, supporting and helping other members. They should remind us that He is control of things and knows what is best for us. He has the ultimate say in the end and He should be obeyed.
This means that He will quench my deepest thirst inside for true joy and peace. Only He will provide everything I need and cause streams of living water to flow out of me to others. That only God can quench the desires of my soul and I need to follow Him until I reach my home.
Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourself first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? We resist because we want to try to do it ourselves or we call on other people for help instead. We wait until we have tried every other option before asking Him. Or we think He will punish us because we have disobeyed Him and gotten into a mess. Or we do not think that He can help us at all because we lack the faith in Him to help. It is required of us to submit to Him and let go of our our own wills. Acknowledge that we cannot do it on our own and humbly ask for His help; believing that He will come through.
I remember when my husband died and he brought people to comfort and help me many times. He blessed me with unexpected money when I needed it. Now I am facing bills that need to be paid and dealing with this virus that disrupts my life by stopping the senior van from picking me up. I am praying that God would intervene and allow me to get the supplies I need this week and provide for me.
I believe that Abraham believed it was what God wanted him to do and that If he obeyed that God would provide a sacrifice or raise him from the dead. Abraham got the wood ready and put Isaac on the altar and was ready to kill him. No, not that I can remember.
God is our keeper in that He watches over us day and night. He is aware of all our troubles and He stands guard over us. He has angels watch over us. He never sleeps so He knows when we are troubled in the night. He keeps me from harm and from the evil one.