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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by RENEE J

  1. Q2 - John 15:19, 30 2a) Why do you think Jesus said, "By myself I can do nothing"? (vs. 30) He said it because it was true. He had separated himself from his divinity and function as a human-man on the earth. He administrated in his ministry only by what he saw and hear from the Father; he had relationship with the Father and was obedient unto death. 2b) How do you justify this statement with Jesus' divine nature as the Son of God? He came to earth just as all human being come after Adam and Eve. He would not have been an attainable example for mankind to achieve. I have heard of the teaching that "it would have been illegal for him to come and operate in that deity because the dominion was originally given to Adam (man). Jesus came to restore that dominion to man through the Cross. 2c) In what ways can we use Jesus' example as a pattern for our own life and ministry? We can use his life as a pattern in every facet of our life and ministry. Jesus even said that we would be able to do even greater things...which to us seems impossible. But he said it and that's that. We receive it by faith. But in all practicality, if we develop a intimidate relationship with the Father, we too can begin to see and hear from Him. I believe He longs for that with us because we are the one to execute His business here on the earth. So humbling... 2d) How do you think Jesus would "see" and "hear" the Father? Well I think that every way that was established by the Father himself; but Jesus' purposed to separate himself and seek the Father. The Anointing was on him to do so.
  2. Listening for God as a Biblical Pattern (Mark 1:35; John 5:19) Question #1: 1a) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus' prayer life? He had a need to break away from others for a time of private, intimate prayer before his day got started to refuel in the spirit and get directions for the day ahead of him. Though he was earthbound ( Son of man) He didn't forget who he was ( Son of God) and where He came from. He knew His source was from God the Father. 1b) Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? He knew to seek God's face and to align his day with the Father's will and purpose. He remembered that he came to fulfill the will of God. All believers and servants of God, need to always pray daily; especially when on a special assignment. 1c) How does this prepare him for his ministry? Praying should position one into a position of submission to God, thereby receiving what God would have us do by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, not as a deity, also needed the Holy Spirit. 1d) How did the disciple desire for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) Why? The disciples were led by there emotions; Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit and he was on assignment to preach the gospel not just that location but to other cities as well. He knew the flow of people would be a continuous unending flow and that others needed to hear the kingdom message of the gospel too. 1e) Do you have a Quiet Time? I had been consistent but it was with some other women at 6 am. But since we stopped, I have not been rising up by 6 am to pray as I should. I felt really good getting up and it made a difference. Now I feel sluggishness and notice certain spiritual attacks. 1f) What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? Repent, and remember God needs me to come to Him and seek Him every morning. Remember He wants to commute with me and He loves me. He wants a deeper relationship but I got to wanted it too.
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