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Everything posted by Marcia4657
I believe God does talk to us daily through His Word as we have our Daily Bible Reading and devotional right after our prayers. Those messages or bible reading that we come across speaks to our spirit in a very profound way, that we are in tune with His words. But we may be having a hard day or troubled times some days, and those are the days our spirit may drift away during our prayers, bible reading session and even the devotional, that makes the voice of God seem too silent due to our noisy troubled minds. We could not hear Him because our minds very noisy. When this does happen, it it important to re-focus into His Plans, and tell him in Prayer, plead to the Lord to quiet our mind. We need to understand whatever storm we are facing, that storm has to face HIM eventually, and we ought to rely totally on Him. We gotta remind ourselves this and realise He is the King of Kings, and nothing is impossible for Him to execute, change or move for us. Even if the answer is No, it is His way of giving us the best alternative route, which always turns out to be the best.
Yes, He does. I should seek for clear details on what God wants me to touch in terms of what the person is going through. Often they have a lot to say, but I should be asking the Lord to guide me towards what God wants to say to this person, the right words, the right time and place to talk to the person. I have received a nudge from God about a single mother who was at that particular moment in need of advice to raise her 4 year old son single handedly, after her abusive husband who just ditched her away made her homeless. It was apparently perfect timing when I called her, as I had an afternoon nap and she came to my short nap in a vivid dream, seeking a phone to call me. As soon as I woke up I called her and she was apparently really intending to call me but was out of credit and living in a neighbour's house while awaiting for what to do next. I really felt it was my calling. I did the right thing to help her pick up the pieces, and also give her that moral support she needed at that very broken time. She is today a fulltime working mother and successfully raising her son singlehandedly with pride from all that she earns, by God's Great Grace.
(2 Samuel 5:19, 22-25) What’s the similarity between God’s brief, inarticulate nudges or promptings, and David’s use of the Urim and Thummim to receive direction? They were both indications of a YES or a NO answer. What happens when David needs more than a “yes” or “no” answer? God details further instruction in a comprehensible way, that His direction is clearer, precisely what He wills it to be.
Yes it is crystal clear when we seek His direction. No is just as important as a Yes, because God knows why it has to be denied or refused to be granted, always for the good of us eventually, or for a whole good purpose He has at plan. We just gotta trust HIM, He is all KNOWING and knows best and know the future best. I have had promptings to take some action, often through bible readings, for a devotional of the day, when facing some decision making in my own life. In my experience of the prompting, I refused the job offer although it was a huge benefit for me, worldly, but turned out it was the best decision I made, because, a year down the road, the company closed its operations due to bancruptcy. I was saved by refusing the job, after a bible reading on a career decision.
(Acts 10:19-20) Why was it important for Simon to get a very clear command from the Spirit to go with his visitors? So that everything goes according to God's will and not his. What would he have done if the word weren’t so clear? He would have made a mistake he would regret. What does he do when criticized for taking this action (Acts 11:2, 12)? He remains calm and claims that He wants clear direction from God, and not mankind. What kind of faith does it take to obey the Spirit and take an action you know you’ll be criticized for later? Crazy Faith, Faith that is unconditionally strong, and determined to act upon every Direction from GOD, the source of all our ways. Do you disobey when you know you might face criticism for obedience? I accept all I do within my self-will as my own disasters, if it was ruined, or events turned out wrongfully. However, I am willing to face cricism and insults for my obedience when I do something that God wants me to, because I do not really care what mankind thinks, rather, I rely on my Eternal Father.. I am willing to forego my reputation for my King
Paul would have cancelled the trip to Jerusalem and perhaps missed out on the bigger plans God had from that point. I would have tried to dissuade Paul if I knew his life was at stake, unless I get clear reasoning from God on His missions or plans. Otherwise, yeah, I could have dissuaded Paul. It takes a lot of reasoning and courage to take up any decisions that involves risks, but it takes a whole lot of wisdom to accept the hard way, when God directs us towards that way, and the courage to accept the route, may be even bigger. It gets a whole lot easier when we accept all storms knowing HE is present along with us, as He executed His Plans. Even if it means hardship. If we were to choose the easy way out, events may turn out to be the opposite or even disastrous from what God intended from the start. But then again, God has a way to turn things around, even if we chickened out. Knowing mankind, at times we are afraid to place our feet down in the mud. It takes a whole lot of courage to brace that fact.
It would have been like a Huge Hug from a Daddy, when God personally encourages him in those moments when he is hurting or afraid. It feels comforting, knowing we have our Father together with us, in all our trials and is going to move with us, side by side in all directions He is planning, and whatever may come, to stand calm and move forth as He is present. I learn that God wants us to do what we are doing, and He knows our limitations, as soon as we break down or hurting, He does remind us that He is with us, and what we are doing is His will. That encouragement, even if it is failing us many times in our attempts to make things work, just by having God speak comforting words and remind us of His presence is oft so sweet, that we do not mind the storm at all. After all, he overcame the world.
(1 Kings 17-19) Why do you think the author contrasts the “still small voice” to the wind, earthquake, and fire? We as human beings, often think God speaks in the Mighty Thunder and earthquake and fire, with a huge sound, as we know God is Huge and He is God. So it shows that God does not need to show extravagant or dynamic power in communicating or warning us mankind. He could still come as gentle as a dove. How does God’s voice comfort and renew Elijah? When Elijah was broken and confused, God comes in the still small voice, as Elijah gets into a quiet moment during his bitterness or fear, and God comforts him by his gentle spirit, as gentle as a dove, the Lord stoop low to mankind, to our level, to touch Elijah to hear His Words. Why is it easy to miss God when his voice is gentle and quiet? In our daily chores, routine life, everything is so noisy around us, there may never be a quiet time, when we really listen to the gentle spirit in a noisy environment. That is why it is difficult when we are on our run, to listen when we don't slow down our momentum or pace and sit back for those quiet times with God just to listen to Him.
Q4. Mind of Christ
Marcia4657 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Listening for God as a Bible Pattern
How does the Holy Spirit make “the mind of Christ” available to us? Today as we read the Bible, after prayers, requesting the Lord to reveal His Direction and Plans in every question we have, we receive the answers from the Lord, as the Holy Spirit enables us to grasp the meaning of the Bible verse we are reading or the Lord places the thoughts and opinions into our minds right when we are meditating on His Word. This requires us to strip our flesh from ourself, and use that spirit within us, to enable the spirit to move our mind to what the Lord wants to say. How does this make you dependent upon the Holy Spirit? This enables me to discern his warnings and signs of what may come, in my life, and in the lives of my friends and family whom I pray for, and this helps me make each day, or rather live it according to what the Lord wants it to be. His will be done in my life. How does this relate to listening for God’s voice? Everything is about God's Voice. Today we seek His total direction because the world is chaos without Him directly telling our Ministers and Leaders of the World what to do. If that is impossible because they are not christians, then it is the duty of every christian to pray for the leaders of the world to be moved by God or show us what is to come, to allow us to prepare, whatever may come, only to fulfill all the Lord desires in our lives, in our nation and on earth of course. -
Q3. The Holy Spirit
Marcia4657 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Listening for God as a Bible Pattern
What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? He promises the spirit of Truth, who shall come and testify and teach us all truth. As the Spirit declares only what He hears from the Father. The Holy Spirit : Guide disciples into the way of truth (John 16:13). Teach the disciples (John 14:26). Speak to the disciples what the Spirit hears from the Father (John 16:13a). Declare to the disciples what is to come (John 16:13b). How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God? As we pray, we receive the pure directions and instructions from the Father through the Holy Spirit. -
Q2. Seeing the Father
Marcia4657 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Listening for God as a Bible Pattern
Why do you think Jesus said, “By myself I can do nothing”? (vs. 30) Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us, but he is Flesh and Blood, when he came to earth to be with us. Jesus said "By myself I can do nothing" due to the fact that He does what the Father does, or what the Father permits Him to do. Jesus places emphasis on His Father, the whole authority, and only by what the Father commands Him to do, the Son fulfills. According to Paul, in Philippians 2:6-7, he expresses these... "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness." (Philippians 2:6-7) How do you justify this statement with Jesus’ divine nature as the Son of God? Jesus is the Subordinate to the Father, in the Holy Trinity. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Although they are fully ONE, Jesus being the subordinate to the Father, explains this scenario. In what ways can we use Jesus’ example as a pattern for our own life and ministry? By having quiet moments with the Lord in our daily walk with Him, closely communicating our daily life and happenings to Him, and remembering He is still our Number One in the Decision Maker and the Leader of our Soul. How do you think Jesus would “see” and “hear” the Father? Jesus sees God, He is the Son of God. He has the Holy Spirit that enables the spirit to see in the earthly realm. But I definitely know Jesus talks to the Father openly. -
Q1. Jesus' Prayer Pattern
Marcia4657 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Listening for God as a Bible Pattern
The pattern that I notice in Jesus is that he always, without fail, tries to seek a quiet moment to talk to His Father in Heaven. That is beautiful, to begin the day with a meeting with Our Father in Heaven, is so sweet to even start the day. I believe He spends those quiet moments with the Father to understand all Directions and Plans the Father in Heaven has in store for Him. I believe it is always the Director's choice, in Jesus Ministry and ensuring the will of God goes first. This definitely grants Him the desired results God wants out of everything God has planned His Son to perform. The Disciplles on the other hand was overwhelmed with the healing process, that they got taken deeper into it rather than the core Jesus spoke about, which is this prayer moment with God. If we don't talk to God, how will we know what God has in store for the day ahead of us? Or rather what our missions are? I would try my very best to seek those quiet moment with God, handling the household chores, along with raising a toddler and an 8 year old school-going kid, I know it is a challenge, but I try to seek quiet times to read the Bible, and yet, children interrupt me in those moments. It is tough having active kids always coming in your study room. I keep my study room as a place for prayer because I write notes, on what I want to share with God, and who I want to pray for until some answers, whether it is a No or Yes comes to the person I am praying for, including me. I find it disciplines me in how to talk to my Director (God above) cause we can never go unprepared to the Board of Directors right! -
Hi there The name is Marcia and I am pretty new here. I am a mother of 2, from Malaysia and would very much love to join a bible study group to grow in knowledge of the Word of God. Would especially love to have a greater christian fellowship as I learn His Word in depth. Blessed day, everyone