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Q3. Only Begotten
Umilta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Jesus our Lord, the Divine Son of God
Unlike us, Jesus didn’t have to be born again. He wasn’t the product of God’s creative activity, neither was he adopted into the family of God. He was begotten, not made. Jesus is in a class by himself, unique in his sons hip, not only the Son of God but God the Son. One of the persons of the Godhead, there from the beginning. So it is , that God sent his one and only son, to suffer and die an ignominious death on the cross, because he could be the only worthy sacrifice for sin. In sending this son, it is as if God had sent himself. -
In death as in life, Jesus knew that he had an intimate relationship with his Father. Although he was forsaken because of the sin of humanity he carried at the cross, he knew that this relationship was intact. This is why he was able ,with confidence to commit his spirit into his fathers hands, because he knew this was not the end. It should help us, his children to face death more courageously, knowing that because of our relationship with a God we can trust him to receive us unto himself when we should have departed this life.
Q6. It Is Finished (John 19:30)
Umilta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross
Jesus had been sent to earth by his father, God, on a special mission: which was to save his people from their sins. Jesus had then completed this mission. We can learn many things: 1. That like Jesus we too are born into this world for a special purpose. 2. As soon as possible we should seek to find out what that purpose is. 3. We should then focus on our purpose and not allow ourselves to deviate from our course through the attractions that are in this world. 4. Even when things become difficult we must stay on course and see it through to the end. -
Q3. Peter's Confession
Umilta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Jesus the Messiah, Christ, and Son of David
Peter believed Jesus to be ‘The Christ, The son of the living God’. This was revealed to Peter by God the Father in heaven, Jesus did not want this to cause controversy among the rulers, neither did he want to bring attention to himself. -
Q1. Christ and Messiah
Umilta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Jesus the Messiah, Christ, and Son of David
‘Christ’ and ‘Messiah’ mean ‘The Anointed One’. The Davidic Covenant ( that David’s dynasty will last forever) gave them hope and encouragement that a descendant of David would come to deliver them from bondage, setting up a kingdom, albeit in a political sense. -
This whole plan required great faith from Jesus. To come down from heaven and live on this earth as a human being, to suffer for 30years the ignorance and unbelief of man, and to die a death on a cross for which there are really no words to describe? Because this is the plan of your loving father to save all mankind? It teaches us that faith may require that we walk in some very painful and self crucifying paths, where we might feel that we are all alone, and even our Father God has abandoned us completely. And yet to cry out to him because we know he loves us and we are his children. We learn that nothing, regardless of how difficult for us , absolutely nothing, must shift us from our commitment to our God, and that once we have understood the purpose for which he has put us on this earth, we must set our face, ‘like flint’ to serve him. The crucifixion of self, for the good of others, is the ultimate expression of love. We must be willing to die, in all its senses, so that others may live. This understanding, from Jesus’ fourth word on the cross, should utterly transform our lives, to the expanding of God’s kingdom, and for the glory of God.
He did this because He understood his responsibility towards his mother and knew that in a little while he would not be able to assume that responsibility. He loved his family and understood his obligations, particularly as the first son towards his mother especially. In our own lives we need to ensure that we honor and love our parents, notwithstanding. While we must put God first, this does not excuse us from our family obligations, but we need to pray for wisdom because as was said, this could be a very complex situation and involve great difficulty, especially when family do not understand our call to ministry and there is misunderstanding.
I find the thief’s faith astounding because we would never associate a condemned criminal with so much faith. We assume that people who commit crimes do not have faith in Jesus. That day the thief received forgiveness and eternal life just in the nick of time. He made it into heaven at the last moment. That day Jesus received much needed encouragement. He must have felt that all that he was suffering was worth it, especially since we know that there is rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents, And we often hear that if it was only for one person he would have still died.
Q4. Jesus' Wisdom and Truth
Umilta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
In many cases Jesus’truth is diametrically opposed to the culture. There was a time when aspects of the culture seemed to based on the word for God as the law of the land was. But now both are undergoing a radical change. Well we know as the Bible teaches, that the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of man. Take for example Carnival which is a big event in my country. The culture says if it feels good , do it. The next day like the prodigal son, they have spent all they have in riotous living or they have an unwanted pregnancy, or they have contracted an incurable disease. Some do not even live to tell the sad story. But Jesus’ truth says: “ crucify the flesh and the lusts thereof.” Saturate myself in the word of God, Keep company with mature believers.Be active in the church. Be filled with the Spirit and keep on being filled. Be transformed by the renewing of the mind.Depend on God to help us hold on for we cannot do it for ourselves. Spend much time in prayer. -
Q1. Jesus Your Rabbi
Umilta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
How often do you come to him to teach you? I come to him through all teaching sessions held in the church for the entire church, as well as on a daily basis( most days) where he teaches me in my quiet time with him. I receive his teaching through those whom he has appointed teachers in the church . But I know that I have to ask the Holy Spirit to move the knowledge from my head into my heart. I also receive it directly through the Holy Spirit who communicates to me the truth written in his word. At the risk of sounding as if I am blowing my own trumpet, I am very teachable. I have a deep hunger for God’s truth, and a genuine desire to live it out in my life. But alas I find the flesh quite a formidable foe.(you know, the things I would not that I do). But I am depending on Jesus who has given me, and will give me the victory. -
Q1. Jesus Your Rabbi
Umilta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
Question: What is your relationship to jesus as your rabbi? Since I am convinced that Jesus is the truth, I acknowledge, respect, love and honor him as my Rabbi. -
Q1. Name and Mission
Umilta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus the Nazarene Carpenter's Son
How is the meaning of Jesus ‘ name linked to his mission? Jesus’ name means ‘Yahweh saves’ and ‘ saves’ carries also the meaning of ‘deliver, give victory, help.’ This name was deliberately chosen to express God’s plan for Jesus ‘ life, for he was to save his people from their sin.(Matthew 1:21) It was his destiny; the purpose for which he had come to earth. In Luke 4:18 He says: ”The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he had anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he had sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. All this is contained in the meanings of his name Jesus - to deliver, to give victory, to help, and I add, if I may: to loose, to deliver, to set free. Howdid he fulfill his mission? In submitting to his father’s will by dying on the cross; the only lamb without spot and blemish worthy to be sacrificed in exchange for our sins, only the shedding of his blood could do it.Therefore he was able to say: ‘It is finished,’ which according to Tony Milano in a devotional article entitled ‘It is finished Jesus does not need your help’ is one of Jesus’ most important statements , written in the present perfect tense to indicate that the progress of the action has been completed and the result of that action is ongoing and with full effect.’ The action here of course is the salvation and deliverance of all mankind from sin forever, breaking its power over us, and giving us victory over hell and the grave. All thanks and praise to God that I can say with confidence that He confronted me one day through my then Pastor with the ugliness of my sin and my wretched condition and offered me God’s grace and his unconditional love and the offer of full salvation and deliverance if I would believe in his redemptive work on the cross, and if I would be willing in genuine confession and repentance to hand over my life to him, not only for safekeeping but also to be used to bring honor and glory to his name. An offer which I desperately needed and gladly accepted. -
Q2. Seeing the Father
Umilta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Listening for God as a Bible Pattern
Jesus has laid aside his divinity with all its inherent power to become flesh and dwell among us. He follows the leading of his father. He does not work independently of the other persons of the Trinity.The Father, Son and Holy Spirit work together. As Christians we don’t do as we feel, we must seek to hear God’s voice, to see where He is working and join him. We are dependent on the Trinity even as Jesus relied on his Father’s voice for direction and guidance.Only then will we be empowered to minister effectively. Through the quiet time he spent alone with him, and that on a regular basis, shutting out all other voices, even that of his own will, he would be able to discern what the Father was saying and doing. The intimacy with the Father would cause him to know his mind. -
Q1. Jesus' Prayer Pattern
Umilta replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Listening for God as a Bible Pattern
He would pray in the morning, very early in the morning. He would leave wherever he was and find a quiet place, where he could be alone with God. He did this so he could get guidance and direction for the day, also to be spiritually energized. It would be a time of least disturbance, and he would be at his highest alert, mentally and physically after the night’s rest. He would know what the Father wanted him to do and where he wanted him to go.Their time alone together would also empower him. The disciples felt that Jesus should respond to the needs of the crowd but Jesus was led to preach in other places. This was fulfilling his mission, preaching was his primary objective. Yes but I am not as consistent as I should be. I hardly ever deliberately listen or take notes. I will definitely listen more and be more consistent. I will pray more too. I spend the better part of the time studying the word.