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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Gail Brown

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Everything posted by Gail Brown

  1. The conparison of a still small voice to wind, earthquake and fire I think is because we look at God in his GREATNESS, AWESOMENESS. MAGNIFICENT, AND MIGHTY, that his voice matches his character, that his voice would roar like thunder and it could but he knows that would frighten us, so the sweet still voice we must learn to listen for, with all the busyness of the day Gods voice is what we need to train our ears to hear. His voice comforted Elijah by letting him know that he was now alone just as we sometime think we're the only ones going through this problem or that situation whatever were going through is forr a reason, a repositioning as he did with Elijah for something greater. We miss the still small voice when we are complaining, stressing over situations and even listening to someone else voice.
  2. The pattern Jesus have set is finding that alone time with God were there's no distractions or interruptions to keep you from seeking God not receiving and hearing God's answer and reply to your prayer.. Afar off or just a little distance he is there to listen to our supplication
  3. God promises to be with them to lead and guide just as he did for the disciples he'll do for us.. Lead, guide/direct, teach, bring his teachings back to your remeberance...I will send the comforter and he will bring these things back.......
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