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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Paula Price

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Everything posted by Paula Price

  1. The peace that Jesus is speaking of is the Holy Spirit which he has given to live within us. He said He would not leave us comfortless. Although we live in this world, we are not a part of it, for we have been chosen to be His family of a royal Priesthood. We are holy and righteous, as He is, and are not of this world.. Knowing this gives us peace, not the kind that the world gives, if it even gives any, but the promised peace and gift that comes form God... the peace in knowing that we are saved and will be with Him in heaven... the joy in having that peace which sustains us in living in this world full of sorrow and darkness. He gives us His own peace.. John 14:27.
  2. Jesus had no sin, He is pure, therefore there is nothing for Satan to hold over His head. Satan uses our weakness to control us, because we still feel sorrow for them. We are giving in to our fear and not trusting in what we have confessed to believe. When we ask Jesus for forgiveness and repent of our sins, we are to trust in Him completely and not sin again. We can not serve two masters. Either we believe that we are saved by grace and live accordingly or we allow Satan to enter our hearts by fear and destroy the trust we say we have in Jesus... There has to be a change in our way of thinking and our way of living. Jesus has already done what He promised by dying on the cross as payment for our sins. We are already freed from bondage to Satan by this act of love from God. How much plainer can it be.?? Why do we crucify Jesus over and over by doubting, when Satan tries to tempt us??? We have the same power as Jesus to say to Satan.,,"get thee behind me".... Jesus gave us that power.. He has said so... and we need to believe it. If we don't, what is the point of Him dying?What is the point of believing?? If we believe in Jesus than we need to show some sign!! Live a life that reflects our belief. And do not allow Satan to tempt us into sinning. It is like a drug, a choice to take or not. Just say No !! I am standing on the promises of God and Satan you have no power over me.!!! The Holy Spirit lives within us and gives us the power to resist the devil.. " for my strength is made perfect in weakness",....." for God has not given man the power of fear.. but of love and a sound mind".... " whoever has been born of God does not sin, for his seed remains in him and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God."...........I will trust In the Lord and He will fight my battles for Satan has already been defeated!!! Thank You Jesus!!! thank You Lord!!!
  3. "If you love me , keep my commandments". Love is required for obedience. Obedience is required for salvation. Salvation is required to achieve Heaven. This is the will of God. Jesus is the way, the truth and the light, the life,. It is belief in Him that eternal life is possible to those who BELIEVE. This is the promise of God.
  4. The Paraclete is the third person in the trinity..... the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He is the one Jesus promised the disciples who would be with them to guide them in all things holy and righteous when He returned to the Father. He said he would not leave them comfortless. He would not leave us comfortless. Jesus was the inital Paraclet sent from God. The Holy Spirit replaces Him in all things. The Holy Spirit is who is with us when we pray and do the will of God. He replaces Jesus in our hearts since Jesus has returned to sit at His place at the Fathers side. The Holy Spirit gives us comfort and guides us in all things holy and righteous. He is our spiritual connection on earth to heaven by way of our righteous hearts.
  5. the Pharisees refused to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. Unbelief, according to 2 Corinthians causes spiritual blindness. Pharaoh was responsible for his hardness of heart. God used him to show His Glory. Even when Pharaoh might have changed his heart, God made him harden it again, just to proof again His Might, His power. Pharaoh considered himself to be a great king, a god within himself who believed in gods who could not even begin to matched the power of the only true and living God. Even in all that he witness, he still hardened his heart in unbelief. The Pharisees were the same. They witness the miracles of Jesus and still choose not to believe, they harden their hearts.
  6. The scripture states that when Jesus heard that the blind man had been questioned and thrown out of the synagogue he went and found him. Jesus needed to complete the assignment given to Him. He opened the eyes of the blind man now He needed to see if this man would believe in Him and worship Him as the Son of God. It completed the miracle. He revealed Himself to the man and asked if he believed in Him?.. In order to be saved a person must believe in Jesus. Once his physical blindness was cured, his spiritual blindness must be cured also. Confessing Jesus as the Messiah and believing, and worshipping Him, completed the act. The man could not see Jesus before, now that his sight was restored, he could see and confess who it was that healed him.
  7. Jesus always stated that He does the will of the one who sent Him. He never claimed to be doing His own will. He always did the will of God. He prayed continually and sort the fathers will in everything He did. Everything Jesus did was the will of God. He did nothing on His own. When Jesus was not with His disciples, He was off somewhere praying and seeking advise from God. Jesus's prayer in the garden before being arrested was "not my will, but Thine will be done".. We should all follow Jesus's example because He is the light sent from God to show us the way. Jesus healed in different ways because it was God choice on how His will was done. We may not understand His way but we must obey anyway. Obedience is the key!! We must believe and do His will, walk in His word and do His will.!!! that is what he requires of us!!. How will we know the will of God if we do not seek it??? He said "ask , and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened unto"". I remember asking the question of what Jesus meant when He told is mother at the wedding, when she told him that the party was out of wine. And Jesus asked her what did that have to do with Him?? She wanted him to make wine, to show to her relatives and others who He really was. And Jesus told her that His time had not come yet.....This was not the time for Him to reveal Himself. God had already planned Jesus's footsteps and all Jesus was to do was follow, ,where, when and how was all up to God the Father, not Him. We have fallen in the pattern of doing what we want. We are choosing ways of worship and how to worship based on how we think it should be done and what we think God wants to hear... but we are wrong....If we are not worshipping in the way God has demanded , then our worship is in vain, no matter how sincere we are. The only way to heaven is God's way. Our salvation has to be God's way. We do not have a choice if we say we love Him and believe. He said "if you love me, than keep my commandments".
  8. Sin is not always the cause of sickness or affliction. When we do things that we shouldn't and it affects our health, we do the wrong thing, that is sin. There are things we eat that affect our health and when told by a doctor not to eat because of health issues, and we eat anyway, that is disobedience, which is sin. In this case the blind man was blinded from birth and the scriptures states that he was chosen for the purpose of glorifying God. God uses people who are not perfect to show His power. The good results that comes from this is a persons confession of faith in the belief of Jesus despite their condition. It is easy to believe when you are whole and well but to believe and have joy and faith in the face of afflictions and hardship shows a willingness of faith that is rewarded by God. The blind man, upon receiving his sight believed in the one who gave it to him. He bowed down and worshipped. Not only was he healed physically, but he was healed spiritually as well. He said "I was blind, but now I see." Jesus is teaching here of spiritual blindness and he uses physical blindness to make a point. The Jewish leaders and Pharisees were blinded spiritually. They refuse to see Jesus as the son of God. They refused to believe. Leads me to wonder how they could believe in Moses, whom they never saw but not Jesus who was right before their eyes! Spiritually blindness!.
  9. In this chapter Jesus is preparing the disciples for His leaving them and returning to the Father. While he was with them, He was their master, teacher and Lord. When he returns to the father, he will be leaving them in charge, to take His place, to be the teachers and the master of the flock, to be the example of all Jesus was and all he taught them to be and to do. By washing the disciple's feet. he was teaching them and being an example to them, to show them that though they would be the teachers, they must also be servants . That although they would be spiritual leaders, not to put themselves above each other and their student. They are to love and care for each other just as He was doing and had done. They needed to understand that they were also there to serve. Baptism represents a complete cleaning, washing of the body and you come up a new creature in Christ. Foot washing, I think during this era was considered to be a servants duty. Travelling on dirt roads left the feet dirty and dusty. Once the body was washed, the feet were the last to be washed. Our whole body needs to be clean when we are baptized, but the feet are constantly dirty from the walk. Jesus wanted them to see Him as a servant as well as their Lord. He came to serve as well as teach. He wanted to show them how to be compassionate, loving and kind and caring . Jesus was their Master, but he was humble enough and loved them enough to be a servant and to meet every need, no matter what it was. He was also preparing them for His betrayal by one of His own, that is what he meant by saying not all of them were clean. Even though they were his disciples, Jesus was preparing them that they would sin, they were not perfect, even though they loved him, they were still weak and learning what it would mean to be fully committed to their calling. Even after we have been baptized we are subject to fall, our feet will need washing and forgiveness will be need to make us clean again. Jesus is teaching them to be ready to forgive because everyone is deserving . They are to care for each other even when sin is present.
  10. The people shout praise Him and waved palm branches and proclaimed Him to be the king , the Messiah who is promised to come from the scriptures. This is the appointed time for Jesus to be received by the people and it is His appointed time to begin His journey to the cross. Jesus did all things during His ministry according to the scriptures so that they would be fulfilled. Every thing he did was timed coordinated as to the will of God. He did nothing without approval and the word from God the father. There was a purpose and an order for all that was done and Jesus did them accordingly. It was not so much that Jesus shun the attention before, but rather , that it was not the time for those things to take place, it was not the time because the order of things were to be according to the scriptures that spoke of his coming .Jesus knew the scriptures and knew when things were suppose to be done or fulfilled. for example, there were times when He would just not be there when the crowd or the Jewish leaders tried to do him harm. Or during the teaching and the preaching to the multitudes , they would look for him and he would just not be there.! Or even his disciples would go to look for him and they did not know where He was!!!. There are things that were done that people did not understand but Jesus knew perfectly well the timing of things to be done.
  11. Everything Jesus did was to fulfill the scriptures of the old testament when the prophets wrote of His coming. This prophetic scripture fulfills Zechariah 9:9. Jesus is now announcing publicly that he is the Messiah who is sent from God to save man from sin. Until this time, He did not want the attention because it was not the time God had appointed for Him to be received. Jesus did everything according to his father's will. The crowd was excited about the coming Messiah for some of them remember the scriptures proclaiming the way He would arrive on a donkey. The donkey also is symbolic . It represents uncleanliness, that Jesus would be the savior not only for Israel but for the Gentiles as well. He is the Savior of all mankind, those who choose to follow Him.
  12. John 3:17--" for God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved". Jesus is offering salvation to all who sin. It is required to repent from sin and live a life free of sin. Forgiveness of sin is why Jesus is sent to earth. He is our way to salvation. Jesus is being introduced here as the savior... a new way of forgiveness of sin, doing away with the old way, the law and making it possible for all men, not just the Jews to obtain eternal life. Nothing happens to the gospel for it is the word of God. It will remain even if one choses not to obey and follow it. What does happen is one can not be saved with out repentance. the person who does not repent is lost and separated from God. Repentance is necessary because God said so!!!! Acts 2:38.... " repent ...and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remissions of sins"...... God has designed the way for mans salvation and it is the only way we have to achieve it. there is no other way......believe and receive....
  13. Thank you Joe Apple-Garth for your insight into this mystery!! I often wondered as many do on what Jesus was writing on the ground during this scripture. We are not to wonder or cast our own opinions on things spiritual. We are to use the bible to find answers to our questions on all things concerning our faith. I do not always have the actual scripture reference to my comments but I have read them and make my comments according to what I have read In the bible. We do know that Jesus always quoted the old Testament, therefor Him writing on the floor would fulfill the prophecy of Jeremiah 17:13. Jesus did everything according to what the Father instructed him to do. He told the religious leaders often and in every circumstance where He was questioned that he came to fulfil the prophecy of the Old Testament because they spoke of Him. Yes , of course the contents of what he wrote was important, even if we do not know what it was . The effect it had is evident. The accusers dropped their stones and left. Everything Jesus did is important and with reason. It was the will of His father that He did all things. Jeremiah 17:13 says....." they who depart from me shall be written in the dust""........ Jesus was writing the names of those unbelievers, those who were also sinners, judging this woman...... He was fulfilling the Law of Moses, and showing mercy and grace of forgiveness....the old way leading into the new way.
  14. Jesus was teaching that they would not be judged by the law of Moses any more. That each person will be judged by God alone for there sins. Man is not the judge of man but God is the judge of all. Jesus was teaching them that they also were sinners and had not the right to judge anyone . Jesus was teaching them that they too were to repent from their sins and ask for forgiveness and not to continue living in sin. Again I say, Jesus came to fulfil the law of Moses. He is directing and teaching a new gospel, a new law. One that requires belief in Him and obedience to the word , the gospel He is now teaching. The Jews were rejecting Him and the word of God. The same God they claimed to love and honor and who gave the law to Moses. Jesus knew that there was no one who is sinless.. everyone there sinned. He who is without sin cast the first stone... We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.....There is none perfect but God. Jesus is teaching forgiveness to all for all who choose and ask for forgiveness and walk and live a live free from sin.
  15. The religious leaders were trying to trap Jesus so that they could say he was teaching against the law of Moses. Which ever way Jesus answer, they thought they would be able to prove Jesus wrong and guilty. If He said the woman was guilty and should be stoned then He was not the compassionate person he claim to be by healing the sick showing mercy to all. They did not understand nor did they want to that Jesus was sent to fulfil the law of Moses and to make it possible for all men, not just the Jew, to be forgiven of sin and have a chance at salvation,...This was Jesus's mission from God the Father...
  16. Not sure why this question is being asked. Only those who have chosen to believe in God and accept and believe that Jesus is the son of God and was raised from the dead and repent and are baptized are members of the church of God. God reveals his will to true believers. Faith is the belief in God. So we walk by faith. God reveals his will to those who believe. There is a condition to receiving the will and knowledge of God. We have to chose to follow the plan of salvation that God has designed for us to follow. We have to do his will his way, not our way. So if we are not willing to obey the will of God, what is the point of knowing His will???
  17. In Jesus's days, students were trained by Rabbi's who studied the Mosaic Law in the Synagogues I think. As a boy growing up, Jesus could always be found listen and learning in the synagogues from the leaders and teachers there. But his learning came from God on all things. God told Him what to do and say. He always would say that he does the will of the father who sent him. Is there anyone better , who knows the mind of God, than God??? God teaches us His will for our lives. God told Jesus what he wanted Him to do, how he wanted it done, when to do it and Jesus did just that. The gospel today is our teacher , our instructor, our Rabbi in what the will of God is. When we open our hearts and minds to Jesus, God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit, and tells us and helps us to understand his will, how to live according to his will, and what His will is, (maybe not in this order) for us. It is no mystery! His will is for us to live a life of holiness and righteousness before him and to fear him and be obedient to his word. To love worship and service Him. Jesus taught his disciples by example. he told them to "follow me and I will make you fishers of men"...... Jesus showed them how to honor and walk with God and what God expected of them. They in turn would teach the world what they were taught by Jesus. They didn't need formal training. Just a willing and sincere heart and a love for the master to learn and do his will.
  18. Jesus knew that the Jews were plotting to kill him and had he gone there, they would have arrested Him then. But God instructed Him to go else where because His time had not yet come and he still had work to do. God is always directing Jesus's path, and Jesus always said that he is doing the will of the Father. What ever God tells Him to do , is what he does we need to do the same. It is God's will , no our own will that must be obeyed, in all things. Now He has given us wisdom and knowledge of the word, through the gospel, and we must seek Him in all things and be thoughtful of how to avoid sin when it provokes us.
  19. People think that "good works" is what is needed to obtain heaven. Working in the church, feeding the homeless, charity work. While all these are good and are what God desires of us, it is not the "work" that will get us into heaven.. The belief in Jesus Christ is the work that is required from God. "BELIFE" believe in the Son of God and that God raised Him from the dead so that we can have eternal life. Jesus told them that they were to believe in Him and that He was the true bread. They did not want to hear or believe Him. That is not what they were looking for. They did not understand Jesus's message. There hearts and minds were closed to receive the word, Jesus.
  20. These believers were following Jesus to see him perform miracles. They were not seeking to know him . They were looking for the physical king to lead them against the oppression of Rome. True disciples seek to know Jesus for spiritual knowledge and eternal gain.
  21. In order to receive anything from God, we have to listen and do what He instructs us to do, be obedient. If the crowd wanted to eat or be fed, they needed to follow instructions. The disciples also have to be obedient, how will they expect anyone to follow them if they are not willing to listen and obey? We should not be waiting to see miracles, like the crowd who followed Jesus around just for that purpose. We should be wanting to have a relationship with Him. to know Him, to listen and learn and do His will. When we do this, miracles will happen in our lives when we need them and ask. The God we serve will supply our needs. He will forgive our sins and accept us in His Church, His kingdom. That is the miracle!!
  22. After Jesus blessed the food and gave thanks, He gave it to the disciples to distribute. The disciples are learning to be servants and learning what is and will be required of them in the future. How they will be the ones to "feed the sheep". Jesus is setting the example and showing them what to do and what is required and how to accomplish the tasks set before them. This is a time of learning God's will and how to obey it and what happens when we do. This is on the job training for them. As they watch Jesus, and follow His example, they will learn to be believers and doers of the word and the will of God.
  23. The people did not understand what they were witnessing in Jesus and the miracles he performed. Jesus did not come to do the will of the world or man. He came to do the will of God, the Father, the maker of heaven and earth. All through His ministry, He repeated that he did not come to do His will , but the will of Him who sent Him. In Luke 4:9 Satan wants Jesus to do his will but Jesus reminded him that he has no control over him or anything he does. Jesus came to do the will of God and it is His will that he obeys, not man, not Satan. God's plan of salvation and redemption can not be tampered with because God is in control of everything!!! He allows certain things to happen only to show his power so that he is glorified!!! God allows Satan to tempt Jesus , so that it is a lesson to man to witness how to be strong in the Lord and how God will never leave us or forsake us, that even in our weaken state, we too can depend on him to sustain us. Jesus never wavered in His faith and His obedience to God.
  24. The disciples were to pick up the left overs so that they could see for themselves how God will supply and meet each need no matter how impossible it may seem with abundantly more than asked or required. It was not about the waste, but about how well God provides. He gives us more than enough to meet our needs when we depend on him and trust in Him and are obedient to him to do so. It shows God's willingness and ability to be our provider in all things and that he will open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings that we will not have room enough to receive. He is generous in his giving. All we need do is be obedient to His word and seek and ask .Trust and obey.
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