There are many so called gods .in this world, even today in our western culture, without actual idol mages. The internet, tv, hobbies, even my own family and/or home can take priority in my life/mind, making them my gods. Anything that gets my continual complete attention, things that consume my thoughts and time have become my gods. Eloheim is the Most High God, the God of all these gods, and He alone is to get my continual complete attention. He alone deserves my highest praise and adoration above all others, even my family. My reason for living in this world is to glorify Him. ....You alone are God. There is no other. You deserve the honor, and the glory. You alone. Forgive me, Father of glory, for the many times that I have put my own interests, even my home and family on the throne of my heart. Those times that I exalted them instead of You. Help me to live my life giving You the honor and the glory only You deserve. Help me to keep things in Your perspective and not get caught up in the things of the flesh. Help me, Lord, to keep you on the throne of my heart. In Jesus name.