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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Esther C

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  1. I particularly love this Psalms because it teaches us that no matter what we are faced with, or how exiled we may be from God change can take place once we seek God. It reminds me of Psalms 46, which lets me know that MY God is a present(right NOW) help when I am in trouble. It also, lets me know that no matter what my econo-socio status is I am not better than any one because God made us all and Psalms 139 tell me that we were all fearfully and wonderfully made. Not only that, but Genesis tells me that we were made in the image of God therefore, we should not be lauding over and mistreating anyone. In my country like any other country the Haitians and some other Caribbean citizens are despised. Even though it's wrong the problem is because of these people arrogance more than anything. Many of them are in the country for a better way of life but because of their culture they are aggressive and our people who are for the most part are very Passive so they rond to he aggressiveness and Arrogance negatively. I inspite of every thing try to show love and point out some wrongs most times when it's displayed in my presence. Other times I become upset and try not to show how I feel. I t all boils down to knowing who to go to when you face life's difficult challenges and for everything.
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