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    Springfield, Illinois
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    Love the Lord, my dog Denzel, and history

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  1. Bailey Greetings 10/16/21 Lovely weather today, nice and cool just like I like it. 1. The disciples distorted humility, they seem lost in their egos, they displayed haughtiness and lacked empathy. Pride in themselves and even the back biting got out of hand. The legitimate need got distorted when it became that of a selfish need. Almost like children. They displayed the sense or act of entitlement. This need should have been met by them checking themselves. Did they not see how Jesus was looking at them, or were the ashamed of their own selfish needs? 2. I think the real motive for stopping the exorcist was that of fear. I thought the hesitation on their part maybe that of not being able to perform in front of Jesus and again jealous of the man for doing what should of been done by them. Here their ego's got in the way of doing great works. 3. I have read this scripture many times in the past, but I thought of it like this. Who in their right minds would wish fire to rain down on a village? It was like they had a touch of demons upon them. The question is really what were they thinking and what was in their hearts? Where was the Love that Jesus commanded, Love thy neighbor ? Have they lost sight of their own hearts, do no wrong. Here again egos are at play.
  2. Bailey Greetings 10/15/21 Q 4 Repent and be baptized, repentance is a decision to go a new direction to follow Jesus as Lord. You can not have true repentance without faith. The Holy Spirit brings spiritual birth and empowerment to people of every race and culture.
  3. Bailey Greetings 10/15/21 Peter has explained the coming of the Holy Spirit as the outpouring Joel has prophesied to take place in the time of the Messiah. God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ, the people wanted to know what to do?
  4. Q2. The messages convincing to the people because they are able to understand in their own language. The believers are speaking of the mighty works of God, declaring the wonders of God in their own tongues,
  5. Bailey Greetings 10/15/21 Q 1. What is the significance of the sound of the wind? Of the flames? The spontaneous speaking of the praises of God in other languages? It was not the wind, but sounds like the wind, but it is a sound of a gentle breeze refreshing the air in the room, the flames represent the filling of the holy spirit upon each person and they were filled with the Holy Spirit
  6. Q3. How would you describe what was happening with the Fellowship of the 120? This was a time of devoted prayer life, to do as they did,being busily engaged in prayer and being devoted to praying.
  7. Bailey Greetings 10/15/21 The disciples are commanded to wait for the Holy Spirit while He has explained that I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay. What ways does the Spirit coming represent a filling? The coming of the Spirit that it is the Gift that my Father promised, The coming upon is that the Spirit not only comes to empower you, but take up residence in our hearts forever.
  8. Bailey 10/15/21 Greetings 1. How many rebukes of the disciples can you find? : Rebuking Unbelief , Rebuking the unclean Spirit, The disciples' inability to understand Jesus' coming betrayal, Rebuking pride in the Disciples, Rebuking intolerance in the disciples, and Rebuking Racial Bigotry in the disciples. 2. How can we be "with" them but not "of" them? How can we both identify with our generation and still live differently? To both questions, we live in a society now where everyone says what they want and when they want, the youth of today especially have no respect for authority, yet when they are disrespected the world must "so they think" understand. Living in today's world we as disciples are the preach the word of God. I understand what is being said, I may or may not agree,I don't have to go alone to get alone. I give respect with the love of God and I must remember to love my neighbor.
  9. Bailey Greetings 8/25/21 What things did the lady in this story have going against Her? This lady suffered for twelve years with this problem, issue of blood, she was not able to touch anyone maybe spouse, children no one. She had to isolate herself from people and I guess the isolation was very unbearable. The discomfort from losing extreme amounts of blood was very draining. Do you think she was superstitious about touching Jesus clothes? How would you assess the quality of her faith? I really don't believe she was in any way superstitious, her is a woman suffering and for her to touch Jesus garment, her faith was great and it took guts. She probably felt she had nothing to lose, her world was already in turmoil. Why did Jesus stop? Do I think there was an actual transfer or flow of power? Jesus stop because he knew something had just touched his spirit. I believe power left him or He would have never made that statement. Few people have had the gumption and the nerve to push their way to Jesus the way this woman did. Why is this so? Why do many fail to receive answers to their prayers? I can really relate to this story, because I myself many years ago, had the same problem with excessive blood loss due to fibroid tumors. Believe me the day to day lifestyle changes you. I had to undergo surgery and that was the time when blood was contaminated with aides/Hiv. So I was worried about getting transfusions, my doctor insisted. I quoted this scripture to her and explained that I felt like the lady in the bible who had and issue with blood, and If she trusted Jesus and I stood on his word and had faith that Jesus would bring me through this surgery without getting a transfusion. Trust and believe, I did and we argued and I stood firm in my belief. Needless to say I did not require any blood from anybody but Jesus. The tumor was removed and it was the size of a 6 month old fetus and I didn't lose a drop of my blood during the procedure. My doctors commented that I had great faith. Jesus told the woman that her faith made her well. I have learned that we must trust Him always and in all things.
  10. Bailey - Greetings 8/14/21 If we take this account seriously, what does it teach us about demons? For one, they truly exist. We see in the readings, demons hide in people and/or come in many forms. Today, they walk around in many forms. We do not have to watch a movie, listen to some of the rock music where satan is glorified, we see people crying out praises to the devil. Jesus took these cries very seriously and helped them. He was not afraid. Now there has been a call for priests to perform exorcisms. Before no one believed in them, including the church. You have to meet the list of being possessed by the devil. I have not seen and/or heard of ministers calling out demons. Maybe they do? The fact that Jesus did run away is very present, Why do we feel we need to apologize helping just one person like Jesus did on this occasion? I don't feel I have apologize to anyone, but if I am ashamed of Gospel and what is written, then that would make me ashamed of Jesus. I want to be a disciple who is not afraid and that stands on the word of God. What do we learn from the account about the pigs that we wouldn't have known if they hadn't been mentioned? That these demons were afraid of Satan, it was as if they knew what would happen to them or what waited for them upon there return to hell, would be far worse. Asking to go into the pigs was a blessing. Why did the healed man want to go with Jesus? Why didn't Jesus let him? The heal man felt relieved to be free, he longer had to endure the pain he was going through. He felt love and compassion the this man who saved his life. He felt love for Jesus, because no one had ever displayed to form of affection in his life. Jesus did not allow the man to go with because, I believe He wanted the man to return to the people who didn't want him around to share to the good news of his miracle. To be spokes person of the miracle and the goodness of Jesus. Where did they find clothes to clothe the healed man, do you think? Why does the story mention the man's nakedness? Jesus took them off his back or from one of the disciples. Are we not suppose to feed the hungry and clothed to poor! The nakedness is mention, probably because he was naked and being possess, it was what made people afraid of him. Now, if you run around naked, you get locked up for attention seeking behavior or just being a pervert. Indecent exposure is considered a criminal act by today's standards. People are walking around naked or half naked and nothing happens to them? What is going on with mankind? How does Jesus react to the rejection of the townspeople of the Garasenes? Jesus knew when to pick and chose his battles, just walk away from the angry crowd, those that have ears and eyes let them see the goodness of the Lord.
  11. Bailey Greeting's 8/11/21 1. What does it take to banish the fear that we sometimes feel? I must continue to look to my Lord, who has the power to speak to my situation and his word is accomplished. I must trust HIS authority to perform miracles., I must accept that I have no power, still I must trust Him. In lesson 21, it states, " Jesus can speak his word across whatever distances and delegate his power to be exercised by you and me, here and now, by authorized means." In the long run, I must continue to Trust in the Lord and lean not unto my own understanding and acknowledge that there's nothing you can't do. Always trust and believe.
  12. Bailey greetings 7/31/21 The theme of Luke 8:1-21 The true following of Jesus Christs word is to let your light sign as one who is not afraid of the gospel of the word of God. In this day of so many "so call preachers", people of hearing false teachings from dead ministers, I have said this before, people want to be feed and see what is it that stirs the spirit about this man named Jesus'. What is going to give me the glory if I can't see the true light of the Lord. I don't want to see you at the bar, then preach to me, is this your light? Show me the way to Jesus through your lamp light. Through this light, I have been set free, I am no longer blind, God's been good to me. I hope my light shines so bright with delivering his word, that I light up a stadium. Saints, please keep my Denzel (my dog) in your prayers, He just started having seizures in the past month, My vet said she doesn't treat these conditions and I would have to travel to another city for treatment and care, I don't have a car and can't afford his treatment. I have been praying for a healing for him. Please join me. Thank you for your time and prayers. Pat
  13. Bailey Greeting 7/24/21 How is the devil active when seed is sown, according to Jesus? What is the devil trying to prevent? The devil hates converts! His goal to seek, kill and destroy. Like a new convert or saint, they must come willingly and be receptive to what they do with the new seeds of life they are hearing or receiving. It now becomes do they really want to be planted or just be a weed, if willing they will grow and thrive, if not they will not allow anyone to water them. Their must also be a hunger to learn about the kingdom, receive it and believe it. Do they know that without this food they will truly die. It is a choose. The devil will try to kill this flower, unless the flower fights back and grows. It must be strong to fight. We also must remain strong as disciples to help water this flower, don't let it die. Keep the word ever present and maybe a verse of scripture or a song, words of encouragement. The final and really final decision will be theirs. Continue to pray for them and bless them.
  14. Bailey Greetings 7/24/27 How could people listen to Jesus, but not really understand what he was saying? Many of Jesus' teachings if not all where about the kingdom of God, lessons taught, but are people really in listening with an open mind and heart. Are they really willing to receive what is being taught? Sometimes people block out what is being said, not receiving the true message. They may lack the need or hunger to be feed the word of Jesus. Does one ask,what did I get from this message.
  15. Bailey - Greetings 7/24/21 What was the content of Jesus' messages? It was to spread the good news of the kingdom of God, as a present and powerful. He spoke of Reign of God in ways so real that you can feel it.
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