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Bailey 4/26/21 Greetings what kinds of situations face us today where all night prayer is appropriate? With the virus taking the lives of thousands of people, citizens turning into mob violence thinking it will resolve their problems, people out of work, the government fighting among themselves, the displays of hatred among the various races, the battled at the border, the government violating the constitution and laws of the Bible by voting against the Bible and endorsing all sorts of wrong. The church not taking a stand against these issues/wrongs. People are going without food and unable to pay for it. Why do we tend to assume that miracles won't happen today? Given so much hatred and malice in the world that we live in, without prayer and some divine intervention it will take a miracle. World Peace is much needed , calling on the Lord to heal the land, we must humble ourselves and seek his forgiveness. Then we may receive a miracle.
Bailey Greetings 4/26/21 List traditions that are tak,en for granted in your, but are not directly mentioned in the Bible. Which seem to aid Christian mission? Which seem to impede the work of Christ? Truthfully their have been many changes in my lifetime, to many to mention, be it in the Bible I really could not tell you, for the most part, no. I have not seen much work to aid to the Christian mission, so sad. 2. Teaching that God's rules can sometimes be set aside for the sake of human need, can be dangerous. How can we observe this truth without abusing it? I have not read that God's rules can be set aside, nor is He a God who should be tested, yet man does so every chance he gets.
Bailey Greetings, 4/13/21 Does Jesus speak against fasting? No, there is a time and place for everything, and who expect someone to fast at a wedding? Jesus teaches just that, don't put on a show and I am sure no one would have joined in that fast. Also, no one is to know when you are fasting anyway. Your reason and purpose is between you and the Lord.
Bailey Greetings, 2. Why do we Christians feel so uncomfortable around blatant sinners? Why did Jesus succeed in making himself so at home in their presence ? As Christians, or anyone, how do we know a blatant sinner? Judge not . Society is so quick to judge a person and I think that is why Jesus was able to relate and befriend these people. The reading says that they were dirty unclean, but Jesus loved them just the same. The lesson for disciples is ti think like Jesus and not care what people say, it is not easy, we do. The blatant sinner is what He loves. The song, There's a Balm in Gilead is ever so refreshing, it soothes and heals the mind and the sin sick soul.
Greetings Bailey 3/29/21 What is the connection between sin and sickness in this passage? Their sins were forgiven, but it was their faith. The faith that moved them through crowds, that had no fear. They had to get to Jesus. The Pharisees, had fear, they new who Jesus was and had to face their own fears. If they spoke up what would happen to them if they spoke the truth? ( whom! ) In the world of finger pointing even then we must have a scape goat. 2. Son of man instead of Messiah, Jesus in his heart of hearts knew his time and hour had not come. His father in Heaven was not ready for him to tell the people. His time on the cross was coming and they would find out. 3. I know this is Holy Week for some and It's time to witness the Marvelous and Glorious the Christ has done for You and I. He set us free, broke the chains that had us bound, oh yes he did, set us free on Calvary, it's so Glorious, HAPPY EASTER
Bailey 3/26/21 I really enjoyed these questions! Who in our society are treated like lepers were treated in Jesus' day? Who sometimes feels like a leper in the presence of Jesus? There was a time, people with HIV/AIDs were the lepers., no one wanted to be near them, If you had TB, forms of skin cancer, Now it's the all great COVID-19 everyone is a leper. We hide behind mask in fear of catching the unknown. We stand in the presence of Jesus everyday in fear of a disease we can't understand, it's there, it raging terror upon the earth worse that the black plague, which by the way is back as well. I sit in isolation, can't go to church, you're under lock down, I call this the work of the devil. Who else prevents you from the house of the Lord, causes mass hysteria throughout the world seeking to kill and destroy preventing entry into the house of the Lord. HUM Where's the Mass Prayer, I haven't seen it in my town. Describe the kind of faith it takes to act and speak as this leper did. This was unspeakable faith. I had a lady say, a family member was sick with the COVID, I said sister, lets pray for them, they didn't want to pray, but fight and vent. I find this a lot in listening to friends and families . I blessed them, keep praying and move on. The fear is so so heavy. I firmly believe God can do something for us and I believe He wants to do something for us, but are we really and truly ready to receive it. Do we want God to Act?, Then we must believe and have faith like the leper and the many who have fought the fight of COVID and won.
Greetings Bailey, when Jesus asked Peter to attempt the seemingly impossible task of fishing during the day, after he has tried all night and failed, for one i and sure Peter is tired and thinks Jesus is a land lubber who really doesn't know a thing about fishing. But to his surprise, He filled his boat. Jesus taught him a lesson in humility. Belief in someone who can teach you something about life.
9. Healing - Capernaum
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 1 (Lessons 1-20, Luke 3:1-6:49)
Thanks for thinking of me, Body was sore, again Thanks Pat Bailey -
9. Healing - Capernaum
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 1 (Lessons 1-20, Luke 3:1-6:49)
Bailey 3/8/21 What does Jesus' ministry of laying on of hands for healing teach us about him? The ministry of laying on of hands by teaches the real heart of Jesus. It shows his compassion and sensitive side that his disciples don't really see, but the crowd wants to see and get close too. He shares a part of himself in an intimate manner that's only seen by his Father. While He knows that this is part of His commission, he felt a spiritual pleasure of contact and being unafraid where he was deeply needed, because as no one knew accept His Father in heaven that these very same people showing this much love and admiration, devotion and caring would turn their backs on him and ask that he be crucified. He treated them the same, but He never tired. I think Jesus was led by both compassion and duty to deliver the good news to his people and teach his disciples to be fishers of men. Quiet Time. Now during this Virus we have nothing but Quiet Time. My habit when I wake up is to thank God. Really Denzel hits me with his paw to go out. I try to set the pace. Giving all praise and honor for the start of the day. Lord will I be able to get down all these steps, yes I made it. I keep it simple. I try to keep Gospel quotes on the fridge throughout for me to pray as I make my way throughout the house. GOD HAS NO WHERE TO HIDE. OTHER THAN INSIDE YOU. I have the Saint Michael the Archangel prayer on the fridge as well. I must have coffee. I sit close my eyes and come one with God. For ever long you want . Sometimes I tell Denzel I AM TALKING WITH JESUS, DON'T BOTHER ME, he knows, and will sit . Throughout the day I will say thank you Jesus, sing a song, praise the Lord, or just have devotion, then at about 3 o'clock is my serious prayer time. I turn on my James Cleveland, or whatever song I feel the spirit and reach out to God. I let the Holy Spirit take control of my thoughts of the day, friends situation , whatever and release it. Because he knows just how much we can bear. Somedays I have a good old time with just praise and worship and just loving Him in devotion. Mind you this took time. I was a back slider, I came back. So little by little you will get your grove with God. But Remember Read the word of God every chance you get. Pat -
Bailey 3/1/21 The relationship was that Jesus was still able to preach the good news to the people of Capernaum, while the town was smaller than what He was use too, Jesus really could focus on the needs of the people, teaching God's kindness, healing the poor in spirit and proclaiming freedom to those in chains. I will come back to answer the rest of my questions, not feeling well. Pat
Bailey 2/27/21 Once again the people question and challenge Jesus's intentions, his relationship with his father and mother, enough is enough. Where is your faith and belief in Him. It reminds you of the problems Moses had with his people. Sometimes in life you meet that ungrateful soul that enough is never enough and you can never make them happy. I don't think He was egging them on, but once again how much more did he have to show them to trust His judgement, was he not worthy of their trust, honor and respect? They couldn't kill Jesus at Nazareth because it was not his time or the Father's time. Jesus knew the plan that his father had for him, but this was also a teaching moment for his disciples, they had to learn to truly trust Jesus. By God's grace, He knew that Isaiah 53 applied to him, yet through it he saw the promise that is fulfilled through suffering. Saints please pray for our country, The 28 page document /proposal titles "Restoring Constitutional Secularism and Patriotic Pluralism in the White House. "Christian nationalist movement and pressures politicians to avoid terms like "God and Country," to include secular representatives at interfaith gatherings, and to promote military chaplains who teach you can live a good life without GOD. It is not to protect religious freedom, but to censor all mention of biblical virtue in public life. Help Us Lord.
Bailey 12/14/21 greetings with much Love on this Valentines Day. Is it reasonable to expect that the power of the Spirit will be as great in a Christian today as it was in Jesus? That's tough, I think when this book was written Dr. Ralph had no idea what was coming. The great virus, the one and only covid-19 that would shake that world. If ever a time for the need of the Spirit, it is now, today! The premise as followers of Jesus and to embrace His mission is so difficult. We are told to hide our faces, don't come out in the public, people are dying left and right from some unknown virus, nobody knows what to do. People have taken to the streets in mob action for fear of the unknown, fighting and stealing, ( why I don't know ), losing their jobs, lack of money. Jesus missionaries are unable to reach out to them. Why can being around the very poor make us feel uncomfortable ? It does not bother me, because I am one of those elderly people who had to beg for food and a had out. I was ashamed of asking for help, hunger took over. Covid forced many to beg and lose their dignity. Who around you is a prisoner? How can you declare freedom to them with sensitivity ? Here in the north, prisoners are being released from jails due to over crowding. Drugs are on a all time high, I pray that God keep His Angels around my house and me so that no breaks in. You are under lock down because of covid-19 so you're isolated from people. How should you heal the brokenhearted in your world? You must Pray, listen to Spiritual music, something uplifting. I do. Who are the oppressed in your particular community? How can you assist them and help them find justice? Look that finding justice stuff is really over rated. I really need someone to shovel all this snow I got☺️. As far as the oppressed, I'm one, I just deal with it through prayer.
Bailey 2/10/21 I am typing today on my fathers birthday who has passed, it been some years, but there was a time I couldn't even do this. On ward. Is temptation only merely inevitable or is necessary to our growth as disciples? Temptation is a necessary part of our walk in life as disciples. Abraham Lincoln had a profound respect for the Bible. He once said: " IN REGARD TO THIS GREAT BOOK (THE BIBLE), I HAVE BUT TO DAY IT IS THE BEST GIFT GOD HAS GIVEN MAN. A the good the Savior gave the world was communicated through this Book. But for it, we could not KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG. All things most desirable for man's welfare here and hereafter are to be found portrayed in this Book". He was right, without the Bible, we don't even know the difference between right and wrong. The Bible itself commands this (e.g. Deut. 4:9;6:6-7;11:18-9; Ephesians6:4), 2.What is the essence of the first temptation, to turn stones into bread? Which temptation we face are similar? Am I strong enough, can I do this thing alone. Do I have something to prove to anybody without asking for help. Or do call on the Lord who supplies my needs. We are human, we may want to stick up a bank, lie, cheat and steal for what we want in life for that quick fix to our problems. God is the supplier of all our needs, but we must wait on him seek to do things the Lords ways. Seek God's face daily in prayer. 3. What is the essence of the second temptation to attain power and splendor? What similar temptation do we face today? Believe it or not greed and power is what governs the world. The more power man has the more they want. The business world and government is lead by forces who don't believe in God. That why we should always pray for our leadership. Satan has his hand in the pot. Every Nation wants control, but they forgot who is still in charge. America has turned its back on God, its has forgotten the will of God all for power. 4. What is the essence of the third temptation, to throw oneself down from the Temple? How do we face this temptation today? Many of the saints can't face this temptation today, they are lost with no direction, and they are listen to the devil and throwing themselves off the temple. Many a brother or sister long to hear the voice of someone reaching out to them "hey its going to be alright, my father in heaven got you", and that I think what this journey of discipleship is all about, reaching out to that person falling from the temple. That they have a Father to call on, but don't play with him or test him, call on him in your time of trouble he will reach down and pull you up. 5. Did Jesus have any special powers at his disposal to resist temptation that Christians today don't have? No, He had the same word of God. 6. What lessons about how to resist temptation does Jesus teach us disciples in this passage? Jesus teaches his disciples to deal with temptation with the word of God. We need to know scripture well enough to answer our doubt and fear and fight temptation with it and well as help others with it. Father continue to fill me with your love and wisdom to do your work as one of your disciples. Amen
4. Baptism - Anointing
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 1 (Lessons 1-20, Luke 3:1-6:49)
why do think God staged the Dove to descend in a visible? John had been preaching that another would come and baptize with the Holy Spirit and this sign was really to back up what John had been preaching. The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is he who will baptize with the Holy Spirit. I have seen and I testify that this is the Son of God John 1:32-34. What was the significance of the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus at this time in his Life? This was Jesus' anointing for ministry. He was anointed with the Holy Spirit and Power. How did Jesus interpret the Voice that sounded from heaven? His Father's voice was the sound of strength and encouragement, Father you know me, so I trust you with my life and I walking in your victory cause your power is within me, you hold my hand and it amazes of your love. Did Jesus become the Messiah at the point? or become divine? Or how do you understand this decisive event? When Jesus received the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit's anointing is a sign of Jesus' messianic role. He is Messiah - which literally means, "the anointed one". In Acts 10:38 recalls David's anointing, 1 Samuel 16:13 the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in Power. -
4. Baptism - Anointing
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 1 (Lessons 1-20, Luke 3:1-6:49)
Bailey 2/3/21 What do you think Jesus was saying to the Father as he was praying after his baptism? Oddly enough I had trouble with this question. What do you say to the creator of the universe, my dad, my all and all. I a, about to take great steps towards a future of my life to save mankind! The task is big, Lord am I ready ? You know the answer to that, and thanks for your LOVE I really needed that and could you share a little John, its been rough and you know he's going to need a hug, his days are getting rough. Thanks for your wisdom, guidance and the endurance that I will need in the upcoming days. Dad I LOVE YOU TOO. Why would Jesus be baptized along with all the sin-laden people at the river that day? Wasn't he in danger of mis-communicating to them who he was? Jesus had to be baptized along with the people, his people, because it was found in Jesus' destiny to redeem sinful mankind, to so closely identify with us that he takes our place. Jesus was not concern what the people were thinking only his father. -
Bailey I don't think John's statement is overstated, it was very humbling. He was the man to bring the news of the coming of the Lord, he was the man who was trying to prepare people for a man that they were not ready to receive in their lives. Our goal in life is to serve Christ daily, read the scriptures, to be submissive to him. 2. What does it mean to be " Spirit-filled"? How would our lives be different if we were truly filled and flood with the Holy Spirit? It can be described as the influence the Spirit exercises over us when we yield our selves to Him, God. The Spirit of God, who wants to fill our lives with His goodness and power. He wants us to let Him take control of our lives. Even so, He does not use His power as God to overwhelm us; rather, He fills us only as we submit to Him. 2. What does John's comparison of water baptism to Spirit baptism tell up about what Spirit baptism means? Water baptism is the submerging of the body into water. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the act of the Holy Spirit by which He places a person into the church, the body of Christ. The first baptism of the Holy Spirit took place in the upper room at Pentecost when the church began (Acts 2:1-13). Today it occurs when a person receives Jesus Christ as his or her Savior. Paul wrote "By one Spirit we were all baptized into one body" ( 1 Corinthians 12:13 ). The baptism of the Holy Spirit was first announced by John the Baptist (Matthew 3:11). And the Lord Jesus promised the baptism of the Holy Spirit before He ascended to heaven (acts 1:4-5). 4. We may be afraid of "fire-of-judgement" kind of language, but what should our response to warnings of terrible judgement. We need to learn from the past. Where do we stand with God? What is my walk with him like? Do I have fear, can I face tomorrow knowing all is well with my soul. Have I taken my Lord and Savior for grated or have I confess my sins and accepted Him as my Personal Lord and Savior. If Not, COME ON, HE'S BETTER THAN THAT DRUG YOU USE, THAT NEW CAR YOU DRIVE, BETTER THAN THE PRESIDENT, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? If you wait to long you will get left behind. They laugh at Noah, 5. How good a change-motivator is the warning of future judgement ? What other motivators might people respond to in addition to this? Or better than this? You know God has sent so many warnings and signs to his people, yet He has forgiven us. We continue to ignore his blessings. Judgement is not the heart of God, not for nation or a soul. Judgement is His necessity. But redemption is heart. He wills that none should perish and longs to save, to grant mercy and forgiveness, to heal and restore. It is the necessity of good to bring evil to an end, that judgement must come-but it is the heart of the good to bring salvation, to call back, to warn, and to even allow the shaking of nations that those who would hear His calling come back and be saved. America hasn't turned back!
BAILEY 1/18/21 Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King What a man so needed in such a time as this. How great to see the sun shining today, and I am ever so grateful for psalm 61. I guess I was in the desert with John a little to long and forgot to wandering and that I am not alone. You know John the Baptist called those brood of people vipers, den of snakes, well they are not nice creatures at all. The bite is very poisonous, deadly, like the words of some people. I think without getting to deep, John may have been think of the snake from the Garden of Eden that deceived Eve into eating the apple and if my theology recalls, the snake had legs until God cursed him to crawl on his belly. So maybe John was going there in his preaching, that was too much for the people. These people weren't serious about seeking God like the serpent in the garden was trying to deceive Adam and Even. 2.How did the Jews' religious pride in Abraham keep them from taking John's call for repentance seriously? How could religious pride have that same effect on us? Jews were old school, keep in mind they gave Moses the blues as they wondered in the desert when he went up against Pharaoh. Let's not forget John father Zechariah and the announcement of the birth of John, people didn't believe the angel foretold his name, that he would go before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous - to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. (1:11-17). Religious pride can have that same effect on us today if we forget the lessons of discipleship: to avoid an attitude of unbelief, trust in the word of God , to actively keep seeking Him, His Love, His Truth and His presence is Our lives and not what the media says. We must also remember that John's birth is a vital importance to what God is doing. As is disciples we all always preparing the way and no giant can defeat me, because He Knows My Name. 3.Thanks for blessing me, Pat
Bailey 1/16/21 Why do you think God chose someone like John to be Jesus' forerunner ? You know, God planned it that way. John was filled with the Holy Spirit prior to birth, parents were of great stock and in the lineage of David. John's father was a good steward in the temple, it was prophesied/foretold that he (John) will be great in the sight of the Lord. He will bring many people to the Lord. he would go on before the Lord in spirit and power of Elijah , to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to wisdom of the righteous - to make ready a people prepare for the Lord. John would also become a true Nazirite (make a vow) ( Gen:49:26; Deut:33:16b) before God; Numbers 6:2-4 ; Judges 13:4-6. Many of Jesus disciples were disciples of John Malachi 4: 5-6; Matthew 17:13. John had favor with the Lord even before he was born How dependent are you upon what others thin and say about about you? How can you change this without becoming callous? I think as we or I were younger, or as a child we were all dependent on what parent said, adult said or thought about us. It become our framework for for who we became. Even though were raised in church, we did not know to trust in what God thought or even what he taught. It was not pushed into our mental DNA back then or even now. The reality is now and truthfully does one really care anymore? We have learn to trust ,or have we learned to trust in God ? What would you say to a person suffering from chronic guilt over past sins? How can guilt be healthy? How can guilt be unhealthy? This question really troubled me, because I went through a period of terrible experience of guilt for years and I did not know how to let it go. I listen to many so call preacher, minister's and they preached fire and brim stone, pits of hell. I felt so condemned myself, I never told anyone or anybody and that felt like punishment itself. I wanted the body and blood of Christ, with covid-19, churches were closed, I was like a junkie, I needed the blood of Jesus to make me whole. One day Billy Graham was on, He said just put your hands in God's hands and come on. Later that day I listen to Matt Hagee preach about forgiveness', That day I asked God to forgive me of my sins, I truly repented accepted Jesus Christ as my Personal Lord and Savior, and I Felt that burden lifted off my spirit. I don't know about guilt being healthy or not, as for me it was not, but only God know that answer to that question. Don't wait to long, surrender it all on the alter.
Q4. Charge to Archippus
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Final Instructions and Greetings (4:2-18)
Bailey 12/31/20 Have you just heard a song or sermon, someone spoke a scripture that just filled you with holy ghost, just brought you to tears, or just moved you, maybe that's what happened to him. I was raised in the catholic faith and you were not allowed to express or show excitement for God. My uncle was a Baptist preacher and boy could he preach. I remember taking him to all the Baptist churches in our neighborhood, and as a little girl, my brother and I had to sit outside on the steps and wait for him. We would get happy and started shouting and praising the Lord. So when I told nuns what I had learned, I got in trouble. I think silencing the holy spirit is what wrong today. It's why we don't fishers of men, who will go out spread the good news of the word of God. I was told that women had no place in the pulpit, so I study so many scriptures and study with Rabi's , but I never knew my true place. My father stopped me from going into the convent, but I still stayed in church, but something was always missing. -
H. The Boy Jesus
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 6 (Infancy, Appendices A-H, Luke 1:5-2:52)
Bailey 12/31/20 Why is it important for Jesus - and for us to grow in favor with God and men? As individuals we can not depend upon bread alone. Sometimes when we think we got it all together and don't need anything or anybody we forget how we got here. There but for the grace of God. We can't get up out of the bed without his grace and mercy. To improve our spiritual journey we must seek God's favor and be dependent upon it to make this journey. Our relationship with people is vital to spiritual growth because of we can pick some toxic people who claim to believe as you do, but satan sends in that someone who deceptive knocks you off course. One must always look with both eyes and be prayer and in touch with the holy spirit to lead and guide you and help shield you. Remember, people are like trees, they grow take root, that trunk stays well rooted, it will be around for awhile, little branches break off and blow away and don't stay long. You want trunk like people in you life who are in it for the deep run. I wonder how many of those are around? -
G. Simeon and Anna
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 6 (Infancy, Appendices A-H, Luke 1:5-2:52)
Bailey 12/21/20 What did Simeon's and Ann's righteousness, devotion, and praise have to do with their sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's voice? What are some reasons that we can't hear from God? Simeon's devotion to the Lord seems to have been over watched by the Holy Spirit, It does not mention the bloodlines of Simeon and Anna, but Simeon has the characteristics of a Nazirite priest without some of the extremes with the hair and vow of service which he was doing anyway. The Holy Spirit rested upon him, so he was in touch with his pray life, his meditating on the Torah, his praises and worshiping of God, his fasting everything he did for God. We don't hear from God because we don't spend time talking with our savior, we don't read the bible, we don't meditate or take the time to give praise and just worship him for whatever through out the day. -
F. Shepherds
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 6 (Infancy, Appendices A-H, Luke 1:5-2:52)
Bailey 12/21/20 Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? What point is God making? Shepherds are watchers of their flock, just as Jesus is and preparing to be. The lowly sheep herder keeps his eye on his flock for trouble. While sheep are suppose to be dumb animals, they rely on the help of the sheep herder for care, just as we rely on God. What is the "glory of God" that the shepherds glimpsed? Is this glory present if we can't see it? Why are so conditioned to look to the temporal rather than the eternal? The glory of God was the shear beauty, majesty of light, realizing in the black of night the sky is brilliant with lights to the point where you almost can't see, and the heavenly choir arriving on time to great our savior's presence, this was better than anything they could of dreamed of. This glory is always present if we keep our minds stayed on Jesus. We are human, we look at flesh, we forget to meditate on his word day and night. The three titles of Jesus are a savior, one who rescues, deliverer, preserver. The anointed one, the Messiah, Christ the Lord. This means that what the shepherds were saying was true that a baby wrapped in clothes lying in a manger, the Messiah the Lord was born. The sky filled with angels saying glory to God in the highest. I still think they were singing like they do in heaven, you know that Heavenly Choir that is always on key. Well one good thing about the Good News is everybody excepted it and was in agreement with it for the time being, like most people are at the birth of a baby. All men don't feel this way about Jesus even this day. They reject him, hate the word of God but I get ahead of myself. The world and man has put restrictions on the Good News. -
E. Bethlehem
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 6 (Infancy, Appendices A-H, Luke 1:5-2:52)
Bailey 12/11/20 3. What is the scandal in verse 5? What hardship is Mary experiencing ? What about Joseph? Scandal, if Mary's neighbors are like my neighbors or even growing up in the community where I lived in as a child, She was lucky that she was not shipped off to the farm or to her grandmothers house. To be pregnant and at her age was taboo, and not married, it's worse. Mary helped with Elizabeth's delivery, but I don't think she was writing notes, it came so fast because it was new to the both of them. Now this child must grow up quick and travel with her unborn baby over rough roads, bad weather and who knows what. I wonder during this, Jesus is sensing his mothers nervousness and I wonder if he somehow was calming to her because babies react to the mothers responses and mood. Now poor Joseph, If he didn't know how to pray in the spirit now was the time to start. One I don't know his age, I gather young, got a pregnant teen on a donkey, trying to make the census, it's late , they don't have no where to stay, he's freaking out because he's probably saying, "I don't know nothing about birthing no babies"? Where is that angel now? 4. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Look for all the reasons I gave in number 3, plus to ride on the back of a donkey, and I am sure Jesus was not very thrilled either, since he was about to deliver. No one promised to any of us that the road would be easy and that it would be easy, but you got to have faith and believe he will see you through and bring you out. I worked in a very dangerous gang neighborhood many years ago, I was inside with several leaders trying to resolve the lines of no shooting and killing if innocent babies. We negotiates a cease fire for the weekend. When I got ready to leave I could feel my heart racing and that steal small voice said, "pray". I got to the door that leads outside there were over 500 gang members waiting for me. Right then and there I started to Plead the blood of Jesus, Walk with me Lord. I couldn't show no fear, my sheriff , had a gun, I told him to be cool and tell me a joke. In my mind I was singing I want Jesus to walk with me, to hold my Lord on the Journey . Needless to say, I said good evening gentlemen, did my wave and got in truck and got with no trouble. Was it in God's Pleasure for this black women to live, yes it was the grace of God and my knowledge of knowing him and having a relationship with him. My partner, wanted to call for backup, when we sat in the car, I took his hand and said thank God for Jesus. 7. If our culture is enamored with bigness and success, and humility runs across the grain, what appeal can the humble Jesus have to people today? This question comes at a time when the world in going through Covid , Some people have forgotten about the birth of Jesus and truthfully, the love of Christ has been missing for some time now. The church are not teaching repentance, deliverance, sin. Some are saying its okay you will still go to heaven, there is no hell. It's okay to destroy what doesn't belong to, but no is saying seek God's face in this storm, turn from our wicked ways and we will hear from God. America has abandoned God and bible. -
D. John's Birth
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 6 (Infancy, Appendices A-H, Luke 1:5-2:52)
Bailey 12/10/20 1.Why are the neighbors surprised at Elizabeth's choice of name? They are surprised at her choice for the baby because at the naming ceremony and they came to circumcising of the child, they thought they were going to name him after his father Zechariah, but Elizabeth spoke up and said no, He is to be called John. Well the neighbors were surprised and shocked. Zechariah wrote the name John out on a tablet because he had not been able to speak during the past several month of the pregnancy. We don't know how Elizabeth knew about the name John, but she did. I would dare to suspect the power of the Holy Spirit told her or and angel may have shared it with her. After Zechariah gave the same name as his wife he begins to speak. 5.What is the purpose of the Messiah's salvation is to live free from the power of sin. His people are to live without fear of what it's and woes, but for the love of God who seeks consistent holiness and righteousness in our lives. We are to live for God's approval and glory not the world's. 6. What are John the Baptist's chief tasks? John the Baptist, the prophet of the Most High was to go before the Lord and prepare the way for him, to give his people knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins. Repent of your sins. -
C. Magnificat
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 6 (Infancy, Appendices A-H, Luke 1:5-2:52)
11/23/2020 Mary wanted to see her kinsman Elizabeth because of the spiritual placed on them by the angel Gabriel. From the beginning of Mary's journey when she had met angel Gabriel, she has faith to trust in him. She had a belief that fasted all of her understanding in what she was told. Not knowing length of their conversation Mary appeared to be comfortable with him and her love of God gave her no fear but assurance, also her love for Elizabeth's condition helped also helped. I believe Mary was hoping to out what had happened to Elizabeth as well. They could talk like women do, " girl what happened, what was it like for and on and on?" They both sought out comfort in each other that they could not find anywhere else, and the only other was Gabriel and He was not to be messed with at that point with questions. 2. Mary above all women on earth was without sin, she was from the blood line of David, never been with a man, the world would have strange beliefs that virgin, a virgin could conceive a baby , but to bring forth the savior of the world. I was amazed to hear Minister Farrakan refer to Mary as the mother of Jesus in Islam as the only woman named in the Quran, which refers to her seventh times and explicitly identifies her as the greatest of all women, stating with reference to the angelic saluation during the annunciation, "O Mary, God has Chosen you, and purified you; He has chosen you above all the women of creation." According to the Quran, divine grace surrounded Mary from birth, and as a young woman. This made me really thank God For Jesus. 3. Mary, despite the experiences she was going through with her own family, her own body, now with Joseph. Mary and Elizabeth consoled each other. Elizabeth helped prepare for own upcoming birth that she knew she had to do it alone.