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Everything posted by Bailey
B. Annunciation
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Series 6 (Infancy, Appendices A-H, Luke 1:5-2:52)
1. What was different about Mary's "How?" to the angel rom Zechariah's How , I believe it was in the way the angel greeted her. He said you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you. Given at that time the angel also offered comfort, Don't be afraid, Mary you have found favor with God. Zechariah, spoke doubt and some fear. From the readings it reads as if he questioned the angel as well.. I can't even begin to think what was going on in her head and heart. Mary knew she was a virgin and this experience was so overwhelming. When Mary stated that she was a servant of the Lord's, oh how unselfish. In a time as this that we live in can we say May it be to me as you have said, better yet can we even praise the Lord. Bailey -
Q1. Job's Vision of Resurrection
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Promise of Resurrection from the Dead
Q1. How does Job's vision of resurrection differ from the Jews? Greetings, Job's vision sounds more like the teachings of today, that the dead in Christ will rise. This body we will lose and all goes back to our spirit. Our body was a shell, but our souls? -
Q7. "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit"? Greetings, Jesus' life given up freely, even though painful was a marvelous then. He exchanged his life for mine and came that I might live. He didn't have to but he did it. This season reminds us all of the glorious thing that comes from the death of our savior. He saved me, He changed me, His death set free. While this study is over, I will not forget how it re-awaken the holy spirit that I lost in myself. I will continue my daily walk with the Spirt and renewing and refreshing myself. I don't just have to wait for Easter. Pat
Q4 What does Jesus' Fourth Word from the cross teach us about faith? Greetings, After what Jesus went through, He felt alone, a since of abandonment. Fear I am sure, but he knew that in order to save you and me he must fulfil his commitment to his Father. We are not worthy, if you have ever gone through a time in your life and felt that no one was there for you but God and even then you felt He wasn't answering you, then you know. The pain, Lord are we worth it? pat
Q6. It Is Finished (John 19:30)
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross
Q6. John 19:30 What had Jesus "finished"'? Greetings, He had finally done the work of his Father. Whether he wanted to or not, the trials, the cruelty of man, the reality that we as a people really needed Jesus to go through this for US. Do I live for a purpose, I thought I did until I read this. I must readjust, get step with the Holy Spirit in my daily walk with Jesus. Strive to be more pleasing to him, more forgiving. I must pick up my cross and present myself as a person like Jesus. His servant. His faithful servant, so that one day He can say well done my good and faithful servant. Pat -
Q5. I Thirst (John 19:28)
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross
Q5. ( John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus' Fifth Word: "I Thirst"? This lesson brings home the closer of death. That faze where your love one looks at you and I am surprise that Jesus could speak given the amount of pain he was in. Even though the solder showed compassion by giving Jesus the soaked sponge, because he didn't have to, make he felt that bitter wine would help Jesus. The pain and suffering no one man could endure. -
Q3. (John 19:26-27) Why does Jesus make St. John responsible for his mother Mary? Greetings, O how moving, what great an honor to ask someone to look after your mother, better yet to trust them with your mothers life and well being. The question of what does this tell us about Jesus, Jesus knew who he could count on before to final moment. He shared a bond with John that he shared with no other disciple. What really gets me are the disciples. They are like those people who show up claiming all that love and crying, boo-ho , in some folks family, falling out and trying to pull Jesus out the casket, if he was in the casket, they would have got up on the cross. ( I got lost ) But that's family. Why didn't they believe him, but wanted to follow him at the same time? What greater Love that Jesus had for John when he share his mother who he knows was suffering throughout this entire ordeal. Jesus wanted to make sure that she was taken care of. Dr. Ralph, well done. Pat
Q1. The Spirit Upon
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
Greetings, What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit.... Well throughout the bible God had a way of picking and choosing certain people he found favorable, who were obedient to carry out his wishes. The effect Spirit had upon their relation with God was that of a close bond. Like father and son, until they disobeyed the father -
Q2. Why is the thief's faith so astounding? Greetings, I have read this text numerous times, but it never felt like this before. I never looked at the two thieves as pictured the way Dr. Ralph has presented them. Here are three men, one our savior, two sinners, one devil and one who found faith on the cross with Jesus. When Jesus asked his father to forgive them for they know not what they do, they evil spirit in one of the thieves I feel was the devil thought he could get in his last pull/tug at Jesus, while the other knew in his heart who Jesus was and that Jesus did not need to be hung on the cross besides the two of them. He knew Jesus had no place. I guess he felt his spirit coming from his body as he hung in pain. As I read this I cry as how could they do this to my Jesus! Today you will be in Paradise, while he was a thief, he is no more. What a great pleasure to be seated at the right hand of God and to be in Paradise. Dr. Ralph this section really touched my heart more than you will know. Pat
Greetings, John the Baptist knew who Jesus was. In previous verses he was asked by priests and Levites if he was the Christ, or was he Elijah or was he a prophet. He answered no. John references Isaiah, " I am the voice of one calling in the desert, Make straight the way of the Lord" John further states that he baptizes with water, but Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit. The people were not ready for what John was preparing them for. John felt unworthy to even baptize Jesus. What I find interesting is priest knew the prophecy of the coming of Lord, but still played games with Jesus and John. If they knew of the teachings of Elijah the prophet, were they afraid to admit this prophecy was true. Pat
Q1. Father, Forgive Them (Luke 23:34)
Bailey replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross
Q1 (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? The soldiers and Pilate, the chief priests and scribes. In relationship in the treatment of Jesus, we all played a part. It was out of reaction to the mob, cries of the people, ignorance, I don't know and I am not making excuses for unexplained hatred, that is why, Jesus asked his Father , to forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing, -
Greetings, I am Pat from Springfield, IL. I was very excited to see the posting. I thought I was alone in feeling as I do about the Lenten season. This time of year is sad but yet rejoiceful. I have been in the church all my life and studied scripture for the last thirty years. The more I read, I grow, I learn something new each and everyday. I need a closer relationship with God, and it's this season that draws me to him. So maybe this lesson will further ignite my spiritual fire. Pat