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Everything posted by Aviv

  1. By myself I can do nothing! It is good to dwell on this statement coming from Jesus knowing that His humanity recognized of itself that it had no power to carry out the will of the Father. Only by seeking Yehovah daily in prayer was Jesus able to receive the divine outpouring of the Spirit, the enabler, the comforter who strengthens and makes possible the ability to rise above the flesh. We to can rise above the flesh through Him. JESUS promised us the same Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts, to lead us, to strengthen us. I know His promise is sure, if I take hold of it, follow Jesus example, prayer life, a pattern, a promise. Yehovah always keeps His promises.
  2. To awake in the morning and take that first breath realizing it is a gift from Yehovah turns my mind and longing for time with the creator and sustainer of my life. It is the perfect time before my life gets cluttered with the days events to give myself up to Him and and submit my will to the Father for His instruction and direction. I will be able to hear His prompting , whispers more clearly and more often if I learn to listen at the hour of my awakening and better prepare my heart to receive His Word. If I do this daily and often I will recognize Yehovahs soft voice and the Spirits prompting during each and every day.
  3. Shalom I am Ann from Montana and looking forward to this study with all of you. May we all be blessed as we seek a closer walk with Him and not just become Hearers but doers of His Word. But to do, we must hear, and isn't this the point?! Looking forward to these studies.
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