Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? I believe God was the Only One ALONE having the authority to do this. Yes, I understand that the ones who condemned Him & the Roman soldiers each played a part in carrying out the crucifixtion, but Jesus willingly went to the cross & died in obedience to His Father’s will. It is a scientific fact that any other human could have died from sheer blood loss & trauma many steps before the actual cross. But Jesus, Who could have called the angelic hosts to deliver Him at any moment chose to fulfill His Father’s plan to redeem mankind which fulfilled all the prophecies spoken hundreds of years before.
As to what responsibility do I share in this it is my sin, my ****, unkindness, dishonor, unfaithfulness, selfishness, pride, etc., every sin I have, am, or will ever committ that made it necessary for God to give His Son. Eve was deceived & Adam sinned in a perfect environment & sin entered the world. I sin because I was born a sinner! There would have been no was for me to go to Heaven - ever -apart from the innocent blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross for the redemption of my sin. Jesus paid the price that I could never have paid no matter how much I tried to live right.
In what sense was Jesus praying for us? He loves us and is well acquainted with our frailty & weakness. I’m so truly grateful that Jesus loved His Father & that love was extended to me.