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Everything posted by MyRockOfAges
Q4. Servant's Heart
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Listening for the Holy Spirit's Voice
Q4. (1 Samuel 3:1-10) Why is Samuel's servant attitude such an important preparation for hearing God's voice? Why is surrender to Jesus such an important element of discipleship? When God speaks, it is very important to have an attitude like Samuel in hearing God’s voice and obeying Him. As we are born again, we are servants of righteousness and serving a righteous and just King (of Kings). Normally, man’s tendency is to have control and is difficult to let go. But when being born again and being submissive to Him means to let go of self and follow Him. When we choose to follow and obey Him, we are ready to listen and obey His commands that leads us to everlasting life. The more we let go of self and begin to trust Him,we will be more willing to hear Him and obey. Else we find difficult to trust and obey Him. Servant attitude is to be sold to the master completely. Similarly, we no longer live for us but for Christ who lives in us. We belong to Him who has redeemed us with His blood. Walking with Jesus starts with this step to confess our sins and believe in our heart that Jesus is our Lord. As we yield ourselves to Him, He will lead us on to fulfill His purposes in and through our lives. Our life is for Christ alone, our faithful shepherd and Lord. As sheep listens to his shepherd’s voice and follows, we must only listen to our Jesus and follow Him. It is a commitment forever to be His and His alone. Surrender is key element of discipleship to fulfill all that the Lord has for us. It is doing His will and not ours. It is all about Him and not about us. -
Q3. Spirit's Voice and Nudges
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Listening for the Holy Spirit's Voice
Q3. How would you differentiate between (1) the Spirit's voice and (2) the Spirit nudge or prompting? What can you do to sensitize yourself to His voice and promptings? Spirit’s voice is audible voice in words. Scripture records many occasions where God speaks audibly. While the nudge or prompting is not much words or details, only giving clear direction. To be sensitive to God’s voice and nudgings or promptings, you have to be aware of God’s work around you. Once you begin to understand what God is working out, you will be able to understand these voice or nudges to follow the direction of the Spirit. The more you become sensitive to these voices and nudges, more you will be able to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and see the work of God around you. To listen and obey will lead to next step to hear God’s voice or nudges. God reveals His direction step by step and as we hear and obey Him, we are led by His Spirit step by step in His direction. -
Q2. Quiet Time
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Listening for the Holy Spirit's Voice
Q2. (1 Corinthians 2:9-11, 16) What connects us to the mind of Christ? Do you have a regular Quiet Time? What could you do to make it more meaningful? The Holy Spirit connects us to mind of Christ revealing what is in store for us. Without the revealing of the Holy Spirit, we have no direction to go as per the Father’s will. Communion with Christ is a key element of every believer in Christ. Yes, have a regular Quiet time with God. Would always want to improve the quality of the Quiet time with God. To obey all His directions and guidance and fulfill His purpose through my life and advance His kingdom. -
Q1. Prayer and Sensitivity
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Listening for the Holy Spirit's Voice
Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus' prayer life? Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? How does this prepare him for his ministry? Why does Jesus minster through the power of the Spirit instead of in his own power? Jesus when at Peter’s house healed his mother-in-law and many more , and healed them of all kinds of sickness and disease. The news spread and many more we’re seeking Jesus next day. This was very successful ministry. But Jesus had gone early morning to pray at a solitary place. After hearing from His Father, He gets direction to preach in other places immediately. In man’s eyes it was beginning of a successful ministry and it was better to continue and be famous. But for Jesus, it was all about obeying Father above any success or ministry. Ministry means obeying and doing His work at His time and in the place that He directs. Before Jesus ministered to multitudes, He spent time in prayer with His Father, and this gave Him direction and depended on Holy Spirit to do Father’s will. For Jesus being Son of God, He could have done what He wanted to do. But He was obedient to His Father in every way and only did what He saw Father doing. Always depended on the anointing of the aholy Spirit to do His Father’s will. This is a pattern for all who are in His kingdom and doing His ministry. -
Q4. Gifts with Humility
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Gifts Empowered by the Holy Spirit (part 2)
Q4. (1 Peter 4:10-11) If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, what does that say about them? About their sense of self-worth? About their maturity? Their realism? Their humility? What spiritual gifts has God given you, and how are you using them to his glory? As we understand that every gifts from God and must be used to glorify His name and not for our benefits. When one begins to promote themselves and to pointing how God is using them, it shows that they are not recognizing the work of the Holy Spirit and trying to take the glory that is due His name. The works of the Spirit has brought pride instead of humility and self boast instead of boasting in Him. Such give more worth to self than to God, using God’s name to promote self. Also shows lack of character as the person is only in need of power and not live in the character of God. Will feel content when others praise him displaying lack of maturity. This is misrepresentation of God’s leading and is not a good example to the body of Christ. It also portrays lack of humility as the person is not accepting the work and the power of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual gifts - In the walk with God and being involved in ministry, has seen God use me with His spiritual gifts at different occasions for His glory. Spirit of wisdom and knowledge at use when involved in worship team, bible study and prayer times. Seen gift of faith to see power of God work through situation which were seemingly impossible by human. Only faith in Him and His power could do that. Seen gift of prophecy during worship leading and exhortation, to bring words which are line with the word preached during service. Discerning of Spirit has been very frequent even during my work as well as in ministry, to discern between good and evil, Spirit of God and spirit of error. Even in the early days of my walk with God in 1993, remember God enabling me with discerning of Spirit to stay away from false teachers and teachings. Am so glad to see in every occasion to see Spirit of God move and use the gifts to ensure His leading and purpose is fulfilled to glorify His name. I recognize each time and thank God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit for His communion and wondrous and marvelous work displayed. Continue in this even today to glorify His name. -
Q3. Spirit's Role in Gifts
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Gifts Empowered by the Holy Spirit (part 2)
Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:11) What are lessons do you learn from verse 11? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts? Spirit of wisdom, Spirit of knowledge, gift of faith, gift of healings, working of miracles , gift of prophecy, discerning of spirits, gift of speaking in different tongues and gift of interpretations of tongues. All these gifts are from the Holy Spirit to the body of Christ to equip, build, grow His church. Jesus operated in all these gifts and has bestowed upon His church the same. This demonstrates the power of the Holy Spirit and not man. Demonstrates the power of God and glorifies God. These gifts are empowered by the Holy Spirit. These gifts are for every believer in Christ who are willing and available for Him to be used in His kingdom. Holy Spirit distributes gifts to individuals and varies from person to person. The gifts are operated by the Spirit as per His plan and will. It is the demonstration of His Spirit and power to His people and the world around that He and He alone is God. -
Q2. Healing with Evangelism
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Gifts Empowered by the Holy Spirit (part 2)
Q2. (1 Corinthians 12:9) In the twentieth century we saw the evangelistic power of preaching combined with healing the sick. Where in Jesus' ministry do you see this combination? Where in Paul's ministry? In Peter's ministry? In Philip's ministry? Jesus ministry: We see after Jesus preaching (in Matthew chap 5,6,7) and then as they come down the moauntaun with the multitude following Him, witness healing of the leper, centurion’s servant,Peter’s mother-in-law... Paul’s ministry - Acts 14 - when Paul and Barnabas were at Iconium, at the synagogue they preached to both Jews and Greeks who believed them. They testified His word, and also there was signs and wonders. There were also some unbelieving Jews who were against this and stirred up Gentiles. And the plan was to stone Paul and Barnabas. They were aware of it and fled from there to Lystra and Derbe. And there was a man at Lystra, impotent in his feet, being a crippled from his mother's womb, who never had walked, who heard Paul perceived that he had faith to be healed and with a loud voice told him- Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked. Peter’s ministry - Acts 3 - when Peter and John walked to the temple at the hour of prayer, saw a lame man, crippled from birth was carried daily by men to the gate of the temple for alms. Peter looking firmly into his eyes, with John, said, Look on us. And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them. Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. Immediately the man received strength in his feet and ankle bones , he leaped and stood and stood up and leaped and walked with them into the temple, walking and leaping and praising God. Philip’s ministry - Philip went to Samaria and preached Christ to them. People intently heard what he spoke, hearing ad seeing miracles which he did. -
Q1. Gift of Knowledge
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Gifts Empowered by the Holy Spirit (part 2)
Q1. Is it legitimate to use Jesus as our example in the use of spiritual gifts? Or was he so different than we are that we can't pattern our ministry after his example? Where do you see the gift of knowledge in the Old Testament? In the New Testament? Yes it is legitimate to use Jesus as our example in the use of spiritual gifts as He was full of Spirit and anointed with Spirit of wisdom and knowledge (Is11:2). example of Gift of knowledge in OT : there are many instances however for this question will refer to 1 Samuel :9 - when in search of his father’s (Kish) *****, Saul comes to prophet Samuel. God gives in advance knowledge about Saul who would be the King of Israel to the prophet and also later prophet mentions to Saul that ***** that were lost three days are already found. Example of gift of knowledge in NT : Jesus was anointed with Spirit and operated in these gifts through out His ministry. One of the many example is during last supper Jesus know He will be betrayed and mentions about this during the last supper. For He knew exactly that Judas was that man. -
Q4. Gift of Pastor
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Gifts Empowered by the Holy Spirit (part 1)
Q4. (Ephesians 4:11) How could a person have the spiritual gift of pastor or teacher without having an official position in a church? What must a church do if its "senior pastor" doesn't have the spiritual gift of pastor? Who gives these gifts? The gifting of pastor is about caring, protecting and looking after the flock or congregation. While the gifting of teacher is to teach the congregation the word of God to make them understand the truth and live in the truth. While one can serve the body of Christ in these callings or gifting without having the title or recognition. This gifting is from above to equip the body of Christ and hence the service is more relevant than the title. These gifts are from Him and given to equip and build the body of Christ. In some instances, Pastor will also fulfill the role of teacher or evangelist as the gifting maybe. In case of large churches, senior pastor will not be able to function fully in the role of individual caring and ministering as this will be done by junior pastors. In such churches, senior pastor will be more active in the role faith, leadership, administration and teaching. As these gifts are from Him, ministers who operate in these gifts ought to be accountable to Him in rendering service that honors His name. -
Q3. Gift of Prophecy
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Gifts Empowered by the Holy Spirit (part 1)
Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22; 1 Corinthians 14) How would you define the gift of prophecy? Why do churches sometimes despise or prohibit prophecy? What guidelines does Paul give here and in 1 Corinthians 14 to keep prophecy in a congregation healthy? The gift of prophecy empowers one to speak words under the anointing of the Holy Spirit that edifies, exhorts and comforts the body of Christ. Prophecy must fulfill at least any one or all of the above. Paul encourages everyone to prophesy so that all may learn or all may be edified. The gift of prophecy is an utterance influenced by the Holy Spirit. It is important to note that while ministering in this gift, it is a thin line between operating in the Spirit and in flesh. This is a danger. Also one should not grieve or quench the Spirit and the working of the Spirit due to our prejudices and doctrines. This may prohibit or hinder prophecy in churches today. Many times, prophecy also gives direction to a believer or church or the body of Christ. To keep this gift of prophecy healthy in churches today, the minister must operate under the anointing of the Holy Spirit only and not in flesh or for personal gains. The words of prophecy must edify, exhort and comfort the body of Christ. Churxh must always discern prophecy. Always there is confirmation to the prophecy by two or three in a congregation. Test the Spirit and hold onto every good and always resist the evil. The utterance of prophecy is always in the line of The word of God. -
Q2. Modern Apostles
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Gifts Empowered by the Holy Spirit (part 1)
Q2. (Ephesians 4:11a) Do you think there are modern-day apostles? If so, who might they be? If you don't believe there are modern-day apostles, identify some people who are doing some of the same things that the early apostles did. Apostles - one of the gifts of the five fold ministry. Yes, there are modern-day apostles today though they have not physically been with Jesus. They are there today mainly used by God and his gifting to plant churches, oversee them and advance the kingdom of God. Ministries like Assembly of God, New Life Fellowship, Bethel, and many more across the world have apostles who have pioneered to build and plant churches and equip the believers for His ministry. I have grown under such an apostle and grateful to God for such privilege. Apostles have unique gifting to find ways and opportunities in planting a church while others find it tough even to start the work. This is an amazing gift of God and thank God for apostles using their gifts and advancing His kingdom. -
Q1. Purpose of Gifts
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Gifts Empowered by the Holy Spirit (part 1)
Q1. (1 Corinthians 12:7; Ephesians 4:11) What is the purpose of spiritual gifts according to 1 Corinthians 12:7? According to Ephesians 4:11? What happens when people don't employ spiritual gifts for their intended purpose? The manifestation of the Spirit is for every believer to profit with. The main purpose of the gifts of the Spirit is to equip every believer for His ministry, build the Church and lead to unity of faith and maturity of the believer to the measure of the state in the fullness of Christ. The five ministry gifts - apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers each of these gifts are vital to the body of Christ. When the people don’t employ the gifts of the Spirit for the intended purpose of the ministry, this leads to lack in equipped leaders, weakening the Church and lack of unity and maturity, which results in a weak church. But Christ intended a strong warrior bride for Him and He has invested His Spirit with the ministry gifts to ensure a strong church with equipped , mature and united leaders operating in their gifts. -
Q4. Fruit of the Spirit
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Holy Spirit versus the Flesh
Q4. (Galatians 5:22-23) How does the Holy Spirit produce this fruit in our lives? What theological term would you use to identify this process? How can it be that a person who has been a "Christian" for years displays few or none of these fruits? Are they saved, but just immature? What does James 2:17-19 say about this? Is that too harsh? As we continue to yield to His Spirit, walk in the Spirit, we. Continue to fulfill the desires of His Spirit. We constantly resist the temptations and the Spirit changes us internally. Our mind is renewed, soul is restored and Spirit refreshed and strengthened. It is a process of sanctification in us which is inside out and produces fruit of the Spirit in us evidently seen outside in our character. Continual walk in the Spirit produces fruit that lasts long. Otherwise, walking our own way is a detour with the walk in the Spirit and it is like going back to the old nature and not valuing the price that Jesus paid for us to redeem us from our state. Such walk will not develop the fruit of the Spirit and the character is not changed as sanctification process is not allowed. We must allow Hily Spirit to continually work in us to complete the sanctification process that transforms us. If they do not walk in the Spirit and if the light is not in them who translates us from darkness to light, then they lie and are not in the truth. But instead, if they confess their sins and return back, He is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse from all unrighteousness. Also as in James, faith without works is dead. If we have faith, it is evident in our works. It is the truth, and even if it is harsh for some it is good in the end for them. -
Q3. Spirit Power Brakes
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Holy Spirit versus the Flesh
Q3. (Galatians 5:16-18) How does the Spirit enable us to resist the temptations of the flesh? How does He restrain us? How does he enable us to break the hold the flesh has had over us? If we are led by the Holy Spirit, we will not fulfill the desires of the flesh. There are desires of flesh and desires of the Spirit, both are contrary to each other. If we walk in the Spirit, we will do te desires of the Spirit only and not do the desires of the flesh. The Holy Spirit in us enables us to restrain every temptations of the flesh. When we were not in the Spirit, we were led by the desires of flesh fulfilling it and were captive to the sinful nature. Holy Spirit in us now(after the born again experience and baptism of the Holy Spirit and the continual filling of His Spirit) - law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death. Sinful nature finally having no power over the Spirit as we continually yield to the desires of His Spirit. The hold of flesh weakens in our lives and the hold of His Spirit increases in us making us withstand every fiery darts of the evil and overcome in Christ Jesus. -
Q2. Spirit Mindset
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Holy Spirit versus the Flesh
Set the mind on the things of the flesh means to set mind in the sinful nature and do the things inspired by the sinful nature. This causes one to continue living in sin unless set free by His Spirit. Setting the mind on things of the Spirit means to allow our mind to be inspired and led by His Spirit into the things of God and about His kingdom. This enables one to live in the Spirit or walk in the Spirit and not in flesh and not by sight. To have our mind stayed on Jesus is to trust in Him and His peace to take control over our lives leading us in perfect peace and allow His power to renew our mind and be transformed continually. We will need to allow willfully to lean on Him and His understanding. When we yield to Him and His Spirit, Holy Spirit will continually work in us to make our Spirit man strong to trust in Him, His word and His promise. This will transform us from our natural or sinful thinking to walking in the Spirit and taste victory over sin and its nature. For this purpose Christ was revealed, to destroy all the works of the evil one, and Christ in us has overcome, so we shall overcome and be more than conquerors. -
The sinful nature or the flesh which is in rebel with God and is convicted contrary to the Spirit man. Sin works death in us as wges of sin is death. Before we are born again, we are led by the flesh to enjoy the pleasures of sin. Once we are born again, there is a constant battle between flesh and Spirit, and if the flesh is strong, we are tempted to sin. If Spirit man is strong, then we overcome the temptation just as Jesus did (as He was tempted in every way like us, but overcame sin). Till we live in this flesh (body), we will continue in this battle of flesh and Sprirt. As we yield to His Spirit and abide in His word, we overcome the sin and have victory over it.
Q3. Tongues, Prophecy, and Praise
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Baptized with the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit comes upon new believers. There is no specific order to receive Holy Spirit after water baptism, it can also be before water baptism. Some also receive baptism of the Holy Spirit when they wait upon the Lord without the laying of hands. The pouring of the Holy Spirit is to ensure the new believers are empowered and at the same time is a witness of His promise released upon His people as prophesied. The instances where people are saved and tongues are not mentioned, I am sure that they would have received the gift of the Holy Spirit though it is not recorded for all instances. As written by John, if all the instances were recorded, then this bible would not have been enough. As prophesied in Old Testament, as promised by Jesus and as practiced by apostles, we believe that new believers all over the world today and then receive the gift of the Holy Spirit without any doubt. Because His word and His promises are Yes and Amen. -
2. Multiple Fillings
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Baptized with the Holy Spirit
Peter and the believers after the filling of the Holy Spirit experience on the day of Pentecost, are being filled again with His Spirit. As they face continuous persecution, God empowers them with His Spirit to have more boldness and authority to preach the gospel and be His witnesses. This is re-filling of the Holy Spirit, and as a believer we can be filled continually with His Spirit. Just as Jesus was full of the Spirit, we have to be filled daily of His Spirit to do His ministry on this earth. It is about Him, His yoke is easy and His burden is light, so when we take up His yoke, He will make our burden light with His Spirit. He is partnering with us to advance His kingdom. -
Q1. Baptized, Filled, Received
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Baptized with the Holy Spirit
What happened in Acts 2 was the fulfillment of prophecy in the Old Testament, as said by Jesus that He will pour His Spirit upon all those who wait on Him, and they shall receive power to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. In the Old Testament, Spirit of God cams upon kings, prophets and priests only occasionally. While on the day of Pentecost in New Testament, the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples and others who waited in the upper room and empowered them with boldness to preach the good news. His ability overcomes our inability. The word analogy used in Acts 2 is filled. And this word is used in Luke as well as by Luke in Acts as it unfolds from chapter 2 onwards. On that day, Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia, Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes, Cretes and Arabians, all of them heard them speak in their tongues the wonderful works of God and were amazed as the ones who spoke in tongues were all Galilaeans. Others mockingly said that they were drunk. Peter then stood and spoke boldly that what they now saw was the fulfillment of prophecy as was told by Joel in the Old Testament that in the last days God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh (people), sons and daughters will prophecy, old men will see dreams and young men will see visions, even upon the servants - both men and women shall prophecy. Also spoke of the end times and the coming of the Lord, and all those who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. The Holy Spirit will save people, will seal His people, anoint His people, and dwell within them till they see Him face to face. -
John reminds us that we have overcome the world not by any virtue of us, but by the One who lives in us. He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world. Those who are with us are more than those against us, the power of the Holy Spirit in us is the same power that rose Jesus from the dead. He is in us to overcome the power of enemy that wars against the body of Christ. Many times we do not believe His word and His Spirit, and we live in natural realm. When we have this revelation, we live in the Spirit realm and overcome the principalities and powers of darkness - spiritual warfare. The Spirit in Paul and in us is the same Spirit.
Q3. Seal, Guarantee, Anointing
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy Spirit Within
This is to ensure that God has sealed us with Holy Spirit that we belong to Him forever. A divine seal from above that marks us out from others without this Holy Spirit seal, which speaks of His zeal for us and we are His forever. Holy Spirit as a down payment teaches us that He has invested in us not only for present but also for future. The Holy Spirit in us draws us closer to Him In our earthly walk and finally will leads us to see Him face to face to be with Him forever. The full payment is made when one day we Christ face to face and be in the presence of God adoring and worshipping Him in the fullness of His glory. Holy Spirit as anointing teaches us that He comes upon us to accomplish purposes of God with His ability through us, even as we are made available to Him. The anointing also teaches us all things and we do not need another teacher. The anointing in us is His power to accomplish His purposes in us and through us for His kingdom. -
When the Holy Spirit quickens our spirit and makes us alive and mediates our communication with God. Reveals to us His word and the things which are freely given to us of God. We are assured that we are His sons and daughters and that He is our Abba, Daddy, our Father. There is a deep assurance and affirmation in us from His Spirit that we are His and His alone and He is ours. We will know the mind of Christ and learn to do what Christ wants us to do. That we may know Him and imitate Him. When we begin to move in what He wants to do, the power of the Holy Spirit operates in us. Then the fruit of the Spirit will operate in us to assure the work of the Holy Spirit through us like prophecy, healing, teaching etc. which is enabled by His Spirit to fully equip the body of Christ. this is to display His kingdom not only in words but also in power.
Christian means Christ like or identifies with Christ in all of His teachings, His life and His way. If they are not Christians, means that Christ does not live in them. if they do not have Holy Spirit in them, they are not of Christ. When you invite Jesus into your life and surrender, He will come and dwell in us. When the believer starts to obey all His word and teachings, Jesus and the Father will come and have a dwelling in him. As a believer, Jesus Christ is his Lord. The believer will love, obey and follow all that is taught by Jesus , the Father will love him and Christ also will love him and dwell with Him. This is what pleases the Lord of the house. The believer must do all that will please the Lord. We must give Him the highest place in our home and acknowledge Him. As God dwells in the temple and those who come to Him offer sacrifice for the atonement of their sin and to be right with God. Similarly, believer will offer his life to Christ and live a life worthy of His calling. God dwelling in temple is His temple, a place made for Him. While today, He dwells within us making us as His temple. We serve a mighty God. The believer is controlled by the Spirit of God and not sin. You are dead to sin and spirit is alive to righteousness, because Christ is in you. The walk with Him led by the Holy Spirit will keep us from sin and always be willing to witness of Him who saved us and gave us a life everlasting. Our continuous walk with hm makes us strong in the Lord to keep us away from all temptations and to be filled with His Spirit to accomplish His kingdom purposes.
The leading of the Holy Spirit is like a wind. The wind blows, you cannot see it, you don’t know where it comes from and where it goes. but the effect of the wind is far reaching even beyond what you can see and understand. The Holy Spirit also cannot be seen, but as you yield to Him, you will not see Him. But His work in you and through you will have effect far beyond you, your life, your family, area that you live, city that you live or even nation that you live and beyond. The work of the Holy Spirit is amazing and has no limit of time and space. It is an experience that we have to enter and is a totally different experience. It is aways new and refreshing. Jesus is asking each one of us to enter this new experience.
Q3. Born of Water and Spirit
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Born of the Holy Spirit
Q3. (John 3:5-7) What does it mean to be "born of water and the Spirit"? What do you think "water" refers to? Why have you come to this conclusion? How, then, would you paraphrase "born of water and the Spirit" to best bring out the full meaning? Jesus is speaking to Nicodemus, unless one is born of water and Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Born of the Spirit is clear for us to understand as it is a regenerating work of the Holy Spirit within us to make as anew from the old. Our Spirit is quickened and made alive by the Spirit of God to be born again in the Spirit. We are a Spirit being with body and soul. Born of water is understood in many ways - - as water baptism but that did not make sense to Nicodemus. - as washed by the word, word cleanses us as in Ephesisans - as washed by the living water , the Holy Spirit - as washed by the water of cleansing as prophesied by Ezekiel which would have been known to Nicodemus. This is more closer to connect as this was prophesied in the Old Testament. With mouth we confess we are sinner and fallen short of the glory of God and with our heart we believe that Jesus died for our sins and was buried and rose again to life and is coming back to take me with Him forever (eternal life in Christ Jesus). There is a cleansing of our sins as we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour ( born of water) and the Holy Spirit quickens our Spirit to be made alive and born again in Him ( born of Spirit). For once we’re dead to sins and transgressions and when quickened by the Holy Spirit, we have been made new. The old is gone and the new has come. I am a new creation, no more in condemnation, as I am a born again child of God.