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When Nicodemus came to Jesus, he was a serious seeker of truth but not born of the Spirit. He was teacher of the law but was more curious to know the teachings of the Spirit. People who have experienced second birth can discern the kingdom of God spiritually as they can see things of the Spirit naturally. Also they can enter the kingdom of God spiritually, i.e to have eternal life. there will be a total change spiritually, change from the inside out and not other way. People who have experienced first birth only can not discern the kingdom of God and inherit eternal life. However, they can see the signs and tangible manifestation of Spirit to understand that it is God and to turn to Him.
Jesus is inviting all those who are thirsty to come to Him and drink, drink of the Holy Spirit. Jesus called all those who hunger and thirst after righteousness (of God), are welcome. Jesus spoke (promised) of the Holy Spirit, to be sent from the Father after Jesus ascends to heaven post His resurrection. the more you drink of the Spirit ( baptism and filling of Holy Spirit), more Jesus becomes real in your lives, His teachings, His power and His anointing flows like a river through you to others as you minister. It will be like streams of living water that flows freely. You will be the channel for this flow. Personally, after receiving Jesus in my life and being baptized in the Holy Spirit, have experienced His anointing of the Holy Spirit while involved in His ministry. While leading worship, while praying, while exhorting, while preaching, have seen the flow of the Holy Spirit that touches and changes lives like - lives turning to Jesus, drawing closer to Jesus, healing of body, soul and Spirit. This is His work only as His word says, not by power, not by might but by His Spirit. Without Holy Spirit, ministry will be void of His touch and work. With Him, all things are possible.
Q5. Truth Guide
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Holy Spirit Paraclete (John 14-16)
Holy Spirit will teach us and remind us of all that Jesus had taught His disciples during His earthly ministry. It is the truth that sets us free. And the truth is His word. Unless the Holy Spirit reveals the truth from His word, we cannot be set free. Holy Spirit will convict us of sin, of righteousness and of judgement. The work of the Holy Spirit is not only for the apostolic age but also till the end of ages. When the believer is convicted of his sin, he turns to Jesus. When the believer is convicted of God’s righteousness, he is justified. When the believer is convicted of the judgement, he is saved. Holy Spirit plays an important role in building the body of Christ and advancing God’s kingdom here on the earth. The main purpose of the Holy Spirit is to reveal Jesus and His teachings to us and empower us to do mighty works for His kingdom. He shall not speak of Himself rather He will glorify Jesus. All that the Father has is revealed to Jesus and the same is revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. This is a mighty work of te Holy Spirit today to equip body of Christ to be victorious bride and demonstrate the kingdom of God. -
Q4. Greater Things
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Holy Spirit Paraclete (John 14-16)
Jesus death and resurrection has promised us eternal life in Him. Jesus told His disciples that it is good for them that Jesus ascends to the Father in heaven. It is only after His ascension, that He can send them the promised Comforter or Counselor from the Father. And He will empower, guides, teach and remind all that Jesus taught them to do. And he that believes in Jesus will do all that Jesus did and greater things than these he will do, as Jesus is with the Father now. This is a great promise to all believers in Christ today. -
Q3. Person or Power?
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Holy Spirit Paraclete (John 14-16)
Q3. (John 14:26; 15:26; 16:13a) Why do we believe that the Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force or power, but a Person? What kinds of functions that we attribute to persons does the Holy Spirit do? Why is it so easy to refer to the Spirit as "it" rather than "Him"? From these verses, we see the Holy Spirit, when He comes (from Father as promised by Jesus), teaches , guides and will testify of Jesus. These are functions that we attribute to person and not power or force. Holy Spirit comforts, counsels, leads, guides, convicts, strenthens us and is a person, the third person in the Holy Trinity. These are functions attributed to person and not force or power. When you do not understand the Holy Spirit as a person, the third person in the trinity, then referral to Him will not be done in person but as “it”. There are even cults who do not believe in the Holy Trinity and refer Holy Spirit as active force or power. But those who are convicted by the Holy Spirit always recognize Him as a person( in the trinity). -
Q2. Spirit Testifies
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Holy Spirit Paraclete (John 14-16)
Q2. (John 15:26-27) What does it mean to "testify"? In what way does the Spirit testify about Jesus? Can you testify from personal knowledge about Jesus? Or were the apostles the only first-hand witnesses? To Testify means to bear witness or confirm or attest something based on belief or personal testimony. The Holy Spirit will testify of Jesus by teaching all that Jesus taught and reminding all the teachings to the believer in Christ. Just as Christ taught and reminded/ revealed all teachings of the Father, The Holy Spirit will teach and remind / reveal all teachings of Jesus to his disciples so that we can bear witness and testify of Jesus to others. We can testify of Jesus from the personal belief and revelation from the Holy Spirit. Closer communion with the Holy Spirit will enable us to know more about Jesus, which in turn will reveal the Father’s heart to us. The more the communion, the more revelation of Jesus to us. Apart from the apostles, there were many other first hand witnesses of Jesus Christ. As in the day of Pentecost, there were 120 gathered in the upper room, and more than 500 saw the ascension of Jesus. The work of the Holy Spirit continues to draw more and more witnesses of Jesus around the world from every tongue and tribe. -
Q1. Another 'Paraclete'
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Holy Spirit Paraclete (John 14-16)
Q1. (John 14:15-17) In what sense is the Holy Spirit "another" Paraclete? Who was the initial Paraclete? In what way can the Holy Spirit replace him? How was he "with" the disciples? When will he be "in" them? Holy Spirit is another Paraclete - Counselor to His disciples and to us. Jesus was with His disciples and taught them and guided them to walk by faith in the power of the Spirit. Jesus promised that Father will send another Counselor (like Him) to be with them (and us) and help us the walk of faith in His power. This Counselor is Holy Spirit. Jesus was the initial Paraclete who was abiding with His disciples and they are aware of this Paraclete unlike the world that doesn’t know Him. Holy Spirit will be our Counselor, Comforter, Helper, Advocate like Jesus to us ,in us and leading us and helping us. Holy Spirit replaces Jesus today for all the believers on the earth , as He counsels, comforts, helps, leads and empowers us to walk victorious faith life in Christ. He was with the disciples as Paraclete (Jesus) and with us today as Father promised, Holy Spirit came upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost and baptized them and lived in them and is also in us those who are born again in Christ. -
Q4. Send the Spirit
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Holy Spirit in Jesus' Ministry
Q4. Who sends the Holy Spirit? The Father or Jesus? Does it matter? Jesus sends the Holy Spirit from the Father who promised. Holy Spirit or comforter or counselor sent by Jesus from Father empowers us, teaches us all things that Jesus taught and brings into remembrance His word. We see that Jesus and Father are involved here in us with the work of the Holy Spirit to transform us and make us more like Him. Jesus speaks of the Holy Spirit through out His ministry on earth. What He promises, He sends. It matters as far as promise is concerned, as Jesus has promised the same Spirit that empowered His ministry and is available for all those who believe in Him. As to the ministry, it is a mystery how Father, Son and the Holy Spirit do their work in each individuals life. I am glad that Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, all three are involved and all glory to God. Mystery can only be revealed when we see Him face to face. -
Q3. Power of the Spirit
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Holy Spirit in Jesus' Ministry
Q3. (Luke 3:22; 4:1, 14a; 4:18-19; 5:17b; 10:21; Acts 10:38a) Did Jesus do miracles by reason of being the unique Son of God, or by means of the power of the Holy Spirit upon him? Why is this important for us as his disciples? In what ways does Jesus serve as our example in ministry? Jesus ministry on earth, He performed miracles, signs and wonders. He was the anointed One, filled with Holy Spirit and did these in the power of the Spirit. He left His heavenly glory and became 100% man just like us, but was obedient to His Father ( even to the point of His death on the cross). He was led by the Spirit and was able to do miracles to display the power of God and announce the eternal kingdom of God. Jesus was so dependant on the Holy Spirit and obedient to His Father. The trinity at work. If Jesus being Son of God was fully dependant on the Holy Spirit and Father, how much more we then. Jesus promised that when He ascends to heaven, Father will send Holy Spirit - comforter, counselor and will teach us all that Jesus taught and will bring to remembrance. We as His disciples today have this assurance for each one that the same Holy Spirit is still on the earth to do as Jesus promised to build His bride and make her ready for His return. Jesus is our captain of the hosts who leads us in triumph. For this purpose Christ was revealed to destroy all the works of the evil one. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. As we follow him, Holy Spirit will lead us in the way to go teaching us the truth to lead a life that is pleasing to Him and will bless others to lead them to Christ. Jesus said He will never leave us nor forsake us and will be there till the end. This is a great promise again to follow Jesus who is our Lord of Lords and King of Kings. -
Q2. Son Can Do Nothing
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Holy Spirit in Jesus' Ministry
Q2. (John 5:19; Philippians 2:6-7) What does Jesus' statement, "the Son can do nothing by himself," indicate about his relationship with the Father? Why did Jesus have to "empty himself" from his heavenly glory when he became a man? The Son has no power to do anything except by Holy Spirit. Son does only what He sees the Father doing. Son was dependent on the Father for everything, total submission, obedience and surrenderance. Jesus operated in the Spirit and for us is an exemplary example to learn how to obediently walk with the Holy Spirit. Jesus had to empty himself from His heavenly glory and be like one of us. Tempted in every way yet without sin. He taught how to overcome by being obedient to the Father with the help of the Holy Spirit -
Q1. Core Identity
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Holy Spirit in Jesus' Ministry
Q1. (Luke 1:35; Matthew 1:20; Luke 3:21-22) In what ways is the Holy Spirit active in establishing Jesus' core identity as Son of God as Jesus came to earth? How does the Holy Spirit establish your core identity as a disciple of Jesus? Holy Spirit has been active from the beginning. Holy Spirit is active in establishing Jesus core identity as Son of God : - by prophesying about Jesus birth through the prophets - by appearing to Mary and confirming about the Holy conception of Jesus and that He is the Son of God - by appearing to Joseph and confirming about Holy conception of Jesus and how Mary was chosen by God to bear His Son - by descending upon Jesus during baptism in the form of dove and Father declaring Jesus as Son of God whom the Father loves and is well pleased with. Holy Spirit also establishes our identity as core disciples of Jesus : - Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgement and draws us closer to our Saviour Jesus Christ - no one can say Jesus is Lord unless led by the Holy Spirit in Him - once we accept Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit seals us as His own, and as many are led by the Spirit of God are called sons and daughters of the Almighty God We find our identity in Jesus Christ and our Father in heaven by the work of the Holy Spirit. -
Q4. Upon All Flesh
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
Q4. (Joel 2:28-32; Ezekiel 36:26-27; 37:14; 39:29) What promises do we find in Joel and Ezekiel concerning the Holy Spirit? Who are the recipients of these promises? In the last days, God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh (people). Sons and daughters will prophesy, young men will see visions and old men will see dreams, even upon servants - men and women, He will pour out His Spirit. God will give us a new heart and a new spirit, remove heart of stone and give a heart of flesh within. He will put His Spirit within us for us to walk in His statutes and obey His rules. While God will put His Spirit upon Israel and they shall live, God will bring them to their own land to prove that He is God and He will do what He said. and He will not hide His face from His people. This promise is for all who walk in the new covenant, God said it and will perform it. We can see His work around us even today. -
Q3. Spirit and Messiah
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
Q3. (Isaiah 11:1-2; 42:1; 61:1-2) What promises does God make through Isaiah the prophet concerning the Holy Spirit and the Messiah? How were these fulfilled? Isaiah 11:1-2 As Isaiah prophesied, Jesus birth was from the lineage of David (Son of Jesse). Jesus was baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit, for He was full of wisdom and understanding in all His dealings during His ministry on the earth. He was filled with counsel to provide the right answers to every question, and might(power of God displayed). He was filled with knowledge which is displayed in his reply and his parables and teachings to His disciples. He was also obedient to the Lord displaying reverential fear of the Lord. We have the same Spirit as promised by Jesus to baptize us, dwell in us with all the characteristics as in Jesus, to enable Jesus be formed in us through the continuous molding of our lives as we yield and surrender to our God in love and obedience. Isaiah 42:1 Heavenly Father delighted in Jesus as the only begotten Son in whom He is well pleased. With the death and resurrection of Jesus, who now sits at the right hand of the Father, everything is subject to Him at His feet and He reigns over all in truth and justice. Righteousness and justice are the foundations of His throne. Isaiah 61:1,2 During the ministry of Jesus on the earth, the Spirit of God was in Jesus as He preached good news to the poor, healed many who were broken in their lives with His love and compassion and by strengthening them with the power of His might, delivered the ones who were captive under the power of Satan, sin and sickness even death. by setting the lives of the people free to walk in liberty and enjoy His kingdom on earth, as it is in heaven. Jesus showed a taste of heaven on earth. He is our hope living in us, the Rock in whom we trust, the Light for all the world to see. -
Q2. The 70 Elders
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
Q2. (Numbers 11:16-29) What enables the 70 Elders to lead the people? What happens when the Holy Spirit comes upon them? Why does Moses long for the Spirit to come upon all God's people? The Lord speaks to Moses to gather the 70 elders at the tabernacle of the congregation, the Lord will come and take the Spirit on Moses and put on them, which enables them to bear the burden of the people that was upon Moses alone. Holy Spirit enables and equips people for His service. When the spirit comes upon them, they begin to prophesy. Even two people in the tent received the spirit and begins to prophesy. Moses longs the Spirit of God to come upon all people so that they might be filled, equipped for His service. -
Q1. The Spirit Upon
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? The Anointing of the Holy Spirit or the purpose of God putting His Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament is to equip them to do specific work or service. Without His Spirit, we may not be able to function in His service effectively. His Spirit leads us, guides us, empowers us, corrects us, teaches us and draws us closer to God and His ways. Even when we fall down, the moment we call upon Him, Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins, confessing to God and setting right our walk with Him. Holy Spirit always makes feel presence of God so real and rich. -
Q5. Counselors and Mentors
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Discerning God's Voice
Q5. (Proverbs 11:14) Why is it valuable to counsel with spiritual people in the Christian community when we're learning to discern God's voice? How is having a spiritual mentor helpful? What is the danger of always going to another person to confirm God's word? Why is out-growing a mentor a common occurrence? In the early phases to walk with God, it is important to be part of a strong church community. Iron sharpens iron. It is always good to have a strong mentor or spiritual leader or pastor who listens to God, to guide and counsel correcting our walk and guiding us to obey and walk with Him. Where there is no counsel, people fall. But in multitude of counsellors there is safety. Spiritual mentor is helpful whom we can trust, who understands us and guides and counsels us. It is important to have spiritual mentor who hears from God and walks with God. He will then be able to guide us as the Lord leads. It is good to go to mentor initially to confirm God’s word. But when it becomes a regular habit, it means we are not excercising well spiritually to hear His voice. When we fail to recognize His voice, it means we are falling short in our walk with God in many ways. A good spiritual mentor will always encourage you to hear from God. A good spiritual mentor always wants you to walk with God and hear His voice. He ensures our walk will be easier than he walked using all the spiritual experience he had. Many times, when we learn to hear from God and obey His voice and guided well by spiritual mentor, will outgrow mentor in the walk with God to accomplish His purposes to advance God’s kingdom here on the earth as it is in heaven. -
Q4. (Mark 14:36; 1 Peter 3:7) Why is it necessary to recognize and then surrender our desires when we are seeking God's will. What happens if we neglect to do this? How can holding on to sin distort what you think you are hearing from God? Many times our desires are not His desires. Only by reading His word and spending time with God regularly by obeying Him, hearing His voice, we can know His character and Himself. Since if our desires - voice of flesh is not subject to Holy Spirit, we may be lead to obey wrongly. God’s will for us is the best and perfect and hence it is important to understand His will for us by hearing Him, his nudge or impression etc. if we neglect to recognize God, we might be led to hear wrongly and not from God. Sin separates us from God and causes us to drift away from God and it causes us to become less sensitive to His voice, nudge etc.We may understand exactly the opposite of what God intends us to do. Holding onto sin hinders us from hearing God. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Q3. (Ephesians 2:1-3; 1 John 2:16). Give an example of what the voice of the flesh -- our lusts and desires -- might sound like. Give an example of what the voice of the world might sound like. Give an example of what the voice of the devil might sound like. Why is a knowledge of the Scripture necessary for discernment of these voices? Voice of the flesh - our lusts and desires which are selfish When we are driven by desire to love the things of this world like cravings for food always, for the materialism of this world to fulfill desires, desire to have all things that looks teasingly nice to our eyes, greed to have more and more and not content. Always this will be contrary to the word of God and voice of God , which draws us away from God and His purpose for our lives. Voice of the world - voice of others, peer pressure and world standards The desire to follow the culture and pattern of this world which is contrary to the word of God and voice of God. New age movement and thinking that there is no sin and nothing is bad. That you are god and have all the power and control. Scripture clearly warns us not to conform to this world and the patterns of this world, rather be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Voice of the devil - temptations from satan and wrong guidance When you are tempted to do things that are contrary to God and His word, with a reward for doing the same. You are drawn farther away from God. This is what satan desires. Scriptural knowledge is important. We have to feed on His word every day as our daily bread. The word of God cleans us, every scripture of God is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness that the man of God be complete and equipped for every good work. Understanding of His word enables us test and approve God’s will for us which is good, pleasing and perfect. His word helps us discern between good and evil and causes us not to be moved by satan’s evil desires and purposes, rather to stand strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
Q2. (Hebrews 5:14) Why will a person have to make mistakes in the process of learning to discern God's voice? If mistakes are part of the process, how can this be of God at all? Discerning the difference in the voices to know which one is from God is confusing while getting started. In this process, person is bound to make mistakes initially, but will learn to discern the voice of God by experience and continuous fellowship with our God. Mistakes are part of the process and can be minimized. The solid food is for those mature Christians who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. The more you train to distinguish, the more better and clear we hear from God. what we hear from God is the real thing. Like a radio that is tuned to the right frequency to catch the clean sound waves, we must tune right to the Holy Spirit who causes us to catch the clean and right voice of God.
Q1. Confirming vs. Testing
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Discerning God's Voice
Q1. ((Judges 6:36-38; Psalm 95:7-10) Does Gideon ask for a sign because of his unbelief? What is the difference between Gideon's seeking confirmation, and "testing God" in a way that displeases God? Does God mind if we ask for confirmation? When might God be upset with us for asking for confirmation? Gideon Is asking for confirmation only to know that God is in the process. When He understands God is with him, he is able to move in faith to do God’s assignment. Because of this he is mentioned as one of the heroes of faith. He is not asking because of unbelief, rather to believe in Him by seeking confirmation. Gideon was seeking confirmation to believe and go forward in his assignment from the Lord. God was not upset with Gideon’s request as He knew it was to build his faith. While if it is tried to manipulate or test things with God without belief, God is not at all pleased in it. It is only self seeking faith and not to accomplish God’s assignment in our lives. God will be upset with us asking for confirmation when we do not seek Him and His direction in the process. When Israelites murmured and complained to God in the wilderness despite the Lord doing mighty miracles, this did not build their faith and many perished without entering the rest. -
Q4. Pride Corrupts
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Heart Preparation for Listening to God
Q4. How can pride corrupt our hearing from God? How do we protect ourselves from being deceived by our pride? Pride is very subtly contaminating our motives. When we are people centric, we would like to impress by saying “God said so”. It makes congregation to value us more in their eyes to know God has spoken, to take control and drive man made motives instead of God’s. When we do not want to submit to God and when we have wrong motives, we fall into this trap. We can protect ourselves for falling into pride by walking in humility and submission to God. By waiting on God and His timing for everything in our lives. - we must not publicly claim God's guidance unless it is clear. - we must not say "God told me," unless he has really spoken. - when we talk about God's guidance, do it with humility. And always promote God above our selfish motives. -
Q3. Willing to Obey
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Heart Preparation for Listening to God
Q3. (Psalm 32:8-9; John 7:17) Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God's commands so important? How does obedience sometimes help us understand God's workings. Willingness to obey is an important part of being receptive to hear God’s voice. When we hear from God, we must also be willing to obey. He is sovereign God and we must be willing to trust and obey whatever He says. God is able to see the end from the beginning, while we are in the present from our past with no idea of our future. God’s plan for us are always to prosper and give us a future, if only we obey His voice. We must not be using our reasoning to understand or question His directions. He will not force anything on us if we do not obey. We must have child like faith to accept His direction and obey to follow. Partial obedience is disobedience. God sees a full picture of us and we can trust Him and obey. God is our wise counselor. When we begin to obey we will realize what God is to show us or do in our lives. Until we obey we cannot understand. each obedient step in God brings us closer by one step to our destiny in God. -
Q2. To Know God
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Heart Preparation for Listening to God
Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Why are we commanded to "press in" to know the Lord? How does Paul's passion for a relationship with God inspire you? Desire for relationship with God is more important than seeking to hear His voice as the relationship is based on trust. If trust is not there, it is difficult to obey and do the things God desires from us. Strong relationship builds strong communication and trust. As we see in eg of Samuel when he was serving at the temple, though he heard the voice of God, he could not discern or know. As there was no relationship with God established yet. It was his early days of his walk with the Lord. Later, we see Samuel known as Seer (see - er of things of God), and was able to discern what exactly God was intending and desiring, to do His will. We are commanded to press on to know the Lord so that we are able to run the race to win the prize. Paul was so passionate in his walk with the Lord and he wanted to know the Lord more to lay hold of that for which Lord Jesus had laid hold of him. Paul’s passion for desire to know Him inspires me tremendously as He was so convinced that knowing Him is the greatest of all things on the earth. For him to live is Christ and die is gain as he knew nothing greater compared to knowing the Lord in his life. He would give up anything for Christ and that zeal and passion kept him to finish the good fight of faith against all the odds that came up. -
Q1. Listening Servant
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Heart Preparation for Listening to God
Q1. (1 Samuel 3:1-10) What was Eli's counsel to Samuel, when he recognized that God was calling to the boy? Was it good counsel? What is the significance of Samuel recognizing that he is a servant? When Samuel came to Eli the third time in response to the call he heard, Eli perceived it is God calling him, and said next time when he hears the call, to answer as “Speak Lord, for Your servant is listening”. It was indeed a good counsel to Samuel to start hearing from God and he goes on to become seer of God (see - er of God) and the last judge and installing the first king of Israel - Saul and then anointing David. Samuel recognizing himself as servant (of God) brings him in a position to be ready always to listen to the command of God and be ready to obey and fulfill it. -
Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren't receptive? What should we do when we don't hear anything from God? God is Sovereign and He does right and His ways are just. We must be tuned to understand God’s ways. When there is no communication from God, it also can be that we are not receptive or fully tuned. It is good to wait on the Lord patiently. Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength like eagles. Waiting upon God must never disappoint us, rather get refreshed, strengthened and renewed. Until we hear from God, we continue on our previous assignment faithfully , till we get fresh direction from Him.