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Everything posted by MyRockOfAges
Q3. (Acts 5:1-11; 8:23; 14:8-10) Sometimes God nudges you by giving you insight into the spiritual state of people around you. What should you be asking God about once you receive this insight about them? Have you ever had a nudge from God that resulted in a person receiving help? What did you learn from this? When God nudges us with the insight into spiritual state of people around us, we need to be ready to find an opportune time and place to share with that individual. This will result in a blessing upon that individual’s life to see God’s hand work through his situation. Yes had on many occasions obeyed on God’s nudges which saw the individual receiving the help. God still works through faithful, available and obedient disciples even today to touch peoples lives. We must be ready for His assignment anytime to hear Him, His nudges and promptings to do the required action to bless others. God wants us to be a channel of blessing for others.
Q2. (2 Samuel 5:19, 22-25) What's the similarity between God's brief, inarticulate nudges or promptings, and David's use of the Urim and Thummim to receive direction? What happens when David needs more than a "yes" or "no" answer? God’s brief nudges and promptings are in words when compared with David’s use of Uris and Thummin, they are in words like yes, no and no answer. This is enough to direct us in His path. But when David needs a clear battle strategy, either through prophecy to Abiathar the high priest or a clear word to David, God provides the same. God knows what is needed in that hour to direct us either by word or by prophecy or clear word.
Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we're seeking God for direction? Why is "no" just as important an answer as "yes"? Have you ever felt God's promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened? Promptings from the Holy Spirit is more than enough as we obey His instructions. It is important to catch those promptings through our obedient and surrendered life to Christ. When we are faithful in little, He will show us (give us) more (next steps) to walk in faith (and not by sight). No from God means to restrain from doing that particular thing, and Yes means to pursue in that work. Both are important as these are His directions for us in His work. Yes, have experienced God’s promptings in my life on several instances and when obeyed, the particulat assignment looked so easier than it was supposed to be. At other times, God’s presence was stronger to prove that He is in this decision. Gives us a unique direction (which only can be from Him) to go and accomplish the things in a simplified yet powerful impact. That’s the way He works. His ways are simple but powerful. And many times, we complicate it by doing our own way.
Q4. (Acts 10:19-20) Why was it important for Simon to get a very clear command from the Spirit to go with his visitors? God knew that then the disciples were only preaching to Jews and were not very much open to Gentiles. Spirit of God had to explicitly provide clarity to go with his visitors so that God’s plan to reach out to gentiles would be initiated strongly. What would he have done if the word weren't so clear? He wouldn’t have got the picture clear about God’s intention to reach gentiles as well. This would have made him not to go and thereby hinder God’s plan. What does he do when criticized for taking this action (Acts 11:2, 12)? He told that Spirit if God compelled Simon to take this action and all other Jews and disciples got a glimpse of the plan of God. What kind of faith does it take to obey the Spirit and take an action you know you'll be criticized for later? Faith without doubting is the key to take such bold action. Also hearing from God either a nudge or an impression, vision or dream enables one to stand strong. Do you disobey when you know you might face criticism for obedience? No, asking God for boldness and grace in such situations, I will obey in such situations despite facing criticism for the cause of His kingdom.
Q3. (Acts 19:21; 20:22-24; 21:12-14) What would have happened if Paul hadn't been sure of his instructions from the Holy Spirit to go to Jerusalem? Would you have tried to dissuade him? It's comforting to receive encouraging words. What level of maturity does it take to receive a direction that might lead us into hardship and danger? What happens when we choose the easy way, when God leads us on a difficult path? Paul would have missed out on the plan of God, He would not have been able to finish his course with joy and the ministry, which He have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. He would not have been able to fulfill God’s will for him. Naturally speaking, yes , would have wanted to have Paul, the apostle to be around for as long as it was possible. And would have tried to stop him from going to Jerusalem. When maturity in relationship with God reaches to a level to proclaim that to die for Christ is gain, and to live is for Christ. Completely sold out for Him and His purpose in our lives. All our life is for Him and Him alone. In such case, like Paul,we will be able to take a decision to face any hardship and danger. When we choose our way (easy way) than His way (difficult path), we will miss out His will for our lives, miss out our course and the ministry He has committed to us. There will be no completeness as He brings the completeness of our purpose here on the earth. Though His path will be difficult for the course, it will be of content, joy and fulfillment which will be missed out when we choose the easy way.
2Cor12:9a - His grace is sufficient for us, God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. Acts 18:9-10,23:11,27:24 - God’s presence with Paul, not to be afraid and assurance of God’s protection. Be of good cheer, to be His witness in Rome just as in Jerusalem. God will lead Paul to Caesar and all who journeyed with Oaul will be safe and alive. When Paul needed encouragement, direction, protection and assurance whenever he faced situation beyond he could manage, God was always there. Paul felt God’s strength in his weakness, he received boldness and assurance, at times direction and hope to be His strong witness before kings and priests. From this we know that God will never leave us alone even if we feel lonely. At the right moment, God steps in and makes His presence and assurance felt which makes a huge difference to face the same situation with increased faith, boldness and direction. Thanks be to God who leads us in His triumph.
Q1. (1 Kings 17-19) Why do you think the author contrasts the "still small voice" to the wind, earthquake, and fire? How does God's voice comfort and renew Elijah? Why is it easy to miss God when his voice is gentle and quiet? Elijah had already witnessed power of God, victory of God. Yet he was fearful of his life when he got the life threatening message of jezebel. While he was standing upon the mount as instructed by the Lord, he experienced wind, earthquake and fire. But the Lord was not in it. After the fire was still small voice , hearing from the Lord. God was showing Elijah that He is God over every situation. In this hour, Elijah needed encouragement, strength and direction. He expected spectacular power display from God but God showed up speaking to Him in a still small voice which Elijah heard. As God had been working in Elijah’s life, He also had prepared 7,000 other prophets and also successor to Elijah. God had thought much ahead than Elijah while Elijah thought God was not with Him. Many times in our tough moments, when we expect great and awesome display from God to bring us out, we need to be sensitive to God to hear His still small voice which is enough to bring us out of any situation but also drive us into the future. While Elijah said to God that He is the only one left and all other prophets were slain. God’s reply to Him was that there were 7000 prophets God had kept safe which comforted Elijah greatly. And additionally to anoint Elisha who would take up the mantle from him. All the worries and anxiety of Elijah was in a moment resolved when he heard the still small voice of God that comforted and renewed him. While we are lost in our own cluttered thoughts, it is not easy to hear God. Unless we are trained and tuned to hear His still small voice, we will miss Him completely and miss the wya which He wants us to tread. Though God is capable to show His power always, at times He chooses to allow man to respond to Him voluntarily and hear Him.
Q4. Mind of Christ
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Listening for God as a Bible Pattern
Q4. (1 Corinthians 2:9-16) How does the Holy Spirit make "the mind of Christ" available to us? How does this make you dependent upon the Holy Spirit? How does this relate to listening for God's voice? No eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor has it entered the heart of man, what God has in store for those who love Him. But God has revealed to us (only) by His Spirit. for the Spirit searches deep things of God. We can know things of God only by the help of the Holy Spirit. Even the things we speak must not be in words that man’s wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches. Spiritual things can only be know by His Spirit. We develop mind of Christ in this process. By depending on the Holy Spirit, we know the deep things of God, gives us discernment in all that we do, we speak as we are taught by His Spirit, and causes close fellowship with Holy Spirit. This increases our relationship with God to hear, understand and obey Him to walk the Christian walk that glorifies Son of God. -
Q3. The Holy Spirit
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Listening for God as a Bible Pattern
Q3. (John 14-16) What promises concerning the Paraclete -- Comforter -- Counselor -- Helper -- Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? How do these relate to guidance? To "hearing" God? Holy Spirt as promised by Jesus is a gift available to all who receives Jesus as Lord and Saviour. In fact, no one call Jesus as Lord unless Holy Spirit in Him convicts Him. The Comforter - Helper - Counselor - whom the Father will send will teach ALL things and bring into remembrance ALL things what Jesus said/taught while on the earth. when the Holy Spirit teaches us All things and brings into remembrance at the right moments/ situations/circumstances, and when we obey we are in a sense doing what we hear from God at that moment. He will testify of Jesus to us. He will guide us into ALL truth. He shall not speak of Himself, but whatever He hears (from God), He will speak and show all things to come. He will glorify Jesus. For whatever He receives from Jesus He will show to us. if we love Him, and keep His words, The Father will love us and with Holy Spirt, He will come and dwell within us. He who loves Him hears the words of the Father. When we abide in Him, and He in us, we will be able to bear much fruit. For without Him, we can do nothing. -
Q2. Seeing the Father
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Listening for God as a Bible Pattern
Q2. (John 5:19, 30) Why do you think Jesus said, "By myself I can do nothing"? (vs. 30). How do you justify this statement with Jesus divine nature as the Son of God? Jesus, though he was Son of God, He was man on earth just like us. He did all things on the earth in total submission, surrender and obedience to His Father. Jesus discerned what the Father intended or desired. This was only possible with His continual walk with Father and did the Father’s Will. He did all that Father wanted to do and did nothing on His own. He came on the earth to do His Father’s Will. This is why Jesus said so. In what ways can we use Jesus' example as a pattern for our own life and ministry? How do you think Jesus would "see" and "hear" the Father? We can use Jesus example to learn : 1. surrendering to God to do His will and not our will. 2. Obedience to His command adds purpose to our life and ministry as Jesus was obedient even to the point of death. 3. He was always willing to please His Father, our life and ministry must be so. 4. He never sought any attention to himself but gave all glory and honor to Father, we must be so. 5. He always believed Father will do as He promised, and was full of Spirit and wisdom. Our life and ministry must be based on our complete faith in God, filled with Spirit and wisdom of God. 6. He was not moved by emotions but always led by the Spirit of God, we must be so. 7. He was filled with love without any bitterness even at the cross, knowing fully that God will raise Him from the dead. We can face any situation only when our bitterness is changed to tenderness and loveliness. By spending time everyday with Father, He was able to see and hear from God in spiritual realm, maybe in the form of voice, vision, dreams, impressions. He could discern the Spirit of truth and evil and knew what was from Father. He was tuned to the Father by the help of the Holy Spirit, as there was constant communion between the Father,Son and the Spirit. -
Q1. Jesus' Prayer Pattern
MyRockOfAges replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Listening for God as a Bible Pattern
Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus’ prayer life? Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? How could this prepare him for his ministry? While we see here that Jesus was ministering to the whole city, this would have made him tired and exhausted. Yet, the next morning, He wakes up much before the dawn and spends time in prayer at a solitary place. He always sought a solitary place to spend time in prayer, away from the crowd, away from the busy-ness and away from all distractions to focus on His Father. This time enabled Him to be refreshed in His Father’s presence, to receive the directions and surrender in obedience to His Father’s will. By this, Jesus was clear in His ministry what next to do to avoid being led by the pressures of men and society. He stayed focused even when the disciples spoke contrary plans for the day, which assures Jesus received clear direction from His Father what to do. That is why He could accomplish all that Father desired in short span of His ministry while on the earth. This is a lesson for me to underrating the secret in effective ministr6. How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) Why? Jesus sought to hear the voice of His Father early in the morning, while the disciples woke up to the noise of the crowd. This is a big difference as to what moves us and stirs us. Is it the presence of God or the noise of the crowd? While Jesus had sought clear direction from His Father, He was not moved by what disciples desired. Clear direction from the Father allowed Jesus to fulfill the mission He had been laid with. It is important to hear clear from God to avoid all distractions and misleadings in our life. Do you have a Quiet Time? What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? i do have Quiet time but desire for more. Need to spend quality time to hear precisely, do as He said without any distractions that come by during the busy-ness of the day. never to be moved by emotions but only by His Presence and utterances.