Mona Youngblood
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Hi everyone, Q7. (Luke 23:46) What does Jesus mean when he says, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit"? Why does this saying comfort us so much? When Jesus says, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit", what He means is I give my life back to you, because you are the Beginning and the Ending. You gave me my life, and I am returning to you from whence I came. This saying comforts us so much, because, as believers, everything I am, everything I have, and everything I do belongs to God. I and It originated with God. It is in Him that I live, I move, and I have my being.
Q5. I Thirst (John 19:28)
Mona Youngblood replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross
Also, Hebrews 4:15, "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin." -
Q5. I Thirst (John 19:28)
Mona Youngblood replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross
Hi everyone, Q5. (John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus' Fifth Word: "I thirst"? What does this tell us about Jesus? What does this tell us about his experience on the cross? From Jesus' Fifth Word: "I thirst", and according to Hebrews 2:18, I learn that Jesus suffered physically as a human like me. Jesus was tempted, and went through suffering and tests just like me. According to John 16:33, in this world, we will have trials and tribulations, but we can overcome, because Jesus was an overcomer. Jesus conquered sin and death; He was victorious, and we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. His experience on the cross tells us that we can bear our cross as well. We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us. God will leave or forsake; He will be with us until the end. The book of our lives has already been written; we just have to live out every chapter. Be encouraged my brothers and sisters. Love you. God bless you. Happy Resurrection!!! -
Hi everyone, Why does Jesus make St. John responsible for his mother Mary? What does this tell us about Jesus? How should we apply this in our own lives? Jesus makes St. John responsible for his mother Mary, because he trusted him. John was the beloved disciple of Jesus. Even at Jesus' death, He was concerned about the well-being of His mother. Jesus showing His responsibility for his mother Mary while on the cross shows Jesus' example of love and responsibility. Jesus was saying, "It's not about me". We should apply this in our own lives in several ways. First, we should exemplify the two greatest commandments: love God with all our minds, hearts, souls, and strength, and love our neighbor as ourselves. We ought to love as Jesus loves. Secondly, whether it's death, tragedy, emergency, or whatever life's interruption, we should get the focus off us and on other. This should admonish us to make sure our loved ones are cared for in our absence, most importantly upon our death. Last but not least, it is important to have our loved ones in life insurances, so it won't be a burden to someone else once we're gone from this earth.
Hi everyone, Q4. (Mark 15:34) What does Jesus' Fourth Word from the cross teach us about faith? About commitment? About love? What effect should this understanding have on our lives? Jesus' Fourth Word from the cross teaches us that we can have faith in God even when we feel God has forsaken us. God had to forsake Jesus, because of the sins of the world that were upon His Son, Jesus. According to Isaiah 59:2, our sins and iniquities separate us from God. Until the prophecy was fulfilled of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, God had to forsake Jesus temporarily. Jesus' Fourth Word teaches us that we should stay committed and faithful to God until death or no matter what. Jesus' Fourth Word teaches us how much God and Jesus loved us that they were willing to allow their relationship and fellowship with each other to be temporarily suspended for mankind. This understanding should cause us to be faithful, commitment, and love God until our lives on this earth end. Stay faithful until death, and we will receive the crown of life.
Hi everyone, Q2. (Luke 23:39-43) Why is the thief's faith so astounding in this situation? What did the thief receive that day? What do you think this meant to Jesus? The thief's faith is so astounding in this situation, because being in a situation like the thief, about to die on a cross, the normal person would be angry at God, someone else, or himself. Salvation or concern for Jesus or another criminal would be far from his mind. The thief, that requested Jesus remember him when He comes into His kingdom, recognized who Jesus was, acknowledged who Jesus was, and repented of his sins. That day, that thief, received the greatest gift a person could ever receive in life: salvation! I know Jesus was so honored and so proud. As a parent, it is like when your child grows up to be a successful man or woman based on the principles, values, beliefs, and the Scriptures he has been taught. You are a proud parent when your son graduates from high school, college, etc., gets married, and establishes a great family. Your labor or your good parenting is not in vain.
Hi everyone, I hope you are having a Terrific Tuesday. Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? Judas, Jesus' own disciple, was probably the most responsible for killing Jesus. Judas was so guilty; he hung himself. If the truth be told, all of us (the soldiers, Pilate, chief priests and scribes, the Pharisees and the Sadducees, all mankind) are responsible for Jesus' death. "For God so loved the world, John 3:16; For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23. The responsibility I have and I bear in this is to thank God everyday for loving me and forgiving me through His Son's life, death, burial, and resurrection. I make sure I repent on a daily basis for my sins. I partake of and honor Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection when we observe the Lord's Supper/Holy Communion at my local church on the 1st Sunday of each month. Also, as led by the Holy Spirit throughout the year, I fast and partake of Holy Communion then. Jesus was praying for us in a sense, because He said forgive "them" for they know not what they do. He was forgiving us as future mankind to be born on this earth for our ignorance in killing him. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is faithful and just to forgive us all our sins..... I John 1:9. Another awesome thing is Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us daily. Romans 8:34. I come to this Bible study forum with an open mind and an open spirit. Thank you Dr. Ralph F. Wilson for this opportunity of studying, discussing, and getting other feedback on the Word. I am enjoying everyone's comments. I am truly being encouraged and inspired by your contribution to this forum.
Hi everyone, My name is Mona. I live in Houston, TX. I am looking forward to studying this Bible lesson on the Last Seven Sayings of Jesus Christ. I am thanking God in advance for these times of fellowship and communion with God, in His Word, and with you. Thank you Dr. Ralph F. Wilson for this opportunity to study God's Word together in this forum.