Q1. Why does the New Testament condemn Esau for selling his birthright? (Hebrews 12:16-17) What did selling the birthright represent? What does this transaction say about Esau's character and values? What does it reveal bout Jacob's character and values?
°The selling of the birthright was the blessing and promises of the Lord that was initially supposed to be passed down from Isaac to Esau. Esau was condemned once he portrayed the lack of interest in God's promises and blessings over his life.
°The birthright represented the covenant that God made with Abraham, it was a transfer from all the blessings God had bestowed unto Abraham down through his lineage, often gauranteed to the firstborn son. It marked the faithfulness of God to His people. By selling his birthright Esau sold God's promises.
°Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of lentils, that tells me God was not a core value in his life therefore he did not hold any weight for the things of God. When a person loves God, they will also love and cherish the ways of God, because Esau so easily gave up the promises of God to him shows he was a carefree and unintelligent man. Like so many Christians today the cares of this world seems so much more important than the work of God. Esau lived for the present and did not think twice about his future.
°While Jacob is often portrayed as a villain, he understood what having a birthright meant. Though he went through an unacceptable way of obtaining it, I believe his desire to have it is why God allowed him to take it. It is often preached in my church that God will never force Himself on anyone, you have to want Him as much as He wants you. Because Jacob showed an interest in the things of God, he received the promises. This scripture can also show a lack of faith on Jacob's part and his mother, because God had already promised it to Jacob all he had to do was believe and be patient. The fact that he took matters into his own hands is what caused his departure from his homeland for many years. When we sin we seperate ourselves from God and His will for our lives, only when we humble ourselves and find repentance can we reconcile unto the Father!