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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Matthew2017

  1. Q2. (John 5:19, 30) Why do you think Jesus said, "By myself I can do nothing"? (vs. 30). How do you justify this statement with Jesus' divine nature as the Son of God? In what ways can we use Jesus' example as a pattern for our own life and ministry? How do you think Jesus would "see" and "hear" the Father? I think Jesus said this because He came as a man. He lived as a "normal" Israelite to the point that the people who He grew up around asked each other when He began His ministry "isn't this the carpenters son?". The Lord did not preach, perform miracles, nor did He cast out any demons prior to receiving the Holy Spirit. The Lord was dependent upon the Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the works of God and He was unable to do anything without the Spirit of God. Jesus chose, as highlighted in the lesson, to humble Himself and become a servant, a man, though He was God. Jesus often addressed Himself as "Son of Man", not "Son of God" though He was and is. I think He identified Himself this way for our sake; as to say, "this is what it is like when God is in man". We can use Jesus as our perfect example because He was fully man and fully God. He did everything as a man filled with the Holy Spirit living in obedience. If it was in the life of Jesus it can be in ours (ONLY FOR HIS GLORY NOT OURS). I think Jesus "heard" and "saw" the Father through many ways such as nudges, whispers in His heart, dreams, visions, impressions, audible voice, ect. I believe it was because the Lord truly knew the Father and had such perfect unity with Him through prayer that every time the Father spoke Jesus caught it. Then after He caught it He obeyed and acted on what the Father was saying/showing Him.
  2. The Lord’s pattern I see is that He seeks the Fathers will for the day. I think this is how the Lord heard and saw what the Father was doing and then He carried it out. This is also why I believe the Lord had quiet time with the Father before that day began. Like a kid and his dad with the kid saying, “what are we going to do today daddy? Whats your plan?” I this prepared Him to carry out the will of the Father for that day. That even if there was something urgent like the disciples looking for Him He would not veer off course but stay true to what the Father had spoken. As for me and my Quiet Time, I surely could improve on waking up early to be with my Father. Not in a a religious mechanical sense but because thats how the Lord Jesus did it and He told me to follow Him:) I thank God because writing this response out has truley opened my eyes to the necessity, blessing, and privilege of having a quiet time with the Father like Jesus truly is!!!
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