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Q2. Eyes for the Harvest
theoldveteran replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Fields Are Ripe for Harvest (John 4:27-42)
(1) The testimony of a loose woman who was sleeping with many men & scorned by the women of the village. She had seen Jesus and it showed in her testimony and it had an irresistible appeal to the people of the village. They had to see this Jesus for themselves. (2) Jesus uses the poor, the sick, the lame, the rejected and the forlorn to show that ALL CAN BE MADE NEW. (3) He has done wonderous things with it in the past, (but in the last few years, I've been neglecting the harvest and consequently it hasn't been very plentiful). This Bible study is serving to bring me back into the harvest. (4) We must see the need, and see the desperation and listen with our hearts. -
Q1. Jesus' Passion
theoldveteran replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Fields Are Ripe for Harvest (John 4:27-42)
(1) He was using the concept of "food" as a figurative of speech. He's using "food" as a way to fuel the body and give it the "Spiritual" energy it needs to present the Gospel to the lost sinners. (2) His passion was to tell the sinners how to stop sinning, leading to death and eternal separation from God, but how to be saved, leading to eternal life in Heaven with God. (3) His passion, is to become my passion. (4) I'm praying for God to give me the same passion for His word that I have for a page 'turner novel', A hunger and thirst that won't let me put it down, but to keep on reading as I can't wait to see what happens next. (5) It will result in more Bible reading and more intense, fervent prayer. -
Q5. Provoking Controversy
theoldveteran replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
(1) To change the subject and to deny the fact that she was beginning to see and know that Jesus was no ordinary man! (2) What people do when confronted with a living God. (3) Their motives are to deny their need for a Savior, an their need to admit that they have sinned and need to repent and turn to Him and accept Him! -
Q4. A Word of Knowledge
theoldveteran replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
(1) I believe that it served to convict her of her sin, and to prove who Jesus was-----The Coming Messiah. (2) It planted the seed that grew into her faith, and prompted her to run to the village to tell others of His coming! (3) It can have the same effect as I outlined in the previous answer. It prompted her to run to the village and tell others of His coming and to call them to come to Jesus. -
Q3. The Gift of God
theoldveteran replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
(1) The "gift" refers to salvation, it is a free gift, (Eph 2:8-9) The "Living water" refers to "eternal life' and imparts the Holy Spirit who keeps on giving and giving and giving! (2) It gives us eternal life and forgiveness of our sins. (3) It is another way of saying the baptism of the Spirit -
Q2. Spiritual Thirst
theoldveteran replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
(1) It seems that people used to be more thirsty for salvation and freedom from the sins that burdened them, but in today's culture, it seems that they are more thirsty for riches, sex, and power, and running from the Word of God. (2) I believe that she is! (3) It surfaced when He pointed out how many husbands she has had and that she is living in sin with a man who isn't her husband (4) That we're to live lives that are Holy and blameless, so that our witness is without fault. -
(1) The social norms are instituted by man, and not by God! In Jesus time they were prejudiced against the Samaritans, God isn't prejudiced against anything except sin and evil. God didn't come to judge but to save us! (2) We don't want to be ridiculed by our peers. We want to "fit in" with the world and not be shunned. We want to be like everyone else, (the world). But the Bible tells us to "Come out from among them and be separate. (II Cor 6:17) And to, be Holy as He is Holy. (I Pet 1:16) (3) When we're in the world we want to be like the world and "fit in". But when we're in church and around other Christians we want to look like them! We're lying to ourselves, our friends and to God!
Q5. Love and Wrath
theoldveteran replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. He Must Increase (John 3:22-4:3)
(1) Yes, His love and his judgement (wrath) must both come into play at the same time and the same intensity. (2) "God's desire is for us to believe and have eternal life, but since He is a "just" God, our end without Christ is judgement".( quote from the notes) Consider the story of the child playing with matches, his mother tells him that if he continues he'll get burned and then his mother will punish him. The child continues and is burned and starts crying. His mother, forgets her warning of punishment and loves the child and treats his burn and forsakes the spanking. God can't do that, His justice must come into play along with His love. So God, even though He still loves the child and will care for his wound, His wrath will still come into play as He punishes the child for disobeying Him. Just like King David, even though David sinned with Bathsheba, and lost the child of their adultery, David confessed, and God forgave him and still calls David the "apple of His eye"----------David still payed dearly for his sin, with one of his sons raping one of his daughters and the rapist was murdered by another of his sons, and his favorite son, Absolom tried to overthrow his throne was killed in the insurrection. David paid dearly but he was still forgiven and restored as king of Israel. -
Q4. He Must Increase
theoldveteran replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. He Must Increase (John 3:22-4:3)
(1) Christ must be first in our lives and ministry! He won't share His glory and His Holy Spirit won't work in our lives, which is necessary four life to succeed. (2) By surrendering the control of my life, my heart, and my desires to Christ. (3) By spending more time in Bible Study, prayer and meditating on Christ. -
Q3. Rejoicing in Another's Success
theoldveteran replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. He Must Increase (John 3:22-4:3)
(1) His joy was complete, because he has fulfilled his ministry and his calling. (2) Ir'a difficult, but I try. (3) Because they're jealous, and worry that they'll lose their salary and their job. They're only in it to make a living, and not to fulfill the "great commission" from Christ, to equip the Saints and to preach the Word. -
Q2. Possessiveness
theoldveteran replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. He Must Increase (John 3:22-4:3)
I don't believe that I have thought that, because the first church I belonged to was a mega church and I grew very fond of it, I found the Bible taught there and I found that the Holy Spirit lived there! -
Q1. Hanging Out with Jesus
theoldveteran replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. He Must Increase (John 3:22-4:3)
(1) To get to know Him intimately, to live alongside Him, to watch Him engage people, and to see how He prays for them. To see how He touches them, prays for them, and heals them. To learn how He acts in all situations. To assist Him, and allow him to rebuke and correct me (2) To properly disciple someone, requires spending time with them. Set aside time to do that. (3)My time with the disciplier is my Bible Study time which I set aside on an almost daily basis. (4) It's more important than I allow it to be! -
Q4. John 3:16
theoldveteran replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-21)
(1) Because it says and tells us of the whole purpose of Christ's life, love and death in one verse. (2) That we must 'believe' in Him to inherit eternal life rather than eternal torment in hell if we don't believe in Him! (3) That those of us who believe in Him will spend eternity in Heaven (the Kingdom of God) instead of in hell where we'll be tormented forever and forever, and forever. An eternity! -
Q3. Water and the Spirit
theoldveteran replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-21)
(1) The first time we born, we come out of our mother's womb in a sac of amino fluid, (water) "her water broke" is a term to mean that she's about to give birth, and we're born of the flesh. The second time, we've been born of the Holy Spirit! (2-3) See the first answer. -
Q2. Born Anew / Again / from Above
theoldveteran replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-21)
(1) Jesus said in vs 3 that you "cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, unless you're born anew"! (2) Born anew! (3) Heaven is a 'spiritual' place and the flesh will not be there. Jesus said in (vs 6b) that whoever is born of the Spirit is spirit. The first time that we're born, we're born of the flesh, but when we're born anew, we must have repented and asked God's forgiveness, and I believe, that the Holy Spirit puts to death the spirit of flesh that's in us, and when we invite the Lord Jesus to come into our heart, the Holy Spirit comes to live in us and we're BORN ANEW.