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I want to thank you Pastor Ralph for this Bible study I have enjoyed it greatly. It has given me a deeper love for the family of God the Church and the sense of responsibility for the flock,as a deacon it has given me a more careing ,earnest and,prayerful concern for "Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
6a Just as husbands and wifes become one-so does the redeemed become one in the family of God.We learn to love one another just as husbands love their wives and wives loves their husbands and Christ loves the Church. 6b It gives us a deeper love and understanding for one another(the church) Jesus sets the example of this kind of love(Agape)for us,Through this love it will help us"to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace." 6c As we (the church)strive to be all that we can be .We must do I think as Paul did-Repent daily and Christ will revive us anew to become what we truly are-the glorious wife and visible representative of Jesus Christ on earth.
5a The church has become glorious as God both cleanses and purifies the church and presents her to the groom in all her splendor. 5b It is a picture of the future. 5c In Rev:21:2 we read "And I John saw the Holy city the New Jersalem,coming down from God out of Heaven,prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." This is a glorious picture of the church as it will be throughout all the ages to come-"without spot or wrinkle or any such thing."Some do say however,that Israel is the Bride. But the Apostle says the Bridegroom is the blessed Lord,the Church,His redeemed spouse,and the two are linked together for eternity
Q4. Cleansed ... by the Word of God
charliet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Holiness in the Church
4a. Some take this to be baptism,but I think the word is self explanitory. He found us in our sins and uncleaness,unfit for association with Him,the Holy One,but He applied the water of the Word of His truth to us and we were sancified by the truth and made fit to enter into this communion with Him,the Holy and true One. 4b. If my hand becomes defiled,I wash it in water and the defilement disappears. So when my conscience,my heart,my life were all defiled the blessed Lord by the Holy Spirit applied the truth of His Word to me and I was regenerated by the washing of water,and made clean in His sight,and so fitted for union and communion with Him. 4c. We cannot preach a heaven without a hell to shun.So the necessity of preaching hell Fire and Brimstone is there,however we can and should I think handle this matter through the preaching of Gods love toward mankind. Many examples come to mind but the one that jumps out right now is John 3:16. -
Q3. Holiness without Legalism
charliet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Holiness in the Church
3a It is that church that is seen practicing Eph:5:25-26.Where husbands love their wives as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for it,so that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. 3b I dont think you can have one without the other.The Church couldn`t be holy without Christ first sacrificing His life for it.Nor could the Church be holy on its own without Christ. 3c Its not as hard being holy around brothers and sisters of like faith as is the case when around someone of unlike faith,but we must try and remember if we are serving the same Master(The One and Only True Living God)we must endeaver to get along,remembering however,to stand firm on our Doctrinal beliefs,and that each of us are growing at a different rate(speed) of growth. -
Q2. Christ "gave himself up" for the Church
charliet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Holiness in the Church
(Ephesians5:25) What does it mean that Christ "gave himself up" for the church? What does this teach us about Gods committment to us? Was this sacrifice altruistic or self-serving or both? 2a If Christ had not given himself upon the cross and arose again on the third day, there would be no church today. 2b This means that Christ loved the church so much that he gave up everything for the church. 3c His love is an everlasting love(an Agape love)that is a self-denying love,a love that makes one willing even to lay down his life for another. -
1a A submitted Church lissens and seeks to find out what Christ wants,and is faithful to believe and transmit His teaching even in an hostle enviorment. They are committed to becoming His Hands and Feet to do His work in the world. They are not selfish,rather they are zealous that Christ priorities are primary. 1b I being a member of God`s Church do strive to have the submissions to Christ as does the Church as a whole. 1c It would look one unified body totally surrendered,completely commited to the cause of Christ. I don`t think we will see this type of Church this side of heaven. For in this imperfect world I don`t think we will ever see a perfect Church,there will always be some imperfections somewhere within our Churches. 1d We must put Christ first in our lives and trust and obey Him in all things. We must live a life of accountability.
Q6. The Purpose of Body-Building
charliet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Ministry in the Church
6 According to ephesians 4:13-16,what is the purpose of constructing a healthy local congregation? 6 For the purpose of our maturity in Christ (4:13-14)And Creating a Functional and Healthy Body(4:15-16) for the upbuilding of the Body of Christ. As we grow in maturity in Christ and become united in the faith and become an adult man or woman(A perfect man)We then become the arms and legs of our redeemer and become an effectual aid in the upbuilding of the Body of Christ. -
Q5. Equipping the Saints for Ministry
charliet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Ministry in the Church
(Ephesians4:11)From a strategic point of view,why is it vital that pastors focus on"equipping the saints for the work of ministry"rather than on serving as paid chaplains to the flock?What actions might this equipping involve?In what ways is"equipping...for the ministry"similar to what Jesus did when he trained the disciples? 5a It is of the utmost importance that the pastor not only minister to those in need within his(pastorate)church,as administeringthe duties of a chaplain,but in addition he is to equipt the rest of or all of his flock in the ministry of the Word 5b Not only preaching the Word but teaching also,teaching the laymen of the church how to evangelize for example.What a need for Soul Winning in the local church today. 5c As we look at the five"church construction"gifts they were and are teaching the Word of God. By the same token Jesus was teaching His disciples,Apostles and prophets in like manner. -
4a First I might ask what is the difference between the pastor and the teacher?In 1corinthians12:8 we read"for to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom;to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit."We may say that the pastor in a peculiar sense the word of wisdom,the teacher the word of knowledge.It is the teachers job to open the truth of Gods Word in a clear orderly way so that people may grasp it and profit by it ,that they understand the divine plan and apply the truth to their own needs,and it is the responcibilityof the pastor to press the truth home upon the conscience in the power of the Holy Spirit. 4b Yes,our sunday school teacher. 4c He helps our church in a marvelous and mighty way,by his deep and constant study of Gods Word,And passes the knowledge gained through the help of the Spirit and the Holy Scriptures on to us students. 4d I would like to answer this last question with a question.What is wisdom?It is knowledge applied to meeting a distinct and definite case. Now the proper use of both (Wisdom and Knowledge) are essential for the upbuilding of the Body.
Question 3(Ephesians4:11)What does an evangelist in a local congregation look like,in your experience?How does a local church evangelest function?How does he or she build ip the body? 3a He is that one who constantly shows an earnest desire to see the lost come to the saving knowlege of Christ. 3b He can function in the local church by recruiting and teaching others how to evangelize 3c Along with the answer in 3b He goes out into the world and wins souls for Christ,and then the Spirit of God brings them into the church of God.
Question 2(Ephesians4:11)How did(do) Apostles and Prophets build up the Body, in your opinion? 2a These are the gifts that Christ Himself have given. The gifts are for the edification,for the maintenance of the church,given by the risen Christ to enable the church to carry the message to a lost and dying world,and to build up its individual members in the knowlege of Christ. We read in Eph.2:20."and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,Jesus Christ Himself being the cheif corner stone" You dont lay a foundation for a building every few stories,but the foundationis built once and for all,and then the superstructure is erected. Nineteen hundred and some years ago ,the apostles and prophets fulfilled their ministry. We aren`t looking new ones now.
Q1. Spiritual Gifts for Each One
charliet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Ministry in the Church
Question (Ephesians4:7)In what way does verse 7 teach that all christains have received spiritual gifts?(See also Romans 12:6;1corinthians12:11;1Peter4:10) If all have received spirotual gifts,what is the implication of this in light of the clause in Ephesians4:16 that mentions each/every part? 1a Every member of the Body of Christ has something which he may contribute to the blessing of the whole.No matter how feeble, or insignificant,or how unknown he may be ,he has received something from the risen Lord for the help of all the rest. 1b We must take these gifts and share. If we do not function according to the will of God, in some respect we affect the whole body for ill,but if we are functioning according to the will of God we affect the whole body of Christ for good. -
Lesson4question2 (Ephesians4:11) How did(do)apostles and prophets build up the Body,in your opinion? These are the gifts that Christ Himself has given.The gifts are for the edification ,for the maintaince of the church to carry the message to a lost and dying world,and to build up its individual members in the knowlege of Christ. We read in Eph.2:20." And are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets,Jesus Christ Himself being the cheif corner stone." You dont lay a foundation for a building every few stories,but the foundation is built once and for all,and then the superstructure is erected. Nineteen hundred and some years ago,the apostles and prophets fulfilled their ministry . We aren`t looking for new ones now.
Q1. Spiritual Gifts for Each One
charliet replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Ministry in the Church
(Ephesian4:7)In what way does verse 7 teach that all christains have received spiritual gifts?(See also Romans 12:6;1corinthians12:11;1Peter4:10)If all have received spiritual gifts,what is the implication of this in light of the clause in Ephesians4:16 that mentions "each/every part? 1a Every member of the Body of Christ has something he may contribute to the blessing of the whole. No matter how feeble,or insignificant,or how unknown he may be,he has received something from the risen Lord for the help of all the rest. 1b We must take these gifts and share.If we do not function according to the will of God in some respect we affect the whole body for ill,but if we are functioning according to the will of God we affect the whole body of Christ for good.