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Q2. Power Encounters
DonzellaMaupin replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Paul in Cyprus, Antioch of Pisidia, and Galatia
1. It is a dangerous thing to be used by God and act like you did it. God is looking for available people to work through them for people to see the manifestation of His Glory. Jesus Christ is our example to follow and it is crucial that we follow the one who died for us to have life and that much more abundantly. Jesus Christ performed miracles plus there were signs and wonders that follow Jesus. He did not stand around looking for handshakes or a pat on the back. Jesus went to a resting place to replenish. I pray for people with this spirit. God sees and knows everything and He especially knows the intent of the heart. Just like God listened to Moses plead for God's to forgive the people for their rebellious acts, God listened to Moses and He did not kill them but they still suffered took a 40 day trip that could have been done in 4 days. God parted the Red Sea and they walked on dry ground, manna (food from heaven, guided them with a pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud, and etc. They still behaved and did not believe or trust God when the 12 spies went out to check out the Promised Land. They sided with the 10 spies and not the God who performed miracles, signs and wonders. God used Paul and Barnabas to speak boldly and God confirmed it was Him working through Paul and Barnabas performing signs and wonders (Acts 14:3). The NT God confirms and it is testified by God's signs and miracles plus the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Mark 16:20, Hebrews 2:3-4). I love this scripture because Jesus tells us in John 5:19 "Very truly I tell you, the Son of God can't do nothing by himself, he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does (John 10:37-38). It applies to us we can't evangelize, do miracles, signs, and wonders without God. We must submit and allow God to work through us. 2. Miracles are not enough to produce saving faith. If not, what else is needed? A preacher preaching the word of God. The word can't be preach unless a preacher preaches, and faith comes but by hearing the preached word. 3. I used to be in charge of a prayer group. I saw a man come in for the first time. The Holy Spirit manifested mightily and he was touched and he was never the same. To this day he tells it every where he goes how the power of God touched him. I saw at my church during a Baptism service how God was pouring His spirit out on all flesh. Marriages were healed, people delivered from smoking, drinking, dope, people received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and their lives were never the same. The church was pulling white towels and clothes and it was miracles because it was as if God did like the 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread. It was an abundance manifested to ensure every soul that wanted to get baptized got baptized. -
Q1. Common Ground
DonzellaMaupin replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Paul in Cyprus, Antioch of Pisidia, and Galatia
Paul had to follow what was already established and preached what Jesus Christ proclaimed in his 3 years of ministry. Jesus Christ left the Great Commission and Paul followed the commandments of the Great Commission. Since there are so many types of Christ in the OT Paul couldn't escape bringing history into his preaching. Jesus Christ fulfilled the history of the OT. Paul connects the scriptures from the OT to the NT. Paul won souls just like Jesus Christ. Even today it is nothing else we can preach but Jesus which is for all people. There is only one God who ordained Paul's ministry just like sending His only son to save us to have eternal life. Paul knew this was the meeting place for God's people on their common ground. Paul was killing the Christians before his conversion so he was much better and was winning souls harder. He knew this was the place to get them all together to ministered the word. No one can please God without faith which is the essence of the Good News. God knew Adam was going to sin that is why he prepared His son Jesus Christ to die, and be resurrected on the 3rd day so we can have eternal life. -
Q3. Seeking God
DonzellaMaupin replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Paul in Arabia, Tarsus, and Antioch
Our pastor was just talking about how the Mothers and other saints labored in prayer and fasting around the altar. The New Testament reminds us how the church got started. I love reading about Pete in the upper room. Much prayer was going on that people thought they were drunk and souls were added to the church. They are witnesses of the move of God when the church got started. They did prayer and fasting because the power of God prevail. Leaders like Paul nd Barnabas was led my the Holy Spirit and the people saw signs, miracles, and wonders follow them so God spoke and they were anointed and sent out to do a work for God. This day and age people are so jealous. You dare not let God use you in a powerful way. That spirit of jealousy pops up and it hinders the move of God. I look at renown preachers doing marvelous work for the Lord. They support each other because they all have the same goal which is to win souls. The greatest miracle is the saving of a soul. The 99 were left behind to go look for 1 soul. Jesus told the disciples some things only come but by prayer and fasting. We today must do exactly what the word teaches the church. There are strength in numbers that is why Paul went to the different churches to strengthen them and to make sure they were on the right track doing a work for the Lord. Heaven and earth shall past away but God's word will stand forever. Churches and their leaders including the missionaries can't go wrong following God's word. -
Q2. Hypocrisy
DonzellaMaupin replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Paul in Arabia, Tarsus, and Antioch
Peter remembers his denial of Jesus Christ and was told by Jesus it would happen. I feel Peter with these actions was thinking he was being cautions but in reality he was wrong for his actions. Pete knew about the Gentile because God sent him to them first. Peter saw how God poured the Holy Spirit on the Gentiles confirming that God had accepted. The criticism Peter received is the same today. When those who are faithful to the Ministry suffer criticism. Even today some Christians just like Peter who defended his actions still faces criticism. Paul wanted the people to know and must not compromise because God does not have favor people over people we all are one in the eyes of God. God reigns over the just as well as the unjust. -
Q3. Legalism and Pride
DonzellaMaupin replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Saul of Tarsus Meets Jesus
We are not reading the word, praying, and fellowshipping with God. We can stay strong spiritually if we do the things that keeps us from falling. It is so important I feel when God uses us we must remember it was God's power that prevailed through us not nothing that we did. I see some legalism but it can't remain in the midst if the majority is walking in the spirit to not fall in the hands of that enemy (pride). I truly stay away from people who come to me exalting me and not God. I direct them to God. I know when my flesh starts screaming and I fight for my life not to lose. There is no good thing that dwells in the flesh. Pride is one of the things that God hates. We are either hot or cold and God prefers us to be hot and not even lukewarm. We have to keep our flame burning at all times so when the enemy (pride) comes in like a flood the Spirit of God that is inside of us will fight for us. It goes back if you are not studying the word there is nothing inside of you to fight for you and legalism and pride will win because there is nothing there for Almighty God to use. The Hoy Spirit doesn't dwell where sin lives so there is no strength within my members to draw close to Jesus. That mustard seed faith is standing alone because the flesh is ruling. There is one Holy Spirit but many refilling. David tells us in Palms "Lord create in me a clean heart and renew my spirit." This is a daily cry for me because we are in the world but not of the world. Each individual person needs to guard their anointing. -
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Q1. Patience
DonzellaMaupin replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Paul in Arabia, Tarsus, and Antioch
This is the last answer listening to God's voice. None of the first 3 question can happen if we do not listen to God's voice. My sheep knows my voice and a stranger he will not follow. Christians are looking at the titles others have work hopefully honestly to get their promotion from God. However, the flesh is an enemy and that spirit of ambitious takes over and that is where the struggle pops up its mess. That is the negative side now on a positive side ambitious is not bad if they wait on and follow God's instruction to get to the next level. Patience is so important because God knows the future. God knows the stuff in us that will mess us up. God has a plan and He is not going let anyone alter His plan for anyone to be used by Him. It is sad because sometimes people override the Holy Spirit and ignore those auctions from the Holy Spirit shut up, sit down, give more, sacrifice more. We are a work in progress and God uses the tool patience to help us with our growth. Moses, Joshua, Peter Daniel, etc. had moments in their life when God was working on them and assisting with their growth. The spiritual formation connects with patience because we have to empty out ourselves meaning bring our flesh under subjection to be totally submitted