The simple definitions is God's unmerited favor. It is something that is given not earned.
Legalism and works are all doings of Man. Man is not like God. Here Man will begin to impose his will instead of the Will of God for God people. Man will insert things that he/she thinks that is Holy and Right, not having anything to do with the word of God. Man can not work with his hands to please God. God sees the heart. No matter how much money you give, buildings you buy, if your heart is not right it is unacceptable to Christ.
Salvation is the Key to Christ. Jesus died for our sins that we be made whole again unto him and the Father. If we do not believe that Jesus died for us and that we shall live again, then faith if dead,,, But if we believe and have faith in his words, study the scriptures turn our hearts away from the evils of this world we will see Christ in the Spirit and in the New Jerusalem. We just have to believe. Study Gods word and know the difference of the TRUTH .